A little poem about something I've been going through, and I know you have too. It sucks cause you want to continue writing.
I've heard people talk about it before But I never realized it'd come knocking at my door You see, I was at my all time high Writing nonstop from midnight to dinner around five My flow was that of a river Working to become just a little bit better My ideas were endless Until I got hit with the Writer's Illness Everything was fine until it hit me like a rock And all I thought was,"S**t, I have writer's block."
Umm just put a space between , and "S**t and its perfect. Your writing was short simple and amusing. It hits us just like that and their is no same and one way for a writer to cure such an illness for its been going out since the beginning for I'm sure even Shakespeare had his day and Maya Angelo still has hers. this was a marvelous poem and great idea relating to many readers specifically on this website as fello writers. You did a wonderful for when I started reading the rhymes you were portraying I had no clue where you were going but, when I hit the end I couldn't help but, smile. Nicely done and keep up the spectacular writing and ideas and maybe you'll be the one cure the block.
Ahhh, I hate it when that happens. Actually it's happening to me right now- I don't know what to write! No idea! And when you don't write, you don't get reviews. So. I don't know what to do. I wish there was a cure for writer's block. I've got to quit rambling when I'm supposed to be reviewing you. Okay so. Great idea, great flow, very relatable for all writer's.
This put a smile on my face lol, simply as I understand it all to well. Writers block an illness, never thought of it that way and can see how it would seem an illness. Though you have to think, after a nice long block your work always seems fresh and invigorating :D. As the mind needs rest, so does the writer whom presses the pen and key of creativity. Yet again, I enjoyed this piece from you. That last line, how many times have the rest of you said or thought the same damned thing :D?
Posted 14 Years Ago
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Ian Faraway is simply a pen name and is not my actual name.
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