

A Poem by Will

A missing piece

I have given everyone my love
Just to cover up my hate

I don't play games
Because usually, I lose

so don't play games with my heart
Or else nobody wins

its not a toy not a bloody ball to be tossed about
Because who would want to catch it?

Drop me and I will break but I'm the only one
Who can put me back together

you might have made the cracks and flaws
And put me down so often

but I'm the glue I wont be Humpty Dumpty.
My fall was anything but great

I do have a hollow spot; it seems I lost my yolk
The center of my being

like something or someone is missing.
Could you be my yolk?

© 2013 Will

Author's Note

Inspired by the "About" section of one of my favorite authors, Samantha, found here:

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This is kind of a weird poem so far as where it's coming from and I'm not sure how to respond to it. Mostly because of the ending i guess. Nobody can be my center. Nobody but me knows what's there. This was a really good poem. I actually thought about its meaning.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

That's what this poem is supposed to be. It's hard to find somebody who you know can be trusted and .. read more
Hmmm. Good poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks, Careline.
Your poem makes me look at Humpty's fate in a different way - was he heartbroken? All the men and horses cannot mend a broken heart, after one has been sitting on that tenuous wall of a relationship. Provocative, with fresh images!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Exactly! Thanks, Rita.
Aww Will much thanks

Im glad to have inspired you.

I really like this, nice structure and flow I loved how you weaved this into a blanket of inspiration

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks for the poetry spark. I've been running low on poetry inspiration as of late, and hopefully t.. read more
Samantha ~virginpoet

11 Years Ago

You are so very welcome will and Im glad to be the that spark to your explosion ... lol making me qu.. read more

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4 Reviews
Added on April 4, 2013
Last Updated on April 4, 2013
Tags: Love, lost, missing, egg, yolk, heart, ball, Humpty Dumpty



Brooklyn, NY

Well now that I have the patience, I'll actually write something here. I'm Will, and I'm 16 years old going on 17 , born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. I write what appeals to me. I just love writ.. more..

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