This piece evokes a quietly calm contemplative silence that gently brushes the chambers of ones heart in reading; to feel each painted emotion; to savor the taste of each painted pain; to leave one, in reading, shivering within your heart penned misery of crying in the cold ...
Intensely dark in oozing depressed and dreary to the nth degree ... Something I can more than relate to at certain time, and during certain cycles, of my own personal life ... Well done ...
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thanks so very much Marvin. I hope those dreary days are behind you.
a very different road your going down here Will, its got a cold feel, winter of course but its pure poetry, a departure from your style that's very pleasing and remarkable :)
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you so much my friend. You never know what style I will fall into, most by accident.
Powerful description used in the poem. I had to read again.
"As I seek a cloud, a shadow,
a fallen feather, anything, amidst the dust
stirred of twisted branches
where Braille is a tree trunk
I no longer want to read
in this nothing I have left"
The above lines could stand alone as a poem. I could feel the thoughts and the disappointment/coldness in the emotions of the words. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and leave such a wonderful review of my work. From one.. read moreThank you so much for taking the time to read and leave such a wonderful review of my work. From one I so admire, this really means a lot to me.
10 Years Ago
I enjoy your poetry. You write with a Dryden style. Honest, direct and thoughts provoking.
Will I could have swore I reviewed this yesterday - I definitely read it and wrote something (not Irish) in the review widget - but this site has been so glitchy of late that reviews are disappearing up the wazoo faster than I can type. So Im glad you RR'd me my friend.
Yeah - I remember the review, I said "This is such a shock for me to be reading this and to picture it coming from the same pen as 'Snow Drift Dreams' and 'Warmth' - it doesnt compute BUT then again we dont compute - we arent computers - and this is testament that we all get the blues and we all have to face them as best we can - but friends help turn them around and thats what friends are for."
If you would be so kind as to regard me as your friend I will help turn these blues around - how does green sound ??? :D
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Green sounds great to me, it is my favorite color. Thanks so much my friend. Yep, we do all experien.. read moreGreen sounds great to me, it is my favorite color. Thanks so much my friend. Yep, we do all experience down days, but thanks to good friends like you, they are few and far between. I appreciate you taking the time to review this again, this site definitely needs some bugs worked out...I think I saw a few cockroaches sneaking around. :)
I don't know but in present circumstances I feel this like a song sung for me...
I fall, face down,
tear tracks smudged
but never forgotten
tasting this defeat of flavored sorrows
seasoned by a stark winter…
crying in the cold.......
sometimes it's so painful that there suggests no ray...beautiful creation..:))
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you so very much Anne for your kind words about my sad poem today. Sometimes it feels exactly .. read moreThank you so very much Anne for your kind words about my sad poem today. Sometimes it feels exactly like this and then someone special reaches out and touches your heart and it all seems better.
10 Years Ago consider...thanks to beautiful people and our dear ones who never let us in such situation... read consider...thanks to beautiful people and our dear ones who never let us in such situation..:))
Hi, I am willweb. Maybe you remember me and maybe you don't. I have been writing here on and off for years. I pop in and write and read and comment and make friends and learn new things.
I enjoy maki.. more..