I lurk. My appetite, insatiable. Born with "cat-like" intuitiveness, my ears perk at the sound of thought; sensing opportunity, I employ patience while feigning ignorance. (I PLOT) I do not wish to disturb or scare off...My job is to trap. I enlist the great deceiver, which is compliance. I enable myself strategically; mathematically. Patience, is slow reacting trailed by a lightening bolt response; I do not play to loose.
The proceedings take place on the royal court of the mindful, and I am you highness. The scene requires that I exert the personality of the feline. I rest. Secretly checking all of my limbs in sweet anticipation of the conquering of thought. My mouth salivates. I enjoy this game of cat and mouse immensely; greedily, I participate. I am at home while engaging. This is me. My patience strengthens me in authentic ways, for while waiting, I simply must utilize other qualities; other abilities. This is sight! I watch. I wait. Slowly, the rhythm reveals itself.
In the midst of this wretched game of herding and gathering, reworking, then convoking...the see-saw of balancing, my trusted assistant satisfies my thirst for assurance; for I know that rhythm is forever present. Rhythm helps by staying true. It shows me the same thing, time and again. Enough of a repetition creates a flow.
Now I can time my capture.
My eyes lower to a distinct line of precision. Accuracy, is. Almost, isn't praiseworthy. In a most mild manner, I rest upon my forelegs, while angling and arching my hind-legs; momentarily, I will pounce! My ears perk yet again because I sense the pattern plus feel the sway. (WE HAVE UNIFIED) Without warning, I spring into action!
And I quietly resume my positioning.
- this is courtesy-
I don't want to wake those who peacefully slumber-
nor do I want to miss my next feast.
And I won't.