![]() Struggle for Balance: Horn of FearA Chapter by Storyteller of Dimensions![]() This is a collection of few stories that are just on my computer. This story together with few others made it into the 20 best rated in national contest. I hope that it didn't lost too much on translation...![]() Children happily run through a golden field toward a small village in middle of never ending green plains. It was a peaceful evening in the village, as it always is before harvest. Children run in the village, through the square toward alone standing house on opposite hill. “What’s happening here?“ one of three travelers asked amused. “It appears that old Jedir will once more tell stories from when he was young. You know he is a veteran, and he saw a lot, It’s said that he even fought by emperors side.“ The women they were just asking about the way explained the commotion in quiet town. “Jedir!“ “Jedir!“ the kids yelled at the door of lone house. An old man opened the door. Everybody went quiet. The man strictly gaze on the group of kids before him. Then he widely opened his door. “It’s the time again?“ he asked with kind voice. The kids nodded. „Just making sure! Come in!“ The old man hobble into the haze of his dwelling. The kids entered cautiously. Before them opened another world. On the wall was large rounded shield with white horse, by its side long spear, tired brown-gold armor with damaged green coat and a long sword. Shelfs were filled with old used books, next to the fireplace was a bed and spread Bear skin. The kids sit on it and their eyes impatiently watched the old man. Jedir slowly wandered around the room and took and his old hands took belted golden horn. He bring up a chair and slowly sit against the children. “Do you have any idea what this is?” Jedir smiled and his eyes slowly went over the golden horn he was holding, examining every detail and every memory. “That is a horn that you play upon when you ride into battle!” One of the boys in front row yelled exited. “Yes, but this is not just some usual horn. It does not appear, but this is one of the few horns with magical powers.” Jedir deliver and handed it to the kids to have a closer look. They gazed on the horn trying to figure out what was making it magical. Jedir beamed. “Indeed, when I got him from my father I too asked what was making it magical, how is it different from other horns and what is its power. Not even my father knew what power it had. So, not knowing its powers I decided not to use it till the darkest moment would be upon me. “ “Did you use it?” one of the girls, handling the horn, questioned and handed it to girl sitting next to her. Jedir gazed beyond them, into old memories, back when he was young and war raged over the land. “Did you discover its secret?!” another wanted to know. Jedir looked away toward his old armor. “The secret of this horn… was revealed to me.” Jedir whispered, like he was deep in some cave. The kids gazed on him. “It was to the end of dark ages. With an army, that hurried to support the defenders of City of Sun… I was young back then and eager for battle. I always saw it as challenge, but that day was different… when we arrived and the sun rise it showed us an enormous army and the brave defenders who held the city for few days already. There were monsters… when my eyes set upon them, for the first time I felt fear… I feared for what was to come will be my last battle.” Silence filled the room. “Never ever after that I felt such fear, like that time. Not even the knowledge that I’m right beside the Emperors guard helped me. At that time he wasn’t Emperor not King, there was only rumor about him that he indeed was the lost heir to the throne. He stood before the army and said words, that still ring in my heart. Then when he was returning he stopped, ride through the first line to me. He looked at my horn and said…“ Jedir was interrupted by astonished shriek from the kids. “You talked with the Emperor! Had you spoken to our king too?” The kids demanded an answer. Jedir rise his hand. There was silence immediately. “He said to me: ‘You bear the Horn of Fear. I can feel its power. If you wind on it you put into the enemies fear double the size of yours and into the hearts of your friends you introduce bravery and courage equal to your fear. The time has come! Sound horn for us! ‘After that he turned, but before he went he added: ‘ Fear is important. It forces you to be careful in battle and with that it protects you, but you must never allow it to control you. Control your fear and use it.’ Then he returned between his guard. I took the horn and sounded on it with all my might… The others joined me immediately and with scream for freedom we surprised the enemy and came with the rising sun… It was a bloody battle and that day I felt real fear, that which cannot be forgotten.” Jedir finished and the horn returned back to his hands. “That day, the future Emperor thought me that fear is important and that saved my life in that battle. As I grew, I understood his words and wisdom hidden in them. For today it will be enough if I tell you that fear is not something that you should be ashamed. It’s important to learn to control it and use it for your own advantage. Fear, if used correctly, can protect you or give you strength, but it can also consume you and then slowly destroy you. That’s why it’s important to learn to control it.” Jedir looked on each of the kid before him. He finished and the kids knew it. “Jedire did you spoke ever again with the Emperor?” girl at the back row asked with great interest. “I had that honor, to speak to him two more times. Second time he asked me again to sound horn at battle by Dor-Urkhae…” Jedir silenced by mention of that cursed place. “Later, after the war was over I met him in the streets of the City of Sun. Our talk was short, but I was eminently honored. He gave me a medallion with horse and a rider on it that I wear to this day.” Jedir uncovered his silver medallion with horse and rider wielding a spear, there was also visible a horn that the rider had by his side. The kids immediately surrounded him to have a better look on it. “Do you think it has some magical power?” they were asking repeatedly . “If it has or has no, it doesn’t matter. It’s a gift, from the Emperor himself and that is what counts. I’m almost curtain that it was created by magic. That’s how the Emperor is.” Jedir’s smile widened. “My daddy told me that the Emperor returned to his ancestors and that is why his son is now ruling the empire.” The oldest boy commented. “That’s partially correct. As long as the blaze of Emperor and Empress is shining in the Golden tower, then he is still alive. The Emperor as our king is from noble family and his life is longer than ours, nevertheless he decided that he would rule only the period of time as we live and then he would hand the rule to his son who should be mature by that time.” Jedir explained with proud smile. “Do you think I will ever see the City of Sun? I heard it’s pretty!” Another boy came forward to study the medallion. “If you wish for it and you continue to wish for it and work for it, that I’m curtain that one day you find your way there, but now you must all home! Soon there will be dinner and your mothers would scold you if you weren’t on time!” Jedir hid his medallion and stood up. The children quickly left Jedir’s dwelling and off to their homes. They knew well that Jedir would not answer any other questions. Jedir hobble to bench before his house and nestled down. He took out his pipe and watched the sun fall. He sighted hopefully, that the kids will never must to experience the truth of his words or to learn what he had told them, that fear, which will make them unable to move, will never visit them as him. “Another peaceful sunset!” Jedir sighted. “If it would stay like this forever!”
© 2009 Storyteller of DimensionsAuthor's Note
Added on April 1, 2009 Last Updated on April 3, 2009 Author![]() Storyteller of DimensionsAboutAs you read my writing you probably notice soon that I'm not a native English speaker (I'm Czech), but I'm doing my best and I appreciate you feedback on the story side of my works while I'll work on .. more..Writing