That second verse really got me - we truly are alone in the dead of night, even if there are others in the house - sleeping comrades are in their own worlds, and our own demons have free reign to attack... A powerful poem, borne of sleepless nights. Hope you can get some peaceful slumber, Will.
I don't know what fears you have, but I used to feel the same way. The light of day and its noises were good distractions, but the white noise of the night left me in so much fear, anxiety. It took me many years before I could sleep soundly. I learned to accept my fears and let them go. And hence, I freed myself of my own inner turmoil. The feelings we experience are in part due to outer conditions, but also in part by our own amplifications of those feelings. I pray and wish for you to find your inner peace.
hey, Will. night is not that bad, especially when you can think of the relaxed moon hanging up there between the dim contour of clouds. but, great write! you captured the melancholy well, especially in the second stanza. true that. night time is a great source of inspiration, as long as it doesn't prevent you from going into a deep, relieving sleep.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
It isn't really the night itself that gets me, its the circumstances under which I encounter her. Th.. read moreIt isn't really the night itself that gets me, its the circumstances under which I encounter her. Thanks for the great review :)
10 Years Ago
Ah yes of course...hahaha. but well, as they said "don't allow circumstances to bring you down" I st.. read moreAh yes of course...hahaha. but well, as they said "don't allow circumstances to bring you down" I still believe that :)) anyway you're welcome!
Why do all of the best writing ideas come out when we're dead tired? =) I really liked this poem, especially when you described the night as tendrils of black embracing you. I got this amazing image in my head of someone being held down to their bed by black smoky arms. It started off darkish but ended on a more happy note...well done! Keep writing, you're really good. =)
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
I was looking to create that image, I'm so glad you got it. Thanks for reading :)'
Well now that I have the patience, I'll actually write something here.
I'm Will, and I'm 16 years old going on 17 , born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. I write what appeals to me.
I just love writ.. more..