Writer's Block

Writer's Block

A Story by Whisty_x

Just a little fun piece of writing. Slight comedy.


Do you ever find yourself stuck in writers block…? 

I’m always stuck in writers block. 

That's it! I'm not going to sit in front of this computer screen any longer! I’m going to go for a walk, clear my head, get some inspiration and think up a whole story by the time I get back to the front door. 

Okay, I’m walking. I’m walking. I’m walking. There’s a dog. I’m walking. I’m stopping. I’m thinking…

I want to go and stroke the dog... No! I’m stuck in writers block. 

I need to think and walk. I need to walk and think. I’m walking again. I’m walking. I’m not thinking but I am walking. I’m now thinking about walking. I’m still not thinking. I’m now thinking about not thinking. I’m now thinking about trying to think and trying to walk whilst I think even though I am not actually thinking about anything else apart from trying to think whilst I am trying to walk. I'm walking. I'm walking. I'm thinking. I'm stopping.

I’m now thinking about how confusing that sentence was… 

Stop! I'm stuck in writer's block!

Okay, walking is not working. I'm just going to sit here on this bench and think. I'm thinking. I'm thinking. I'm thinking whilst sitting. I'm sitting whilst thinking. I'm not sure if I'm even thinking about anything other than sitting unless you count the thinking about me thinking whilst I am sitting. That's it! I'm pausing my thinking!...



I think I should just go back and stroke the dog. No! I’m still stuck in writers block!

Close your eyes. Erase everything from your mind. Just sit still and relax. Breathe in... 1... 2... 3... and out 1... 2... 3... 

Much better. Relax! Just breathe. Calm. 

Wait a minute. When is the appropriate time to open my eyes? If I open them now, it may be too soon and my body may not be completely relaxed. If I open them too late, my body may be too relaxed and won't want to work. Maybe I should open them now. No, now? Now? I'm getting the gut feeling this is too long. I should really open my eyes. If I could see myself, I would look like a crazy person. Then again I can't see myself because I have my eyes closed, and because it is impossible... and I'm pretty sure that's an example of crazy if you could see yourself acting crazy from an outer vessel. I like that word "Vessel". Sounds like something a snake would say! 

I should start thinking about getting a glass block that says “Writers” on the side with a block in the middle that says "Stuck"… 

© 2017 Whisty_x

Author's Note

Created whilst stuck in writer's block.
(And a slight representation of analysis paralysis)

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this is amazing lol it explains me on so many levels when i'm like that

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Haha! Thank you so much. I am really struggling with my next storyline and so I thought I would have.. read more

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1 Review
Added on April 20, 2017
Last Updated on July 18, 2017
Tags: Comedy, Writing, Story, Writers Block, Fun, Short writing, short story, block



Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Casual writer who mainly uses this platform to express my emotions with a hint of experimentation in writing. I tend to write stylised/absurdist scripts, however I am trying to branch out into oth.. more..

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A Stage Play by Whisty_x