Upon a Star: Karyana's Journey: Chapter 29

Upon a Star: Karyana's Journey: Chapter 29

A Chapter by Sebastien B.

War approaches Bolestra, as a messenger of the Planars brings blessings to all... but not to one.


Chapter 29

It had been only two days since Korgan, Karyana and Baratius, along with the barbarian's kinsmen, had arrived at the Shrine, and already, the air was thick with the stench of war.

Criers and scouts had reported an immense army, ten thousand strong, advancing towards Bolestra. The fortified city had spent the last month readying for war, doing all the proper rituals to make sure that none of their dead would rise against them. The city had also called on every available men and women who were of age to fight, and had the children and elderly folk evacuate south-west towards the merchant towns of Myst and Solas, as well as to the military city of Ravenhold. The week-long journey allowed the weaker ones a place of refuge, though the harsh weather did little to aid their slow pace and dwindling morale.

At the main hall, which had been turned into a temporary war room, the atmosphere was tense. Yu Shaia had scouted as far as his elvish skills could let him without being noticed, staying in the shadows of what rock formation or trees were available. His report was far from rejoicing.

"It looks like the enemy has risen an army from the Underdeep." The elven ranger spoke. "At least half of the army is composed of cadavers and skeletons. I couldn't tell how many of those were once human, but they were of all shapes and sizes. Planars bless us that none of them have flying corpses."

Pointing to the unfurled map, he tapped a bridge that separated the Bolestran territory of the rest of the Snowrift province. "They already marched across the Oakchill Bridge, and are heading this way. If my estimates are correct, they should be here tomorrow, around nightfall."

Korgan let out a huffed sigh. "That only leaves us thirty hours before they strike the Shrine… and since they are marching westward, they will probably strike down any potential stragglers."

The young elf clenched a fist. "There's more. The trackers have spotted a dozen catapults being towed by the enemy. The numbers also account for a three thousand Dun-elf soldiers and at least a thousand creatures of demonic blood."

Onyx rubbed his beard, not liking those numbers. "If any of them have the power to raise the fallen, those three thousand grey-skins could just be expendables to protect the catapults and the demons."

Alban rubbed his hands to keep warm, but also due to his growing concern. "They'll probably force us into a siege. If that happens, we would only have enough fresh water for a few days at least. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to sow salt and spoil the wells…"

The high priest had heard of such underhanded tactics. Spoiling or burning lands and drying up or poisoning wells was not uncommon a strategy amongst warlords, and Karlak the Merciless, who once held most of Medierth under his boot, had used such military madness to turn any potential loss into a phyrric victory for the rebel forces that stood in his way.

Meilin took a deep breath as she looked back at the map. "I was able to send ethereal scouts of my own, and there are even grimmer news." She spoke, looking at everyone in the room. "The three different enemy factions are each being led by a general. Before the scouts were dispelled by demonic magic, I was able to see and identify them."

Pulling out three sheets of wood-pulp parchment, the illusionist revealed the three pictures. "The leader of the cadaverous forces resembles Kadlak the Merciless, but I am guessing his bones had been plundered long before the forces assembled." She explained, placing a finger against the drawn portraits of a disheveled skeleton, dressed as a warlord, the only feature that was not hidden in thick, spike-covered armor was a skull that seemed wrapped in flames.

Korgan let out a dread-filled sigh. "So they brought back Medierth's most-feared ruler for this one battle… No. I'm almost certain that Karlak would not have agreed to lead such forces only to claim this temple. He will likely raise a new army from our dead and ravage Medierth as he once did over a hundred years ago…"

Arius stretched his limbs before examining the map. "So that means we have to fight through thousands of rotters to take him out? Not exactly an easy thing to do…"

Meilin barely looked at the spellblade before focusing on the second picture. "The second general seemed to be Xamaris, the necro-alchemist."

Alban shook his head. "Xamaris is also known as the Slayer of Cald. It was said that he created an army of mutated dead made from stitched-together cadavers and unleashed them to destroy every man, woman and child in the lordship of Cald." He explained, remembering what he had learned from his classes in Ravenhold's Academia. "However, he had made the mistake of standing against Kadlak in his early days, and his army was entirely decimated by the warlord's sorcerers and clerics."

The elvish spell-sword rubbed his chin. "I'm guessing then that the Dun-Elf forces are probably necromancers, fell priests or battle-mages." He concluded. "This means that if the Dun-Elf forces are defeated, the lion's share of the rotters will turn to ashes."

"Perhaps…" Meilin added before tapping on the third picture, which showed the grisly, and very much familiar face, of the last general. "But that now leads to the third general…"

Allision, who had remained quiet throughout the gathering, gasped when she saw the face of the third warlord. "Pison…"

Meilin nodded. "Yes. Iron-Chain Pison… however, through the ethereal scouts, I was able to identify a dark strain of mana emitted from him. A dark, forbidden magic that was said to have been banished over a century ago. The gruesome art of sangromancy."

Korgan cocked an eyebrow. "Sangromancy? Are you saying he can manipulate blood? If so, how do you expect us to defeat him, if he control the very blood in our veins?"

Alban scratched his head. "What about the demonic forces? Any idea what we are up against?"

The illusionist let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. Before I could see them, my scouts were… disposed of by enemy magic."

The red-haired half-elf looked worried. "Which means that they are aware that we know of their whereabouts…"

"Yet, they didn't hasten their attack." Arius responded, rubbing his temples. "Why? Why give us time to be ready, when they could simply march on us?"

Onyx placed his axe against the table. "You don't know war that well, don't you? A forced march, under heavy snow and terrible conditions means that their forces - the ones that live and breathe, I mean �" would be unable to fight or push us into a blockade if they can't stand on their own two feet. A good general knows that the hungry make the best soldiers, but the sick and starving are worthless."

"Unless those sick and starving are made into living corpses…" the high priest replied. "This means that we will need all our clerics to prepare a barrier so that the undead cannot pass these walls."

Arius nodded. "Clever. That only means we have four thousand grey-skins and a thousand demons to deal with." He spat with blatant sarcasm. "What do you expect us to do? Launch preemptive strikes?"

Yu Shaia took a moment to think. "Actually, that might not be such a bad idea. If we can ambush them at Briar Pass…" he commented, pointing at the forest line that was at the bottom of the plateau where the Shrine rested at its top, "…we can stop their catapults. Those machines will take time to disassemble and reassemble, so we can dwindle their numbers with guerrilla tactics."

Baratius examined the plans with contempt. "Pff… you think too hard of things." He argued. "My kinsmen can easily smash those bones. Our shamans told us that the dead cannot shamble without their heads, and crushing skulls is one thing the Strongmaul clan can do!"

Korgan wanted to talk back, but he knew that the brash young barbarian was right. Each member of the clan was worth ten armed clerics in battle, and each of them had their own prowess and fighting styles. Already, Ukrid had joined Alban and Yu Shaia's scouts, while Urdo and Mirri had been helping the clerics and archers in perfecting their arrows and bows since they arrived. Ior, Throd and most of the others had helped build extra fortifications, the latter being the most useful, as his imposing size and immense strength helped him pull levers and raise pillars faster than a pair of oxen could with ropes and harnesses.

Turalyon took in the given information and waited for the group to stop formulating plans before speaking. "There are some questions that I've been wondering. For instance, how many of our own men can wield magic? And how many defenders do we possess? Not to mention a very important issue…"

Onyx cocked an eyebrow. "And what issue are you talking about?"

The battlemage looked at the only empty chair of the table. "Where did Karyana disappear to? She should be here with all of us!"


Pison looked on silently through the obsidian pool that reflected inside the walls of the temple. "Everything is falling in place…" he grimly uttered, finding a sadistic sense of irony in the situation. "How naive of them to think they can conceal secrets from us…"

The heavy, stomping steps of the armored skeletal warlord broke the mercenary's concentration. "We didn't come here to simply spy on them!" Karlak spoke in a raspy tone, his teeth clattering on each spoken word.

"Enough noise out of you…" Xamaris gruffly replied. "How can I concentrate when your chattering and prancing about is giving me a headache?"

The undead warlord pulled out his jagged war sword and pointed it at the necromancer. "You're lucky I need your skills, necromancer, or I would have cut your head off of your shoulders!"

The demonic mercenary pulled out his whip and cracked it, stopping the heated argument. "Enough!" he shouted before looking back at Karlak. "Master Xelnos did not raise you from the dead just to bicker endlessly…" Turning to look at the necro-alchemist, his expression turned grimmer still. "And as for you, I expect your… abilities can keep those fools from turning the tide…"

Xamaris let out a sigh. "You underestimate me, demon. All of the Dun-elves have been perfectly lobotomized. The only thing those fools can think about now is of obeying orders and slaughtering anyone or anything that stands against us."

"Is that also why you forced my men to wear those blasted contraptions?" the skeletal warlord retorted, stabbing the ground with his serrated sword. "I have seen such deviousness before used on boggarts and goblins."

Pison had to admire the necro-alchemist's deviousness. He had successfully grafted into the bodies of the Dun-Elves a wonder of mad science. As soon as the heart would stop, the machinery would activate, turning the dead body into an incendiary mortar, blasting anyone and anything in its vicinity. Nine thousand troops, each attached with these bombs, could cripple the resistance forces and turn their measly barriers and walls to rubble.

"Your skeletal forces are easily replaceable." The only human of the three generals answered. "Sending them to destroy their fortifications will easily create more corpses than you can raise. Imagine their agony when they die by the hands of those that were once their own…"

"I would imagine their suffering to be even greater once they learn that one of their own… was the key to their downfall." The demonic mercenary spoke, before all three generals burst into fits of sadistic cackles. "Now, we march onto Briar Pass!"


Karyana huffed and wheezed as she finished climbing the staircase to the highest bell-tower of the Shrine �" the one dedicated to Lady Asuna. The air was sparse and cold, which made her breathing more difficult, and her fingers were already fighting off the cold, her fur-layered mittens barely keeping her from suffering from frostbite.

She didn't want this war. That was the first thing she had in mind when she marched towards Baratius' camp grounds. However, she had no choice to participate, as the waves of destruction had already started to appear in the horizon as trees were cut down for firewood, weapons and catapults �" the latter she could barely see as night was falling.

There were no options left, and she couldn't take it. The enemy was moving closer, and she knew that, unless something was done, it would be an absolute slaughter. Catapults could breach walls �" just a single opening would let the enemy charge through.

Allision had told her what happened hours ago at the meeting, and rather than steel her resolve, it only made her doubt her presence on the coming battlefield. Part of her had been trained for battle, but even her memories of being Kaina wouldn't be enough.

Looking up to the sky, she noticed the moon was barely covered by clouds, and shone almost entirely. Even the stars seemed to shine brighter than before, as if they were filled with the hope she was trying to find.

Kneeling down next to the immense brass bell that would normally ring for alerts and ceremonies, she closed her eyes, put her palms together, folded her fingers and leant slightly to pray. "Planars, please… hear the plea of one who only wishes for peace." She began, her tone betraying how nervous and scared she was. "I suffered so much in my years… I don't want my friends to die because of me… I beg of you… give me the strength to end this war…"


Korgan had gathered everyone who could wield arms to Raemu's temple. The room was filled with men and women standing, all wearing armors of different quality �" from simple padded leather to sturdy chains covered by steel plates. The majority of them held spears, bows or swords, aside from the barbarians who carried far more exotic, and brutal-looking, weapons.

The high priest rose his hands as he gazed at the immense statue of the silver-haired Planar-knight. "On this night, as the storm of war comes to us, we find ourselves pleading for your holy protection, Lord Raemu, keeper of the just, divine paladin that rules over all who raise their swords against the darkness." He spoke, almost shouting, the ceremonial prayer. "As your humble servants and devoted soldiers, we, as one, beseech you to grant us your blessing in the coming times. Please, show us a sign that you will not led our hands go astray, and lead us in our quest to protect those that must be shielded from the coming evil…"

Amongst the crowd that had gathered were all of the capable men and women that believed in the righteous hand of the Aspect of Justice, along with others who believed in the words of other Planars. Followers of Scyens �" Turalyon being among their numbers �" were not as certain about the power of the sword over that of magic, but they had gathered out of obligation. The followers of Eligius �" Yu Shaia and Alban being among the smaller group �" knew that praying to the Wildbearer meant little without the strength to wield arms, but they were praying halfheartedly, as nature was truly their strengths.

Karyana, Allision and Meilin remained silent as they prayed. The latter had stopped believing in the might of the Planars long ago, after her kidnapping by cultists of Xelnos, led by the now-general Xamaris. Yet, she pantomimed her prayers, if only to give herself a reason to believe in any way to keep her yet-to-be-born daughter safe. She had known of the gender of the child thanks an old friend, Cassandria of Xenethil Keep, a druid who had chosen to believe in both Lady Asuna and Eligius, making her a valuable comrade and a well-trained diviner.

Allision and Karyana did not want this war to happen. However, while the former was praying to Raemu for a quick end to the coming conflict, the latter kept praying to the Alabaster Maiden, even in the Planar-Knight's temple. Though such a thing would be seen as an affront to the Planar, no one took notice as they were all praying for their own reasons.


Raemu seemed angered at the prayers that reached his ears. So many felt discordant, some even untrue. "What are those mortals thinking?" he asked himself, having trouble making sense of everything that was voiced to him. "The times are for war, not tests of faith!"

Lady Asuna took a series of light steps as she walked into the Planar's personal dimension �" a cathedral of war, where every stained glass window was framed with swords and spears, the chandeliers made of shields and torches fabricated in clubs and other wooden weapons. Everything seemed to have been made from discarded weapons, even the throne where the Planar-Knight sat, a complex chair crafted of every single type of sword ever created.

"My Lord…" she whispered, adding a graceful twirl to her bow.

The Planar-Knight did not look amused. "Now is not the time for prancing about, White Dancer!" he shouted as he got up from his throne. "What do you want?"

Asuna flashed a mysterious smile. "I wish to help you."

"You? Why…" was all Raemu spoke before breaking in a fit of laughter. "Honestly, what could someone like you do? Your role is to light the skies at night, not to fight others' battles!"

The Alabaster Maiden straightened herself, giving the steel-eyed Planar a piercing stare. "My 'role', as you so call it, is to make sure that those who believe in me know that I am there for them, and so is yours!"

"Don't you dare insult me in my own domain!" the Aspect of Justice retorted angrily. "Have you not heard their pleas and prayers? They have little faith in themselves, let alone in us!"

Lady Asuna smiled anew. "Not everyone believes in war, and many doubt that this is even worthy of battle. Unless I am mistaken, many of them believe they should be protecting their children and family, rather than this Shrine."

Raemu relaxed the grip on the sword he almost unsheathed. "And how am I supposed to aid them if all they do is pray for the battle never to come, when it is only hours away?"

"Simple." The silver-skinned Planar-Lady answered. "If they do not believe in you, then who do they believe in?"

The Planar-Knight was about to answer when he thought about the question. "Hmm… some prayers were addressed to Scyens, Prolectae, Eligius and… and to you."

"You see? You do need my help!" The young woman spoke, tip-toeing away from the armored man and towards the doors. As she approached them, one of them opened as Progeny, Scyens and Prolectae entered.

The Childlord was dressed in what seemed like a child's version of armor �" a steel-like breastplate covering more than the breast, as well as his brass wristbands and crown -, as well as a short tunic that was almost next to skin, due to the added weight of the protection.

Prolectae wore no armor of her own, aside from a reinforced brassiere and some mildy garish arm guards. Though her pregnant belly was showing against the tight robe she wore, she seemed almost battle-ready, with a steel gaze in her eyes, her fiery mane flowing down her back.

Scyens wore his usual scholar's robes, if only with a bit more protection, as metallic accessories had been added to his hat and overcoat, and was holding his staff with both hands. Rather than leaning on the mildly crooked war-staff, he held in as if a lance.

"And all of ours as well…" Asuna added. "What say thee?"

"I say that your illusions are not convincing." Raemu said, unsheathing his sword before striking the ground with it. The makeshift forms of the Planars vanished like sand in the wind. "But you do have a point…" he added before sheathing his sword. "If you wish to aid me, then I will accept… on one condition."

The Alabaster Maiden knew that her magic, outside of its celestial plane, was weakened, but she had planned for something like this to happen. "Name it."


Ukrid was quickly pacing along the parapets �" running would be a better word, if anyone else could follow his walk without sprinting -, keeping an eye on the approaching forces. Being already quite nervous and hasty, he made sure everyone and everything was set and ready in case of enemy forces climbing the walls.

He was surprised one of thing, though: Yu Shaia's scouting party should have returned by now. They had left their leader to pray with the others while they would catch the enemy by surprise and perhaps decimate one of their catapults. Even Arius had decided to participate, but there was no news of him.

Taking a moment to stretch his arms, he looked up in the night-sky… only to see something large coming his way. "Incoming!" he shouted before dodging out of the way.

Rather than being a rock, or even a corpse, the projectile was the barely-breathing and heavily-bloodied body of one of the scouts.

One of the soldiers rushed over to the crippled scout and knelt next to his agonizing comrade. "Wren! By the Planars, what happened?"

"They… they knew… we…" was all the mortally-wounded scout could say before his life-breath left his lungs.
The soldier's head drooped low as he slid the scout's pupils closed. Looking at the broken body, he noticed something strange attached to the scout's studded leather breastplate. A chained sphere, as if a loadstone, with a strange red light that was dimming.

"What in the-" was all the soldier could say before the mechanism activated, detonating the sphere, which blew a large hole in the parapet, as well as taking out three more guards.

Ukrid has been quick enough to dodge the explosion, but the sight of the devious device and the catastrophic consequences of it shook him to the core. He had to run… he had to tell everyone…

Dashing down the stairs, he tried to ignore the screams of other scouts being catapulted, then used as incendiary fodder against the Shrine.

The preemptive strike had failed… and the war had begun.


Arius looked back at the catapults as the last corpse was fired. "I must admit, I didn't expect such devilish tricks from you, Pison."

The mercenary made a grim sneer. "Enough pleasantry." he hissed. "Though I appreciate how you… gave us their tactics… there is something you have to do now."

The spell-blade rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. "And what would that be?"

"Simple." The demonic assassin spoke. "All you have to do is make yourself look convincing…"

The elf turncoat unsheathed his sword and looked at the mercenary. "Oh, I see now. You want me to crawl back to them, in the worst possible condition, and to tell them how miserably I failed to stop you…"

Xamaris rolled his eyes. "Why not just kill him? I'm sure I can make a very lovely stitch with his body. I never have experimented with an elvish corpse before…"

Kalak pulled out his blade. "Why not let me do it? You can have the scraps of skin that's left when I rip all of his bones out!"

Arius stabbed the ground with his sword, then readied two spells, one in each hand. Before the two arguing generals could come to an agreement on who would be the one to take the spell-sword on, two fireballs were launched from his hands, causing two of the catapults to burst into flames, the debris and shrapnel crushing scores of skeletons and Dun-elves.

"Why did you do this?" Pison said, pulling out his scimitar and unfurling his whip.

"You wanted to make it look convincing, so I did." The elf replied. "You didn't think I really cared about our little alliance, now did you?"

The mercenary sneered. "I will bleed you dry…"

Arius pulled out his sword of the ground and readied another volley of spells, once channeled into his sword. "Oh, and do make it look convincing…" he scoffed, finding the irony of the situation to be worth every coin he was paid to spy on the Shrine.


Korgan finished his prayer, and waited. He didn't know what more to say or do. Even the explosions outside made the walls shake and dust from the ceiling fell down. Most of the clerics and soldiers had begun to panic.

"This is too soon…" he muttered under his breath. "The enemy advanced too quickly…"

Though everyone was rushing out of the temple room, Alban and the others stayed put. "Korgan, I fear someone weaseled us."

"A traitor amongst our ranks? This couldn't have gone any worse…" the high priest huffed in a long, painful sigh. "And I thought Raemu would answer our prayers…"

A deep voice echoed in the halls of the Shrine. "Raemu has heard your plea…"

Those who hadn't left the room looked skywards as a beam of golden light, almost as bright as the midday sun, pierced through the rosarim that shone light on the Planar-Knight's statue. As the light slowly started to fade, a golden-winged creature, human in appearance, appeared. The divine messenger had copper skin and golden hair, with pure white eyes that seemed to emit a silver stream of sparks when he blinked, and wore a steel breastplate over a long tunic. Wielding a long spear whose tip seemed to glisten in the starlight, the creature folded his wings half-way before taking a step towards Korgan.

"I am Luriah, messenger of Raemu." The angelic warrior spoke, his voice resounding not only in the halls, but in the heart of every warrior, soldier and cleric. "My lord and master, force of justice in Medierth, has heard your pleas. As his divine hand in this time of need, open your hearts to his just light, and steel yourselves. You do not go to battle unheard, and you will not waste away. Armors can be pierced… walls can be smashed… but courage can only grow in adversity!"

Thrusting his spear upward, he shouted the last words. "Raemu is with you! The Planars bless you all! Now fight for what you believe in!"

A booming war-cry was heard as the troops readied themselves, storming out of the gate and onto the damaged parapets to wait for the enemy, ready to strike true with their newly-found righteousness.

Korgan knelt down before Luriah. "Messenger of Raemu, I thank you for rekindling their courage…" he spoke before he felt the angel's hand rest on his shoulder.

"Rise, high priest." The creature spoke as his hand glowed with a silvery light. "You will lead them to victory, as my Lord and Master wishes it."

The priest felt a rush of power flow through him. It was like a primordial flame had awakened in his mind and heart. Everything felt clear: this war was inevitable, but it could be won… and it will be.

Luriah looked back at the others before walking towards them, stopping in front of Onyx. "My Lord and Master has already blessed you before with the knowledge of the forge." The messenger-angel commented. "But you will stand with your comrades against the darkness. Steel yourself." Before the dwarf could understand, the angel touched the tip of his spear against Onyx's axe. In moments, the blade lost all dents and signs of rust. The weapon now shone like mythril, its blade perfectly-sharpened �" enough to slice through wind.

Stepping over to Yu Shaia, Luriah first examined Meilin. "Though you have lost your faith, by the end of this conflict, you will believe…" he muttered sternly before looking back at the elvish ranger. "As for you, though you have lost many a comrade before the war reached your walls, your swords will avenge the fallen. Wield them now, and defeat the unholy dead!" Grasping the pommels of both of the elf's blades, the angel unsheathed them after stabbing his spear in the ground.

Yu Shaia could only gaze in awe as his two blades �" an elvish longsword and a man-made short sword �" glowed and crackled with energy, as the former was enveloped in a tiny spire of flames, the latter ensorceled with the might of Frostreach itself as the blade seemed cold in the ranger's hand once he wielded it.

Luriah took a look at Alban. "My Lord and Master has blessed you with his sword. There is little more I can do for you, but grant you his strength. May your sword strike just and true…"

Alban felt a twinge of disappointment that quickly dissipated when he felt the same burning energy that burned within Korgan's body. Had he worn a metallic armor, the plates and chains would have broken off as his frame lost all signs of weariness and his arms lifted his great-sword with unearthly ease.

The messenger-angel then looked at Turalyon and Karyana. "There is little my Lord and Master can do for you." He said to the battle-mage, then looked at her with stern, piercing eyes, as if he was looking deep into her soul. "I… remember you. I see what you once was… Laurinya Val'Kyr, who wished for absolute freedom… Kaina Desteen, who sacrificed herself to save she who shared her blood…"

Karyana stood paralyzed as the angel gazed upon her. "I am not the one who will grant you aid… as she will, on the twilight of this war…"

The black-haired woman looked shocked as the angel took to the skies. "Steel yourselves… and be victorious!" was all the creature said before disap+pearing.

Allision looked back at her friend. "Kary… are you alright?"

"Raemu… doesn't want me…" she muttered, as if the shock of the revelation had frozen her essence.

Meilin slowly got up. "That's just like them. Planars… more like divine foppery!" she cursed under her breath. "Let's get to safety… maybe there's something who needs our aid around here…"

Yu Shaia turned to look at his wife. "Let me help-"

"Don't even think about it!" the illusionist roughly spoke. "You have your own battles to face, so get going!"

It took Allision a long moment, after Alban, Onyx, Korgan and Yu Shaia had left, to help Karyana to her feet. "Come on, Kary… you need to rest…"

She didn't hear what the red-haired priestess said as her own thoughts came to a painful conclusion. "If Raemu doesn't want me… do all Planars wish me away? But if so… is there anyone who would want of me?"

© 2014 Sebastien B.

Author's Note

Sebastien B.
Any and all comments, requests and reviews are welcome.

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Added on August 8, 2014
Last Updated on August 8, 2014
Tags: fantasy, Upon a Star, novel, Karyana, Chapter 29, action, adventure, emotional

Upon a Star: Karyana's Journey


Sebastien B.
Sebastien B.

Lasalle, Quebec, Canada

Good day. My name is Sebastien. I'm a 32-year-old video games LQA tester whose hobby of role-play and writing has led to creating a novel series, currently titled 'Upon a Star'. I was told by an acqua.. more..
