I salute the most ingeniously unusual penname, Willweb ... And, to add to such a salute, I, also, wish to take a moment and compliment this lovely piece of fine Poetry that did, in fact of reality, put a smile upon my face as one who has been a member here on the Cafe off and on of many times, myself, over the many years of way back since 2012 ... There are some good people and fine writers here, some nicer than others, and some more honest than others, while nicely honest is my preferred druthers ...
For the record: I am not a Poet, per se, though I do dabble in, and puke out line that I pass off as, Poetry ... I am a Research Writer and a Writer of Dark Tales, which I have yet to Re-post on this Website known as Writerscafe.org ... I keep planning on, but have simply failed to get around to doing it ... I am actually a decent writer of Dark Stories & gruesome tales ... My stories, as well as all of my Research Articles (posted as Columns & Journals) are posted on AllPoetry.com & can be viewed and commented upon there, until that day when I do get around to posting them here, on the Cafe, once again ...: https://allpoetry.com/Flynn_de_Graham ... Please do allow me to say that we writers are fast running out of true Writing Sites, and I do favor the Cafe or any and all others ...
I have, indeed, enjoyed reading your light hearted words and lines, nicely rhymed, set to pen of page ...
Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn de Graham
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you so much and nice to meet you. I too have written a few dark stories, articles and have had.. read moreThank you so much and nice to meet you. I too have written a few dark stories, articles and have had a few published, though horror is not my first love or even my second. It was an opportunity and I took it. It was fun. I actually wrote a Zombie love story that was published in the collection, "Zombies need love too". I wrote a few flash fiction stories for Dark Moon Digest and had a good time doing so. Thank again for your review of my poem.
I loved the complete poem. The below lines, were my favorite.
"Is it really a poem
if you never write it,
tied in your head
like a cat on a leash"
I try to walk a cat once. It didn't work. Cats are like women. They do, what they want to do. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry. I did enjoy this one.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
You are definitely right about cats and women. : )
If no one reads it, I think it is not a poem. Just a conglomeration of words on a page that have little significance to anyone but the poet him/herself. "Dropped like a hint that seems no one has taken" fantastic line! Will, this is a poem....absolutely positively! Lydi***
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
My friend, thank you so much and I am happy to see you again. Hopefully they got the problems with y.. read moreMy friend, thank you so much and I am happy to see you again. Hopefully they got the problems with your profile and pages worked out.
1 Year Ago
Yes, it appears they did get it fixed. That makes me happy as I am sure it does you the same.
Hopefully an afternoon smile still counts. I'll have to go with that first verse. They're like herding cats, running in my head. I rope one and it takes all three of me to write it! Seriously though, I think the moment of conception begins a poems existence. Some get aborted, some are embryos stored in cryogenic vaults between frozen synapses. But all poems have to the right to life, according to our choice.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
So you are Pro-Poetic Life then? Very nice, I am as well. : )
A good question
prior to reading this I had posted my own questionnaire on this same subject which likely makes my commentary irrelevant after reading all the comments you have received
A very entertaining and lively poem full of such amusing musings. We have poems tucked away in every nook and corner and cranny of our existence lol. When writing is a way of life, it is expected that some poems are shared and yet others are written just for ourselves and stay within us. You hit the nail on the head with this so original offering. Kudos!
Good question. Is it for the doing or for the viewing. Have read of artist that created because they had to, it was in them to express, it had to come out. So I think for them it was/is a poem. But also artist create b/c they have something they want/need to share, so then, no, it is not a poem. Very well stated and thought provoking. Thanks for the post (poem) -carl
Interesting philosophical question here. Is a poem really a poem if no one ever sees it? The work contains a lot of examples of why it's not, but the one that comes to mind for me is whether a stillborn child is really a child. To me, a poem is a poem, whether anyone else sees it or not.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Wow John, that's kind of morbid, don't you think? But, I understand like a falling tree making noise.. read moreWow John, that's kind of morbid, don't you think? But, I understand like a falling tree making noise if no one is there to hear it.
Hi, I am willweb. Maybe you remember me and maybe you don't. I have been writing here on and off for years. I pop in and write and read and comment and make friends and learn new things.
I enjoy maki.. more..