![]() ~Complications~A Chapter by Harmony BabinA single fake smile can hide a broken heart, sorrow, missery, pain, etc.. A single fake smile can hide a million tears shed and scars made. We all have the Book of Time in our minds filled with good and bad memories. Memories of love, pain, missery, stress, lost, etc.. We tend to want to burn some of those pages away. Just erase them from our Book of Time. Though, that isn't the best idea to do, because everything that happened in our past made us who we are now. Everyday makes us who we are today and forever. If we were to destroy pages, then how would we learn our lessons in life? So, the next thing we try to do is try to forget whatever happened happened. Though, we fail at that, too. We know that those memories are stuck with us forever. Burned in the back of our minds, scared for life. So we will always remember it all. The only thing we CAN do and will NEVER fail, if you don't give up, is to move on. Moving on as in accepting what happened, learn from the lesson, and moving on in life. We all live with things we don't like, but have to accept. That's just one of the many difficulties in life that we all go through. And don't ever think your alone, because we all go through it. Though, we shouldn't just dislike those bad memoires, but thank they happened because they made you who you are now. Hopefully, a stronger person. Life is full of bumps in the road. Our main goal is to try and swerve around the bumps, and if we hit a bump and end up with a broken tire, then we must fix that tire, and keep going. Meaning, we try to avoid problems in our lives, and if we end in an issue and end up with a broken heart, then we must try to mend it and move on in life. Moving on is a hard concept to grasp in life, I know. But how will you ever succeed and move in life, if we can't move on? So, when we try to move on and let go of some things, we have this empty feeling within. We don't know what we want. We yern so badly to know what's missing so we can fit it back into our life! We then turn to friends and family to save ourselves a long Discovery Hunt. Though, nobody knows. Nobody can reach into your soul and feel what you feel, and say what you need. They can only guess. Love? Friends? Family? Care? Sometimes none of them seem to feel whats missing. Most of the time, all they can do is shrugg their shoulders and possibly looks at you like your crazy to be going to them for help thinking they would know something. So, you wound up starting another journey in your life. The journey may take a long time. Finding what's missing within can be difficult. Though, don't give up. One abbreviation: YOLO. You only live once. So, keep head strong in life and keep going after what you need and your dreams. Live everyday to the fullest, because you never know when your end may come. It could be next year, a couple of months, one month, a couple of days, tomorrow, an hour, a minute, or a second from now. Would you really want to die knowing you didn't put all your effort into life? You may think life is too difficult to put into, but adventure is part of life. May think your free from all of life's misseried and complications. Though, you'd probably be left with guilt because everybody will just think of you as "Awwe, poor thing. She/He was so depressed and now she's gone.." instead of "Awwe, Imma miss her. She was going through some rough times, but he/she kept going strong and enjoyed the little things in life instead of giving up." Isn't that what you rather be remembered as? I know I do. So, take this advice in life, and take it to heart and soul. Hopefully, it'll get you somwhere in life if you listen (: © 2012 Harmony Babin |
1 Review Added on June 4, 2012 Last Updated on June 4, 2012 Author![]() Harmony BabinLAAboutHeyy, my name is Harmony Babin, but people call me Wolfie because it is my nickname, and I am currently 16 years old (January 28, '97). Writing is one of my many hobbies. I also love to draw, sing, .. more..Writing