![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by WhimsicalityNella The
loud, roaring engine of my old Chevy cut off with a groan of relief. Prudence
had done her job well over the past two years, lugging my siblings and myself
around town without so much as a protest. But she was slowly sputtering and
dying, which broke my heart more than I would willingly admit. Loud,
off pitched singing rang through my over tired ears, causing my omnipresent
migraine to worsen. My eyes squeezed shut in an attempt not to scream. Just calm yourself, Nella, take deep breaths. For
the past week, sleep had evaded me, leaving in its tracks terrifyingly real
nightmares of enslavement and death. Strange emotions, such as worry and
fright, flooded through me. What if these dreams were actually going to happen? They're just dreams; visions your mind produces to
scare you. But
the nagging feeling that these dreams were more than that wouldn't leave my
overloading mind. "Nella,"
Greer sang from Prudence's back seat, "Are you coming inside or what?
We're waiting on you." Prudence's back door swung open forcefully with a
protesting grain, emitting a scream out of Green when she observed her
attacker. My
insides froze like ice. Could this be my dream, finally coming true? In a
second, I was turned from a worried older sister into a motherly figure, the only one she'd had her entire life. A
reel of high-pitched giggles erupted from my sister's mouth. "Ash!"
She squealed as she was yanked from Prudence's side door. I was left with Emile
and Torin, looks of confusion on their identical faces, but not looks of
fright. This wasn't my dream; only a prank the idiotic boys I associated with thought would be funny. Funny. Oh, so funny. I turned, fuming, towards the gaunt blond boy who was throwing my little sister over his shoulder. A large, sickening smirk coated his face as his hands slipped far too low down her backside, in a way that no boy should ever touch Greer, the innocent child I'd looked after my entire life. I couldn't take it. I'd never liked Ash; his sarcastic sense of humor and pessimistic view of the world had always irritated me beyond words. But this was too much. "Ash O'Bri-" Behind me, a slam, a blatant, booming blast of sound came from Prudence's hood; a body, a large one at that, was laying on top of my lifeline. That was going too far. "Ezra!" I screamed at the windshield before throwing my door open and jumping onto shaking legs. The cold air was a shock to my already quivering body, causing my entire body to waver, my eyesight blacking out for a moment, and my legs to give out. I'd never felt so irritable in my, and these boys were not making anything easier. I'd never gotten to the point where my furious rage actually effected how my body functioned. But here I was, shaking and ready to vomit all over the school parking lot. "Get. Off. My. Car." I closed my eyes with a tense snap, hoping this nightmare would cease to exist. "Now." I hoped Ezra would be smart enough to slide himself off Prudence, without leaving any dents. I hoped he would apologize for nearly giving me a heart attack. But as I opened my eyes, seeing his disgusting, smirking face, I knew that would happen, giving me all the drive I need to rip Ezra Velt's head off. I launched myself at him, but barely an inch off the ground, strong arms encircled my waist, pulling me towards a warm body. I reveled in the heat, closing my eyes in a moment of pure ecstasy. The world suddenly didn't seem so horrid. Maybe, just maybe, I would get through the week without killing anyone. "Calm yourself, Nell," he whispered in my ear, his voice sounding more melodic than an orchestra itself. The deep undertones of this soft music in my ear could never be recreated to their full extent; it was far too complex and utterly amazing. "Deep breaths. Just think about tomorrow and the amazing present I have for you." Tomorrow was my 19th birthday. November 1st, the day after Halloween, possibly the worst holiday ever invented. "I'm trying, Ren; I'm really trying." I muttered, squeezing my eyes shut with such force I could push mountains with it. "But it's hard. You know my predicament." "Just think about my parents, and what they would think about you if you casually tore their son's head off without a second thought." This earned a small smile for his ungodly sense of humor and charming aura. "I don't think they'd like that very much." "No," I sighed, giggling on the inside, "Not at all." Ren still hadn't let me loose, and I hoped it was for another reason besides my murderous intentions. I'd been in love with Renier O'Brien since I was four years old. He was my best friend, helping me in ways no one else could. Ren was a social magnet, due to his charismatic nature, who preferred to let his actions speak for him. Although, at times he hides behind a quiet demeanor, Ren was intensely creative and forceful, always looking to get tasks done. He was a risk taker, but I was a risk he had yet to take. "I'm going to let you go, Nell." He chuckled in my ear. This wasn't the first time he'd dealt with something like this from me. "Only if you promise not to destroy my brother." I glanced over at Ash, who was leaning against Prudence's side door, chatting up my sister. A flare of fury shot through me, but I quickly patted it down. "Deal." I wasn't prepared for the emptiness I felt as Ren removed his arms. Cold air brushed my now exposed skin, mocking me. "Ash!" Ren began to make his way around Prudence to his brother, who now had similar facial qualities to a frightened cat. "Let's have a talk, bro." I couldn't help but smile as Ren encircled a flinching Ash, taking him to meet his doom. I felt eyes glued to me, and knew exactly who it was. Greer, great. Glancing at my sister, I knew she was angry, but not as furious as me. I slowly made my way to her side, leaning up against Prudence's cold frame. Then we began our favorite activity, people watching. "Why do you do this to me, Nell?" Greer asked quietly, searching for someone to point out. "I can take care of myself, you know. I've been doing it for years." "Jacket." I mumbled, pointing at Paige Cameron, "I know you can; it's just I don't know how to let you yet. I've taken care of you for so many years, and now I'm really lost at what to do." A gust of cold wind shot against us, almost knocking us over. "I really hate autumn." Greer mumbled, then pointed towards Sawyer Nicholson, "Giant pimple on his forehead." She took a deep breath, still staring idly out at the hoards of people coming into school. "Be proud of me, and yourself. Nella, you've done so much for me. I appreciate it, don't get me wrong, it's just-" She paused, closing her eyes for a moment, then grabbed my hand tightly. "I need you to be there for me, but only when I need it. I need you to-" "Wait, wait," I ripped my hand away from hers, taking a step away. "Are you trying to tell me you only want me to be around when it's convenient for you?" "No!" She looked shocked, "That's not what I'm saying at all!" "Well, that's sure what it sounds like, Greer." I couldn't look at her. How could she be so incredibly selfish? I'd practically raised her since she was a mere two years old, teaching her right from wrong, holding her hand when we crossed the street, tucking her in at night. I'd been the mother she'd never had. The mother I'd barely had. And now she wanted me to just stop? Just stop? As if it never happened? "Nell," Greer sighed from behind me, "Please, you know that's not what I meant." A warm hand was placed on my arm, soothing the heartache I seemed to be drowning in. "I just want you to be less hands on. If you have a problem with someone, tell me in private. Don't threaten to rip their head off in public, with everyone watching." "Ash isn't a good person, Greer. You know that." "I know that he is kind and sweet and funny. Those are the only things I've seen. But I don't see this bad person you're trying to mark him as. You don't know him like I do." Greer's voice became shriller with rage with each word passing through her lips. "And how well do you know him, exactly?" "More than you've ever known a person!" Her shout echoed through my ears. Everyone, every single living soul in the parking lot, turned to glance at us. I didn't see them. I didn't see anything except Ash, touching Greer in places no one ever should. I slowly turned to face her. The silence was painful; pins and needles were shooting into my body from every angle.. My breath came in small, shallow gasps as I met her eyes. Her eyes. My mother's eyes. A forest sat in front of me, in my sister's eyes. A forest so vast, so lush, I had to look away. "Did you-" I whispered, my breath catching, refusing to let me finish my sentence. I rolled my shoulders back, attempting to gain an aura of confidence. "Did you have sex with Ash?" I said, my voice stronger, more determined. My shock was echoed on my sister's face, almost a mirror image of my own. "I..." She trailed off, brows furrowing as she searched for the answer that would appall us both. "Yes." She whispered, barely a sound escaping her full, beautiful lips, lips that had been corrupted by Ash O'Brien. My sister had slept with Ash O'Brien. © 2012 Whimsicality |
Added on January 2, 2012 Last Updated on January 2, 2012 Author![]() WhimsicalityAboutWHIMSICAL -N 1. SPONTANEOUSLY FANCIFUL OR PLAYFUL 2. GIVEN TO WHIMS; CAPRICIOUS 3. QUAINT, UNUSUAL, OR FANTASTIC more..Writing