![]() Side Chinabi: Chapter II - How can I help him?A Chapter by White12ose
"Yuuki... I'm sorry..." Chinabi apologizes to him in her sleep. Her conscience made her feel guilty which made her feel like this. "Big Sister... Big Sister!!"
"Huh!?" She wakes up and sits upright on her bed. She takes a moment to catch her breath and looks around. She sweeps the room from right to left and misses her little sister who was in front of her. When she realizes that her little sister, Chifuni, was in the room, she snaps back to her face. "Good morning Big Sister." "Good morning Chifuni. Hey, what are you doing in my room?" "It's morning. I was calling you from downstairs and you didn't respond back. So I went up and wake you up myself." "I see... Wait! Yuuki! Are you there!?" Chinabi panics. "Whose Yuuki, Big Sister?" Chinabi, realizing that she's back in her body, chuckles and quickly avoids the question. "Ah! It's nothing Chifuni. Maybe that dream from last night did something to me." Chifuni scoots closer to her sister, places her hand on Chinabi's forehead and places her other hand on her own forehead and checks if the two temperatures were of an equilibrium. "Yosh! It looks like you don't have a cold Big Sister! I would worry if those dreams were making feel ill." She hops off her bed and said, "Breakfast is ready, so get dressed and come downstairs." "Y-yeah." Her sister leaves the room. Chinabi stares at her own hands as they tremble slightly. "I see... Yuuki must've woken up and returned back to his body..." She still couldn't believe that she was back in her body and was sadden that Yuuki wasn't with her anymore. She then remembers what happened last night between him and her mom. "I told you to never come into contact with a boy! Didn't I tell you not to meet with one!?" "...I didn't know..." (Author's Note: An italicize and bold word together means that there is a flashback and the once italicize word, noting that one is talk themselves, has to be emphasized not due to importance, but it's to notify the reader that the person is talking to themselves prior to the current time.) Tears started to form and her conscience remembers that she got her new friend hurt, causing her to breakdown and bury her face into her blanket. "I'm so sorry Yuuki!" Letting out the torment in her conscience to find some relief, she sits up once again and brushes the tears away. "It's better this way." It's not better this way. The girls says that it's better this way, but her own emotions says otherwise. *** The melancholic Chinabi walks to school. In her school bag, she takes one of the packaged lunches and a slice of cake, Yuuki made for her family last night. Her mind was filled with him as she made her way to school. She reaches the main school gate and sighs, finally deciding to forget about himーーthat was until she heard muttering in her head. "Chinabi..." The familiar male voice in her head causes her to bring herself to tears. She covers her mouth, but behind those hands was a smile. She wipes her tears and smiles as she enters school. "Good morning Yuuki!" She greets the sleeping boy to a new day. The hazel-haired girl enters a classroom and sits where Yuuki sat yesterday. She sets her bag down onto the hook and soon encounters classmates who were intrigued by a exciting movements from yesterday's obstacle course. "Hey hey! Chinabi, where did you learn how to move like that, yesterday?" "Um... Yuuki! Please wake up!" "Hm?" "Crap... Yuuki, I beg of you! Please wake up!! Um, I saw one of my friends do this and I thought it was interesting to learn something like that." "I see." As soon as Chinabi gave her answer, the bell rang, signaling everyone that it's homeroom. "Good morning..." She hears the boy mumble and yawn. "Oh Yuuki." "Good morning Chinabi..." "Hey hey, Yuuki, we switched places." "Huh?" "Yeah! Look!" "Oh... Time to go back to sleep..." "Wait! Yuuki!..." "Zzzzzzz" "...Meanie..." She hears him go back to sleep and she sighs in disappointment, but even after the brief conversation with him, she was satisfied with just knowing that his presence was known. She's smiles at the fact that her new friend was still with her. Over the course of time, however; she begins to hear him sleep talk about his rejection. "It's my fault... It's my fault... That I.... Ruined our friend...ship... I'm.... Sorry...." After talking in his sleep, Yuuki begins to cry softly. Yuuki... Does it hurt... Being rejected by the one you love.... I'm don't know how it feels to love someone or to be loved by someone else... But whatever you're feeling, must be painful... Staring at the blackboard with events from Japanese history, Chinabi hears Yuuki wake up from his terrible experience. "Did you sleep well?" "N- yeah, I did. I slept fine. Sorry for getting up late. Did anything happen?" "Nothing special like how my classmates me about learning those exaggerated moves you used yesterday." "I'm sorry about that, but despite that, even though your body first experienced how to free-run, it manages to absorb the shock pretty well." "Are sure? Because I don't remember my legs being sore and my hands being sprained." "I'm deeply sorry about that. Tonight, before you take a bath, drink a glass of water, then soak in your bath and try to relax, then before you sleep, stretch and massage them, okay?" "You really know your things when it comes to relieve body pain." "It's comes with the experience of horrible aching pain when you wake up." "Pfft! You sound old." "What do you want me to do about it? I've done something I wanted to do for fun. It's important to know how to take care of your body when doing something like this, because if you end up injuring yourself horribly, then you might end up putting down the thing you once loved doing before." "You got a point there. It's quite amazing to have someone like you around them." "A lot of people take that for granted though... I don't blame them though so it's fine. So what's happening in class?" "History." "Going back to sleep." "No wait Yuuki! Don't sleep please!" "Why not!? I hate history! It's boring..." "I know it's boring, but I'm getting bored here as well. Please stay awake and talk with me until class ends. Please!!!" "... Ahh, fine then." "Thank you so much!!" During her talk with Yuuki, they got to know each other more. It was more on the social side of things, but not on the more personal side of things. Chinabi was interested in his personal life because of things she seen him do when he's in her body. She wanted to know why he started to learn free-running, or why he started baking, or why he even knows how to cook like a gourmet chef. She wanted to know those skills and abilities from him, but the one thing she wanted to know the most was his love life. Just by listening to him sleep talk, she knew that area of him was treacherous grounds to her no matter what. The bell rings again, signaling everyone that it's recess. The teacher left first and then the students got up from their seats and left to meet their friends. Chinabi sighs after one boring class of history and looks at her bag. She remembers the cake Yuuki made and wanted to try it. "Yuuki..." "Yes?" "Is there a reason why you started baking and cooking?" "Hm... Interesting question. Why did I start cooking and baking? I started cooking ever since I was a kid. My mom has always been away at work and she works in the city. The travel distance is huge between our beachside house from her workplace. My mom always left me money for food, but I eating out was kinda lonely when you have no one to enjoy it, so; with the money my mom left me, I used it to buy groceries and begin to learn how to cook. Everyday, I make dinner for my mom and since I knew that she would be worn out after work, I cook food that were easy to make and tastes delicious at the same time. This also followed up on why I also bake. Every Friday, I bake some kind of confectionary for her. Baking was fun for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it." "Judging on what you can do and seeing it first hand, you would make a perfect husband. Perfect enough to put any wife to shame with those skills." "Haha! That's correct in every aspect possible, but I only did this for my mother." "You're a nice son. If my mother just knew how you actually are, you wouldn't gotten slapped by her..... Hey!" "Save it!" "What? You didn't let me finish!" "You wanted me to talk to your mom about me if I'm back in your body, right?" "...Yeah...But!-" "No buts! Just leave it at that. It's fine. I'm not really close to you, so I understand." "No, it's not that!-" "Trust me Chinabi, it's better this way." Chinabi wanted to correct him, but she knew it was going to be a futile attempt, so she left it as is. "Chinabi... Did I say anything weird in my sleep?" "No, you slept quite soundly. What's wrong?" "Ugh... It's nothing. I just feel... tired and... ....I'm still tired I guess." I can't let her know that I'm mentally unstable. I need to play.... I need it badly... Chinabi can hear his own thoughts clear as day. She already noticed the tone in his voice was more listless. The tiredness in his voice already gave away the fact that he was unstable in some way, but was finally revealed that he was mentally unstable at the moment. "I see... Then why don't you sleep again. You really seem restless." "But-" "No buts! Go to sleep mister. I will wake you up if I need your help." "Thank you... I'm sorry for not being of help at the moment." "It's okay. Sleep well." She hears the boy go to sleep and within a couple of seconds, the boy fell asleep. The bell rings again, signaling that everyone that it's the next class. Chinabi's second class was suppose to be science, but the teacher wasn't in today so it was a self study class for today. She stares out the window in boredom and thought about Yuuki's problem. How can I help him? He's trying his best to do distract himself, but ever since Mom told him not to play the violin anymore, I don't know how long he can last before his pent up emotions will get to him. Thinking of a way to help the heart-broken boy, she begins to hear him toss and turn, in pain. "It's my fault.... I'm sorry... hic." I can't let him suffer like this. I'm here with him and I can't do anything about it... I need to help him! If I don't... What makes me any different from the girl who broke his heart? ... I know! Chinabi gets up from her chair and steps outside the classroom. She walks down the hallway to reach the music room. I'm pretty sure music is all he needs to calm himself down. She rushes quickly to music room. As she gets closer to the music room, she hears someone play the piano. Perfect. She slides the door open and peeks inside. Inside the music room, in the back corner near the window, was the grand piano, a Steinsway & Son. Someone was playing with the piano and to her surprise, it wasn't a student who was playing. It was a her teacher. It was her gym teacher who was playing it. From Chinabi's eyes she looked beautiful and not as a gym teacher. She plays with elegance as her straight purple hair flows in the air. Her sharp green eyes held a sense of happiness and freedom as she played. When she finished, Chinabi applauded for her performance. "Chinabi!? What are you doing here?" Her embarrassed expression made her look cute and adorable. Even though she seems to be that cool and mean teacher, she still has the aspects of a young woman. "My class became a a study hall." "O-oh, I see. Were you attracted by the music?" "Yeah, I was. I needed something to relax my mind." "Hehe, you remind me of my nephew. He always needed to listen to music, so I taught him how to play the piano." "That's nice to hear. Can you tell me why are you here playing the piano?" She looks down at the ivory keys in front of her and her eyes became melancholic. Chinabi can see the sorrow in her once sharp and charming eyes. "Well, my nephew got into an accident just recently. I wanted to vent out these feelings of being useless right now, but I felt like there is one way on how I can help him and that's by coming up with a new song for him to listen to. Whether it's to help him relax or sleep. Did you know? Even if someone is in a coma or asleep, they can still hear what happens outside." "Wow, I didn't know that. Can I hear the song?" Her gym teacher smiles at her request and plays the song for her. As she listens to the song, she hears Yuuki say something that made her smile. "Mmm~ That's nice sounding...." She was right about Yuuki needing to hear music to calm himself down. After the song was played, the school bell rang for lunch. "You should go and eat lunch." "Yeah, thank you for letting me listen to the new song. I hope your nephew gets well soon." "Yeah me too.... Well, see you tomorrow in class." "Yeah!" After exchanging goodbyes, they left the room and went to their respective destinations. Back in class, Chinabi sits back in her seat and hears Yuuki wake up again. "Will this be the last time you will fall asleep?" "Probably. I think I'm too rested to sleep right now." "So what are you going to doing if I go to bed and we switch?" "I don't know. Maybe bake more cakes?" "We didn't even finish the first one yet, and you want to make more?" "Why not? Sweets are a good thing!" "Yes they are but they are bad for your teeth, so no cakes yet." "Boo... Then what can I do?" "That's your fault for sleeping too much." "Fwehh!~ I'm sorry Chinabi!!!" "Hmph! By the way, Yuuki, thanks for making lunch for my family and I." "Oh, you're welcome. I hope you enjoy the food and cake." "I will!" She unties the handkerchief that was holding her lunch together. She takes off the lid and was presented by lunch made by Yuuki. "You did microwave it right?" "Of course." "Okay making sure." "It's time to eat!" Just before she was about to eat, some girls came up, wanting to eat with her. She accepts them with open arms and they move the neighboring desk together, creating a desk of islands. "Chinabi, your lunch looks incredible!" "Really? It seems kinda normal though." Chinabi says its normal, but actually her lunch was decorated nicely. Some of the rice was shaped into pandas and rabbits. Apples were shaped into rabbits. The hotdogs were cut into octopus, crab, and a flower. There were strawberries cut into quarters and is piled with some blueberries. "It doesn't seem normal?..." Her tone became sadden as she assumes that her lunch seemed out of the ordinary. "No it's not that! It's seem like you...." "You had a lot of time to cook!" One of the other girls interjected. "Right!" "Oh... I see." Chinabi begins to eat her lunch and with each bite was a smile. "Yuuki, your cooking is so good!!" "Thanks for the compliment." "Hey Chinabi?" "Hm?~" (←Eating and is not paying attention.) "Did you cook and make your lunch?" "No~ So good!~ (←Still eating.) "Who made it?" "A friend of mine. He's a good cook and baker.~" "Chinabi, you messed up!" "Kya!!! Chinabi's got a boyfriend!!!" "Huh?! What happened? Did something happened? Did I say something wrong?" "Chinabi, who's your boyfriend?" "Boyfriend??? What are you talking about? I don't have one." "But you said he cooked your lunch." "Yeah, he cooked my lunch, but he's still a friend to me. We don't have that kind of relationship." "I see... Does he live near by?" "... He's in the hospital at the moment..." "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know." "It's okay." Chinabi finishes her lunch and takes out the cake Yuuki made last night. "Did he make that as well?" "Yup!" Chinabi takes a piece of it and squeals delightfully. *** During the last class of day, Yuuki was helping out Chinabi with her school work. She finishes her homework with ease thanks to his help. The teacher leaves the room for some important matters and leaves the students in the class. The students get together with their friends and have a friendly chat. They talked about some plans after school, like going out to eat, going shopping, or even karaoke. Some of the girls asked if Chinabi wanted to come along, but she already planned out her plans already, without Yuuki's consent that is. After school, she returns straight back home. Entering her abode, she heavy a heavy sigh at the entrance and dreaded on today's efforts in class. "I'm home." "Welcome home Big Sister." After heaving her sigh, she looks up and sees her sister in a white kitchen apron covering her house clothes which was a yellow sweater and blue shorts. "..." "How was school?" "Fine, I suppose." "I slept in class!" "I see. Well, I'm making curry for tonight's dinner." "Wow, what's the special occasion?" "Nothing really, I just wanted to eat curry for tonight." "Haha...." Chinabi smiles with a wry smile. "Oh sister, I've been wondering... Are you really going to return that violin back to your friend?" Chinabi was awestruck at such a question. She turns around and said, "Yeah, I will head out after changing in more casual clothes." "But Big Sister... You seem really attached to your friend's violin. You played as if you were expressing your feelings. I don't want you to return it back to your friend yet... I want to listen to it more. I want to see you play it more. I... don't want to see my Big Sister being sad anymore..." Chifuni's last words struck her. Chinabi knew her little sister was referring to Yuuki, but hearing her little sister's observations on Yuuki, she knew that this was one way to help him if he needed it. "But... Mom..." "Then hide it from her. She doesn't need to know about the violin. Just hide it from her and use it when you need to vent out those feelings again. Big Sister, were you playing your friend's violin because you were sad that he was in the hospital?" Chinabi knew the true correct answer to that, but knowing that he was in the hospital was also partially the truth. "Chifuni, can you hide the violin for me then?" Her little sister smiles, salutes, and promises her to hide the violin away from their mother. "I'm heading out!" Chinabi said. "Where you going now?" She leaves the door ajar and said, "I'm going to visit him in the hospital. I will be back by dinner. Tell mom I just went to return the violin back, okay?" Chinabi winks at her sister and she winks back with a smile. Chinabi leaves her home and rushes down to the hospital where Yuuki's body is being taken care of. "Jeez Big Sister, you let me do a lot of things when it's my turn to cook. But if it's to protect your smile then I will bear with it for a while." Chifuni goes back cooking the curry, but was interrupted by a male voice she heard in her head. "Thank you Chifuni." She turns around took look for the person who said that to her, but couldn't find him. *** She arrives at the hospital and ends up in the entrance. She walks over to the reception desk and talks with one of the employees. The lady who was at the desk was a lady in her late thirties. She kept her short dark blue hair flow in the air freely. On top of her head, she wore the traditional white nurse cap and uniform. Her blue eyes go over the papers on her desk and rearranges them in their correct spots. "Excuse me?" The nurse looks up and sees Chinabi. She flashes a welcoming smile and addresses her right away. "Hello. Welcome! How can I help you today? Are you visiting someone? Or do you feel sick, yourself?" "No, I'm visiting a friend." "What's your friend's name?" "Yuuki Yoshida?" "Another one? He's a popular one in this hospital." "Excuse me? What do you mean by that?" "Since his first day here, he's been getting visitors left and right. They were mostly from his school, though... There was this one girl school from his school that visits him everyday." "A girl?" "A girl?" "Mmhm! She's a cute one at that. Long blonde hair with blue eyes. She has body frame and has a really cute voice as well. Ah! I just want to hug her as if she was my little sister!!" "Right..." "Chinabi she's scaring me." "Me two!" "Oh! Sorry for acting like that. Here you go! Here's a visitor pass and his room is the on the fourth floor, room 418." "Thank you!" She takes the pass and puts it around her neck and heads on up to Yuuki's room. She reaches the elevators and just before she was about to press one of the buttons to call for one. The elevator to her left opens up and unloads a group of students wearing the same uniform as Yuuki's school. "No luck today either." A girl with black hair and yellow eyes said as she sighs. "Lighten up, it's been the third day since the accident. These things take time. All can we do is wait and keep visiting." A boy with green hair and red eyes said assuringly. He pats the girl on the back to comfort her. "Yuuki, are those two your friends?" "No, they are most likely my classmates. I don't know the two but I can say with confidence that those two are in my classes." "I see." She hurried into the open elevator and presses the fourth floor button. "Are you okay Chinabi? Your heart is beating like crazy." "How can I not be okay? This is my first time meeting with you." "But we met two days ago." "I meant I'm meeting you in flesh and blood! I'm meeting your body for the first time!! I never get the chance to talk with boys my age so I don't know how to react to them." "It's fine though. You're talking to a boy right now and you're doing fine. It won't make a difference if you meet my body. I can't hurt you and even if I can move, I don't want to hurt a friend." His kind words made her heart skip a beat. She stays quiet throughout the whole trip to the fourth floor. Reaching the fourth floor, she steps off and heads down the hall looking for room 418. "Ah. Here it is." She takes the handle and push the door inwards. The room was filled with twilight and the air was cold due to the absurd temperature they use for hospital rooms. She steps inside and the first thing she sees is another girl from Yuuki's school. She is shorter than Chinabi and was born with long blond hair with blue eyes. Beside her looked like a violin case and she was holding a white paper box which are normally seen to be used for cakes. "O-oh, sorry for the intrusion." Chinabi says sheepishly. The girl in front of her shakes her head and said, "It's okay. Please have a seat." "T-thank you..." She sits on the chair next to the bed. She looks over and sees a boy with short black hair. "Hello Yuuki... I'm Chinabi Natsume. It's nice to meet you." "Hello Chinabi Natsume. I'm Yuuki Yoshida. Glad to make your acquaintance." The two greeted each other as if they met for the first time. Even though she had a presence of a boy in the room and in her mind, she wasn't nervous nor shaking. Yuuki is the first boy she ever met and talked to. Even though the two have been talking to each other through a supernatural phenomenon only known to them, she doesn't feel the slightest sense of anxiety nor nervousness. "Um..." The girl from his school catches Chinabi's attention which forces her to look her way. "Sorry for asking, but I'm Rika Fuyumi. And you are?" "Oh! Sorry for the late introduction. I'm Chinabi Natsume. Um... Rika is it? Do you need something?" "Ah, no... I was just wondering... You're wearing that all-girl school uniform that's near-by, right? How did you come into contact with Yuuki?" "Oh, we've met online." "I see..." "Hm? What's wrong?" The girl named Rika was looking down at the floor with sadden and dishearten expression. "Um, Chinabi... Are you his girlfriend?" Chinabi stares back the girl who asked such a serious question, but she hardly felt the impact it normally packs. "No, why you ask?" Chinabi retorts casually. Rika smiles and heaves a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness! I assumed that you were his girlfriend. Fortunately, you're not. I still have chance then!" "I'm not interested.... I'm not interested......" "Um... Who are you to Yuuki?" "I'm the one he saved back then. If it weren't for him, then maybe I wouldn't be here. That's why, I want to be Yuuki's girlfriend!" "Rika, I think you should keep that to yourself. Did you know? People who are in a coma can hear what's around them." "Really!? Ah.... Is that so? I hope he didn't hear me.... I wanted to keep my feelings for him a secret...." "I'm not interested!......." "Yuuki calm down. I see... Well, I'm rooting for you!...." "Thanks!" "I'm not interested!!........ I'm not interested!!!....... I won't accept your feelings!!" "Yuuki!! Calm down!!! You need to calm down." All of a sudden, his vital signs monitor starts beeping uncontrollably. The two girls look at the monitor and see his that his blood pressure and his pulse were out of line from normal regulations. Chinabi can clearly tell what he really needs, but doesn't know where to find the solution. "Chinabi! You watch over him as I get a nurse!" She then remembers that Rika had a violin with her. "Wait Rika!" "What is it!?" "Play your violin, quickly!" "Huh?! You want a performance at a time like this!?" "No! Just play your violin! It's for Yuuki's sake! Trust me!" Rika was hesitant to comply with her wish. She gave it a thought and came to a decision to trust her. "Okay..." She rushes to her violin case and opens it. She takes the violin and now and nestles the violin in her neck. "I hope you know what you're doing." Chinabi only nods to her with a smile. Rika begins to play a song that Yuuki knows very well. Chinabi can hear Yuuki settle down and the numbers on the monitor begin to drop. Rika continues to play as the numbers begin to reach a safe level and the beeping stops. Things in the room have calmed down, but in Chinabi's mind.... She can hear a crying boy apologizing and chanting the words 'I'm sorry'. *** "Yuuki, everything's fine. There's no need to be scared anymore." "...." "Yuuki.... You staying quiet hurts me. Even though you said it's not my business and I shouldn't bother with it... I'm your friend now, doesn't that mean that I'm here for you if you need it?" "...I want to go back to my body..... I want my problems to only be my problems. I'm scared of showing that weak side of me. I lost my cool and... And!..." In her head, she knows that he's similar to her, in age and appearance, but right now, she can clearly see a small child crying out for help. "You know Yuuki? If we were to meet, you in your body and mine in my body, if we were to meet and see you like this... I would hug you until you finished crying, even if it meant staying with you for a day or two." She hears the boy stop crying for a bit to listen. "...hic..." "You're my friend Yuuki and friends are there for each other. You don't need to hide within yourself anymore, I'm here for you. As long as we stay together, you will be able to forget about the past and continue with the present and future." "...really?" "I'm sure of it!" With that said, Yuuki feels a bit better about having a reliable confidantーー,but on the inside, thinking that having someone there for you was more of a selfish thing, so it conflicted with his selflessness. The conflict between having someone there for you versus his own selflessness was one of the things he hated being in. He knows that he can obtain happiness if he was just a little bit selfish, but the thought of making that person unhappy dreads upon him. The thought of being selfish would bring unhappiness to others so he left it as he would be the one being there for others even if it granted him unhappiness. If his happiness brought the misfortune of others, then being unhappy was the best choice he can do for them, even if it meant living a life alone and painful. *** "I'm home!" Chinabi said. Chifuni, her little sister, was the only one who greeted her. "Welcome back! Mom will be home late. And dinners ready!" Chinabi smiles and walks into a fragrant kitchen, rich with curry. After dinner, the two sisters wash the dishes together. Both were enjoying their merrily time and enjoys the time they have together. As the two enjoyed their time, Yuuki felt left out since he was the only one who wasn't part of the family. He kept it to himself even if the pain in his chest became increasingly unbearable. In the bedroom, she was sitting in front of her mirror, drying her hair after her bath, but during the process, she begins to see a boy in the reflection. The boy in the mirror has short black hair and vibrant brown eyes. In the reflection, the boy seemed to be depressed about something. "Yuuki?" After calling out to him, the boy in the reflection reacted back to her call. "Hmm? What is it? Is something the matter?" "I think I can see you in the mirror... You're sitting up and holding your legs together, right?" "Yeah..." "Then Yuuki, whenever I want to see you, I can just look in the mirror!" Hearing this, Yuuki looks up and from his view, he can only see a Chinabi, a girl born with light brown hair and hazel eyes. "I see you too." He flashes a subtle smile and waves. She waves back and smiles at him. This was the small child she imagined, but seeing him now, she realizes that he was quite handsome, but the depressing aura around him, makes him seem like a small child crying for help. Looking at each other for the first, eye to eye, Chinabi raises her hand and reaches out to him. Yuuki does the same, but when he felt like he was about to touch her hand, he hesitated and pulls back. He averts his eyes away from her and stays quiet. Chinabi was only a couple of inches away from the surface of her mirror, but when she saw him pull back, this sudden action pained her for some reason. She pulls back way more slower than him and reacted nearly the same as him. She stands up and turns off her bedroom light. She walks over to bed and crawls in between the soft thick blanket and the linen sheets of her bed. She tosses and turns to find a comfortable spot before telling him goodnight. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Author's Note: Once a again, sorry if it's mostly dialogue. ;-; Please understand that the experience I want you guys, the readers, to have is to feel like your in their shoes. For example, if the chapter is about Chinabi, then I want you to be in Chinabi place. I want you to be the Chinabi! This way, the dialogue between Chinabi and Yuuki makes sense. The reason why I have Chinabi and Yuuki talk without showing any other actions is because she can't see what he is doing in her head, same thing with Yuuki, he can see what Chinabi's seeing, but doesn't see what she's doing. This book is mostly about being the character, not being along side them, but being them instead. Anyways thanks for reading chapter two! Third chapter will be in Yuuki's perspective. Side Yuuki: Chapter III - That was meant to be a joke? See you soon (^-^)/ © 2016 White12ose |
Added on September 10, 2016 Last Updated on September 10, 2016 Author