Upon a Star: Karyana's Journey: Chapter 24

Upon a Star: Karyana's Journey: Chapter 24

A Chapter by Sebastien B.

A new purpose is found, as the enemy begins to lurk within...


Chapter 24

Alban and Onyx couldn't quite understand why Demyan was so eager to continue adventuring, and were befuddled by his temporary moments of daydreaming, not to mention the wide grin on his face.

They had traveled north to the borders of Frostreach, and the weather was already starting to cool, yet the young man seemed even more energetic than when he aided the dwarf at the forge to create the elaborate headpiece.

They were less than a sunset away from Chillpath, the winding mountain road that served both as a border into Frostreach and as the last traveler's rest before reaching the frozen lands, and the young man was already up and about, while the others were still trying to wake up.

"Come on, you two, wake up!" Demyan almost shouted, as he waited for a kettle of herbal tea, made from Alban's teachings on wild roots, leaves and berries, to settle. He had already heated up pieces of bread and iron rations, of which he had taken his share.

Alban rose out of his tent and stretched. "Ugh… don't you ever get tired?" he asked, scratching the fuzz on his face. "It's been almost a week since you came to us, and for the past four days, you've been more energetic than Berevor Blazefoot…"

Berevor was known as the first trail-blazer to map the lands of Medierth, and had been known to be exceptionally quick on his feet. Some believed that the Planar of the Winds, Ornad, had enchanted his boots with such a powerful manaweave that the ranger never tired, no matter how far he walked or how high he climbed. Berevor was successful in his ordeal, but died months after his travels ended, as his legs could no longer hold him up, age being the one thing Ornad had not protected the human from. It was his efforts that led to the diplomatic negociations between the denizens of Frostreach and the elves of the Emerald Sea, as well as the identification of the nearly hundreds of tribes living in and around the Shimmering Sands.

Demyan had removed his mask to make it easier to travel incognito, but his wide smile hadn't left him since that night where he had given Karyana the tiara. Every night since then, the two have been spending their dreams in each others arms, reminiscing of their times as children while basking in the eternal daybreak of their own dreamplane, watching Chime and Bell frolic in the field that had changed as their nights went on. Calm fields and mild winds changed like the seasons, adding new colors and experiences as both painted their own experiences in the lushness of the dreamscape, like two artists creating through mutual inspiration.

The single apple tree was now a brimming orchard, with different trees bearing fruit than one or the other had not tasted before. Wild flowers and foliage had grown, shaping new fields and creating new scents. Every night led to new dreams, new experiences, and an ever-deeper understanding of one another.

Onyx had woken up and walked over to the now-steaming kettle before pulling it off the fire. "Daydreaming again, boy? Seems like Prolectae has been visiting your nights…" the dwarf added with a deep chuckle as he poured himself a tin cup full of scalding hot tea.

Demyan shook his head lightly. "I'm sorry. You were saying?" he asked, before picking up his own cup, which the dwarven smith had filled. The smell of wild-berries, mint leaves and wild roots kept reminding him of his wonder-filled nights.

"Oh, nothing." The dwarf concluded before pulling the heavy iron pan off the fire. "Looks like you're learning to be quite the talented wanderer."

Even Alban had noticed how quickly the young man was learning the trades of the traveler. What had taken the ranger weeks to learn, the young man had learned in days. Though his knowledge of what mushrooms were edible, what roots could be used and how to hunt were still hardly enough to be up the Academia's standards as a full-fledged ranger, Demyan was picking up tricks and hints at surprising speed.

"Oh… um, thank you." the young Magelord answered. "I guess I'm learning from the best…"

Alban let out a sigh. "Don't flatter us so much, boy." he answered. "Onyx and I have been traveling together for more than a year now. From Zerethil Keep to the Bejeweled City, we-"

Demyan cocked an eyebrow. "The what?"

"The Jewel beyond Weepfall… you haven't heard of it?" the ranger asked before pulling out his great-sword to examine it for any signs of rust or dullness.

The young man tried to look as pensive as he could while the two explained to him where and what the City was. Truth is, he already knew. The Viceroy's uncle, once removed, was the former ruler of the city, and as a boy, he had often seen the richly-ornate carriages arrive from Citadel's port, welcomed by dozens of aristocrats and servants. However, the only personal experience he had before of ever seeing one of the Bejemi �" the race of humans living inside or in the vicinity of the City �" was when the youngest daughter of the ruler, still as a child, was sent to Citadel for sanctuary before the War of the Diamond Throne began.

It was during that war that Alban and Onyx, along with their comrades, participated in a last-ditch effort to break the blockade and free the City, but it was said that, during that time, the Bejem were looking high and low for the said daughter, who was the last to take the throne. Lady Xera was the child in question. Although she was perhaps a year younger than Demyan was, the rebellious young woman that he last saw, with her light brown hair cut just inches from her shoulders, with oak-bark brown eyes, was not the kind of person to privilege the life of a noble. In fact, she had often spent her time in Citadel among the lower caste, aiding those in need while hiding from her suitors and handmaids.

Still, if Lady Xera was younger than he was, and had been placed on the throne to show that the bloodline had not been severed, Demyan wondered if he should not do the same, to show the people of Citadel, if not all of Medierth, that the late Magelord had passed on his responsibilities �" and powers �" to him.

"So, that's what the City is." Onyx concluded, though the young man had not listened to a word, his thoughts spiraling in every direction.

"I see. It sounds like quite the place to visit." Demyan added before taking a sip of his tea. "Now, once we reach Frostreach, where should we go?"

Alban pulled out a makeshift map from his travel pack and examined it. "Well, once we get past Chillpath, we'll have to take a cart north. It should take a tenday or so before reaching the location of Korgan's temple. I don't know where that cranky friar is, but I'm not too thrilled of going on that blasted pilgrimage."

Onyx let out a sigh. "I'm not too fond of the location, but I'm sure the priesthood of Raemu will want all the help they can get. Building a temple in such a location is not exactly an easy task."

Demyan rubbed his chin. "Well, there must be some reason… where exactly is it?"

Alban pointed to a city marker on the map. "It's east of Bolestra. Biggest trade city in that part of Frostreach. I heard that some members of the Academia and scholars of the Order are working on protecting the population from the Dun-elves in the area. That Shrine… wouldn't be surprised if they made it into a fortress."

The young man examined the map. Even though the trade-city of Bolestra was almost a month of road away from Citadel, the diplomatic factor, along with the possible alliance of the northern tribes would be beneficial to everyone.

"Don't forget that Baratus' old man's the one who runs the tribe's council." Onyx commented. "Bet he's as proud as a peacock to see his son help turn the tides in that blasted war…"

That remark startled Demyan. "R-really? I didn't know you had such… famous comrades."

Onyx winced. "You weren't listening to what we were saying, were you…" he gruffly added.

Demyan got up then grabbed his mask from his travel bag. "Hmm… I think I might have to part company with you two."

Alban cocked an eyebrow. "Is something wrong?"

"No, it's not that. I just feel like… there's somewhere else I should go." the young man answered, looking to the north-west.

Onyx frowned. "And where in Medierth is that supposed to be?" the burly dwarf added.

The young man turned to look at the two. "Citadel."


Allision looked back at Karyana with a bit of concern. "Are you serious about this?" she asked, even as the young woman packed her travel bags. "It's not like Ravenhold is a day's walk from here."

Karyana picked up a canteen of water and attached it to her travel bag. "If my parents are still alive, then they probably still live there." she answered.

"Do you even understand the possible outcomes?" the young priestess added. "What if they left? Or what if they…"

The black-haired young woman shook her head. "I don't want to think of that idea." was all she said, though the feeling of dread at the possibility of never seeing her parents again was lingering in her mind.

"Shouldn't you take Bell and Chime with you, then? I think it would be better if you at least had some company…" the red-haired young lass responded before handing Karyana an extra pouch, which she quickly added to her belt.

Karyana let out a sigh, but it was hard to tell if it was of frustration or relief. "Have you even seen the two for the past three days?"

Allision thought for a moment. Her friend had a point: both fuzzy little creatures had up and vanished. The children had even looked around Warmcreek to find the two tiny, winged beasts, but to no avail. "I don't really understand why they would leave you, though."

Karyana knew quite well why, and it was apparent by the finely crafted sword than rested on the side of her bed. On the night when the two little rascals 'vanished', Demyan and her had met anew in their dreamscape, but this time, it was not a matter of two lovers meeting; it was more like two friends parting ways.

Demyan had discarded his traveler's clothes for a more refined set of garbs that made him look like an up-and-coming aristocrat. Dusting browns and faded whites had become lavender blues and darker tones of purple �" color tones that were meant for nobles. The rough and messy haircut had been washed and properly cut, and the mild stubble had been shaved clean. Still, the one thing that Karyana recognized was the young man's mask, and a moment of sadness in his eyes.

The dreamscape had also changed. Instead of the lush and colorful fields, the Plane now rested inside what seemed like a throne room. However, as lit and elegant the halls were, it was empty of people, except for Demyan, Karyana, Bell and Chime.

The tone was almost more solemn. Demyan had much to do, even after returning to Citadel, as he needed to not only make the Viceroy understand his ideas, but to make the people know that the Magelord was back. Karyana herself was also less inclined to talk.

The last thing before they bid themselves a fond farewell, in the hopes of meeting when their own goals �" Karyana's search for her parents and Demyan's moment to ascend to his role as Citadel's ruler -, the two exchanged parting gifts. While Bell and Chime mewed with melancholy as the young woman gaved both of them a goodbye hug, Demyan unclasped Eclipse's scabbard and handed the sheathed sword to her.

"Hey, I'm asking you a question!" Allision retorted, snapping the black-haired young woman back to reality.

"Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind." Karyana politely answered.

"Well, don't fret so much. We all have important things to do, whether for ourselves or for others. On my end, I received a message from the Order of Raemu." the red-haired priestess said, pulling out a scroll from inside her sleeve. "It looks like they need a cleric of every order to travel to Bolestra. Apparently, they are building an immense temple there, and it seems that I've been summoned to go there."

The blue-eyed mageling cocked an eyebrow. "Bolestra?"

"Not sure where it is, but I hear that they organized a caravan from Ravenhold to Bolestra." Allision answered after taking a moment to examine the scroll's contents. "I'm sure we can travel together… that is, if you don't mind me coming along."

Karyana strapped her sword to her side. "Are you sure you can do this? I don't remember priestesses being taught how to fight."

Allision frowned. "Very funny. Just because I'm not the same person, doesn't mean I can't fight. Besides, I've been practicing my own magic…"

The black-haired woman closed her eyes, letting out a sigh. Sure, the priestess had tried to learn how to manaweave on her own, but the results had been far from stable. In fact, she wondered if her friend's weaving abilities were not influenced by her previous dark elf past, as the spells were disorderly and conjured unexpected results.

She remembered something that happened a few days ago, on the day before Bell and Chime 'vanished'. Allision had tried to create a small ball of fire, just enough to light the bread stove. The first attempt barely made a spark, while the second attempt ended up burning the loaf one of the villagers had placed in it, as the flames had burst out of the stove's entry point. Had the blast been any stronger, the village would have ended up without a working stove until a new one was built.

"Well, you did say it before… as long as I don't hurt you, you won't hurt me, right?" Karyana concluded.

"Right. Now, I already asked a merchant to take us along." the priestess added. "He's going back to Ravenhold, so I asked him if he had space for a few travelers."

Before Karyana could ask who it was, a loud knock came at the shrine's door. "Oy, lassie! Ya be ready soon? Dun wan ta leave yous be'ind!"

While Allision walked over to the door, Karyana let out a sigh. She recognized that broken speech, and could see, from the now-opened doorway, the burly merchant who seemed to have lost a few stones worth of flesh around his waist, making him look less like a walking half-man, half-slime and more like an obese man.

"Tarolon…" the black-haired woman uttered, the man's name found somewhere in her unsteady memories.

Looking away from Allision's generous bosom, the merchant bent his fat neck to the side and took a glance at Karyana. "Why, I be… Aven't seen ya'n… two weeks? Two tendays, maybe? 'ow'd you get up ,ere?"

Allision turned towards her friend. "You know him?"

"Surely she know me." Tarolon answered before Karyana could. "Still got that dress to barter… hope you got some coin, or at least a little extra ta pay wit!"


Eredric let out a tired sigh as he examined the meager crops of his fields. "Ravenhold isn't the place to farm…" he said to himself, resting his weary hands on the handle of his tilling fork.

He had thought that for years, and now, it was his turn to wonder if leaving Warmcreek was a good idea. The man, now in his late forties, was trying as best as he could to scrape food from the seeds he and Aylin had sown, as her store had been sold a few years ago to compensate for the poor marker of brews and ointments.

The woman, who had long given up on the idea of bearing a child, had lost herself in her work until she couldn't keep her shaking hands from spilling vial contents or making measurement mistakes. In the end, as her shop was no longer profitable, she decided to mend her motherly soul by teaching the local children.

Though Eredric's brother had died, leaving them with his estate, there was hardly anything left for them to cling to in the military city. "I wonder if anyone still remembers us in Warmcreek…" he wondered, too lost in thoughts to notice the roll of carriage wheels closing in on the property.

Aylin rested on her cedar rocking-chair, looking down at the basket of tangled wool strings and knitting needles. Her golden hair was now tainted with grey and age showed on her tired face. Looking at the caravan, she slowly lifted herself up.

"Evenin' ma'am!" Tarolon answered, looking as if his travels had emptied his stomach, as his traits, while still burly, seemed less filled with blubber.

"Good day, Tarolon." Ailyn replied. "I'm afraid we don't have anything to sell this month."

The merchant shook his head before removing his cap, exposing the bare patch on top of his head. "Twasn't lookin' to trade, my dear." he commented, his fat mustache covering his smile. "Ya know me title, right? 'Peddler o'smiles'?"

Eredric walked back from the field as Aylin let out a sigh. "If you're here just to make me lose my time, I assure you that-"

Tarolon shook his head so much, his neck fat swung. "Nadda chance. You and your hubby'll want what I'm caterin'! Found'ya some nice lil' 'ands, fresh from the 'Creek!"

Eredric never knew if the merchant was talking about 'ands' as hands �" his way of speaking about farming hands to help him with the crops - or errands. "You went all the way to Warmcreek just to find more workers? We barely can manage with the bad weather, and those crops don't-"

"I ain't talkin' bout workin' 'ands." the obese merchant answered. "I been caterin' two charmin' lasses, one who wan'ed ta see ya two. Don' suppose ya can take'em in for a night?"

Eredric let out a sigh. "I suppose so, but you owe us for this!"

Tarolon took out a hefty pouch and threw it, which the aging farmer caught. "Fo' ya troubles." He commented, then turned to look behind him. "Ah'right, lassies. Weh'come 'ome!"

Ailyn cocked an eyebrow as she noticed a young , fiery-haired, half-elf priestess, wearing the garbs of Prolectae, step out from the back of the caravan, followed by another young woman who stayed in the shadows, partially out of sight.

"Hello, young lady." Eredric politely spoke, tipping his work hat. "I'm afraid we don't have much to offer, but-"

Allision shook her head. "Actually, I'm here to bring you a present, on behalf of my Order." she replied. "There is… someone I want you to meet."

The young priestess motioned to her companion to come closer. It took a moment for the seemingly shy young woman to approach the old couple. However, as soon as she was in view, both the farmer and his wife gasped, eyes wide.

Ailyn rose her right hand to her mouth, barely covering it. "H-how… a-are you…" she stammered, unsure if what her eyes were lying to her.

Eredric had trouble looking away, as the young woman, dressed an emerald robe that clung to her body, looked hauntingly familiar. The meek stance she had, even with the sword attached to her side, as well as the cascading locks of ink-black hair… and those eyes, as glistening as blue glass, even as they welled with tears.

"M…mommy? Daddy?" Karyana spoke, her hands slowly reaching out. "It's me…"

The couple, teary-eyed, took a step closer, but it was Ailyn who took the initiative, brushing a thin finger against the girl's cheek. "K-Kary…" she managed to utter, before the girl slowly nodded.

Eredric's weariness faded from his face as his eyes shimmered with renewed life. "M-my… oh, Planars be blessed!" he finally let out, embracing both his wife and his daughter in a heartfelt embrace.

Allision looked at the reunited family and wiped a tear from her eye. Tarolon looked back from the family to the priestess. "Guess I fin'ly earned me name… 'Peddler o'smiles!'", he said, before pulling his cap over his face like a handkerchief, blowing his nose is in before wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

The young priestess took a quick glance around. "Prolectae looks over families and guides the lost back home… but it looks like this home still needs mending." she murmured before walking over to the three.

Karyana turned her head towards Allision, then back to the two. "Oh, um, Mother, Father… I want you to meet Allision… she's the one who helped me find you."

The young woman's parents broke from the embrace and looked at the young priestess with relief. "Bless the All-Mother. You have no idea how much this means to us…" Ailyn commented.

Eredric made a wrinkled smile. "I wish there was some way we could thank you…"

The half-elf woman made a warm smile. "It's been years since you were apart. I was on my way to Bolestra, but… I think I will stay and help, for a while. I'm sure my Order will understand…"


The Viceroy waved his hand over the looking-glass, making the reflection fade just as Karyana and her parents, followed by Allision and Tarolon, walked back into their modest home in Ravenhold.

"A child raised by mortals, blessed by the Planars, supposedly shattered in mind and soul, then rewoven as a whole…" he uttered, his voice having a mysterious echo in it.

A dark form, shrouded in a cloak smeared with blood, stepped out of the shadows, a crooked hand holding the noble like a puppet attached to unseen strings. Both its voice and the aged aristocrat echoed in the almost empty room.

"Her blood will be the finest of wines." the crimson shade spoke. "I will force her hand. Then, I will break her, and watch her dance like a hapless marionette…"

Looking at the barely responding body of the Viceroy, the grim puppeteer yanked hard on the strings, causing neck and limbs to snap away from the body, blood spraying the looking glass.

"Her suffering… will be the end of all Planars." the shrouded form concluded, fading into the shadows, leaving the gruesome sight of the dismembered Viceroy for all to discover.

© 2014 Sebastien B.

Author's Note

Sebastien B.
Any and all comments will be accepted.

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Added on August 7, 2014
Last Updated on August 7, 2014
Tags: fantasy, Upon a Star, novel, Karyana, Chapter 24, action, adventure, emotional, dark

Upon a Star: Karyana's Journey


Sebastien B.
Sebastien B.

Lasalle, Quebec, Canada

Good day. My name is Sebastien. I'm a 32-year-old video games LQA tester whose hobby of role-play and writing has led to creating a novel series, currently titled 'Upon a Star'. I was told by an acqua.. more..
