Masquerade Ball Book 1

Masquerade Ball Book 1

A Chapter by there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

book 1 of 4


Masquerade Ball

The bell rang for the end of the day finally a weekend Perri and her friends Alyssa, Hillary and Andie were really existed because they were invited to a masquerade ball.

The rules were that you invite a date and they have to find you before midnight.

Perri already knew who she wanted to invite but she knew that her rival Madison also liked him and she was also invited as it was the year 10’s Formal theme.

Perri walked up to Nate and said “hey Nate”

 she said he replied “oh hey Perri”

 “Hey could you meet me at the beach in half an hour I need to talk to you” Perri said

 Nate replied “yea sure what beach”

“Bondi obviously it’s the closes beach to booth of our homes” Perri told Nate,

He replied “cool I’ll see you there Perri”

“Latter” she said she walked home and put her bathers on and got her surfboard out of the Garage and walked across the road to Bondi Beach and had a quick surf before Nate came Perri was the youngest surfer in her group and one of the best she has been surfing for 5 years and has been in 4 competition and one them all.

Perri didn’t know Nate was already there he was watching her surf she only just realized as she came into the shallow end of the beach she picked her board up and walked over to Nate.

“I knew you surfed but I didn’t know you were that good” Nate said walking up to Perri,

 she turned around surprised “You saw me”

“yea I came a bit early” he said he continued “so what did you want to talk to me about”

 “let’s take a walk” Perri said.

Perri and Nate took a walk down the edge of the beach where the water would come up to them and hit them in the ankles

“I Was Wondering if anyone had asked you to the masquerade ball” Perri said

 “no not yet” Nate said

Perri replied “so Maddy hasn’t asked you yet?”

“Nah not yet” Nate said

Perri replied “well I was kind of nerves to ask you this at school but would you like to go to the masquerade ball with me”

“Yea sure I’d love to” Nate replied,

“cool I’ll see you there” Perri said Nate smiled and walked off.

Perri was so happy that he agreed to go to the masquerade ball with her she ran back home to call up to Hillary to tell her he said yes

“Hello Hillary Waldorf speaking” Hillary said

“Hill Its Perri”

“Oh hey Perri” Hillary replied

 “Guess what” Perri said

Hillary replied “Nate said he would go to the masquerade ball with me”

“No way, that’s awesome, tell me everything” Hillary told Perri,

Perri replied “Well when the bell rang for the end of the day when you guys left I saw Nate and asked him to meet me at Bondi half an hour after he got home.”

Hillary interrupted Perri “Obviously you went early to catch a wave.”

“Yea. And he saw me surfing and he said ‘I knew you were good but I didn’t know you were that good’ and I said lest take walk, and I think you know how the rest went” Perri said


Hillary replied “hmm let me think about it you walked down the beach and you asked and he said ‘yea I’d like to go with you’ did I get it right”

“Basically I’ll Talk to you tomorrow okay” Perri said Hillary replied

“yea sure” Perri hung up the phone.

Perri wanted to catch a fue waves before dinner so already being in hear bathers she got her surf board and went across to Bondi, Perri wasn’t the only girl surfer from Perri’s school maddy’s best friend Fiona or Fly as they call her has been 2 years longer than Perri and has won all 7 competitions but Fly and Perri are in different Levels of the surfing classes so they never Vs. Each other in professional competitions.

Perri didn’t care if she won or lost she just loved surfing yes Perri has won all the competitions she has been in but she really doesn’t care. Perri was looking forward to her Formal since it was Masquerade themed.

The Next morning Perri, Hillary Alyssa and Andie went to the main dress shop too look for a dress for the masquerade ball Perri found an amazing Sea Blue dress and a baby blue mask all together it was $600.00 Perri’s Limit was $700.00 so she bought it.

The dance was on Monday after school at 8.00pm in the gym but the girls had to come at 7.30pm before the boys since it was a masquerade dance they had to spread out and the boys would have to find there date by midnight Perri was looking forward to this dance but really wanted Nate to find her by midnight.

The next day the dance was the only thing on the year 10s mind they were all existed but the day felt like ages and to top it off the weather was boiling so Perri already knew that as soon as she got home she would go for a surf, but by 5.00pm the weather should be a bit cooler.

Finally the bell rang Petri put her books in her locker and walked home she went up to her room and put on her bathers grabbed her surfboard out of the garage and headed to the beach for a quick surf. When her board hit the shallow end she got her phone out of her bag and looked at the time 6.30pm

“I better get going”

 Perri walked back up to her house and put her surfboard up on her stand and got ready.

Hillarys mum picked them up and drove them to the school, when they arrived it was about 7.30pm just in time her and her friends spread out amongst the gym and the boys came in,

“hello year 10s welcome to the masquerade ball boys find a dance partner cause after this dance you will ask them if their your date. If you get it write congratulations if not you go to find a new dance partner. Good luck”

Perri knew who chose her it was Kieran Jacobs Nate’s friend, Kieran was an amazing dancer and by the end of that dance


Kieran asked her “is this melody Jenkins”

 Perri tried to disguise her voice as best she could “No but good luck finding her by midnight”

“Thanks Perri” Kieran said

“how did you know" she asked

 “you’re not good at disguising your voice it gives you away” he told her
Perri replied “don’t tell Nate”

“I won’t” he said.

He moved off to the next girl and Perri couldn’t tell who she was dancing with but she didn’t mind, Perri tried disguising her voice better and said “may I ask you your name?”

 “Michael” he said Michael there were three Michaels and Perri was friends with all three so she didn’t exactly know which one, the song finished

he asked “Is This Alyson Summers” Perri knew which Michael it was know it was Michael Allen

“no sorry but good luck finding her”

Michael moved on.

Perri looked at her watch before someone came it was 9.30pm she wanted this next one to be Nate other wise she was going to look for Kieran to tell him to show him where she will be standing then someone came I knew who it was it was Anthony Melton “so are you Hillary Waldorf?” he asked


Perri replied “No but I am a friend of Hillary waldorf’s”

 “Perri” he replied

Perri nodded then she asked “do you know where Nate is?” “Nope” he said he continued “Do you know where Hillary is?”


 “Down over there in the corner with Adrian Harley.” Perri said

“thanks if I see Nate I’ll tell him where you are.” He said. The music stoped and we changed partners again.

10pm and still no Nate for Perri she thought this next guy looked a bit like him so she danced with him and at the end of the dance he asked “is this Jessica Hopskin” it was Luke Bandit

“no sorry good luck finding Jess” Luke walked off and I just wanted to leave it was 10.35pm and no Nate.

Then Nate came but Perri didn’t know they danced till the end of the song and Nate took off his mask as it was midnight and a big smile came on Perris face as she took off her mask. Perri hugged Nate and Nate gave her a kiss on the check.


© 2010 there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

Author's Note

there is no more from me on this account :( sorry
also published on

My Review

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wow this is awesome
its grate the way you have
Mentioned on of the big landmarks
In New South Wales Bondi Beach
I Would love to go to australia one day
grate job :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

This was interesting enough to read.
It's cool you have a booksie account. I do too :)
Well, it was good to read this.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Okay, I had an entire review typed up for this, and then I accidentally clicked off the page and lost it, so now I'm not going to bother saying all of that crap again. I'll just give you the short version.

Your dialogue stinks, and your sentence structure runs on and is in very desperate need of introduction to the wonderful world of commas. You introduce too many characters without giving the readers any possible reason to give a s**t about them (or even telling us who they are beyond a name), you don't set up the setting at all, and the whole thing is over way too fast, which I should probably be thankful for.

The fact that your fifteen might have earned you some leniency, but if you're publishing this other places, then you've written enough to know how to write properly. This, I don't know what this is, but it's sure as hell not properly. Back to the drawing board; it's a good idea, but it's buried under so much bullshit it hurts to read.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on January 31, 2010
Last Updated on January 31, 2010


there is no more from me on this account :( sorry
there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

Okay so i am really sorry but i am going to create a new account i will leave my poems on here but my new things will be posted on my new account bye (from this account) more..
