Too much stuff to be mad about
The media, politics, technology, school
Sometimes I can’t believe I haven’t hurt anyone yet
By beating them to death
And I wouldn’t stop
I won’t even care if I have to beat them up
With my bare hands
I want my hands red
And I’ll smile when they caught me
But out of all those things only one thing really bothers me and never stops…
The media is so messed up
How its run is the opposite of what people want
The good shows die
While the bad ones get many other chances for life
Leading to bad programming
What they put in is worse
The tabloids think we need them
They think we worship the cover of whatever magazine
Would have the picture they’ve taken on it
Too many updates of a person who need time for themselves
A once happy blonde was now a crazy helpless person,
A mindless blonde thinks she can help and change,
An already screwed redhead had tried too hard to party
Why do we need to know everything?
I don’t care
So I try hard, VERY hard to ignore them
And on the bad shows that last long…
The people who still like them don’t know
It’s the same thing over and over
And over
It almost makes me feel better that they
Canceled the good shows before they went downhill
Some people might enjoy whatever the magic box of wonders
Shows and tells them of some tiring story
And that’s ok
But no matter how hard I hold back I always feel that I want to hunt down and
hurt the person responsible
Though my hands are still clean so far