Love At First Sight

Love At First Sight

A Chapter by Wolfs-echo

Jade believes it will just be another boring school day until she falls in love with the new straight girl but it turns out she is not the only one to notice the new beauty within school


Snow gently drifted through the sky, it was almost like it was dancing a beautiful waltz with the wind. They danced in such a perfect harmony, a dance of true love between two different elements. It always felt like a dream when I watched the snow fall to the ground. Wind and snow were truly meant to be together as such beauty could never be a mistake. I always envied those two elements as they managed to find their perfect match where as I never could.
‘Hey dyke! It’s time to get up and go to school!’ my step dad yelled at me. He always called me things like that; ever since I opened up about my sexuality he never used my name but rather called me things like ‘dyke’ and ‘lezzy’. He had always been homophobic, he was the reason I denied myself the truth for so long. I only managed to get the courage to come out of the closet because of my mother; she was just so open minded and knew how to keep my step dad in check. She was the one who told me to be honest with myself and she was right, no matter how much I’m ridiculed I’m still much happier being open then I ever was staying inside the closet. I miss my mother so much, life was so much better when I could come home to her as she always made me forget everything that was going on in the outside world, it was almost as if we were in a world of our own...But that world was destroyed by a drunk driver, he stole my happiness.
At first life wasn’t as bad without her as it is now. I used to have my sister and even though we always used to fight, she was always there for me and was one of the few people who accepted me. She always used to protect me from my step dad’s cruel bullying, but then she had to go to university on the other side of the country and everything was torn away.
So now it’s just me and my step dad, oh and I can’t forget Shadow my border collie, he is my only friend now...well there is also my lizard Echo but he isn’t much of a friend considering all he does is sleep. I did have one human friend, his name was Luke. He was the only person who still wanted to be friends with me after the fact I was a lesbian got around school, but I knew Luke wouldn’t judge me because he was also gay, in fact sometimes I thought he was even more gay then me.
‘Hurry up or you’re going to be late lezzy!’ My step dad practically screamed at me, he had such a bad temper. I stopped gazing outside my window and went to go and get dressed. I never really cared about what clothes I wore, outside appearances never mattered to me. I just threw on some black skinny jeans, a black T-shirt with a picture of a wolf on it and my long black jacket. I looked in the mirror and almost gagged at what I saw. I had medium length curly brown hair and blue/green eyes. I was slightly underweight and had the world’s smallest hips but I guess my breasts made up for that.
I ran down the stairs just to have Shadow jump on me. I rolled him onto his back and rubbed his belly for a couple of minutes, which usually was enough to make him leave me alone. As soon as he left I grabbed my school bag and ran out of the door. I never bothered with breakfast as I’d have to sit in the kitchen with my step dad, which would lead to a fight, which is definitely not the way I want to start a day.
I had to jog to school as I was running a little behind schedule and just managed to get through the school gates in time. As usual I saw Luke standing outside the grammar block of the school, waiting for me. It didn’t matter how late I turned up at school, Luke would always be standing there. He truly was a great friend.
‘Hey, sleepy head!’ He called as I approached the double doors that lead into the grammar block.
‘I wasn’t asleep I just got stuck day dreaming again’, I said to him as I looped my arm through his and escorted him into the grammar block. We always pretended to be a couple, it used to keep us so entertained and it made me feel a little loved in a way.
Just as we entered the building I saw ex girlfriend. She was the one who caused all the hell in my life. She was one of the popular people at school; she was the English equivalent of a cheer leader when it came to social status. Her name was Savannah and she was the biggest b***h I knew. She was the ugliest person I had ever met on the inside but her outside appearances made up for it. She had gorgeous long, straight black hair and the deepest blue eyes that could capture anyone’s heart and had curves in all the right places. I once fell for her captivating beauty, she tricked me into thinking her personality matched her appearance but within a month I learned the truth, but I just couldn’t let go. I was afraid of being alone. I still remember that night when everything fell apart. 
It was Valentine’s Day and I had bought her a bunch of flowers along with a white gold necklace. Her parents didn’t know that she was bisexual so I used to have to climb up the tree in her back garden to her window, even though I was terrified of heights. I looked through the window to see if she was there...she was but she wasn’t alone. She was making love with some guy from school. It was then that my life started falling apart. At school the next day I confronted her about everything and we broke up, the next thing I knew the whole school knew I was lesbian and I was a serious social outcast. She had destroyed everything.
That was all in the past now though, a whole year has passed since then, though I’m still suffering from the wounds of war. Savannah never even bothered acknowledging my existence anymore and to be honest I was happy about that fact.
Luke and I made our way to our form room. We were in an English classroom, which most people would find boring. Everyone always wanted to be in a computer room or a technology room but me and Luke were happy with our English class room because we had the nicest teacher in the whole school as our form teacher. Most people thought Mrs. Smith was harsh and strict but I knew differently. When the fact I’m a lesbian leaked out around school, Mrs. Smith was the only person besides Luke who helped me get through it. Mrs. Smith is actually a lesbian, which is probably why I like her so much, we can really connect and she understands my problems so well, I wouldn’t ever trade her for a different teacher.
Me and Luke took our usual seats at the back of the class room where we were safe from people’s prying eyes. We were just talking about our week end when the head master entered the class room along with a girl I had never seen before. 
‘Mrs. Smith this is the new member to your form class,’ said Mr. Mcgrane before he left, leaving the girl standing alone with Mrs. Smith.
‘Welcome to the class Miss. Atkinson. Just find yourself a seat anywhere, we have guidance this morning so we’ll be spending the next hour together, but don’t worry we don’t actually do anything during guidance.’
‘Thank you,’ the new girl whispered, she was clearly shy. I knew where she would sit instantly; she would sit next to me and Luke. How did I know this? Because that was the only seat left in the classroom. Just as I had predicted she came up to me and asked if she could sit next to me and I just totally froze. Now that she was up close I could truly see how beautiful she actually was. She had short brown hair and gorgeous eyes, which could just make your heart melt. I just sat there, staring up at her, totally speechless. Luckily Luke stepped in and said she could sit next to me and that she should just ignore me.
‘Hi my name is Luke and this speechless idiot is Jade.’
‘Hi, my name is Joy,’ the girl said, her voice barely rising above a whisper. It was so beautiful and pure and her lips were just mesmerising, all I could think about was kissing them, tasting them. I felt Luke’s elbow collide with my rib cage and instinctively I turned round and gently hit him on the arm.
‘So Joy, where are you from?’ Luke asked while I went back to my day dreams. I just couldn’t bring myself to talk to her, I was so nervous.
‘I come from Tennessee in America, we had to move to England because of my dad’s work. I’ve been here since September but I was being home schooled, but after much persuasion I managed to get my mom to let me come to school.’
‘T-that is s-s-so cool,’ I managed to stutter while mentally slapping myself in the face for being such a cowardly idiot. I just had to get over this, she was probably straight and even if she wasn’t why would she want someone like me? I just had to stop myself from falling for her before I ended up getting hurt like I did with Savannah, but it was so hard, she was just so beautiful.
Over the hour of guidance me and Luke managed to learn a lot about Joy. Everything we learnt about her made me love her more, all except one piece of information, which made my heart shatter...she had a boyfriend. As soon as I found out I just wanted to curl up in a corner and cry my eyes out. How I felt reminded me of that parody me and Luke made of that song ‘bad day’ by Daniel Powter:
You had a bad day 
You wanna kill yourself
You wanna go home 
And cry your eyes out
You had a bad day
You just wanna die
You want to cut yourself
Till you bleed outside

I don’t even know why I felt that way, after all this was just a crush on some girl I’d just met and it would just pass like all of the crushes I’d had before...or at least that is what I hoped would happen. 
After guidance and we parted ways with Joy and I told Luke about how I felt and he just listened to me, he never tried to throw a comment in or anything, he just listened. That is one of the many things I love about my best friend, he is just such a great listener. 
After I had told him everything he just turned round and said ‘I can’t tell you why you feel this way but if you ask me this is more than just a little crush.’ After saying that he ran off towards the science block as he had physics and I just stood there, alone in the middle of the school yard, just me and my thoughts.
I slowly started making my way towards the technology block as I had art and for the whole lesson I kept just drawing hearts, roses, etc. I couldn’t believe it, I had never felt that way before. Maybe Luke was right and what I felt for Joy was more than just some stupid little crush. 
I kept seeing her throughout the day and each time I did I could feel my heart skip a beat, it was almost as if my heart was dancing. It made me think of the snow this morning, how it danced with the wind and it made me long for Joy’s heart to dance with mine but I knew it was just a foolish dream as she was straight, taken and wouldn’t want me anyway. So my heart danced alone all day with Joy as its music.
During afternoon form I had to switch places with Luke as I just couldn’t stand sitting next to Joy, she was just so intoxicating. The smell of her perfume was like a spell, which wrapped itself around my infatuated heart and wouldn’t let me go. Her eyes were like a trap that I couldn’t free myself from. Her voice was like a beautiful symphony that left me awestruck. I had definitely been struck by Cupid’s arrow.
Finally the bell rang to say it was time to go home. Me and Luke parted ways as soon as we were outside the school gates. I turned right to start heading home but I wish I hadn’t as soon as I saw them. I saw Joy kissing her boyfriend. He was 6ft tall with blonde short hair and blue eyes, he appeared to have a muscular build and would be what most straight girls would consider to be Prince Charming but to me, he was the enemy. He was the one who was stopping me from being with Joy....He had to go. 
Suddenly I felt someone tap me on the back, interrupting me from my thoughts of getting rid of Joy’s boyfriend. I turned to see Savannah standing there, grinning at me. 
‘What do you want?’ I growled before focusing my attention on Joy and her boyfriend again, they were just holding hands and talking now.
‘I noticed you looking at the new girl, she is hot. Too bad she is straight and taken..Well..Too bad for you anyway, those little facts won’t stop me.’
‘What do you mean?’ I snapped at her. 
‘You know what I mean,’ she replied before walking off with a smug grin on her face. I knew exactly what she meant, she wanted Joy and Savannah would stop at nothing to get her. Now I knew I didn’t stand a chance. Savannah had turned straight girls before and she could easily get rid of any competition.
I knew that I should just quit there, after all Joy seemed happy with her boyfriend and she seemed happy being straight, who was I to take that happiness away? Who was I to change her world and turn it upside down? But then I thought about Savannah and what she would do if she managed to win Joy’s heart, Joy would just be a trophy like I was...a trophy that would be dumped in the trash as soon as something better came along. This was no longer about me winning Joy’s heart, this was about me keeping her safe from a monster. I wasn’t sure about what would happen, I wasn’t sure who would succeed, all I did know was that I had to try. I didn’t know what would happen, but I was about to find out.

© 2010 Wolfs-echo

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1 Review
Added on March 10, 2010
Last Updated on March 10, 2010



United Kingdom

My name is Nicole and I'm 17 years old. I live in England but I've always wanted to go to America. I love animals, in fact I'm a vegetarian for this very reason, and one of my favourite hobbies is ho.. more..

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A Story by Wolfs-echo