World without money *PLEASE CRITIQUE*

World without money *PLEASE CRITIQUE*

A Story by WesleyAlexanderDavies

The result of a few weeks research all culminate into my addendum for world change. Its Contribution-ism. "very collectivist views from a budding west midlands writer/poet read, share, repeat" indepe


"Very collectivist views from a 

budding west midlands 

writer/poet read, share, repeat" 

Independant Webzine Writers Corner




Firstly i will say that this isnt a totally flawless theory however I'm yet to find a flaw that is tangible enough to rot the core structure.

My theory is based on alot research and is a mixture of different sources one being the resource based economy of Venus project. Which states that our world can run on renewable sources of energy.



Manual labour could be fully automated tomorrow however the technology is far from cost effective to business's however when technology then becomes older it will be a viable cost effective option for your employer, making everyones days of employement numbered and due for obsilition as of 5 years from now due to a recent down turn in shares surrounding metals and electronics.

"Craftsmans hands 

starving craftsman 


This is a reality. This is a fear we have to face as the politicians may one day turn to us very soon, shrug their shoulders and say "sorry there's nothing we can do" much like doctors to a sick patient.

When the slave trade was abolished it was replaced with something far more sinister, the act of minimum hourly pay (minimum wage). Instead of enslaving black people they started enslaving all people. Basically the money that would usually be used to feed and house the slave was given to the slave and was labelled wages and the slave was released into the world to fend for themselves however you must return every morning at 9am for minimum wage labour. Slowly though the cost of living has increased yet our wages have not. This would lead me to presume that our current society is actually worse than an enslaved one as the money were given doesnt feed us and plunges us deeper into another very sinister idea.....debt and that debt keeps our heads down as we slave ourselve out of what we know as debt but its really slavery through of which we have no escape from. More time we are in debt another sinister invention called interest will accumulate to further our decent into bankruptcy. As we skirt bankruptcy we take labour jobs and 60 hour working weeks to feed ourselves and families.

I propose to you a theory.......... that to me is full proof and would mean the obilition of the primitive "your 3 sheep for my 1 cow" capitolist power structure. Simplist example is that the doctor heals the illness of the farmers wife because the farmer makes the food to feed the doctor. The farmer supplies food as standard with help from his farmers hands (helpers) and when his house is on fire the firemen will extinguish it because by doing his job it provides him and his family with a wealth of goods and services usually subsidised by his country racked with debt or out of his already stretched pockets.


Food is freely available in supermarkets (freely as in free). There would be no rush to grab all the food you can as its freshly made that day by skilled butchers, chef's and bakers that love what they do and do it to contribute to a system that exploits no one.





There would be a job for everyone as at the moment business cant afford to keep on staff so they over work the few they can afford. In my idea an example would be if a supermarket needed 300 staff they would hire 1000 and each person would work roughly 5 hours a week. The workers benefit because they dont get run into the ground with back breaking labour and the company benefits because for thoughs five hours you do work they would be the most productive hours you could possibly get out of a worker. When you reduce hours people will have far more energy during those hours and illness, stress and sickness will drop substantially. Work will be referred to as contributions and a contributions cards would be assigned to everyone allowing you access to free fresh food, services and travel providing that their contributions card (once scanned) indicates that you are employed by one of the many service sectors in operation. Everyone has a purpose, no one is over worked, and everybody eats.




Everyone wants to be a doctor or astronaut or nuclear physicist but if you dont have the knowledge go to university while you contribute, if what your working for is not your calling then branch your mind elsewhere. Everyone contributes a small amount of labour until labour is completely automated. Then jobs like doctor, scientist, architect arent considered careers they will be what you do because you love doing them. Man is driven by passion, not money, money forces people to bend at its will.




If stacking shelf isnt for you and you believe more is to be made of life then go to university and contribute on the side. Education is a fundimental backbone of society and scholars are respected and will be at the heart of man kinds development. Technology will slowly start erasing out the labour we are all accoustom to and we will be a race of professionals and entertainers.

Without deadlines and budgets you will bare witness to the finest television, films, music and technology you have ever seen or heard in your life and advertisements will be advertising new technologies that change your life not just wants advertised as needs. Technology will have made life far more worth while than we could have ever imagined. We are allowed to do what we were made for, individually.

What do you wanna be when you 

grow up? 

(there is such a thing as a 

passionate plumber)....

We are all made for one thing but often not given the time, space or money to explore the options. The universities will have capped numbers so only so many spaces will be available every year as to not deplete the country of its contributing members of society. However this is the same as universities policies of limited places due to availability of seating and residency.

Service sectors will be mankinds contributions and jobs like sales assistant, cashier, waiter etc etc will be automated leaving people to better there minds and to not imprison them in the mundane everyday life of a souless labourer.


Geothermal energy is energy extracted from the earths core using a simple process of heat mining. It is renewable and generates alone currently 13,000 ZJ (zedajoules) of energy at any one time with 2,000 ZJ available for safe renewable human use. The energy consumption of the entire planet in a year is 0.5 ZJ. This being said this equates to 4,000 years of energy on earth even in its current stated of hedonistic energy usage.

Notice I excluded wind, solar, wave and tidal power. With these technologies included in this world Im describing, We have the technology, know how and materials to create infinite clean power. Yet in our current world the business elites stocks in fossil fuels are worth too much for then to want to replace it with a more globally beneficial option as the as it means losing money for them. In other words a man will pay anything for air if he is underwater yet they have the power to pull us to the surface so can breath freely yet it's too profitable if we're slowly drowning even if they themselves are running out air to sell to us. Science doesn't have a leg to stand on in our current economy as these energy sources (wind, geothermal etc) cost to much to make and much much more to buy so its not economically pheasable for countries to invest especially with such a financial crisis. Its ironic that currently money is our only problem yet our only solution.

Getting rid of money entirely could be done tomorrow and this idea could be swapped in its place with no riots, dictatorships or world wars as a result as this theory isn't based on exploiting man. Its a theory that makes every man or woman as important as the last because they contribute to the world as a whole just from a small contribution per week.

"Money makes the world go round, but only in the case of a downward spire, if it were a circle there would be no problem however with interest rates doubling the money we owe back, were all losing the battle."

If money was no object then energy would be infinite within a year, you would have all the food you need and all the entertainment you want available to whoever is willing to contribute for it. Saying that you wouldn't even need to contribute to much of you time at all because as I described earlier the more people in the country the less work for the population. So "immigrants" would be considered a blessing to the country and would be welcomed rather than villainised. However a minimum population of contributors must exist in each country to achieve a stable equilibrium for that country. So people in one country arent working more hours a week than others. The very core of this idea is balance.



Heaven exists but its built on a foundation of wise decisions, the devils of this world are holding heaven hostage with a gun made of money and bullets made of debt however less we forget we not only fed the devil this morning and this after noon as a cashier, waiter and chef. We also made his clothes as factory workers, styled his hair as hairdressers, made the gun, made the bullet and if he pulls the trigger he loses everything so he never will. Debts are empty threats used to enslave you.

My idea of how the world should work doesn't enslave the world it eases the load from one and gives it partially to the ones without a load at all. We all want a purpose and were not naturally lazy or racist were just over worked and tired of fighting.




The rich would obviously want to keep there big houses and 10 cars and i say....... let them. Those excessive sized houses were just to create the illusion of wealth.

"having a fast car isnt the best because some people prefer big cars that own the road, however some prefer all terrain vehicles.... its a case of preference and NOT price tag".

Whats having the riches if your 

not rich?....

It would become very evident that without money big houses are just unpractical and collecting ten cars is just a hobby. "Unless your a huge family why have a huge house?" You wouldn't be jealous because your not any worse off than the previously rich.

First on the agenda would be the housing and feeding of the homeless at the same time as feeding the population. This is more than a thousand times over possible, at any given time due to the amount of food wastage. Simply because the food had not been brought that day from Walmart and is now out of its "best before" period, while the homeless die not of hypothermia, not of infection but of starvation.

"if a homeless man is in pain with a broken leg in the street you call an ambulance. However if the same man is in the streets dying of starvation is it down to his poor choices in life? broken legs will mend.....starvation is fatal. How can morality be so relative?"

After the food is catered for we will spread working hours out amongst the unemployed easing the load of some and giving others a purpose until scientists, given their unlimited resources, automate all manual labour jobs. Once that had been achieved then we move forward together as one singular race (the human race), equal in pocket and finally equal in mind.

"If you are thinking, your are winning, fight 

with tools and not weapons" Martin luther King

Now I see how we could all be, it hurts to see how the world is. I'm not saying this a flawless idea but its the only one that makes sense to me. We need to raise this to local MP's and political parties because if it is a feasible alternative to our current monetary system and they don't want to hear our voice. Then they are not working in the best interests of the people (something they vowed to do as a politician) that would be the chink that breaks the Armour.

Rise or Fall these are our choices....




I just need to get to a point that the poor and working class (that far out number the rich) know the theory and are happy to live in this world described. The rich will have to acknowledge this publicly. 

If they don't do anything, then they are seen to be not in the best interests of the common man at all and in a society where the poor run and rich rule they need to look like they care in order to maintain stability.

If the government were shown publically to not care, that throws a destabilization into the working mechanics. Consider the movie 300, at the end of the movie the objective for the spartans wasn't to kill the man who thought he was a god, it was to show the god that he was a man that bleeds and dies like anyone else and have this publicly revealed. 

To set the wheels in motion I just want to reveal the rich to be not as caring as they think they look. The rich aren't rich because they monopolize the money supply. Its because the public like them or we like them by association to a product they endorse that we like. No one wants to give there hard earned money to someone they dislike unless they are forced to by law (tax, council tax). Make the rich undesirable you deactivate the spell they have over us and they start losing money quickly, their cost of living becomes evermore breadline.




There would be no point and here's why....

Man isn't naturally aggressive. Primitive man gets mad on 2 occasions when another takes what is his/hers and when he is hunting.

We don't hunt anymore and you wouldn't take from another man if what he had was widely available and free. People mug you in the streets why? money

"people dont kill over drugs, they kill  over drug money" representative of law enforce in London, John Brash, 

-Money laundering. The process of concealing the source of money obtained by illicit means.

-Fraud. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud.

-Robbery. The crime of taking or attempting to take something of value by force or threat of force or by putting the victim in fear

-Arms trafficking 

-Drug cartel 

-Organized crime 

-Organized retail crime 

-Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations


-Underground economy 

-Scam, con artististry

Actually bar sexual crimes (which are linked to mental illness) all laws passed are to protect money and not people. People know how to protect people.

Without money their would be only one law, to not kill. You'll still be Jealous if someone steals your girlfriend but thats human nature and something that could be worked out if money was no object and counselling received the funding it needed but never gets because psychology, psychiatry and counselling receives only a fraction of the countries budget along with science and health research. The rest goes on law enforcement and defence which would be rendered mostly pointless spending if this theory was in place because as I said 80% of the laws have a direct link to money. Its mind blowing how much we aren't  

told. Im just here to tell you what I've seen and offer a is for you to adopt that idea and make it your own. This idea is merely scattered pieces of a jig saw puzzle it is for us all together to make the picture, I need your ideas, your input and even more your passion positivity in believing change is possible

Don't just read this if you like it, help continue to right mankind's future this is no longer my theory. Its now in you.

Never stop thinking and never ignore the truth because its when your back is turn when you are most easily stabbed in it.

Think about this theory and if it makes sense to you please add me, or comment or anything

Follow me on twitter @wesleyd12345

[email protected]

Wesley Davies 25

student at the university of Wolverhampton 


Dedicated to my best friend Gurinderjit Johal you'll always be my brother. Miss you

© 2013 WesleyAlexanderDavies

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It would be awesome.

I love the way you broke up the sections by what questions you expected to be raised.

There's a lot of talk among academics of the future of mechanical labour. If we could get the people sitting in pubs and bars, the people sitting In front of televisions every night to talk about this future, then maybe political pressure could be applied.
Because the greatest threat to this beautiful dream are the elite. The wine guzzling c***s who sit on top of everyone.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 22, 2013
Last Updated on June 22, 2013
Tags: world, economy, world change, money



Birmingham , Walsall, United Kingdom

Hi thank you for reading my work. This is an outlet for my creativity and not my frustrations I'm not a tormented soul on the verge of suicide riddled by vices. I'm just can't explain what being creat.. more..
