When I get stressed or my heart races towards a panic attack, I often take to reading something soothing.
This is the sort of thing I would read when I needed to calm and settle myself, and I think it would definietly do the trick. It seems very abstract, so I think one could derive from it the meaning needed in the moment.
I’m glad to have read it!
Posted 7 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
Anxiety and panic attacks are awful.. I don't wish them for anyone! It makes me happy to know my poe.. read moreAnxiety and panic attacks are awful.. I don't wish them for anyone! It makes me happy to know my poem helps you stay calm. Thank you so much.
We all need soothing from time to time. We need calming balms to save ourselves from bruisings of life. Nicely penned. All about calming your soul, with nature, flowers, dawn, kindness. When we need soothing, nothing better than looking around us and find the calming influence in nature's ways.
Nice reading!
Posted 4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
I agree. Nature is a door to healing. Rarely fails me. Thank you for your kind review, Abhilash.
I've been living alone in the wilderness for 10 years, so now this has become a way of life for me, but when I moved here, I was a wreck & this is something that would've been helpful to try, but I have to honestly say I probably couldn't have calmed down as much as I find this poem calming now. Since people have had to be out of their usual frenzied life routines becuz of covid, I notice many who could use a daily dose of this poem. I was lucky. I had ten years to get used to a slower simpler pace. You really nail the essence of what this kind of living is all about . . . it's allowing the life source to emerge from within, rather than trying to make it happen or trying to find it. Beautiful poem, as is all your writing (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Veil to me is trying to hide something but reading this I began to think of the many ways it can be used weather it be a good thing or a bad but from our hearts we can never hide now poeple put a veil on life to hide from death. Your writing help me see in a different way. Thank you for sharing
Hello, I'm finally back on this website again. Sorry for the long delay.
Just reading this poem itself makes me feel calm and serene.
"And the world sees
The tiny diamonds in your eyelashes
So be calm ..."
Reading these lines reminds me of that saying "Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone". It's interesting how our darkest moments can reveal to us who our true friends are. Thanks for writing this!
Soft, tender and wonderful use of words. I liked the deep thoughts leading to the proper ending. Thank you my friend for sharing the amazing poetry. I liked this one.
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~Muriel Rukeyser
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