Upon a Star: Karyana's Journey: Chapter 26

Upon a Star: Karyana's Journey: Chapter 26

A Chapter by Sebastien B.

When one Planar decides to bend the rules, new opportunities arise... as well as new dangers.


Chapter 26

"Are you sure I should wear this?" Karyana asked, looking almost too embarrassed to look at herself in the polished metal mirror that hung in the trader's shop.

"Nonsense, girl." the half-elf woman, dressed in a dress that seemed more fit to catch the eye of a beau at a royal court, rather than being practical for the cold of Frostreach, spoke as she motioned to one of the tailors to adjust the pale red sash that seemed to contrast with the watery blue of the robes the black-haired woman now donned. "You look positively ravishing! Why, I'm sure a young beauty like you would turn heads no matter where she traveled to. And it is a must for initiates of Prolectae to wear their bests. The All-Mother does have quite the eye for beauty, and I'm sure you would fit in perfectly."

The blue-eyed woman didn't have a moment to herself as the merchant's wife's maids were all over her, examining seems, the length of each sleeve, even the plunging neckline that, while fitting in a warmer environment, was not the best choice for traveling to Bolestra, as she had planned. In fact, it felt like the half-elf woman, who would have looked in her mid-thirties if she had been human, had completely mistaken her intentions.

Her first idea was to dress Laurinya in something that would be more fitting for an initiate, and trade in her ruined costume for travel clothes. It seemed the half-elf had heard things the other way around, as the gold-haired young woman now sported a fur-lined, hooded dress that, while showing a good amount of cleavage and mildly clinging to her shape, was not as eye-catching as the azure robes she wore, lined with silver ribbons. Even one such ribbon had been braided into her hair.

"Besides, I did watch how you bested that madman as his own game." the half-elf lady continued. "You shouldn't be so humble about your deeds; maybe one day, songs will be written in your name!"

All the flattery and comments were making Karyana blush deeply, which caught Laurinya's eye as she lowered her hood, adjusting the fur-lined rim of the dress to show a little more skin. "My, my… I didn't think I'd see the day where you'd be embarrassed from all the praise, little sister."

Though everyone knew that the woman who stood a few feet from the blushing young woman used to house the twisted soul of a priest of Xelnos, in a matter of hours, everyone had come to see Karyana as a honorary member of their community and even treated Lauri as such, though with some restraint. Some still feared that the cultist would return, but it didn't take too long for them to understand that the young woman with the golden cascade of flowing locks and eyes of a sparkling green was not the man they had feared since his arrival several days before.

"Lauri…" Karyana muttered, turning to look at her 'sister', "you don't have to rub it in."

"Who says I am?" she quickly replied before taking a long look at the ribbon-laced azure dress. "I'm just jealous that you get to wear something like this, and I have to dress in…" She rose her arms before looking down at her hooded robe. "…that."

The half-elf lady turned her attention to look at Laurinya. "Hmm… I see what you mean. You said you were on the way to Bolestra, did you not?"

Laurinya let out a frustrated sigh. "No, she did."

The merchant's wife pulled a wooden pin from her brown-haired half-bun and scratched the back of her head with it. "Well, no matter. I'm sure the All-Mother will be able to see some sort of beauty inside of you."

The golden-haired young woman frowned. "What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying I'm ugly?"

Karyana let out a sigh before raising her hand to stop her sister from talking back. "Lauri… we need to talk."


An hour passed before the two stood outside of the temple, which appeared larger up close than it looked on the outside. The structure was elegantly-crafted, appearing almost as a gate to some divine dimension, as different statues showed the many faces of Prolectae: as a daughter, mother, sister and midwife; as a carer for the cradle, a teacher to the young, a bearer of family…

Laurinya examined one of the statues, which seemed to resonate with a faint manaweave. The object depicted the All-Mother as a tall woman with cascading hair, wearing clothes that did little to hide the child that was growing inside of her, yet every aspect of her seemed to glow with a feminine grace, almost as if the duty of giving birth had no altered her youthful complexion. "So, she's the Planar-Lady. I just hope I don't have to dress like that, or else I would freeze to death."

Karyana shook her head. "Lauri, what I have been telling you for the past hour?" she asked her sister with a show of authority that would have made Kaina proud.

The golden-haired young woman rolled her eyes. "I know, I know; stop running your mouth, or else you'll just get in trouble. I just don't understand why I can't just travel with you. You're free to go anywhere, and I have to stay here?"

The dark-haired girl bit her lip. She wasn't as free as her sister thought. Her journey was as clear as she could expect from a message of Progeny himself: go to the Shrine near Bolestra, and help them face the coming threat. The problem was that she had not heard of any 'coming threats', nor did she hear of any signs of sieges or battles in or around the city where she had been issued to travel to.

"This is important, Lauri." Karyana answered, trying to come up with a passable story to cover her quest. "I have to leave this place before the cult of Xelnos hears of what happened to one of their own, and-"

"-and you're a horrible liar." Laurinya replied with brutal honesty. "You just don't want to get in trouble because of me, is that it? I've grown up as a part of you, and I've seen the world with my own eyes for the past ten years! I can tell when someone is trying to belittle me!"

Karyana let out a sigh. "You're… you're right." she finally admitted. "As much as you're a part of me, I'm also a part of you. I don't think I would feel right if anything happened to you because of me…"

The emerald-eyed young woman looked startled for a second before her expression softened. "That's the first time… I thought you didn't care for me…" she commented, trying to hold back her tears.

A smirk came to the black-haired young woman's face. "Just because I don't always listen to you and Kaina, doesn't mean I don't listen at all." she answered, trying to lighten the mood. "I want to learn for myself, too. Besides, Allision didn't turn out so bad, right?"

Laurinya gave a knowing smile, mischief showing in her eyes. "Not to mention the beating we gave that pasty-faced Pison… But I still think you'd look better with that armored corset over the dress."

Both sisters shared a moment of happy silence before giving one another a hug. "How about you and I go in together? I bet we could make the Planar-Lady real jealous…" Laurinya asked, seemingly less jealous of her sister's more elegant attire and more eager to show Prolectae what she could do, a feeling that Karyana shared, but not in the same way.


Though the outside of the temple was grandiose in its stone-craft and intricate motifs, what was inside the Shrine of Prolectae was like nothing either sister had seen before. While the doorway had led them inside a well-furnished hall, leading to another door, the main hall was impossibly larger than the structure they remembered outside. It seemed as if the doors were linked to a powerful manaweave, as it was almost impossible that such a sight was possible anywhere in Medierth.

The shrine's main 'hall' wasn't so much a chapel or a church, but a grove with flowered trees, the blooms lighting the area like a thousands of tiny suns. Laurinya's winter-made robes felt too warm as she admired the otherworldly vegetation, which seemed to bloom into a myriad of colors that either sister could never have dreamed of. Even Karyana, who was rather cold in the azure dress minutes ago, now felt overdressed as the air felt as relaxing as the summer breeze in Warmcreek.

"This is… in all my studies, I've never…" the emerald-eyed woman tried to say, awe making it almost a daunting task to even think of the words to say. "I thought only Shardfall could have such a powerful manaweave…" Taking a quick step towards a low branch where a lotus-like flower was blossoming, the emerald-eyed woman examined the miniature sun, her hands resting underneath, as if she was holding a precious gem. "Just one of these flowers has enough mana to create a star…"

Karyana looked up, and was surprised to see, rather than a ceiling or the cloudy sky that was outside, a clear sky without any hint of sun or clouds. "Lauri… I don't think this is Medierth anymore." she said before noticing Laurinya raise the branch delicately, as if to take a whiff of the lotus-like blossom. "What are you doing? That could be-"

The golden-haired sorceress didn't hear her sister's worried words until it was too late. As the lotus' scent filled her nostrils, the golden-haired young woman felt as if something deep inside was coming to life. Heat that quickly overflowed, spreading through her body like wildfire.

The black-haired 'sibling' looked on worried as her sister fell to her knees, an enraptured expression on her face as sweat started to appear on her skin. "Lauri? Lauri! What's happening?" the black-haired girl shouted, unsure what to do or think.

It didn't take too long for the enraptured sorceress to turn towards her sister, her emerald eyes seemingly aglow with a gentle warm that was never there before. "Kary…" she moaned as her hands slowly slid down on her cleavage, making her sister even more worried. "I feel… so good…"

The bristling of leaves and delicate steps in the grass that layered the ground �" rather than the stone masonry Karyana had expected �" made the still mentally-sharp of the two sisters turned about. Hoping to draw her sword, she noticed two things that scared her even more: first, her sword and scabbard were nowhere to be found, even if she wore both before entering the shrine; and second, a tall woman with a golden brown mane of locks that flowed down her back, eyes that seemed to reflect the colors of the sea and grass, and dressed in a silver tunic that was tied about the waist as to accentuate her state of pregnancy, approached the pair, the scabbard held in her arms, the sword still sheathed in it.

"I suppose you were looking for this." the woman answered, holding out the weapon. "Though I do understand that a woman must protect herself, I do not like such tools of war in my domain."

Karyana rose a hand to her lips, eyes wide in shock. "You're… Lady Prolectae?" she asked, pronouncing the name 'praw-less-tea'. "But… but that means-"

"-that you unwillingly ventured into my grove." the Planar-Lady replied, placing the sheathed sword against a nearby tree. "Either that, or your wish to see me was so great that your combined manaweave created a path into my domain. Perhaps some divine aid was given?"

Laurinya tried to find the strength or will to be mad, but whatever the lotus' pollen was doing to her, it was making every trickle of sweat that rolled on her skin feel like a warm hand was delicately brushing against her bare skin, making her moan whenever she tried to speak.

Prolectae examined the sorceress. "And there is this young mortal." she said before gazing at Karyana. "I saw what you did, and while I am pleased to see one of Xelnos' men turn away from its religion, I am concerned that you, fate-weaver, may have sown the seeds of suffering…"

The blue-eyed young woman shook her head. "I don't understand what you mean… but please, can't you do something for her?" she asked, pointing at Laurinya. "The pollen of those flowers-"

"-are nothing to worry about, child." Prolectae replied, showing a stern expression. "You see, in this grove, my presence is everywhere, and my powers almost limitless. I could read into your souls, and what I saw…"

Prolectae sat on a moss-covered stump, brought her legs to a side tilt and placed her hands on her knees in an aristocrat-like way before examining Laurinya who was no longer fighting the effects of the flower's enticing aroma. "Both of your souls are linked. You may not fully understand, but your sister is quite the complete individual. As a part of yourself, she showed outer beauty, but her heart was scarred. She suffered her own pains, and was given a false reward for her endeavors."

Karyana had trouble understanding what the Planar-Lady was saying. "All she wanted was freedom…"

"Perhaps, but freedom from what?" the Aspect retorted. "If Raemu had had his way, she would have been freed of her will and made into his servant. If Xelnos had been successful in destroying her, she would have been freed of life and left in a state of eternal suffering, unable to die as she would have been his prized trophy… until the next Chosen would have born into Medierth. And if that half-demon fool Pison had successfully done that ritual, well… neither of you would have existed today… or at all."

Karyana shook as the scaling of these disastrous possibilities. "So… Lauri and I… would never have existed?"

Prolectae wiped her right brow with her left hand, both delicate and inviting. "I'm rather surprised that you still care for her well-being." she responded, dodging the question as she looked at the writhing Laurinya who was still in the throes of the flower's powerful spell. "The power of the Dawn Lotus acts as a powerful drug that brings a sense of pleasure, but also makes the victim fall in a recumbent bliss."

Turning to take a better look at her sister, Karyana noticed a serene smile on her sister's face before the Planar-Lady spoke. "I could read her like an open book. All she longed for was the freedom to do what she wanted, and the love of those around her. Her wildness is a trait you once possessed, as well as her rebellious mind. Freedom for power is hardly a fair trade, as she was taken all she wanted and given what she did not. I am simply giving her a taste of what she longed for, in exchange for something I want."

Karyana wasn't quick enough to turn around before she felt Prolectae's womb press against her back, the Aspect's arms wrapping around the mortal's shoulders. "My Lady, what're you doing?" she worriedly asked the goddess.

"Panyus prophesied that you will obtain the power to unravel time…" the Aspect answered, running her hands against the mageling's skin. "And my son Progeny has taken a liking to you. He has hopes that you will give his long lost brother, Reveen, the key to return home."

Karyana could smell the perfume of dawn lotus on Prolectae's hands. Her eyes quickly closed as she felt a spark light inside of her own womb. "Wh-what… what are you…?"

"My son ordered all Planars to still their hands and not to influence your life, yet they have in many a way. Raemu granted your friends with gifts, while Scyens taught you and Reveen all of our secrets and teachings. Progeny even allowed the Dun-elf Sayeth another chance at life." the Aspect of Womanhood explained as her hands glowed, making Karyana let out a heart-felt moan as something was thrust out of her, like a fisherman pulling a net out of the water. "I will allow all of you to experience the true power that lies within your souls �" such an experience that only my highest priestesses are blessed with �" in exchange for one thing: on the day that the new world awakens… you will bear the child that sleeps eternally in my womb. You will foster the Divine Child, and in her wake, a new era will be ushered."

Karyana struggled as best as she could to think straight through the tide of pleasure that was threatening to overcome her. Her senses were on the brink of bliss; all she could do stop the tide was reach deep down and force herself to shout. "Stop!"

Prolectae let the mortal go as she fell to her hands and knees, breathing heavily. "It is… strange." the Aspect answered. "I am giving you the chance to understand yourself, your power… and you refuse?"

The black-haired woman wiped the sweat from her brow, her hair clinging to her skin and drenched dress. "No… I just… want to… understand…" Karyana answered before sitting down on her knees. "What am I… to all of you?"

The Planar-Lady raised an eyebrow. "Panyus did not reveal the entirety of the prophecy about you. It was said that Xelnos would die, and that you would change the world. Though I cannot fathom a world without destruction... I believe your fate to be greater that her words wish you to be."

Karyana wearily rose to her feet, her legs barely responding. "Then… if I'm so important to you, I wish to ask something of you…"

Prolectae cocked an eyebrow. "And that would be?"

The black-haired young woman stood defiantly. "Kaina, Laurinya and Demyan. Grant all three of them your blessing, and I will do everything you ask of me."

The Aspect smiled with an all-knowing smile. "Is that all?" she replied, which surprised the mageling. "What did you think happened before you dropped to your knees?"

Karyana looked around, and was shocked to notice another woman in the grove, already deeply ensorcelled by the dawn lotus that rested in her hair, attached to a vine in a circlet-like fashion.

"I could tell that Kaina was suffering from loneliness." the Planar-Lady answered. "She of all wanted to be heard, to be seen and to be appreciated. Though she lacked charm, she holds great determination, passion and grace, even though her mind has adapted to contradictions, rules and authority."

Karyana felt the manaweave around her ripple as the rising heat within the two sisters was being fed inside her mind. She didn't have time to struggle or speak before each of her senses was overcome with ever-increasing bliss.

"Go to your sisters, and enjoy my blessing." Prolectae ordered. "Tomorrow, you will wake among friends, at the shrine, and your sisters will be returned to you."

Though her body approached her sisters, the blue-eyed woman's mind was lost in a haze created by her seething womb and the sound of her beating heart that drummed in her ears.


Demyan was tired. Ever since the discovery of the dismembered Viceroy, his whole life had been turned upside down.

The noble's will left him the role of counselor to the next in line, but there was a battle between the noble's family, leaving the throne empty. As much as the Viceroy's sons were disputing over the power, none of them would acknowledge the young man as a possible candidate, even if two of them had seen the Magelord's magic being used by the young man years ago.

The arena of this battle was on a political level, as the people was still grieving over the loss of a good man who took on the responsibilities of the empty throne and of aiding the people in their daily problems. It was almost impossible to make sense of the struggle inside Citadel, for Lord Medai's spell still erased the magical capital of Demierth from everyone's minds, except for those within its walls.

The young Magelord felt no comfort in any of the words and promises of the aristocrats and was starting to lose faith in his own skills. If he was to take the throne, would it only cause a civil war? That very thought haunted his weary mind, even as the sun started to set on the grand hall.

As he rose from his seat next to the now unoccupied throne, Demyan noticed a maid walk into the room, looking flustered. "I am not in the mood for more politics or negotiations." he spoke with a deeply frustrated tone. "Just tell me what you want and be done with it…"

"My Lord… someone has requested to see you… in your chambers." The maid spoke before bowing quickly and turning around.

Before she could leave, Demyan stopped her. "Wait. You said in my chambers? How is that possible? No one is allowed inside."

The young maid waited for a full minute before answering with a giggle, slowly turning to look at the young man. "Surely you do not believe that Planars obey the rules set by mortals?" she answered with a more mature, yet very feminine voice. "And you can leave that mask behind; I prefer to see the face of the men I entice."

Demyan frowned as he removed his mask. "Lady Prolectae, I presume." he answered before wiping his eyes. "I have heard stories about how you would bewitch men and lead them away from war. Are you here to scold me for being forced to take part in this… political charade?"

The young maid's body took on a thinking pose, then quickly looked back at Demyan. "Although I hate war, and I do wish you would take your place as true Magelord, this visit is not about me. It's about the mortal girl your heart longs for."

The young man's eyes grew wide. "You mean… is she-"

"Oh, she is here, but she won't be for long." Prolectae answered. "You see, she whole-heartedly entered my domain without knowing what would happen, simply to grant her sister Laurinya a chance to experience the love and freedom that was taken away from her. In exchange, she agreed to bear my blessings."

Demyan looked agitated. He had heard stories of how the priestesses of Prolectae valued the fairest of women and what the high priestesses would do for the favor of the Aspect of Love, Beauty and Fertility. "But, why then-"

Prolectae folded her arms. "You see, though I was able to grant her sisters… Laurinya and Kaina, I believe?" she wondered, before turning her attention back to the young man. "As I was saying… as much as she wanted her sisters to receive my benediction, she also asked me to grant you my blessings."

Demyan frowned. For a man, Prolectae's blessings would grant the exalted individual great charisma, but it could easily backfire, as some of the blessed few lost more than their manhood in the past when the blessing would become a curse.

Prolectae caught the boy's stare and sighed. "You hurt my feelings. All I wish to give you is the necessary… diplomacy to become who you should be. However, the young lass was more than willing to give something as well."

The Planar-Lady grabbed the polished metal plate that the maid had brought with her and turned it about, as if she was showing Demyan a mirror. "Take a look."

The young Magelord gazed into the surface, and was startled when the polished metal revealed the sleeping form of Karyana, left in a state of undress while lying on the young man's bed. "Kary…"

"A fair proposal, I believe." Prolectae replied. "You can have this one night with her, as long as you claim the throne. What do you say?"

Demyan examined the mana-woven reflection. "I accept… on one condition."

"And that would be?" the Planar-Lady asked in return.

"Find a lover for this maiden you inhabit. She deserves your grace." he answered before leaving the throne room, taking a hurried step towards his chambers.


"Father Korgan, a woman was found outside the Shrine's walls!" one of the friars announced after running into the meditation room.

"Probably another mother wishing to give her a child a better home…" the war-priest murmured.

The monk shook his head, almost causing his hood to flip back. "No, my Father. She was found this morning, lying outside on the snow."

Korgan let out a sigh. "So, you want me to give her her final rest ceremony?" he asked, getting irritated by the monk who had caused him to lose concentration on the thorough examination of the Shrine's blueprints.

The monk shook his head again. "No, my Father. She-"

"Stop beating around the shrubbery and tell me straight out!" the priest finally retorted, having ran out of patience after examining the same details for the tenth time in the past hour.

"Sir, it's almost a miracle." the monk finally answered. "The snow around her seemed to have thawed, and there was even dawn lotus flowers and blood roses around her."

Korgan was startled. "Impossible. Only Prolectae herself can harvest Dawn lotuses… wait. Blood roses, too?"

In Medierth's history, blood roses were known for their formidable alchemical purposes, which included the production of a special poultice made of its components which could stop hemorrhages. Its pollen was also known to create a very powerful pheromone that, when inhaled by a person of the opposite gender, caused the inhaler's mind to believe almost anything that was told to him or her. That flower was both a boon and a bane.

"Have someone bring this woman here, and send one of the friars to pick those flowers to send to the atelier immediately!" the father ordered.

"Sir, one more thing…" the monk added, seemingly uneasy about the last message to say.


Pison examined the delicate flower with a malicious curiosity. "Such a marvelous thing of nature, this flower. As red as blood, with a perfume that enlaces the mind…"

As the mercenary examined the plant, a man stood several paces behind him, wearing a thick mantle. A leather hood covered the man's head entirely, making the assassin's servant almost unidentifiable as he wore the flax garments that all monks who worked at the shrine wore.

"It's a pity that only human minds are victims to this rose's aroma." spoke the servant. "Why would you need such a thing, my master?"

The assassin delicately handed the rose to his servant. "Take the rose to Vilgrum in Bolestra. Tell him to make a draught from this flower. Then, when the moment is right, have… her… drink it."

Pison waited for his assistant to leave before turning back to the dun-elf shamans that were casting their ritual. "In a matter of days, the spire of hope that the Planars wish so dearly to create will crumble to dust… and they will weep before-"

"-before what?" came a monstrously powerful voice from behind him.

The mercenary turned to see the immense form of Xelnos, wearing in all his glory a devilishly gruesome suit of armor, which made his obsidian form look even more menacing.

Pison took a second to think before answering. "Before your reign of Medierth, of course, my master…"

Xelnos' eyes burned like hellfire underneath his helm. "Do not take me for a fool, Pison. Your infernal heart beats with the lust to destroy." the Archdemon answered. "While I enjoy your bloodlust, I give you this one warning: fail me again, and your beloved Alphea will share your fate."

Pison's eyes quickly lost their anger at the mention of Alphea's name, which Xelnos quickly noticed. "Yes… you still cling to her." the Aspect of Destruction commented, lines of razor-sharp teeth appeared in a predatory sneer that would make the bravest of men quake in their boots. "Perhaps she would serve me best as a slave… or a succubus, perhaps. My, how lovely she would be as a creature of pure darkness!"

Pison grit his teeth and fell to his knees as Xelnos' bellowing laugh made every bone in his body rattle. The thought of his beloved, becoming a demonic slave to the master he wished to be rid of… 'I don't have a choice…' he thought, looking down at his devilish hands as what little humanity was left in his eyes was replaced by despair and anger. 'If I can't save her...'


Karyana's eyes fluttered open as she awoke, feeling as fresh as a daisy. It took her a moment to focus on the many faces in the crowd around her, until one was clear enough to identify.

"Everyone, she's awake!" Allision shouted as the other monks and friars left the room.

The young woman got up to a sitting position on the hard-as-stone bed that Korgan's initiates had placed her on. "Huh? Allision? Where are we?"

Alban walked over to the two women and interrupted the half-elf redhead before she could answer. "Thank the Planars you made it. I thought you were dead when they found you outside."

"I highly doubt it." Turalyon remarked, cutting Allision's second attempt to speak, which made her frown. "Blood roses only bloom where a woman's womb bled its first time due to… um... particular methods. The alchemical attributes of this species of rare and magical flowers are immense. Besides, only a living woman's blood could produce such a-"

Onyx cut the battle-mage's comments, as well as the priestess' third attempt to speak. "That means someone had her ways with her? If I find the pig who tried to stuff her, I'll-"

"Would you three just shut up?" Allision shouted loud enough to be heard through the heavy iron door that kept the room closed. "Either you three get out of here right now or I'll melt your armors right on your skin!"

"I don't wear metal armor…" Alban replied a bit sheepishly.

It took only a minute for all the men to leave the room, the last one being Turalyon who rubbed his backside as the monks who watched snickered amongst one another as a very distinct bruise of a woman's boot had been printed in dust on his pantaloons.

Allision closed to the door and locked it from the inside before putting her back against it. "Men… you become another person, but no matter the race, they never change…" she said, before being surprised by Karyana's giggle. "What's so funny?"

"I'm just glad you're doing alright." the black-haired young woman replied, seemingly beaming with girlish pride.

"Well, well, well… you're in a great mood today... for someone who ended up growing blood roses." Allision replied, adding sarcasm to her comment, though it was a safe bet that, with Karyana's serene smile and refreshed stance, something did happen. "So, did Prolectae mate you with someone? I hope she didn't pick poorly."

Karyana's smile couldn't be any wider. "Oh… he never was a bad choice." she said, wrapping her arms around her chest, as the memory of the passionate moments she had last night still lingered.

"Well, then, I hope you're not expecting a babe anytime soon." Allision commented. "Things have turned out quite hairy over the past few days. Broken-in crypts, empty graves, disappearing bodies…"

The young half-elf priestess cocked and eyebrow as she noticed Karyana was still smiling, as if daydreaming. "Hey, are you even listening?"

Karyana stretched for a moment before removing her satchel. "Prolectae made sure I would be… safe. I even picked something from her grove. I hope you like it."

The red-haired elf let out a sigh before grabbing the satchel and taking a peak inside. "What is that? A flower? And why is it glow…" was all she could say before the aroma of the dawn lotus filled her nostrils.

It would take several hours for the corridors to stop the monks and soldiers' whispers about "strange noises" coming a room in the Healer's Hall, and many of the treated would find quite the morale boost as their dreams were influenced by the scent of dawn lotus that wafted in the main treatment chambers.

© 2014 Sebastien B.

Author's Note

Sebastien B.
Any and all comments will be appreciated.

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Added on August 7, 2014
Last Updated on August 7, 2014
Tags: fantasy, Upon a Star, novel, Karyana, Chapter 26, action, adventure, emotional, dark

Upon a Star: Karyana's Journey


Sebastien B.
Sebastien B.

Lasalle, Quebec, Canada

Good day. My name is Sebastien. I'm a 32-year-old video games LQA tester whose hobby of role-play and writing has led to creating a novel series, currently titled 'Upon a Star'. I was told by an acqua.. more..
