Navy Blue
A Book by Starr
In the far woods where the light shimmered through the trees and where a cottage sits in wait, lie secrets that have been buried for 100 years, and they're about to wake up.
© 2016 Starr
Author's Note
I am not posting all of this book, one cause it's not finished, and two cause I want opinions on this first chapter..
Love Y'all! <3 Thanks for reading
Added on August 29, 2016
Last Updated on August 29, 2016
Tags: change, broken, insanity, stolen, magick, life, pain, illusions, mental
StarrRichton, MS
“Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from.” - Jodie Foster
Who am I? Well, that seems like a simple question that could be answered by a small sentenc.. more..