Frost; Tundra
A Book by Alexandra (Alex)
The world was devastated by a nuclear blast, due to the abnormalities of certain people. The world panicked and set to destroy them all. Except they didn't. All they managed to is destroy everyone.
© 2015 Alexandra (Alex)
Author's Note
I'd like to know opinions, and please don't correct me on my spelling, I'll get to that. What I need is ideas, grammar issues, how I should have put something, dialogue, etc.
Added on September 26, 2015
Last Updated on September 26, 2015
Tags: sci-fi, nuclear, ice, fire
Alexandra (Alex)Some lost city in Texas, TX
Hello! I am a person from Texas, and every night as I lay in bed, stories pop into my mind. I plan on writing those stories down, then copying them down here. All my stories/book ideas are usually fir.. more..