The voice in my heart is tongue tied
My minds lips slip, trip, studder over
Half formed phrases that fall flat
Cracking like egg shells, broken, emptied
Sizzling in a pan of self doubt and confusion
Fried and salted and gobbled up by ravenous frustration
I knew what I wanted to say to you once
But it slipped through my fingers when you transformed
From mother into murderer of innocence and hope
And I could see you only as a serpent
Wrapped tight around my soul but I
Grew around you, like oak around barbed wire
Slowly choking out the memory of your
Form, withered, scales, skin, skeleton, fossilized
Within folds of dark organic flesh
Captured between these lines, you are a prisoner in your own mind
But its me who is caged and I
Drink this ink like the poison that you carry in that sharp smile you flash at me
And that false tear you shed and that song of forgiveness you sing
Praising "God" for absolving you
Of a sin you refuse to own up to being guilty of in the first place
And I know that the only antidote is to write to you
But the words bleed into tears, anger, dissbelief,
An almost-hatred and it
Rends my heart tongue tied
My minds lips slip, trip, studder over
Half formed phrases that fall flat
Cracking like egg shells, broken, emptied
Sizzling in a pan of self doubt and confusion
Fried and salted and devoured by ravenous frustration