The Party Will Go On

The Party Will Go On

A Poem by Watch Me Scream

Say what you will, it'll carry on without you


The party will go on

Smiles plastered,

Laughs faked.


The party shall go on.

I participate,

Follow the game.



Pretend to enjoy.

So hopefully they won’t notice

The mask is firmly in place.


The party continues on

No one knows,

What’s on my mind.

It’s heavy,

Weighing down my heart,

Till my heart slows.

Barely breathing,

I continue on.


The party drags on

People get tipsy,

While I stay sober.

All it does,

Is make them

Less likely

To see me.

The real me.


Encased by brick.

A wall so tall,

Only few have dared

Crawl over.

The truth must be told.

But how can I tell it?

I’m so deep in this mess.


The party goes on.

Painfully, slowly.

While I disappear.

Lost in the mask.

My fake self.

My worst nightmares,

Here in real life.

I’m fading,

Heart to heavy,

And slow,

To go on.


Will no one remember me…

When I’m gone?

© 2012 Watch Me Scream

Author's Note

Watch Me Scream
An old poem of mine I touched up a bit

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good poem

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 6, 2012
Last Updated on July 6, 2012
Tags: The, Party, Goes, On, Say, What, You, Will, It, Carry, Without, Life, Always, Moves, Forward


Watch Me Scream
Watch Me Scream


Hi everybody! It's just little old me, from Cali I'm a teenage girl, and I love to write and read. Without writing I would have gone insane a long time ago, and without reading I would be so lonesome.. more..
