

A Chapter by Leah

  The warm, sunny summer day had come to an end with a cold, damp night. The streets of Fairgate were empty, aside from the usual drunks and beggars. The only lights were coming from the houses of those who were up late, the tavern, and the great Fairgate castle.
It is in Fairgate castle where our story begins on this cold, damp summer night. In the topmost tower of the castle a tall, beautiful, brown haired girl stood with her back turned to a similar looking boy. The boy was shouting at her.
"Turn around when I talk to you! I am the king!" He bellowed.
The girl's entire body shook before she turned gracefully on her heel. "Yes, Allen, I get it. You're the king. You have been for a week, father was king a week ago."
"Father isn't here!"
"No, he isn't, Allen! He's dead, isn't he? Gosh! All you care about is being king, don't you?" She roared. Her brother stared, shocked, before he replied.
"I miss father just as much as you do, sister."
"You don't act like it!" She cried. "You act like all you could ever care about is being king. It's not all that--"
"Not all that? You try it then! The princess has to do nothing but sit there--"
"'The princess has to do nothing'? Are you mad? I have to sit here and watch you ruin the kingdom!"
The brother and sister fell silent, knowing they had hurt each other's feelings.
"I'm going to bed..."
The princess walked down the stairs quickly and down a long hall to her room. She slammed the large double doors and locked them.
"Another fight with your brother, my princess?" A soft voice from the corner said thoughtfully.
"Alexander," She gasped. "you scared me."
Her butler stood in the corner, inspecting one of many swords hung upon the wall. "You and your brother used to be so close, as most twins are. Your father would be very displeased with the outbreak of all of this bickering between you two. Eighteen years of silence..."
"Allen is out of his mind. He's already given Hutson permission to tear down the old church. The church where--"
"It is tradition for the royal family to be married, I am aware, Hero." Alexander sighed. "Your brother is king now, however. He rules everything now, not you, not I."
"But it's unfair."
"What is unfair? That he is the ruler and you are not? Or his decisions?"
Hero stood behind the screen and changed out of her gown into pyjamas, holding back angry tears. "I wish to go to bed."
"Very well, very well. Be prepared for tomorrow, we have a big day ahead of us."
Alexander left the room and Hero walked to the corner where he had just been. The swords were shiny and extremely pointed. Hero wondered if they had been well used, but knew the answer automatically; they'd belonged to her father who had been deemed the Great Leader of Albia. Her father saved the land from his older brother who had nearly ruled the land into destruction and poverty, overthrowing him as king and taking his place, raising the kingdom to it's high place now.
She sighed and turned to her large bed. She wasn't quite tired but knew she'd better get to bed to be ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow would be her father's funeral and she would be expected to give a speech.
She thought about the odd story they told her of her father's death; he'd gone on an adventure, just one to explore the kingdom, and had gotten attacked and killed. But Hero knew better than that. She knew her father was a great warrior and was strong. She also knew that her father wouldn't just go exploring without inviting her or Allen. Somewhere deep inside, she had a feeling that the reason was so much bigger than an exploration--something was very wrong.

© 2011 Leah

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Added on June 9, 2011
Last Updated on June 9, 2011



United Kingdom

My name is Leah. I'm 18 years old and obviously, I'm a female. I love to write. My favorite writers are Lauren Oliver and J.K. Rowling. My favorite poet is Edgar Allen Poe. I like all types of writing.. more..

Hero Hero

A Book by Leah