![]() John Doe: Project Ultimate (Chapter 1: The New Kid)A Story by WilliamScott![]() This is the the first chapter of the adventure of boy weilding mysterious powers and an equally mysterious past... Join John Doe as he tries to find out who he is and where his abilities came from!![]()
Chapter 1: The New Kid
Chaos had broken out in classroom 9B: Gossip about Alex Benjamin’s high pitched, squeaky voice was everywhere; paper airplanes soared across the room, hitting people in the eye as they did so; boys were chasing each other, hitting each other with lunch boxes, and chanting random gibberish. Just then, the Teacher, Mr. Peterson entered the room. Or, more accurately, he shuffled into the room. He was a fat man who could barely lift his feet off the floor. His skin was flabby, and some of it appeared to leak out of the bottom of his shirt. He had one glass eye, and his teeth were less than horrible. His hair was thinning and his nose was horribly, horribly deformed. His uniform was covered in coffee stains, grease, and who knows what else.
“Such unacceptable behavior,” Mr. Peterson slurred. “For that, I demand a five page essay on good behavior and what happens to those who deviate from the rules. This is due on Monday, class. And, as an added bonus, it’s 20% of your final grade.”
“Wait, from all of us?” Alex Benjamin and his high pitched, squeaky voice asked.
“Yes, from all of you.”
“But that’s not fair! I wasn’t doing anything!” Alex exclaimed.
“I don’t know that,” Mr. Peterson replied. Alex opened his mouth to speak, but then Mr. Peterson said, “6 pages for Mr. Benjamin.”
Alex knew there was no way to lose that extra page, so he shut up.
“Now, class, today we are going over…” Mr. Peterson began. Just then, the class door opened and shut. A boy was standing at the door. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. He had a semi-bulky body structure, average height, and freckles. He wore a plain green T-shirt with an unbuttoned jacket, black jeans, and a brown pair of sneakers. The only abnormalities about him were the bands of gold around his wrists.
“Sorry for being late. I couldn’t find my class,” The boy said.
“No excuses. I want a five page essay from you on the importance of being on time,” Mr. Peterson said.
One child said, “But sir, he’s a new student. Of course he wouldn’t know where the class is.”
An extra page of homework was added to that student’s assignment.
“Your essay is due Monday,” Mr. Peterson said. “And it’s 20% of your final grade.”
“Fair enough,” the boy replied. “So, sir, where shall I sit?”
“Next to Stacy over there,” Mr. Peterson said, pointing to an empty seat next to a dark skinned girl. Her hair was in a pony tail and she wore a red, zipped up jacket that said, “Save the Earth! It’s the Only Planet with Chocolate!” Her eyes were brown, her hair was black, and she had on a pair of blue jeans. The boy took his seat, and the teacher started writing on the board.
“You’re just gonna take that? You don’t deserve a five page essay!” Stacy whispered.
“Oh well,” the boy said. “And by the way, what’s an essay?” He asked.
“Huh?” Stacy asked.
“Sorry. Some guy who called himself a ‘doctor’ said that I have something called ‘Amnesia’, which apparently means I don’t remember anything,” The boy explained. “So excuse me if I don’t know what something is.”
“Oh, I'm sorry. I didn’t know. Well, an essay is… well, just write five pages worth of information about being on time, okay?” Stacy asked.
“Oh, okay. Thanks! I’m John Doe,” the boy said.
“It's nice to meet you, John! Say, those are some shiny wrist bands you got there!” Stacy exclaimed.
“Thanks!” John exclaimed. He got out a folder, pulled out five pieces of paper, and began writing.
“Not in class, dummy!” Stacy exclaimed.
“I thought you told me to write five pages worth of information about being on time,” John said.
“Not now!” Stacy replied.
“Stacy! New kid! Would you two like to explain your conversation to the class?” Mr. Peterson asked.
“We weren’t talking about anything!” Stacy exclaimed.
“I heard you two talking. Now, both of you come up here and tell us exactly what you were saying,” Mr. Peterson demanded.
Stacy groaned as she and John walked to the front of the class.
“Here’s exactly what happened: As I took my seat, Stacy asked, ‘you’re just gonna take that? You don’t deserve a five page essay!’
And then, I replied, ‘Oh well. And by the way, what’s an essay?’
After that, she said, ‘huh?’
And I said, ‘Sorry. Some guy who called himself a ‘doctor’ said that I have something called ‘Amnesia’, which apparently means I don’t remember anything, so excuse me if I don’t know what something is.’
Then, Stacy said, ‘Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Well, an essay is… well, just write five pages worth of information about being on time, okay?’
I replied, ‘Oh, okay. Thanks! I’m John Doe.’
She said, ‘Nice to meet you, John! Say, those are some shiny wrist bands you got there!’
‘Thanks!’ I said as I got out five pieces of paper and began to write my essay, which I have right here,” John explained. As he said that last bit, he pulled out five sheets of paper, each one covered in writing, front side and back.
“Wait! How is that possible?!?” Mr. Peterson asked.
“Would you like to review it, sir?” John asked. He walked to the teacher and handed him the essay.
Mr. Peterson scanned the first page and said, “This is very good… you two sit down. I need to grade this. You kids talk among yourselves, but keep it quiet!”
Stacy and John took their seats. “So, how are you today?” John asked.
Stacy giggled and said, “That’s funny. You perfectly recited our conversation, wrote a five page essay in less than a minute, and then you ask how my day was as if none of it happened. I don’t know why, but that’s funny to me. Is that funny to you?”
“I dunno. But you didn’t answer my question: How are you today?” John asked again.
“Well, it’s been just like a normal day,” Stacy replied.
“I don’t remember what a normal day is like,” John said.
“Oh, you know. I woke up, showered, got dressed, ate some French Toasties, brushed my teeth, and then got chased to school by gerbils,” Stacy explained.
John chuckled and replied, “I had a very strange day then. Wait, if they were bunnies from hell, not gerbils, is it still classified as a normal day?”
“Yes!” Stacy exclaimed.
“Oh, then never mind. My day was normal,” John said, chuckling even more. “All though, technically, it’s a bit of a redundancy to say that the bunnies are from hell.”
Stacy laughed and said, “I know! So, what happened that caused your amnesia?” She asked.
“Apparently I was on a train that crashed. The doctor said that everyone accept me died. I wasn’t even scratched when they got me out, just unconscious,” John explained.
“Oh, that’s really sad. Was there anyone on the train that you cared about?” Stacy asked.
“I don’t know. That’s what’s driving me crazy! I have no loved ones, no one to support me,” John replied.
“That must be awful,” Stacy said.
“Yeah, but oh well.”
“Okay, let’s change the subject. Can I try on your wrist bands? They’re really cool!” Stacy exclaimed.
“If you can get them off my arms, then yes. The doctors tried to remove them, but they didn’t budge. The strange thing is that they aren’t tight at all. They just don’t come off!” John exclaimed.
“That’s awesome!!!”
“I know!”
After about half an hour of talking and acting stupid, Mr. Peterson slammed the essay on John’s desk. There was a 100% written on the top of the first page. “Damn kid,” He muttered under his breath as he shuffled back to his desk.
“Huh? You wrote that in less than a minute! How can it be 100%?” Stacy asked. John just shrugged and put the essay in his folder. “You, my friend, are a very strange and amazing person,” Stacy said.
“Thanks! I think the same about you,” John replied. The two spent all day together, acting stupid when they could. Several times John’s superior intellect was shown, and there was one question that everyone was wondering: If he’s suffering amnesia, how the hell does he know so much?
While John and Stacy ate their lunches, John couldn’t help but notice a particularly large student picking on a particularly small student. The large one was bald, muscular, incredibly bulky, and looked to have the intelligence of a gnat. He wore a white, sleeveless shirt, black jeans, and a nose ring. The small one was thin, pathetic, etc. He dressed like the stereotypical nerd. The bigger one was currently stuffing the smaller one into a locker. “Stacy, is that allowed?” John asked as he pointed at the scene.
“No,” Stacy replied as she continued to eat her lunch.
“Then why doesn’t anyone doe something?” John asked.
“Because, Trevor McNealy is the strongest, toughest, and meanest kid in the whole school. Even the teachers are afraid to confront him,” Stacy explained.
“That’s unacceptable!” John exclaimed. He got up and started walking towards the scene.
“Are you deaf or something?!? That kid will eat you alive!” Stacy shouted.
“We’ll see,” John replied. He approached the bully and tapped his shoulder. “I’m afraid I must ask you to let that child out of the locker,” John said.
“And what’re you gonna do ‘bout it, pipsqueak?” Trevor asked. He gave John a shove, and John brought his foot to Trevor’s crotch. The force of the kick sent Trevor into the air, and his head got stuck in the ceiling. “Let me outta here! Let me out! Your dead, kid! You hear me? Dead!!!” Trevor shouted. Everyone was staring at John in shock, and then they all pointed at Trevor and laughed.
John felt his neck and said, “My pulse rate is normal and I’m breathing. I most certainly am not dead.” He opened the locker and helped the kid out. “Are you okay?” John asked.
“Yeah, thanks! Wait, where’s Trevor?” The kid asked.
“Look up,” John answered. The kid obeyed and began laughing.
“Did you do that?” He asked.
“Yeah,” John answered.
“Awesome!!! Thanks!” the kid exclaimed and then ran back to his table of nerds.
John returned to his seat next to Stacy, who simply stared at him in amazement. “What?” John asked.
“You just put Trevor McNealy’s head into the ceiling!” Stacy exclaimed.
“Yeah, and I’m not being digested in his stomach like you said I would be,” John said.
“Huh?” She asked.
“You said he’d eat me alive,” John explained.
“Oh. How did you do that, though? That isn’t possible, is it?” Stacy asked.
“I don’t know how I did it, but it must be possible. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have happened. I sort of just reacted to him shoving me, and the next thing I know, his head is in the ceiling! I didn’t intend to hit THAT hard,” John explained. “But I must admit; it is rather humorous.”
“Humorous? It’s more than that! That’s the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen!” Stacy exclaimed.
“I think you’re gonna have to take that statement back,” John said, trying to hold in his laughter.
“Why?” Stacy asked. John pointed to Trevor; apparently some prankster had stolen his pants, revealing his heart covered boxers. “I stand corrected. That is the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen!” She exclaimed as she burst out laughing.
All throughout the day, no one even attempted to help Trevor down. In fact, everyone, including the staff members, took photos with their cell phones. However, aside from the fact that Trevor was stuck in the ceiling, the rest of the day proceeded as it had before lunch.
At the end of the school day, John and Stacy said their goodbyes and John left on his bicycle. “See you on Monday, Stacy!” John exclaimed just before he rode off. Stacy waved goodbye and then John rode away.
As John rode to his house, hundreds of questions raced through his head. Who am I? Why am I so strong? And fast? And smart? How did I write that essay in less than a minute? How did I put that kid’s head into the roof? Now that I think about it, it all seems so… impossible. He sighed and said, “Maybe Dacomay will know the answers to my questions.”
After what seemed like an eternity, John finally came to a stop in front of a house. It was two stories tall with no windows, and from a bird’s eye view it looked like the letter ‘A’ for some reason. John entered his home and shouted, “Dacomay!!! I’m home!!!”
Suddenly, a soft, metallic voice echoed through the house. “I told you not to interact with the others.”
“Wait, what?” John asked.
“I was watching you the entire time. You deliberately disobeyed me after I told you to avoid interaction with the others,” Dacomay said.
“Okay, whatever. If you were watching me the whole time, then you should know about some of the strange things that went on: Writing the essay in a minute, putting a kid’s head into the ceiling, knowing technical facts that I’ve never heard… How was all of it possible?” John asked.
“I cannot tell you. Until you are ready and the time is right, I cannot tell you the answer to that question,” The computer voice replied.
“Well, let’s put it this way. Until I get the answers I need, I’m not doing a thing you say unless I think it’s in my best interest to do so,” John said.
“I apologize, but I cannot discuss that information.”
I’ve heard that 10 times since Dacomay called me here. “Well, if you aren’t going to answer my questions, than you and I have nothing to talk about,” John told Dacomay.
“Do not be so childish. All I do is for what is best for you,” Dacomay replied.
“Why? Why do you care so much?” John asked.
“Because, though I am a computer, somehow, I feel compassion. I care about you, and I fear that, if you knew the answers, you would be hurt,” Dacomay answered.
“Listen, I don’t care about that. I want answers. I don’t want to be blissfully ignorant; I want to know why these things are happening to me,” John replied.
“I cannot. Though it is demanded by the Attero Corporation, I will not let you know something that will cause you pain,” The computer replied.
“Attero Corp? What have they got to do with it?” John asked. “Don’t they deal in developing new machines for the world? What has the Attero Corp got to do with me?” There you go again. You’ve never even heard of the Attero Corp! How could you know that? He thought to himself.
“You cannot imagine the answer to that question. Now rest, John. Tomorrow is a big day for you,” Dacomay said.
“What happens tomorrow?” John asked.
“Your food supply is running low. You need to go to the bank to get money so you can pay for food, and then you need to go to the grocery store,” Dacomay answered.
“Okay, fine. I’ll do that, but only because it’s for my own good. Don’t think I’m doing it because you told me to,” John said.
“Good. Now, get some rest, young one,” Dacomay said.
“Whatever,” John replied. He then walked to his room and flopped onto the bed. Who am I? Where did these abilities come from? And… what has Attero Corp got to do with it all? These were his last thoughts before finally drifting off to sleep.
© 2008 WilliamScottAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on November 2, 2008 Author![]() WilliamScottAboutHello, world! My name is William, I'm a 14 year old boy, and I'm a devout follower of Jesus Christ! let's see, anything else you people need to know about me? No? Okay. more.. |