![]() Dream DateA Story by Windy![]() A fantasy story, written for the contest, "Most Romantic Date Memory"! (Dreams are still memories are they not??) ;)![]()
Dream Date
I had dreamt of him since the first day he showed up at the cafe, just sitting there passing away the day. He was so laid back, in blue jeans and that muscle shirt, tattoos on his tight biceps and that cowboy hat, no one had ever looked that good. At first I couldn't see his face as he was reading the menu, but when the waitress came he looked up. Oh my God, he was the epitome of manhood. His beautiful blue eyes, that mustache and slight goatee that surrounded the most luscious lips on a man I'd ever seen. Then he smiled and knocked the breath right out of me. He had the nicest teeth and that smile, oh that smile, it was beyond belief. Looking at him I felt goosebumps all over my body. A few days later I was back at the cafe when he walked in. All I could do was stare at him. He sat down at a table just a few feet away. The waitress came over to ask what he'd like today.
(This went on for several weeks...)
I never heard what he ordered. Didn't really care. All I knew was I really wanted that man. One day I hadn't even realized I had left my seat, until I found myself next to him and he looked up at me. He tilted his hat as gentlemen do and said, "Howdy ma'am, would you like to have a seat?". I have no recall of him even standing, but when he did I had to look up, he was so tall, his muscles rippling. You could probably bounce quarters off his body. He sat back down across from me and gave me a smile that reached right to his eyes and lit up that cafe as if it were on fire. He was my Adonis and, oh, how I really wanted that man.
He asked my name, I don't remember replying but when he said it, it flowed all over my body. He introduced himself said his name was Tim and he was pleased to make my aquaintence. He was new in town and so far he really liked what he had seen, then smiled straight at me. He reached over to touch my left hand, he was checking for rings is what he said, all I know is I was never gonna wash that hand again. He let go very slowly, our fingertips still touched. The waitress came with his coffee and he thanked her but never looked up. We sat there for what seemed like hours our eyes staring into one anothers souls, our fingertips had gotten closer how are hands ended up in a hold I will never know.
Finally he asked me, did I want to get out of there, I must have said yes as the next thing I knew we were walking out the door. We stood on the sidewalk for a minute or so as if trying to decide which way to go. I finally found my voice and asked him if he would like to take a stroll in the park. He grinned at me and I felt my knees going weak. He said he would like that very much as he was tired from just sitting around. We walked the few blocks to the park, holding hands and glancing at one another, not really talking except for mention of the beautiful weather. As we came upon the entrance he stopped for just a moment and looking down at me, he asked permission to put his arm around me.
I'd never met such a gentleman in my entire life, and I wanted to feel his strong arm around me as we walked into that park. I glanced up at him, gave him a long look then answered with a "yes of course, but, only if I can put mine around you as well". At first he seemed a bit startled at my response as I had been so quiet all during our walk. Then, he threw his head back and let out the most wonderful laugh. He grabbed me in a bear like hug, lifted me right up off the ground and told me he had been wondering when I was gonna come around. As he set me back down on my feet he kept hold of me with one arm and with a little chuckle looked at me as he waited for my arm to go around him too.
We walked through the park, stopping to watch the ducks and sometimes smell the flowers our touching never stopped though, not even once. We found a path and took it though the trees the sunshine occasionally coming through them along with a nice breeze. Up ahead there was a bench standing in this cozy opening, it felt as if it was beckoning us. We headed straight for it and before sitting down, Tim pulled a rag out of his back pocket and wiped it down. I looked at him as he looked at me, that grin and the look on his face did buckle my knees. I quickly sat down before I fell and made a complete fool of myself. I could feel him sit down next to me, our knees and shoulders touching.
For a few minutes nothing was said. We just enjoyed the view and somehow our hands were again clasped. Then we both started to talk at once and he gave that joyful laugh, he pulled his hand from mine, put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a little squeeze. He said, "You go first.", but I could feel myself blushing and couldn't say a word. I felt his hand, on the side of my head, as he gave an oh so gentle bit of pressure to put it on his shoulder. I wasn't about to fight him, as it was exactly where I wanted to be. I felt his body so close against mine, his fingers playing gently with my hair, our hands entwined once again. I thought for sure I was gonna swoon.
He started talking, telling me all about himself, what he did for a living, his hobbies, and his love for horses and music. His voice was so gentle and soothing. I felt him shaking with quiet laughter and looked at him for an answer, he said he had just asked me about myself and thought I'd gone off to sleep from boredom. I quickly apologized and swore I was awake, that's when I saw the smile in his eyes. He was just playing with me. I grinned up at him and he let out the laughter. It was so contagious I found myself laughing too. We finally calmed down and settled back into our positions. I started to tell him about myself and family, even my favorite sister, then just to get him back I told him I picked up guys in cafes. He looked truly startled and I couldn't help laughing at the look on his face. It only took him a second to realize he'd been duped, I could see the change come over him. I knew I was in trouble, the second he took off his hat. I said I'm so sorry, I really am, and jumped up off the bench. He stood up ever so slowly and started walking towards me, I was giggling hysterically by now and kept repeating I really am sorry. He had a grin on his face but not like the ones before, it was playtime now and I was gonna get if for sure.
I started to run but he was right behind me, before I even knew what happend we were rolling on the ground. I hadn't even felt the fall as he had made sure to land before me and soften the blow. I still couldn't stop giggling and saying I was sorry, then out of nowhere he asked if I was ticklish, and I laughed all the harder. That gave him his answer and out came that grin, I tried to get away but suddenly felt his hands on my ribs. I was pleading with him not to do it but he just laughed and the tickling started. We were rolling all over the ground, through the grass and leaves until finally we were exhausted. He pulled me close next to him, using one strong arm for me to rest my head the other he laid across me. I put my arms over his on my middle and gave it a squeeze, we laid there and watched the sunset, and the stars come out. Every once in a while I felt a gentle kiss upon my head and brow and we talked very quietly about the beautiful night.
Suddendly the urgency to kiss him filled me with desire. I don't know what came over me, I turned onto my side wrapped my arm around his waist and looked deep into his eyes. Tim knew just what I wanted I could feel it in the tightening of his arms around me and the look in his eyes, yet he did nothing. For a moment I was confused, it must have shown, still he didn't say a word, just let me figure it out on my own. It didn't take me long to remember what a gentleman he was, he had no intention of taking the first step it was all up to me this time. I put my hand gently up to his face and traced his beautiful features, he closed his eyes and I saw just how long and soft his lashes were. When I got to his goatee and mustache, tracing around his mouth I felt his whole body tighten and I couldn't help but smile. Finally I touched those gentle luscious lips, without a thought his tongue came out to lick them so I touched it. His eyes flew open, I could see the passion flare, his arms so tight around me yet there was no fear.
The kiss, when it finally happend, was all me at first. I teased him just a little with gentle pecks around his face, as I got close to his mouth I felt more than heard his groan. I could not wait another second, the playing was over now, I wanted to feel those lips upon mine more than anything in this world. I carefully and slowly laid my lips upon his, and for a precious moment we stayed just like that. I'd made the move he'd been wating for and I knew my turn was done. It started out so gentle and sweetly it almost made me cry. I knew he was holding back, I could feel it from the rapid beat of his heart but he didn't want to hurry or scare me so he was taking his time. After a few moments I urged him with my hands and lips to let him know it was ok and that was all it took. We laid there on the grass beneath the moonlit starry night and made out, like kids in the backseat of a car. We couldn't get enough.
After awhile he got hold of himself and remembered his manners. He held me so gently yet still very close and in a quiet voice he apologized. He said he didn't know what had come over him, that he had never moved so fast on a first date before. Whispering softly I told him to please not be sorry, it was really me that had started it after all and I wasn't sorry, not at all. Besides it wasn't really our first date, we'd been seeing each other for weeks at the cafe! He smiled, then hugged me and held me even closer. We stayed like that for over an hour, whispering and occasionally kissing, just wanting and needing to be close to one another. He said he wanted to ask me something, I could feel him tensing up, as if afraid of the answer. I put my hand on his face and stared into his eyes, my look reassuring, he ran his hand over my hair, gave me a gentle kiss then pulled back a just a little.
Tim looked me straight in the eyes, his fingers brushed over my swollen lips, his look was so serious. Finally he quietly asked me if I would be interested in seeing him again, maybe we could meet at the cafe tomorrow at 10. It took me a moment, I couldn't believe he even needed to ask, I felt so lucky this beautiful, gentle man was interested in me. I didn't speak, I couldn't, tears were choking me back, so I just nodded yes. We wrapped our arms back around one another and held on tight, he whisperd to me how this all felt so right. He started talking about the day ahead and what we could do. From our talk earlier he had rememberd all that we had in comman, the things we both loved to do. Finally we decided, we'd meet at the cafe, for it seemed only right to start our day that way. We would then take a ride out to the country where he kept his horses, we'd pack a picnic lunch and ride up to the ridge, he knew of a place there that had a sparkling stream we could spash around in. In the evening we'd go to dinner, maybe an outdoor concert, then back here to the park to watch the sunset.
I listend to his voice and smiled at his choices, he'd planned the most perfect romantic date I could have ever imagined. He had finished talking and was watching the emotions run across my face, a tear had slid down my cheek without me even knowing and he reached across and kissed it away. His eyes held no question this time when he looked at me, he knew I was ok. We laid there smiling at each other then shared a gentle kiss. He stood up, taking me with him our arms automatically hugging one anothers waist. Slowly we walked out of the park, back down the street to the cafe. We stood and looked at that little old building thinking what an amazing thing had happend there this very day. He walked me to my car, made sure I put my seatbelt on, then leaned in through the window telling me to be careful, that he'd see me tomorrow. Quickly he kissed me goodnight and backed away. I started my car but neither of us moved, we were both still amazed and in awe of the day we'd just shared. He moved so fast, the next thing I knew we were kissing again, not quickly or gently, just all raw passion. As suddenly as it had started it came to a halt, with one last long, gentle kiss, then with a cough and a step back, he said I will see you at 10 sharp. With a grin and a tip of his hat to me, he walked over to his pick up truck and we left.
Until 10 sharp tomorrow....
8-25-08 Windy
© 2008 WindyAuthor's Note
Featured Review
5 Reviews Added on September 7, 2008 Last Updated on September 7, 2008 Author![]() WindyARAboutI'm married to an amazing man that also happens to be a writer! My heart belongs with him, our children and our grandchildren, they are all amazing. This is an "outlet" for me. I am not a w.. more..Writing
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