Masquerade Ball Book 2

Masquerade Ball Book 2

A Chapter by there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

also published on


Masquerade Ball

Book 2

Maddy’s Version

Maddy couldn’t wait till the end of the day because it was a weekend and on Monday night it was the year 10 formal themed masquerade ball.

Your date had to find you by midnight.

Maddy already knew who she was going to ask since he hasn’t asked her first.

Maddy wanted to ask Nate.

“As soon as the bell goes I’m going to ask Nate” Maddy told melody.

Melody was one of Maddy’s best friends.

“well I over heard Andie and Alyssa say Perri was going to ask Nate, so you better ask him before she dose” Melody said

“Like Nate would say yes” Maddy said

Melody and Maddy let out a little chuckle.

The bell finally went for the end of the day

Maddy and melody meet Fly at the lockers

“Meet me at the corner I have to go ask Nate to the ball” Maddy said.

Maddy put her books in her locker and waked to the outside gates of the school.

Maddy saw Nate so she started to walk up to him but Perri got there first.

Maddy stoped walking and just watched, Perri wasn’t there for long so she couldn’t have just came straight out and asked him.

Nate was heading in Maddy’s direction so she walked up to him.

When Maddy approached him Nate kinda jumped because she was pretty fast getting there.

“Hey Nate” Maddy said

“Hey Madz” Nate replied

“So you know that ball…” Maddy said

“Yea” he replied


“I was just wondering if anyone has asked you yet” Maddy asked

“Nope not yet” Nate replied

“Well I was wondering since you and I are friends we could go as friends” Maddy told Nate

“Seems like a good idea but can I get back to ya on that” Nate said

“The dance is Monday night” Maddy said

“I’ll call ya tonight or tomorrow morning”


“Cool cya later”

Nate walked off.

Maddy sighed and walked off and meet Melody and Fly at the corner just at the other end of the school

“So did he say yes?” Melody asked

“He said he would call me tonight” Maddy said

“That doesn’t sound good” Fly said

“Its going to be fine he said it sounds like a good idea but he will get back to me by tonight or tomorrow morning” Maddy said

“Okay I’m confused how did you ask him?” Fly replied

“I just said look you and I should go as friends and he said sounds good I’ll get back to ya, not that big if a deal Fly” Maddy told fly

“Okay so what if he say’s no” Fly asked

“Well I have already got a back-up date” Maddy said she continued “I’ll see you guys tomorrow or Sunday”

“Hey are you running tonight?” Fly asked

“Yea along Bondi” Maddy said “are you surfing tonight?”

“Nah tomorrow” Fly replied

Melody doesn’t do those sorts of sport that involve running or swimming her dose dancing Saturday, Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoon.

They walked off and went home Maddy got changed into her bathers, she went through her wardrobe to find her Purple and black board shorts that say RUSTY across them they were her favourite board shorts. She walked around to Bondi and meet one of her friends Alyson at the end of the beach.


Alyson goes to a Private Co-ed school Maddy goes to a public co-ed school.

There couch came to train them, training normally went for a couple of hours, but today it went for only one hour since there couch had a wedding to go to.

Maddy loved running she was the fastest in her age group.

After training Maddy walked home and upstairs and collapsed on her bed.

Maddy reached for her T.V Remote and turned it on channel GO! Maddy’s Favourite show was on it was an old one but was remade into a move it was GET SMART the T.V series and on right after that was Bewitched and I  Dream Of Jeanie.

Maddy love those old comedy shows.

Maddy got a phone call from Nate

“Hello” Maddy said not knowing who it is

“Maddy, Its Nate” he said

Maddy was existed “Oh hey Nate”

“Look about the ball…” Nate said

“Yea” Maddy said smiling

“Look some one has already asked me and I said yes then and she kind asked me before you did and I said I’d go with her” Nate said

“Oh well maybe next time” Maddy said

“Yea defiantly Cya” Nate replied

“Cya” Maddy said

Maddy hung the phone up and collapsed into her bed.

The Next day Maddy put her bathers on again and went to the beach early it was about 8.30am she was meeting Fly there after her Surfing Training.

Maddy arrived at the end of the beach were they normally meet she sat down and waited for fly’s training session to end.

Fly came into the shallow waters and ran up to her couch and he ended the session early she ran over to Maddy.

“Hey Maddy” Fly said

“Hey Fly” Maddy Replied

“Did Nate call yet?” Fly asked

“Yea” Maddy said

“I’d say it didn’t go good from your tone of voice” Fly said


“I guess Perri asked him first” Maddy said looking out into the water were Perri was surfing.

“Who cares about Perri, who are you going to ask know” Fly said

“I have already asked matt and he said he would go with me” Maddy told Fly as they were walking down the beach.

“Cool Matt Fitzpatrick or Matt Wolf?” Fly asked

“Matt Fitzpatrick of corse” Maddy said

Maddy and fly sat down on the sand looking out to the water.

Monday Morning was boring there was not much to do but all Maddy could talk about was the masquerade ball that was all the any of the year 10’s could talk about.

Once the bell rang for the end of the school day all the year 10’s ran out as fast as they could to get home of corse Maddy was the first one out the gate and already across the road.

Later that night Maddy was picked up by Fly’s mum.

They arrived right on time 7.30pm.

Maddy, Melody and Fly spread out around the gym.

It was 9.30pm and Matt still hasn’t found Maddy.

It wasn’t long till midnight.

Finally it was the last dance of the night Maddy really wanted this to be Matt

“AND REMOVE YOUR MASK……NOW!” the teacher said from up on the stage.


“Matt, you found me by Midnight” Maddy said


© 2010 there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

Author's Note

there is no more from me on this account :( sorry
Ignore grammar and spelling errors, Book 2 of 4, also published on

My Review

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this verrsion is grate
i like how you added charaicters and took some out
grate job

Posted 14 Years Ago

This was also interesting enough to read, but you could use a little bit more description on the characters and also on the scenery.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on January 31, 2010
Last Updated on January 31, 2010


there is no more from me on this account :( sorry
there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

Okay so i am really sorry but i am going to create a new account i will leave my poems on here but my new things will be posted on my new account bye (from this account) more..
