![]() Chapter 4A Chapter by Vulprex
Friday, 08/24/18
Beeep Beeep Be- Vulprex cut off the alarm, pressing 'snooze.' "Yeah yeah, I know.. 4 am.. " Vulprex sat on the bed. " I can't believe i'm actually going to be doing this.. I didn't even get the chance to prepare, but the opportunity is here so i'm going to take it." She sighed. 'Opening the drawer of the nightstand, she pulled out a notebook before tearing a sheet out, then returning the notebook. Now grabbing a pen, Vulprex pulled the laptop onto her lap - placing the sheet of paper onto its lid as she began to write.' "Dear Lola, If you happen to look under my pillow and find this letter, I wan't you to know that you were the best closest thing I had to a friend. If you ever see me out there, feel free to come say hello, but if you say anything about coming back to the facility, I'm out of there. So don't bother. So with that being said, thank you for being the closest thing I had to a friend, Lola." -Sincerely, Vulprex "It's not the best, not the longest either but.. it'll do." She folded the note then stood up from the bed. "Now, time to tidy this place up.. this ain't my room anymore.." 'Straightening up the blanket on the bed, she fluffed and adjusted the pillow placing the letter under it.' "That should work." She inspected the bed for a moment then turned to the nightstand straightening the alarm clock. "You bolt down the receivers but not the alarm clocks.." Vulprex shook her head as she spoke to herself. 'Taking a step back, Vulprex analysed the bed and nightstand. "Looks good enough.." Vulprex grabbed the laptop off the bed then sat it onto a table on the other side of the room.' "Guess i'll scout out the area.." Vulprex walked over to the window, staring out across the courtyard. "I don't recall anyone out there fixing the fence.. so hopefully if I can get out there, my escape will be pretty much set for me." She looked to the left, trying make out the tree she noticed the other day but to little avail as it blended in with the brick wall beside it, only the lowered roof and a small unit showing through in the dim morning light. "If I could get down onto there I could definitely climb down that tree.. but is there even a window over there?.." She pressed the side of her face to the glass trying to make out any indication of a window but with no luck. "Man, I can't see anything.. and you'd think after all the times I've been walked through these halls you'd think that the moment I thought about trying to escape i'd have remembered how the halls look but I can't really say I've even paid attention.." She looked down below her out the window and around before walking away from it. "Okay.. so if I make a dash to the right.. that's where that low part of the roof is located..maybe there's a window on my floor? but even then i'd have to climb down, I wanna spend as little time outside the facility as possible until I am out-out. There might be a stairwell.. is there a stairwell?..Gah! why can't I remember anything?!" Vulprex sat down in the chair placing her head into her arms on the table in front of her as she sighed staring down at the ground. "Let's say there is a stairwell.. maybe I could go down the stairwell and maybe there will be a window that is at the same level of the roof..but there's no windows on the part of the wall that I can see so I don't see why there would be.." She gave out an irritated sigh. "Whatever.. The likelihood of me actually escaping is slim anyways, I'll just book it towards the right and see if I can find any doors or stairs.. if not.. looks like I'll just keep running until I do, or until i'm caught." She shook her head as she opened the lid of the laptop and began to sign in. "Okay.. Username - Eight Eight Five, Seven Seven, Three Nine. Password - Oh Eight, Twenty-four, Oh Two. aaand sign in." She hit 'Enter' then waited until the desktop appeared. "Okay.. oh? A message?" She moved the cursor to the MICSG Messenger Icon and opened it. Lola Gurniak, 12:04 AM - "I hope you aren't up this late but, Happy Birthday!" Vulprex smiled. "Thank you, Lola.." She copied the message and saved it into a text file on her desktop. HB.txt - Lola Gurniak, 9:58 PM - Hey, I'm Lola! Dr. Shinnigan told me that you don't like really like to be disturbed, I know it's a bit late but I saw that it's your birthday, So I thought I'd tell you Happy Birthday! (08/24/12) Lola Gurniak, 3:47 PM - Happy Birthday Vulprex! I hope you have a good day! (08/24/13) Lola Gurniak, 8:23 AM - It's that day of the year again Vulprex, Happy birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day! (08/24/14) Lola Gurniak, 10:02 AM - Happy 13th Birthday Vulprex! I was wondering if you'd like to hang out at all for your birthday? I'm not busy. (08/24/15) Lola Gurniak, 11:25 AM - Hey Vulprex, Happy Birthday! I'll make sure to stop by your room and say it as well! (08/24/16) Lola Gurniak, 8:00 AM - I can't recall if you've ever responded back to these, but Happy Birthday! I hope you don't have too many tests to be taken on you, if not maybe I can stop by and we can hang out? (08/24/17) Lola Gurniak, 12:04 AM - "I hope you aren't up this late but, Happy Birthday!" (08/24/18) Vulprex sighed as she looked over each Happy Birthday she's gotten from Lola. "Looking at all of this now.. I feel so selfish.. all these years and this isn't even counting holidays. Lola always made sure to tell me Happy Birthday, Happy Halloween, Merry Christmas, All of it. and all I did was ignore her.." Vulprex looked down with a glimpse of shame on her face. "Don't let me be that way out there.." She turned her head to the window then to the screen saving the new entry in the file. "5:25.. I don't know if I can ever be truly ready for what i'm about to do but.. why does time have to go by so slow?.." She laid her head sideways onto her arm staring at the computer screen. "Dr. Shinnigan usually shows up at 8, pretty consistently too, that and today is my birthday.. So he's probably gonna make sure to be on the dot.. In the meantime, I guess i'll watch YouTube." (She would watch YouTube videos until about 7:35) 'Vulprex eyed the laptop's screen watching the video as she leaned back in the chair and threw her arms into the air, stretching along with letting out a yawn. "What time is it?" She relaxed her arms and minimized the video, becoming shocked to find out she only has 25 more minutes until 8 o'clock. "Oh crap!" She quickly shot back in the chair hunching over as she brought up the start menu and signed out of the computer. "Okay um.." She stood up from the chair shutting the laptop down and closing the lid before she picked it up and went across the room to slide it into a small cubbyhole in the nightstand, plugging the charger cable into it.' "Okay, okay" Vulprex stood up straight and rubbed her face. "Should I take anything?.. umm.. My hairbrush! I could use it as a weapon! If need be, I guess. What else?.. hmm.. Probably toothbrush and toothpaste." She made her way over to the bathroom before stopping then turning her gaze towards the cell room door. She looked at it for a brief moment, then moved towards it as if something felt different. Felt.. wrong. She placed her ear to it listening for anything or anyone on the other side. "I don't hear anything.. The door must be soundproof" She pulled back then turned away from the door. "Wait, no.. Lola said the other day she could hear me yelling in here." She sighed. "I don't know, I just wish there was something that could make this easier." She placed her hand onto the door's handle for balance as she went to lift her foot out of her shoe to scratch an itch, but instead the door gave way sending Vulprex falling onto her back. "Whoa what the he-" She froze, her eyes shooting open as her upper torso was sticking out into the hallway, holding the door open. She scrambled to her feet and tugged the door shut walking backwards into the room then into the bathroom before she immediately began fumbling around grabbing the belongings she wanted. "I'm screwed! I am totally screwed! There is no way the cameras didn't catch that. NOW I need to hurry!" She shoved the hairbrush handle into her right pocket and the toothpaste and toothbrush into her left pocket. "Okay uh.." Vulprex stood with her hands positioned in front of her looking for what to grab next. She quickly took a small cup from the stack on the bathroom counter filling it with water then slammed it, tossing the empty cup into the small trash can by the door. "That looks like everything.." She swiftly stepped out of the bathroom and stood in front of the door again. "Please tell me I wasn't just imagining things.." She pushed against the door handle, the door giving way just like before. Only having it cracked, Vulprex took a deep breath then slid out from behind the door and without hesitation, she took off to the right running down the hall. "Come on.. window window.. aha! window!" She stopped at the window staring out down at the lowered roof portion. "Okay okay uhh.." she quickly looked around immediately noticing a stairwell right beside the window to the left. "And a stairwell?! That's two for two!" Bert! Bert! Bert! Bert! - Alarms throughout the halls began sounding off, along with small emergency lights flashing. "Aw crap!" Vulprex sidestepped over to the stairwell door pulling it open as she ran midway down the staircase. "I don't got the time for these stairs, man!" She climbed up and over the railing dropping down onto the stairs below "Parkour!" She bolted down the last few steps, pushing open the door at the bottom now on Floor B. Instantly turning to the left, Vulprex ran over to the window and quickly inspected it, flipping the latches up before pushing the window open. "Freeze!" A voice at the end of the hall shouted. Vulprex's head shot in the direction of the voice, looking at the man before she quickly lifted her leg up and out the window. "Don't move!" The man shouted again this time running towards vulprex. "Ahh!" Vulprex gave out a small scream as she quickly lifted her other leg out of the window then slid her body down and out, pushing the window closed as she turned around and ran along the edge of the roof until reaching the corner next to a pine tree. "Uh.. what to do.. what to do.." She jerked her head left and right looking down over the edge of the roof and into the tree in hopes of finding a branch to drop or grab onto. "Freeze! You got nowhere to go! "The man shouted through the opened window as he tried climbing through. 'Vulprex turned her head towards him then back to the tree. She shook her head before saying "Leap of faith." Jumping down into the tree she gripped and grasped for a branch, soon getting a hold of one as it swung her down into the trunk of the tree sending her falling backwards a shorter distance through more branches before landing on the grass.' "Ouch.. that could have gone more smoothly.." She rolled over onto her knees then stood up rubbing her head as she was disoriented for a moment. "Okay where am I at?.." She looked around trying to find the window to her old cell, emergency lights on the outside of the building were flashing. She turned towards the direction of the fence. "That way!" She began running towards the gate as fast as she possibly could. Freeze! Stop running! - Voices called out far behind her. "Hopefully this works!" Vulprex dropped to the ground and rolled, pushing herself under the fence as it moved outwards letting her through. "ow! frick!" She quickly got up and started running again, rubbing a small scratch the fence gave her on her right forearm. (She would run a good distance through the densely wooded area before she broke out into a more open area, accompanied by a long building.) Vulprex ducked down slightly, running at a slower pace along the treeline hoping to stay out of sight from a truck passing between her and the building. "Please don't spot me, please don't spot me.." Eventually she came across a small bend then shot to the left always staying beside the treeline quickly coming upon two ponds, one small and the other one long. "Ugh.. gross.." She eyed the algae accumulation as she crept along beside them until reaching another bend, this time taking her to the right eventually popping her around a corner next to a small parking lot. "Oh!" Vulprex dropped to the ground as a person was getting out of their car, approaching the building. Now on the ground, she took a moment to look around, noticing through some sparsely scattered trees, a black fence along with cars passing along a road in the distance. "That must be where freedom is.." She turned back to find the person farther up towards the building, taking that moment to make another dash to the left staying along the treeline again running for a brief moment before reaching the black fence. She looked around wrapping her claws around the bars of the fence then looked skyward as she started to climb. Now jumping over the top of the fence Vulprex landed on her feet and ran until she reached the side of the road. "Now where am I?!" She looked left and right until deciding to go left. "This way looks like it should keep me out of the open for a little while." (She would run a good distance again, the tree cover clearing up sooner on her journey than she anticipated as she went further in that direction. She kept on in that direction until coming across a big lot housing several oil trucks) Vulprex now speed-walking at a steady pace, hoping to blend in like a normal person finally came to the corner of the road. examining the area she took some time to study a gas station behind her. "Su.. no.. co? Sunoco? What does that even mean?" She scratched her chin before her own shadow caught her attention on the ground. It was elongated, but the feature she noticed the most were two round circles atop the head. Her ears. "Well if my face don't give me away, my ears definitely would.. might as well have two satellite dishes on my head." As cars passed by never stopping to take a closer look at her, she soon realized that people weren't as observant as she expected even though she was standing at the corner, seemingly noticed by nobody. "I'm surprised nobody has stopped to look at me.. Do they not notice me?" She turned from the gas station looking diagonally across the street. "Maybe they think i'm wearing a costume? No.. Fursuits are usually extremely noticeable.. being bulky and cartoon-ish? Hmm.." She eyed the places across the road. "American.. does that say dairy treats? American Dairy Treats? Like ice cream? I could go for some ice cream right about now.." She gave a small laugh but still on alert. "What does that little sign say by the road though?.." She looked both ways of the street, some cars waiting to go and others passing freely. She ran across the road, waited for more cars to clear up before crossing another road as she now stood along the grass beside the ice cream shop. A chill went down her spine as she read the sign. "Apple Vallee's South Huron Orchard's and Cider Mill, straight ahead. That's the place that Lola talked about.. Wait, Lola! crap! I knew I was missing something! I didn't grab the bunny slippers she got me! Now I feel even worse!" Vulprex placed her paw on her face while sighing. "I wrote that letter though.. Maybe she'll understand. Anyways.. What's this sign say?" She backed up and read the words on the small board. "It looks like half is just for this ice cream shop but here it says Apple Vallee's is hosting auditions for this October's performance. that's exactly what Lola mentioned too. Wait.. Lola told me where she lives.. what street am I on?" She turned to her left to look quickly finding the green signs with the road names. "You have got to be kidding me.. S Huron Rd, South Huron Road and Waltz Road.. This would be the street Lola Lives on.. Alright, let's hope I don't run into Lola on her way to the facility. Otherwise, I don't like this.. this is a bad spot to be.. I'll head back across the street to see if anyone is in that house over there, and see if they can give me more information about Apple Vallee's." She crossed back over the street approaching the house, Heading up the pathway to the porch as she stepped up to examine the door. Vulprex placed her face up against the screen door trying to see if she could notice anyone before calling out through the screen mesh. "Hello? Is anyone here?" A woman's voice, soft but loud enough to hear called out "Millard, I think someone is at the door." "I've got it." The man responded as he appeared from a small entrance to the right, inside of the house. Vulprex stepped back slightly as the man opened the door and gave her a look as if his facial expression alone said 'I'm more significant than you.' The man spoke hesitantly "What do you want?" "Hi, I'm Vulprex, I was-" She got cut off. "I never asked for your name, I asked what do you want? Why are you bothering us? If you haven't noticed, Halloween isn't until October." The man clearly speaking down on Vulprex's appearance. "I'm sorry, I was just wondering if you could give me more information about Apple Vallee's. That sign across the street say's they're holding auditions." Vulprex pointed across the street. The man looked to the sign then looked back at her. "We frankly don't have time to deal with riffraff.. or whatever poor soul that winds up at our doorstep. So please take your business-" "Did they say Apple Vallee's? Oh it's been some time since I've seen Meredith. Let them in, allow them to join me for tea." The woman still unable to be seen spoke out from the darkened interior. He closed the door walking to the Living room. "But Aunt, We, You, Me, Neither of us has the time to deal with other people's shenanigans." "Millard." She gave him a concerned look. "I insist on it. Let them in." "As you wish, Aunt Elizabeth" Millard walked back to the door opening it. "Don't keep her waiting." "Right.." Vulprex stepped into the house walking a few steps forward before seeing the woman, old and frail meeting her gaze. "Um.. hi" "Oh, please leave your shoes at the door. We don't want to have to wash the carpet." The old lady spoke as her wrinkled bony finger pointed towards the door. "Oh, sorry!" Vulprex slipped her shoes off placing them at the front door. "It's no problem, dear. Come, sit with me. let us converse." She waved Vulprex to come closer and have a seat. "Oh, okay." Vulprex moved over to the Couch across from the old woman's rocking chair. "So tell me, What is your name?" The old lady asked before she continued speaking. "Vulprex, My name is Vulprex." She answered, scratching her neck. "Vulprex? What a bizarre name.. You can call me Elizabeth." She said. "It's nice to meet you, Elizabeth." Vulprex smiled. "Pleased to meet you as well. So Vulprex, what brings you to our doorstep?" Elizabeth reached for the teapot and poured some into an extra cup, sliding it across the coffee table between them. "I saw a sign across the street that said Apple Vallee's is hosting auditions for performers, and I was wondering if either of you could give me more information about it." Vulprex took the cup, looking down into it along with smelling it. "I see, is this appearance you have part of what you would like to perform?" She asked as she sipped her tea. "What do you mean my appearance? I wish I had better clothes but I wasn't able to help that." Vulprex took a drink of her tea as well. "Clothes are replaceable." Elizabeth smiled. "I'm talking about your actual appearance. It's a little early to be dressing up in such a 'Furry?' costume, aren't you hot?" "Oh! It's not a costume, this is actually me." She gave a small chuckle as her ear twitched. "I know. I'm quite different from your kind." "What do you mean "It's not a costume?" Millard stepped forward beside his aunt. "Aunt Elizabeth, this sounds like trouble to me. Something we shouldn't be getting involved with. We should leave it at that and let her take her business elsewhere." "Oh Millard, Sometimes being different is where you'll find the most success and besides her clothes, I see promise in this one. Please Vulprex, come closer. I'd like to get a better look at you." She sat her cup of tea onto the coffee table and motioned her to come near. "Okay.. " Vulprex set her cup down and walked over to the old woman. Elizabeth sat up adjusting her glasses as she took Vulprex's hand inspecting it, feeling the fur and the soft pads at her fingertips and palm. "Fascinating.. These pads on your hand are soft, like human skin. What would you call these? Paws? Claws? hands? I see you have claws, so I am unsure." She looked up towards Vulprex's face releasing her hand. "Oh wow, and look at those eyes, So green..." Vulprex's face grew red under her fur as she smiled. "I think they all kinda work to describe them. You'd think since i'm part panda they might be called paws but on the contrary, they work like human hands albeit smaller; and if that doesn't confuse you enough, I also have claws. So honestly.. I'd say they all work." "How did you become a, or this.. Panda-Human?" She asked. "Aunt Elizabeth, the more we know the more involved we'll become, Neither of us want the FBI or Police at our door, or even what, Animal Control?" Millard spoke out, expressing his disdain towards the situation. "Millard, that is enough. I understand your concern about our guest here, but don't you have more important things you should be worrying about?" Elizabeth now speaking in a stern tone. "More important things? You say that like-" He would get cut off. "Millard." She glared at him. He sighed out frustrated. "As you wish, Aunt Elizabeth.. I'll return to what I was doing.." "Good." She shifted her eyes back to Vulprex then smiled. "Don't let his mindless banter bother you. He admires the idea that since we have more wealth than most people, we're of greater importance and therefore shouldn't be in cahoots with the common folk." "Oh no, it's fine. I understand that me being here could potentially cause you trouble. As for how I became what I am, I don't remember being born nor do I remember ever seeing my mother, if I even have one, that is.. I was always told that I was created. Created to make mating easier for my full-on panda ancestors." Vulprex shifted her weight to her other foot crossing her arms. "Strange. Do Pandas have trouble mating?" Elizabeth asked. "More than you'd think. One problem is that female pandas can only mate within a certain time span during each year, whereas I can theoretically mate whenever I want. Just like a human. I'm not sure how the science works, I don't even know if I can conceive human babies but I am certainly able to conceive panda babies." Vulprex explained. "I see, So how did you end up here? I don't recall seeing anyone else like you. Are there more 'Beings' like you?" She asked. "Yes, I don't know if pandas are the only ones but I do know that there are more like me. I've never met any of the others though, the facility was very strict, having us in our own cell rooms" Vulprex said. "You were being held captive?" Elizabeth asked, becoming more intrigued. "I was in captivity, yes." Vulprex admitted. "How did you get out of captivity? I don't suppose they let you just walk out." Elizabeth leaned forward grabbing the teapot and refilling her glass. "No, they didn't. but it sure felt like they did." Vulprex narrowed her gaze as she looked at the woman. "What makes you say that?" Elizabeth asked as she placed the teapot back onto the coffee table. "It was strange.. My cell door wasn't locked like it usually was, so after I found out that out, I quickly closed it. I was shocked and surely thought I was screwed but I don't think they saw the door open at first, so I gathered up what little belongings I have then got the heck out of there." Vulprex explained. "How did you find out it was unlocked? did you just try to open it?" Elizabeth asked. "Not at all, I had initially planned, well "planned" as in waking up early getting ready to attempt escaping because.. Okay, so I had a designated doctor. Right? he always came at about Eight in the morning every few days to come grab me so they could run tests and such, make sure I'm healthy and whatnot. Well today being my birthday, I anticipated him coming like on the dot and I was originally just gonna try and blow passed him and try to escape that way. Instead however, I was standing at the door at about maybe like 7:40, with my ear against it, seeing if I could hear anything. I couldn't. So I shrugged it off and went to go scratch my foot, putting my hand onto the door handle; and since it was a push door, it gave way and I fell onto the ground in the doorway. That was when I quickly got up and closed it so I could gather my few belongings." She said. "I see, Let's go back to the reason why you're here. You wanted more information about the auditions for Apple Vallee's? Is that correct?" Elizabeth asked. "Yeah, I would love to audition for it." Vulprex said, clasping her hands together. "I see, what would you perform?" She asked. "I like dancing. Mostly a dance type called shuffle." Vulprex said. "Dancing? haha" Elizabeth laughed "We have something in common, you and I. I used to be in Ballet, my age keeps me from doing it now but it was my pride and joy in my younger years." "Really? That's awesome." Vulprex smiled. "Yes, those times were some of my best. When you get out there and do your thing, it's almost liberating.. So this "Shuffle" dance, do you mind showing me what it's all about?" She asked. "I've been running for like the passed hour so my feet are killing me, but yeah i'll show you the gist of it." Vulprex said, stepping away from the coffee table. "How it works is, it's like running in place but your feet kind of just, glide yet you don't necessarily move. I'll demonstrate." (Vulprex slowly started to move her feet before getting into a rhythm, her feet gliding across the carpet, doing a full rotation before stopping.) "it's basically that but, i'm sure you can already assume granted your background in ballet, or with dancing in general, you can always amp it up and get more elaborate." Vulprex said as she moved back to the couch, plopping down onto it. Elizabeth nodded her head, never taking her eyes off the panda girl. "Such talent.. and you were being held in captivity?" "Eeyup" Vulprex nodded her head with an exaggerated arc. "Yes ma'am. yes I was." Elizabeth Pieced together a short story based off what she was told. "So i'm assuming you don't have anywhere to go?" Vulprex looked down at the table with a blank expression. "Crap.. You're actually right." Vulprex looked up towards Elizabeth. "I never really thought about that, I just kind of hoped I'd get out here in the real world, express my true talent and everything would be smooth sailing for me." Elizabeth smiled and gave off a small chuckle. "The real world isn't that easy, Vulprex.. but I may, WE may, be able to help make it as easy as we can for you. The first thing we're going to do, is get rid of those.. clothes? if you even want to call them that." "You wan't me naked? I didn't know you rolled that way, Elizabeth." Vulprex's eyes widened as she had an embarrassed smile on her face. "I meant we're going to replace them, Vulprex." She laughed as she leaned back in her chair turning towards the front door as she called out "Millard!" "Yes? Aunt Elizabeth?" Millard's head poked around the corner as he slowly made his way into the living room. "In the basement there should be a box, I believe it's next to the old Grandfather clock down there. The box has a bunch of old clothes in it, can you bring it up here?" She looked at him smiling. "Yes, Aunt Elizabeth.." He turned away, avoiding any kind of exchange with Vulprex as he walked back into the kitchen and made off to the basement. Old clothes? I'm already wearing old clothes though.. I'm tired of all this hand-me-down BS.. "I do hope these clothes fit you" Elizabeth said. Rounding the corner quickly with the box, Millard set the box next to the old woman. "Is that all?" He asked. "Yes, that is all." Elizabeth said as she leaned over picking up the box and placing it onto the coffee table. "Okay.." Millard let out as he disappeared back into the kitchen. "Let's see here." The old woman opened the box sifting through the clothes, checking some of the sizes. "A lot of these are clothes my Grand kids have forgotten here so some are more worn than others but I figured we'd have a look anyways." Vulprex gave an uncertain smile. © 2021 Vulprex |
Added on May 20, 2019 Last Updated on December 17, 2021 Author |