Side Story(1): Part 4/5

Side Story(1): Part 4/5

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

I gasped at the abrupt alter of speed as gravity swallowed the entire vehicle downwards.




Repentance, Forgiveness, Acceptance


Part 4 /5





God is beautiful, Mayada told me, so He created a beautiful picture for our eyes to see.


What is beauty?

In a book I once read, beauty is something that can be accepted and appreciated by others.


Shams was beautiful. She had fair skin and silverfish-blond hair. Her green eyes partially smiled but the sunlight complimented them. People barely noticed her much less appreciate her. To Shams the sunrise and the sunset were among others that walked through her.


In her shade of green, the world was not beautiful. She did not accept it. She did not appreciate it.


--- --- ---



"Khalid," the dark boy said, "I have other things to do. End this business quickly." What business? This did not sound good.


"Move out of the way, please." I shifted to the right trying to walk past him, but the pace of his feet moved faster.


"Wait, wait, so soon?" his friendly tone was sheer plastic, "You guys heard that just now, didn't you?" My stomach jumped at his hand that rested on my right shoulder as he half turned around to his friends, "The boy said 'please'. We oughtta be just as nice."


"I don't need anyone's niceness." I glanced at the three of them, "Get to the point and say what you really want with me?"


The two boys behind shared a brief look, apparently, disapproving my reaction. Their arms uncrossed and their feet moved two steps towards me and my legs started shaking again, holding back my tongue did not seem such a bad idea at the moment.


"Guys, guys," Khalid said without turning around, motioning his palm like a 'stop sign', "You know what? He's right. Roaming around the bush is not like me. I'll get to the point."


"Nader, go home." Shams suddenly said from behind, her dry low tone matched the foreign atmosphere, but it had a different kind of dryness from the three boys here. She was concerned, "You're not forced to listen to them."


The three boys' attention switched to the blond, "Oh, I didn't see you there." Khalid's plastic tone continued, his metallic shade met the scratched green, the cold gaze in each of their frames silently competing, hers breaking from his in a few moments as she looked downwards; her eyes feared his.


"You're free to leave, Nader." She told me.


Khalid's arms folded and his hands rested on his hips, the metallic grey eyes glancing around and away from our direction in a bored expression, "Sudden intrusion, without any greetings or permission." he said in disappointment, "This is not appropriate." His brows rose above his eyes as he turned to Shams, "Bring her closer to me." two of his fingers curled, motioning the blonde's direction and the two boys approached and seized her arms, her indifferent efforts in defense instantly muted. The round violet hat she always wore fell off by her feet.


"Leave her alone." I noisily said, "Why are you doing this?"


"Doing what?" his question sounded almost genuine; he was an expert at manipulating his tone, "Honestly, all I was trying to start was a civilized conversation, but your girlfriend here made me look like the bad guy."


"She's not my girlfriend."


"My bad." He motioned his open palm again, "You don't fancy older women either, eh?"




"On the other hand, these guys don't really mind the age thing." He slightly smirked as he turned to his friends who smirked back, looking down at the blond captive seized in between, her eyes lifelessly turned to lock with mine as the dark boy's free hand crept against the white skin of her upper legs, started cringing up the fabric of her skirt. She attempted no resistance. It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening.


The collar of my sweater was yanked from behind just before my feet budged towards her, "HEY! Don't touch her!" I sneered.


"If you know what's good for her," Khalid said, "You'll do what I say. But, ofcourse, I only give advices; it's your choice in the end."


I grabbed the hand holding a piece of my sweater and threw it off me, turning to the right to completely face him with a serious but insecure frown. I wasn't strong or anything; his hand was coarse and firm as I felt it and he deliberately allowed me to remove it.


"Like I said, it's your choice." Khalid reassured me as his eyes turned to one of his comrades, they were not smiling, but they signaled something I could not interpret. The scarred boy easily slipped his free hand in the pocket of his jacket, and brought a black finger-length object to Shams' neck his other hand wrapped around her waist. He stroked it upwards with one finger of the same hand, and a thin knife shot up with the sound of a click. She slightly winced, slowly tilting her head upwards and sideways opposite to the knife, but she did not look afraid. Did these boys threaten her often? So often that she'd gotten used to sharp edges pointed at her pretty, pale neck?


I could not remember having done anything to earn this scene of tension and mental torture. I did not even know these students existed until today after school. What was going to happen to us?


I froze in my place, too afraid to even say anything further to any of them, "How long?" I swallowed.


"How long what?" Khalid said, walking past me and straight towards Shams.


"How long have you been treating her like that?"


"Treating her like that?" Khalid's rough fingers reached up and brushed the soft cheek right below Shams' pale eyelashes, forcing her to tilt her head away from him to the direction of the knife again; she did not approve of his physical contact, "Like that, by that you mean, in a bad way?" he lightly snorted at her reaction, "Our relationship was broken long ago, but she's still my beautiful sun. And I know she still cares too." She stood perfectly still as her head remained tilted closer to the knife. The green in her eyes coldly gazed through. She gazed past me and past the gate, as if trying to let the words he talked drift away to where she stared like half-vanished ripples of smoke, "I can prove you still care, habeeby (love)." His eyes climbed up and down along her slightly tensed figure and he half-bent his knees to pick up the violet hat beside her feet, "You still wear the color I like the most on you." My face twitched in a very uncomfortable expression upon seeing Khalid too close to her and hearing the words he just said.


She smirked tilting the round, violet hat crowning her cropped, silverish, blond hair, "It's a trick my mother taught me when I was five, where you could customize the visibility of your current clothing."


"Actually I started doing this hoping the human I secretly admired would notice…" She paused reflecting, her weak smile quickly reviving in her features, "But now it's become a habit, just throwing on these purple and white colors in the morning."


My eyes widened behind the glasses.


He was the person she dressed up nicely for?


"Then if she's still a beautiful sun to you," I said, "Why do you allow your friend to hold a knife against her neck?" My glances scanned the two boys locked around Shams' arms, "And why are you two doing everything he says?"


Shams quietly lowered her head both sideways searching for her violet hat, "He's filthy rich." The dark boy said sharply yanking her arm once to straighten her position, "We get paid well."


"That was unnecessary aggression, Abed." Khalid mildly lectured, "You've already noticed she rarely even flinches. Such a sturdy thing." he slightly shook his head in appreciation, turning his eyes at me again, "Don't be concerned with whether we would hurt her or not." his eyes were outlined with a cold frame of metallic grey glass again, "You should be more concerned about yourself. You get too careless and you upset people sometimes."


I slightly winced as I thought for a moment. It wasn't difficult interpreting his roundabout language by now, "How have I upset you?"


"You used magic back in that orchard. I saw you with my two eyes. It was creepy. And don't tell me you did not know it was a rule-breaker."


"This was your doing just now, wasn't it?" She said, brushing the few leaves loosely hanging in the threads of her wooly blouse.


"Yes, it was."


"I'm sure you know how strictly forbidden the use of Shawada in school grounds is." She said in a semi-serious tone, her voice still affected by the chuckle, "But your little spell saved my back from cracking. And for that, I'll let it pass."


"I did not use my hands to upset you; it was to stop Mrs. Maureen from falling."


"Really." He dryly said, "Just who told you saving that sharmoota (w***e) was a noble quest to accomplish?"


I've lived in an almost clean, mildly informal environment, but I knew what that word meant. I used to hear similar insults on T.V.


"What do you mean?"


"That woman," he sniggered, "walks to that orchard everyday, praying for a child. But God is smart; he wouldn't answer her prayers. He knew what she'd do to her kids if she ever had any. That woman…" he sniggered again, but he did not sound amused, "drove my father mad."


Khalid rambled about how sluggish he was in Mrs. Maureen's math classes and how cruel she was when grading his progress. He talked about the problems she caused between him and his perfectionist father. In the meanwhile, I came to two crucial realizations: Firstly, the person I helped in that orchard is the same person Khalid despised. And from the hint of disgust I glimpsed in Shams' face as his hand reached to brush her face, things would go unexpected, probably to the worse unexpected.


Secondly, the last part of the conversation reminded me of the power I possessed. Although it was banned in school grounds, Shams and I were threatened, and with Shawada, we could defend ourselves. How did I forget about that?


"Alright," I told him, "I understand I've upset you, but she's got nothing to do with it. Set her free."


"Oh, I will, I will." He said, strolling towards me, "As soon as I receive my apology; an apology for protecting that childless b***h from snapping into two." His 'I will' part sounded plastic friendly again, but the last few words sounded pretty serious, but why should I apologize for saving someone's life? It was bothersome to even wonder about it. Thinking it over, maybe a word like 'sorry' would actually appease this mentally demented boy. Maybe I should give it a try. Maybe, just maybe I wouldn't have to violate another school rule and they would simply walk away and leave us in peace.


"I'm sorry for protecting her from snapping into two. Happy now?" My eyes turned to look into the superficially undisturbed cool shade of green. I owed her an apology too. Flashes of the bad conversation we ended our walk with came back as a sour rush inside. It pricked my previously tensed heart and twisted inside it like a thorn in a slow painful rotation. I did not mean to hurt her. I wanted her to be safe, warm, away from the inner fear and grey almost consuming her. I wanted to wake up and her half-hearted smile to be the first thing I see at school the next cold morning. I wanted to know her more and introduce her to Mayada. I wished--


"La Walla (really)?" He said, "That's not how people apologize to me, you slow nerd." It was irritating how his displeased voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts dragging me back to the reality of cold metallic eyes and a knife pointed at the blonde's neck.


"Then how do they apologize…" It was becoming difficult, restraining the obvious friction of my teeth as I spat the words.


"Do you see that bike over there?" he tilted his chin up to the direction of the gate. I stared at the black bike slanted on the wall partially visible behind the gate, and I turned to look back at Khalid, "Do you see it?"


"I see it." Now what…"Then what happens?"


"Get on the bike." My stare did not depart him and I did not know what to say, "You don't get it, do you?" he sighed, his pupils rolling up as he leisurely turned his head half around to the scarred boy and he translated the metallic grey in the edge of Khalid's eyes. Shams squeezed her eyes and whimpered in a very low voice as the tip of the thin metal nudged her skin, and a stream of blood slowly oozed in a track, "If you want her free, you should do exactly what I say." His eyes lowered to my right hand, "And don't even think about doing any stupid tricks. You'll regret it."


"Ay, Khalid." The dark boy said, "I don't have time for this. You've scared the kid enough, just let 'em go." But Khalid paid no attention to his comrade, who loudly muttered in response, "Tsk. You're one damn pathetic psycho. You are."


What was he planning to do? I wondered, lightly clenching my hands on my sides to stabilize the quake growing in my palms, the pulse in my cavity accelerated, and a childlike look of fear crawled behind the glasses, yet my stare stayed silently fixed towards him. "That's it, we're done here. You won't budge. And uh…" Khalid sighed again turning half around to his comrades, "I have no choice."


"Okay! I get it!" I abruptly responded, "I'll get on the bike…"


"No, don't!" The words raced out of her mouth, as if she had a few moments before the knife muted her throat, the rapid rise and fall of her chest ruining the unafraid act, "Nader, don't let their eyes scare you. They wouldn't dare do anything they make you think they would."


"Hey," Khalid's voice was low. In a bad way, "be qui--"


"They're cowards! Just…run back home, and don't bother about me. I'll be fine."


"Hey," Khalid repeated louder this time, and she finally turned to him, "be quiet."


My eyes apologized to the concerned shade of green as I turned around and my feet unhurriedly brought me to gate. Khalid's footsteps followed close behind me and as I mounted the bike saddle I felt strong hands holding down the back of the seat. I could still hear Shams telling me to run off, but it only irritated the scarred boy so she watched quietly.


"Ready?" Khalid breathed in and out pointing at the long slope of the faded old pavement extending from the school entry. Dear, God, it looked like a roller coaster ride, only without the metal tracks and safety measures, "Talat," I glued my grip around the handles, "tneen," My trembling feet almost fell off along with my upset stomach, and the screaming alarm in my brain threatened to explode, "wahad…" Dear, God, I inwardly prayed, let the world freeze, "GO!"


Khalid's hands drove the bike forward, setting it free at the pothole right before the ramp. The wheels spun faster and if they were in race, my noisy heart would have surpassed the bike. I gasped at the cold air slapping my face and the abrupt alter of speed as gravity sharply swallowed the entire vehicle downwards. My grip around the break handles uselessly hardened and my back, pit of my stomach and upper thighs remained strained like a hunk of wood. The two villas on my sides and the cluttered construction site on the right ahead blurred as the speed increased and at some point the bike wheels quavered in twists scraping the discolored pavement as the ground leveled. The rubber frames entwined faster against the pebbles and bits of rubble and I lost complete control of the handles, flying off the saddle and falling into the air in an incomplete flip forward and downward.


"HAA!" Khalid's shouted, "Beautiful shot!" my body lay like a wreck facing away from the gate up the street but his voice rung in my ears.


One of his comrades said something but I could not properly hear, it sounded something like, "You finally got it right."


"Ofcourse I did," Khalid loudly said, "wade ya expect after all those years of practice."


I do not remember feeling the natural ache my body attained as it rolled, scraped and peeled the skin against the pebbly ground.


But I do remember the sound of light quick footsteps nearing behind my head and someone gently turning me so that I lay on my back, "I told you to go back home." Her voice almost sounded like a grumble, but it remained calm and low, how did she manage to escape? "Look what they've done to you."  Her pretty green stared down at me and her tender pale left hand reached down to stroke the upper frame of my face. Her fingers felt above my right eye which caught the small black crescent moon painted across the visible artery of her wrist. I hadn't noticed it before.


The three boys were arguing in the background as their footsteps neared our spot, "I swear it." I heard Khalid defensively say, "You won't touch this envelope or the money until you bring that b***h back to me." Shams did not budge from my side as they approached, the touch of her hand the only thing steadying my insecure heartbeats. But the downside of stabilized heartbeats was the return of senses. My system screeched at the pain in my arms and elbows and I did not realize there was a slash somewhere in my head until I felt the blood trickle above my right eye. My vision grew blurred again and my chest grew tight, "Hey," I heard Khalid's voice very close to me, "you see what Shams did just now? She broke the rules. She used magic and ran off. That's not how we agreed to settle things." he glared down at the blond who had her back turned to him, "Pull her up." He ordered.


You broke the rules first, I thought, you should have set her free once I did what you asked me to do. My breathing continued to shorten and quicken and my mind was starting to doze off somewhere in the blackness but Khalid's sudden shriek rang clearer than any sound around me. He was upset about something. It took me moments to realize my fingers had involuntarily curled and started flames in his clothing, "D****t. D****t!" He groaned as he unzipped the jacket and tossed it away, "I've had it," was he finally giving up? Was this the end of our suffering? "I know the only person able to teach you two a lesson of respecting my rules. You'll see."


"For Hell's sake, Khalid, not again," Abed said as he turned around to leave, "I wouln't let that man come anywhere near here. You know he over does things. And, you know what else? Screw your money, I'm completely out of this; I should have...." And those were the last words I heard before my eyes shut down.



© 2011 YouoweYoupay

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Author's Note

Okay, this part had some action, *grins* yay, blood and scrapes and flying off bikes and... mentally ill kidnappers. I'm starting to like this story myself, even though its just a background about a creepy old doctor in my main story. But you know what, ENOUGH is ENOUGH *looks at how many times I changed the total number of chapters in this sidestory* Ugh... All I had in mind was a little something to tell, just an addition to the main plot, but it took waaay longer than I had expected. You guys know when that sort of thing happens? No, I don't think you know...I don't think there's anyone as irritatingly detailed as I am !! But that is it, they are going to be five parts ONLY. And if it takes more than that I'm gonna...I'm gonna quit writing and direct gay porn films. Extreme ones.

P.S (for Havatara) : I should have noticed your suggestion earlier, the one about continuing the sidestory after I make progress with the original...*sigh* Wela, you blind idiot, you could have -- okay I'm done with the self mental abuse...

Thanks for reading. Comments, reviews, corrections are welcome. Do not hesitate to criticize !!

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I am not liking Khalid. NOPE. and that's good. I find myself easily pulled into the story here. Well done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I like the discussion and description in the chapter. The characters came alive with the strong story. The story was hard and cold in feel. Nature of power and control was tested in this chapter. A excellent chapter. Thank you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Another good piece

Posted 14 Years Ago

What the heck, who do those people think they are. This story has captured my imagination and yet my reality. I love it. I am impressed with how you intangled the characters together, Shams, Nader, Khalid and such. And by the way the first line, had me hooked. Excited to see what's after the battles scars and 'um coming.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Those big jerks. I can't believe they did that to Nader. I would have caught something else on fire for that one! And I guarantee it would not have been Khalid's coat. I also feel bad for Shams now.:( Here I thought she was just a deranged animal killer but now...I don't know...I want to hug her. And Nader even though he did get royally messed up for being chivalrous. Poor guy.:( Can't wait for the last bit to this side story. I hope Nader wakes and wails on them with some hocus-pocus.

Great author's note by the way.:) I was laughing to death, near tears reading that one.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I'm a little confused. It moves fast and I'm not sure where it's coming from or going, but it is intriguing.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on January 31, 2011
Last Updated on April 3, 2011
Tags: story, book, love, magic, adventure, childhood, teen, tragedy



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