DELUSIONAL DEFENSE FROM A TO ZA Poem by Willys WatsonDELUSIONAL DEFENSE FROM A TO Z Aggravated Aardvarks and bodacious boulevards, cantankerous canoes, delirious dimples, effervescent Emus and flamboyant folderol, gargantuan gizmos, historical Hamsters, inglorious islands and juxtaposing jigsaws, kaleidoscope kittens, legendary liquids, motivational mud and necessary nibbles, overwhelming Oranges, parachuting Pandas, questionable quagmires and rambunctious Raccoons, sunset silhouettes, technicolor turtles, underrated upsets and visionary virgins, workaholic Warthogs, Xeroxed xylophones, yellow ytterbium and Zebra zoologists so strongly suggest the insanity plea likely works perfectly for writer wannabees.
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