I hold a secret inside me

I hold a secret inside me

A Poem by Wild Thunder

This is a warning... to anyone who takes the path I have chosen. Be warned seeking truth will inflict you on a path of torture and despair. You will never feel safe again.


I have a secret in my blood
Only told in darkest of nights
Images locked deep inside from before
I have seen these days before
Fears inside me

Its got a hold of me
Its in my blood
Tales they tell me

Look deep in my eyes
But be where
Darkness has made a home
Inside, screams and horror
I hold them withen me
So they no longer hurt anyone

These beast that leave scars
Etched in my dreams
Turns all days to the darkest of hours

Where do I take all this
I gave you a home once
Keeping me inside
I am the one that was locked away

Remember there are things
Not to touch
All this
From the Curse
Set in stone

Writen in the books of old
These nightmares they spoke of
I know each one
And they hate you
They hate you

So do you understand why I speak of the things I do
They give if you will give more
They take everything
They are in you

So once they come into you
Hunger never ends
You never will have enough
You are cought up in yourself
Trying to get them out
But its too late

I tell you
Of a demon
The real danger is not in the middle east
Its not in a thousand men
Or bombs

Buts its something that you can't see
Its a hate that will hold you
Hold you till your dry

There are things inside me
That no man would wish on their worst enemy
And sometimes it comes to past
That I reconise and see them again
You find these things anywhere

Beware there is no place holy on this earth
So don't fall for the illusion of safty
It fears you
And refuses to be seen

It walks as a white angel
The true darkness wheres white
Its a hate that grips the rich
It stains your heart with darkness
And it makes you feel like a saint

But it has you

They sleep with you
In your dreams
They make you feel safe
And hold a knife all the day long

It always stays

© 2008 Wild Thunder

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Added on October 4, 2008


Wild Thunder
Wild Thunder

Clovis, NM

Hi, my name is Jeremiah and I am a writer... a very bad writer in my opinion but a writer no less. more..

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