I know you didnt RR this one to me Will - I jumped on it from the Live Feed when I saw it come up. Im glad I did. You wrote me here. As Jacob remarked when he read it some months ago - this affected me deeply.
I must have a look through your back catalogue my friend.
Thanks for penning this - whenever it was...
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
It was in July Anto. When it was warm out. :) Thanks so much for finding this one and having such.. read moreIt was in July Anto. When it was warm out. :) Thanks so much for finding this one and having such nice things to say about it.
Some people find it hard to trust after the trust has been broken but if you keep yourself either locked away or push people out you will be alone, sooner or later.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Yes, that does seem to be the case. Thank you so much Noodlehead.
It is hard for some people to trust others maybe because they have been hurt before.But if you push everyone away eventually you end up all alone.Great one will :)
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you so much my friend. I am happy you liked this poem.
10 Years Ago
You are welcome :)
Wonderful wording, sometimes it's hard for some people, to let others in, (in their safty haven)... Sometimes there is too much sadness, that creates complete emptiness of feeling with a person, while there is certainly affection needed. This is just such a moment what you described perfectly. Your pen has great skills when it comes to observe moments in life like you did here.
- Elisa
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you once again Elisa for your nice comments. I am more than happy you liked this one.
Many people lock the world out of their lives and then wonder why no one is around when they need a friend. Great metaphor. Lots of emotion in this one. Lydi**
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you so very much Lydi for your nice comments today. I am happy you liked this.
Hi, I am willweb. Maybe you remember me and maybe you don't. I have been writing here on and off for years. I pop in and write and read and comment and make friends and learn new things.
I enjoy maki.. more..