Every single day seems to pull flowered thoughts and dreams further into the abyss that is nothingness. Unfortunately there is no reversing this process and once-blooming ideas are forever doomed to wither. This cycle, unending, and ever so curious, builds and destructs only to be built up again just as a civilization constantly at war would. It is within this cycle that we are given brief opportunities to grasp at whatever higher consciousness there may be. If we open our hands to find an idea, whether miniscule or mammoth, it does not matter as long as we work to share our innovations with those around us like the sun constantly providing the unrequited light which life thrives off of. This creativity points us forward, builds a ladder one rung at a time and ultimately decides how far it is willing to allow us to climb in any one direction. Eventually this creative force takes hold and permits a ladder to the outer limits, only then are we given a choice: climb to our dreams or recede into a shell of memories; both ultimately accumulating to nothing. However, as futile as our tiny attempts to reach for the stars seem, they do accumulate and eventually amount.