![]() Chapter 3A Chapter by Vulprex
Thursday, 08/23/18
"Vulprex, Are you awake? I have your clothes.." Lola called over the receiver. "Mmm...ugh.." Vulprex rolled over and snored - sound asleep. "Hmm.. let me see what her lazy bones are up to.." Lola unlocked the door pushing it open. (Vulprex still sleeping and snoring away) 'Lola stepped into the room approaching her bedside and looked over at Vulprex's alarm clock' "Oh, she might not have set it.. oh well. I'm just here to drop off her clothes anyways." She whispered as she walked over to the closet, hanging up Vulprex's shirt and pants. "I need to get her some more clothes.. maybe some that don't fit me anymore? I'd have to go through my clothes for that, maybe bring them in a garbage bag and let her have a look through them before I toss what I don't need anymore." she stepped back from the closet staring into the empty space. "I don't wanna fight with the.. Zebra.. it's too fast.." Vulprex sighed out in her sleep as she rolled onto her stomach and continued to snore. 'Lola's eyes widened as she jumped and quickly turned around. "Jesus Christ.." Walking over to the bed again she looked down at Vulprex and smiled. "You sleep like a baby, I'll have something special planned for you tomorrow for your birthday.. buuut it's a surprise.." She whispered as she made her way back to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow.." She said before closing the door and locking it. "Mmmmm.. huh?.." Vulprex moved slightly as she lifted her head from the pillow taking a morning breath. "What time is it?.." She rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock. "Oh.. only 9:27.. and it's still morning so that's good. I'd like to at least spend some of my day in the morning.." She slid her knees under her stomach as she perked her butt up in the air, still having her face in the pillow. "Mmm.." I really don't wanna get up.. My bed is so comfy right now too. "Alright.. huuungh" Vulprex grunted as she pulled herself up from the bed sitting on her knees. "Guess I might as well get my day started.." She slid her legs off the bed and started walking towards the bathroom that is set behind her closet before stopping and scratching her head. "Wait a minute.." She stepped back to the closet seeing her clothes hung up. "I didn't hang those up last night.. Ms. Gurniak came by to pick them up before she left to go home so she could wash them.. right?.." She gave off a sigh and made her way into the bathroom. "Oh well.. I gotta pee like a racehorse though, then brush my teeth, put my crappy clothes on and then.. just kinda sit around I guess" She slid her underwear down as she sat on the toilet, rubbing her eyes once more. I wanna take tomorrow to sum up this experience - I had fun yesterday.. It wasn't that bad to be completely honest with myself.. Mr. Shinnigan was right, she is a nice lady. I wouldn't consider her my friend right now but she's definitely the closest thing I have to a friend so far, so it's not all that bad. 'She pulled some toilet paper from the roll and proceeded to wipe herself, then slid her underwear back up popping her fuzzy nub of a tail through a small hole in the back. "Alright.. Well now i'm done taking a quality morning urinate." She laughed lightly as she grabbed her toothbrush and turned the hot water on to the sink, running the bristles under it before putting a squirt of toothpaste onto them then plunging it into her mouth scrubbing her teeth. I may look like an animal, and I may very well be classified as one - but at least my breath won't be beastly like most domesticated house pets. 'She spit the foamy toothpaste out and grabbed a small cup from the counter and filled it with warm water pouring it into her mouth rinsing her teeth then spitting it out. "Vulprex you are one beautiful panda, and those teeth, perfectly white!" She smiled at herself in the mirror as she spoke flamboyantly. "I know, I know.. It's a mystery even to myself how I do it, and I have some serious bedhead.. looking like I just got hit by a tornado or something. Or maybe, I just look like trash." She reached for the brush and began raking it through her hair. "I do need a haircut.. I like long hair and all but phew..the bedhead is real and all the knots!.. God they freaking hurt.." 'she sighed then held the brush up to her mouth as she ran and slid out of the bathroom maintaining balance on her feet and started walking towards her bed. "Good morning MICSG, you're watching Vulprex LIVE! and today on Vulprex LIVE we're gonna watch me put my clothes on.. Yahoo.." She sat the hairbrush on her bed as she moved over to her closet grabbing her only shirt and pants as she began to sing-talk. "Iiii Doon't know hooow these clooothes got in my clooseet buuut I doon't really caaare~ because they're clean and they smell good." She slid the shirt over her head and wiggled her arms through the holes as the shirt fit snug over her body. She looked down at her chest and asked "Are you two getting bigger or did my shirt shrink? hmm.." She sat on the bed as she poked her feet-paws into the pant legs fighting with the ripped knees as she sang out again. "Iiii'm fighting with these stupid ripped up Jeeans and my haair bruush is stabbing into my backyard buuuns yeah~" Her feet popped through the ankle holes as she stood up, pulling the pants up over her butt, popping her tail through a hole in the waistband. "Humans are lucky they don't have tails.. even though mine is small like a little nub, it just feels really inconvenient.." Well, today is gonna be relatively boring.. at least it's nice and sunny out. "Guess I'll just catch up on some YouTube until i'm bored of even that.." She reached to the small space under the drawer of her nightstand unplugging the charger and sitting atop her bed. "Alright.. Google Chrome.. YouTube.. Okay.. who uploaded a new video? Oh!" (She would watch YouTube videos for a few hours) 'Vulprex sighed and set her laptop to the side as the video ended. "What time is it?.." She turned her head to the alarm clock. "Oh, 12 pm.. Not bad, not bad. But i'm pretty bored of YouTube now.. well videos that is.. I wonder what Ms. Gurniak is doing.. because i'm pretty freaking bo- Wait a minute!.. is this how humans feel when they're bored and actually have friends?! They get so bored they wonder what their friends are doing? I guess i'm lucky that Lola likes me.. hmm.. I'll shoot her a message I guess, It beats sitting here all bored with nothing to do at least." She picked up the laptop once more and navigated to the MICSG Messenger. "Alright let's see here 'Messenger' Where are you Lola? Hmm.. I'll try and search her name, 'L-O-L-A' there she is, Lola Gurniak. Alright, what do I wanna say?.. I'll just keep it simple." "Hey Lola, it's Vulprex. Obviously. I was wondering if you're busy at all? I'm just sitting in my room pretty bored with nothing to do. What i'm trying to ask is would you like to hang out? or something?" - Vulprex, 12:05pm "There we go, don't fail me now Lola." She sat the laptop back onto the bed and stood up darting to the bathroom. "I gotta pee again.." Ding! Ding! (Two messages were received.) "I hear you!" Vulprex said out from the bathroom with the door wide open. "I hear you Lola, one sec." She flushed the toilet and took a second to think 'Did I not flush the toilet the first time?..' then she shrugged and ran back to the bed checking the laptop. Lola Gurniak, 12:09pm - "Vulprex, you know this messenger is supposed to be used if you need assistance or if it's something dire like an emergency, right?" Lola Gurniak, 12:10pm - "But no, I'm not busy. Well, I won't be when I get back to the facility. I'm in the drive-thru of Burger King right now, and i'm down to hang out for a bit! Do you want me to buy you something to eat as well? Are you hungry?" "Am I hungry? is that a trick question Lola? Yes i'm hungry. What does Burger King have though? I hope i'm not causing a problem for her." Vulprex spoke to herself as she went to respond. "This is an emergency though, I'm bored! and yes I'm hungry, what are you new? I don't know what Burger King has though nor do I know what a 'Drive-Thru' is.." - Vulprex, 12:12pm (Message Seen) (Lola is typing...) Ding! Lola Gurniak, 12:13pm - "It says it in the name lmao they sell Burgers, Vulprex. Do you just want a regular burger? or a cheeseburger? I'm probably gonna get the 'Jalapeno King Sandwich' for a little spice in my life, but if I ever wanted spice in my life i'd just have to hang out with you. lol." "Don't do that... but I guess? Can I have 2? or is it a big 'Burger?' Lola, I don't even know what a burger is, you know this. Here at the facility i'm stuck eating salad and weeds!." - Vulprex, 12:14pm (Message Seen) (Lola is typing...) (Message Seen) (Lola is typing...) Ding! Lola Gurniak, 12:16pm - "lmao! We don't feed you weeds! lol but yes I can get you two and nah, they're not too big. I'll get you some fries though too, what do you want to drink? I'm getting a Coke." "I don't wanna be a pain so i'll just get a Coke as well, I guess." - Vulprex, 12:16pm (Message Seen) (Lola is typing...) Ding! Lola Gurniak, 12:17pm - "Kk" "Alright then, looks like i'm trying Burger King for the first time ever." Vulprex rubbed her paws together and stood up from her bed stretching. "Now... what to do in the meantime while I wait.. Hmm." "Freeze! Don't Move!" A voice shouted muffled by distance and the glass of Vulprex's window. "Huh?" Vulprex turned her head to the window from across the room. "What's going on out there?" She moved over to the window and watched as the scene played out. (Two Security guards standing in the courtyard were pointing guns at a teenager that managed to slide under the fence, along with another who was stuck under the metal twines of the fence, the pointed ends poking into their back as they tried to crawl under it - moving against them.) "Hmm... It looks like they managed to get under the fence or at least one of them.. The metal mesh is on the outside of the fence though.. So that explains why THAT person is stuck.. Ha! can't wait to see a video on YouTube being titled 'BREAKING INTO MICSG!!' that outta be interesting." She chuckled as she moved away from the window. "This will be an interesting story to tell Lola when she gets here." Vulprex lied back on her bed staring at the ceiling. "Come on Lola i'm hungry and bored.." God i'm so bored..and hungry as well, it will be interesting trying something new; Especially over what they normally feed me here. It's stupid that since i'm part "animal", I'm only gifted with the option of a 'Cheat Food' on my birthday and holidays. I usually pick Pizza though, so it'll be nice to explore more out of my comfort zone. Anything outside of my comfort zone beats the food I usually eat though: Lettuce, Tomatoes, Ground up bamboo with some other herbs and spices. Anything plant based. Little do they know, I mostly have the palette of a human, I love Pizza. I don't know if my ancestral species feel the same way but the stuff I eat on a daily basis, gets pretty boring.. so i'm always down to try new foods, drinks and whatever else. Hopefully one day I can get out there and ACTUALLY try new things.. "Wait.. Get out there.. Try new things.." Vulprex shot up and turned to the window before rushing over to it. "Get out there and try new things.. Try new things to get out there!" She watched the scene wrapping up just in time to witness something noteworthy. (A guard was on his knees next to the teenager stuck under the fence mesh as he was pushing the mesh outwards off the teen's back so they could slide back out the way they were coming.) "I got it! If I can get out there, someway - somehow, I could probably push my way under that mesh of the fence without getting stuck at all - because i'd be moving with the gate, not against it. How would I get out there though?.." Vulprex looked to the left noticing a lowered roof area and a large tree at it's border as she scratched her chin thinking. "Hmm.. " Click! - Someone unlocked Vulprex's door. 'Vulprex turned around quickly as the door opened.' The figure of paper bag appeared poking out from behind the door, then a woman. "Vulprex, i'm here." Lola said out as she walked in closing the door behind her. "Finally, i'm starving over here." Vulprex moved over to the end of her bed. "Didn't you eat breakfast?" Lola looked at her seemingly concerned. "No, I didn't.. I didn't even think about it to be completely honest." Vulprex looked away as she scratched behind her ear. "Well, I have food for you now I guess." Lola chuckled as she sat the bags of food on the bed and the drink carrier onto the nightstand. "I got you a regular burger and a cheeseburger, because you never specified what kind you wanted." "Oh, Haha. Sorry about that." Vulprex had her face over the bag smelling the food. "At least it smells good." "Yeah, you right." Lola turned to find Vulprex practically sticking her face in the bag. "You gonna let me take the food out or are you gonna feed your nose first? Haha." 'Vulprex looked up and pulled away from the bag. "Oh, sorry."' 'Lola snickered as she moved over to the bed to dig around in the bag handing Vulprex her burgers and fries, sneaking a few of her own fries into her mouth before moving over to the drink carrier and handing over one of the pops.' 'Vulprex took her food and drink into her arms as she moved around to the other side of the bed setting her drink onto the nightstand then climbed onto the bed sitting cross-legged on her pillow placing her food items in her lap' "Oh, duh.. I should've just sat your drink down on your nightstand, that would've made things easier on you haha. Sorry about that." Lola said as she crumpled one of the paper bags, tossing it into the other one. "It's fine, I wasn't even paying attention anyways. However though Lola, you should have seen what I saw just a bit ago outside the window before you got here." Vulprex looked at Lola eager to tell her about it. "What happened?" Lola lifted one eyebrow as she turned her head towards the window. "I was just standing around over here." Vulprex motioned to the left side of her bed. "and guards started shouting outside, so I went to check it out and it looked like some teenagers were trying to break in. One was standing in the courtyard next to his friend at the edge of the fence, whom was stuck under the metal mesh." 'Lola turned back to Vulprex wide eyed and asked "Why do I always miss the good stuff?.. What did the guards do to them?"' "They just pushed the mesh away from the one who was stuck so he could get out or well, unstuck - and the other one slid back under the mesh as well." Vulprex pulled a fry from the little bag and began analyzing it. "Oh I see. That's pretty crazy." Lola looked down at her fries starting to grab them by the handful sticking them into her mouth. "Yeah, I didn't really think much of it and kind of shrugged it off until I started thinking while laying down on my bed. I was thinking about how nice it is to try new things outside of my comfort zone, even though it's in the form of food usually. I thought about how it'd be to experience new things out there in the real world then an idea came to me like a light bulb going off - Get out there and try new things? Try new things to get out there. If I could get out there down to the courtyard, I could probably slip underneath the fence mesh and be free of this place!" Vulprex declared as she took a small bite off the french fry. 'Lola slowly looked up at Vulprex, her eyes slightly widened at what she had just been told before speaking out on the matter "I hope you're not really thinking about trying.. That would be a suicide mission, Vulprex.. If you got caught you'd either get tranquilized or maybe even shot and I couldn't bear seeing that happen to you."' "Lola you said that you wouldn't shut my dreams down like everyone else does, I just want more in my life. I don't care about the consequences! I just want to be done with this place." She placed the rest of the french fry into her mouth chewing it. "These things are good by the way." "They're called french fries, and I know what I said Vulprex, but this? I can't just let you try to do something that could potentially get you hurt or even killed. If you got caught and brought back, do you think they're going to put you back into this room? No, they won't. Right now you're placed under Level C Security, which means that you have the most lenient type of security here. You haven't proven to be a threat to any of the staff and you haven't tried to run off either. You're able to be maintained. Right now we're on the top floor which is floor C. If you tried to escape and got caught, you'd instantly be classified as a Level A1 test subject and be placed in a cell on floor A1. You think your room is boring now? The basement here starts at floor A1. A1 rooms don't have windows, you would no longer have access to your laptop, instead you'd only get a buzzer if you needed assistance and you don't get to choose WHO assists you. A1 classification contains those in which who have tried to escape, but failed. A1 Cells limit the further chances of escaping significantly. Vulprex, I would no longer be able to communicate with you because I am classified as Level C Staff. I go around the top floor cleaning empty or dirty cells, collecting dirty laundry and various other small tasks. I've only cleaned one A1 Cell and that's because A1 staff was short-handed and they just needed that one room to be cleaned. Weirdly enough though, it was for a subject like you but the black fur around her eyes connected to her nose, she had longer hair.. well, head hair I mean - and she is a bit taller than you. When they pulled her out of the room, she had cuffs around her wrists and then they tethered her to a metal bar bolted to the wall in the hallway directly across from her Cell. I don't want that to be you." Lola urged as she crumpled the small bag from her french fries tossing it into the larger bag. "Lola, at this point I would rather die than stay here, so I am completely okay with that. I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of it, I don't even know how i'd get out there in the first place anyways." Vulprex grabbed one of her burgers, smelling the paper it was wrapped in. "How do I even eat this? it's covered in paper!" 'Lola sighed taking the burger from Vulprex unwrapping it, then handing it back to her. "They wrap it up, Vulprex. I'm glad you didn't attempt to just bite through the paper though. They wrap them to make sure it either stays fresh or so your burger isn't falling to bits when you're transporting it. I don't know, i'm used to it so I don't really question it."' "Oh..heh" Vulprex gave a small smile as she blushed behind her facial fur. "Well, I don't like paper covering my food when transporting it to my mouth." She put her nose close to the burger smelling it before taking a bite. "Yeah, I suppose I don't either.." Lola's eyes went to Vulprex then to the floor as she took a bite out of her Jalapeno King Sandwich. "Hm.. not too bad - but here comes the spice, Ow! Where did i put my drink?" Lola set her sandwich down and searched for her pop, eventually swooping it up off the floor from beside the bed, taking a big drink. "Ah! So how are your burgers? They aren't really anything fancy, I know." 'Chewing the food, Vulprex raised her arm giving Lola a thumbs-up.' This "Burger" is so good! Better than what they give me here at least.. 'Vulprex swallowed the chewed mash inside her mouth and reached for her drink. "Okay Lola, you get to see it here first. My first time trying 'Coke.'" Vulprex surveyed the straw analyzing it. "You suck on it, Vulprex. It's like a tube, you suck until the pop goes into your mouth." Lola held her pop up in plain view to demonstrate, sucking some pop up into her mouth. "Oh, okay. What is it though? what is it called?" Vulprex put her mouth over the straw sucking just hard enough to quickly fill her mouth before her eyes shot open and she spit it out all over the floor along with some spots on her bed. "What the heck is that?!" Vulprex wide-eyed turned to Lola covering her mouth. "It made everything tingle and my nose tingles too! What did you give me Lola?! Because that don't seem right, is your Coke like that too?" 'Lola now laughing out hysterically began to explain. "It's the carbonation, haha. It's supposed to be like that Vulprex. Mine is the same way, do you not like it? Some people don't really like it either, or they just eventually stop liking it as they get older but holy cow that was a reaction. haha and I just realized I gotta clean it up! Dang it Vulprex." She took another bite out of her sandwich as she had a big smile on her face. "It's not my fault! You never told me Coke would make my mouth, tongue and nose sting!" Vulprex wiped her mouth off with the neck of her shirt. "I know, I know. I'm sorry." Lola now giving off small chuckles as she slid her straw upwards out of her cup making it squeak. "Also these are called straws, they're literally just plastic tubes but, now that I think about it though, why is a straw called a 'straw' if it's not made of straw? I guess this is why I don't usually question things haha!" "Who knows?" Vulprex eyed the straw in her cup one last time before setting the drink onto her nightstand. "But I can't really say i'm a fan of it, the pop I mean. So, I apologize if you wasted money on that for me.." "It's not a big deal Vulpy, don't worry about it. I just gotta make sure it gets placed into a proper recycling bin. I heard that straws are a big plastic pollutant, not that plastic cups are any better but still." "Vulpy?.. Don't be going giving me pet names now, Mr. Shinnigan wouldn't let me hear the end of it.. and I wouldn't want to get placed under any other kind of security for giving Shinnigan the smack-down." Vulprex motioned her hand in a karate chop motion, then took another bite of her burger. "Okay, Okay I'll try not to say it when he's around." Lola smiled placing her hand on Vulprex's knee. "Vulprex.. ha yeah see I couldn't even remember to call you Vulpy anyways; but Vulprex, I like hanging out with you. How come you haven't tried to befriend anyone here?.. You'd be an awesome friend to have and hang out with." Lola leaned in a bit closer. "And i'm sure you'd have all sorts of guys falling all over you as well haha." "Lola! Don't say that!.. Do you really think so though?.." Vulprex looked down at her paws, examining her claws and fur. "Wait, do you mean guys like my kind?.. or human guys?.." "Either or, but that depends on if you would even consider dating a human male. I hate to break it to you but, it'd probably be your best bet.. because the chances of you finding or interacting with one of your kind here? Slim to probably none.." "Oh, Well I never really thought about liking a human male, or even female. I feel like i'm too different.. I have paws.. although they have some distinct capabilities that human hands have, I have claws.. and fur.." Vulprex continued to analyse herself. "I also have ears on top of my head.." "Vulprex, being different doesn't give someone a reason to not like you, those things are what make you one of a kind. Sure there will be people that won't like you because you're different, but who are they? They aren't important. Your claws are a bit intimidating but i'm sure you could file them down. The fur will be something they'll have to get used to but for the most part; it's all little stuff, Vulprex. Humans have body hair, finger nails, so on and so forth. Vulprex what i'm trying to say is, if a guy likes you, chances are, your differences are going to be the reason why he likes you." Lola rubbed Vulprex's knee then took the last bite of her sandwich, wiping her hand off on her own jeans. "That jalapeno king sandwich wasn't too bad, spicy but overall pretty good." "Yeah, I guess that makes sense.." Vulprex took the last bite of her burger as well before going to unwrap her cheeseburger. "Alright well, I'll take care of our trash and go grab a mop to clean up all the pop you spit out and after that I should probably get back to work, see if anything needs to be done. It was nice actually having lunch with you though!" Lola stood up from the bed, taking all the wrappers and putting them into the bag along with placing their cups back into the drink carrier. "So glad there's a janitor's closet near your room, I'll just have to grab the mop and bucket, and toss out this garbage into the garbage can that's usually in there as well. Now for the cups, I'll have to take those down to the office and toss them into the recycling bin we have in there, which is basically just a tote that has a recycling symbol on it." "Oh, okay. It was nice having lunch with you as well." Vulprex took a bite out of her cheeseburger. 'Grabbing the bag and drink carrier, Lola made her way over to the door opening it saying "I'll be back with the mop in a bit." before closing it behind her locking it.' "Okay" Vulprex let out, although it wasn't heard. 'Vulprex sighed and took a bite from her cheeseburger' Does she really think guys would be falling all over me?.. I mean I've never really looked at any of the staff like that in that sort of way.. hm.. maybe if I was out in the real world maybe I would find someone but in here? Lola failed to mention that my chances of even dating a human, here in the facility - would be slim to none as well. Now what if a human gets one of my kind pregnant?.. is that even possible? What would the baby even look like?.. Probably really strange.. 'Vulprex lied in bed eating her cheeseburger while exploring her own thoughts' Lola's Perspective 'Lola locked the door behind herself and walked towards the janitor's closet' "Man.. this is gonna be a pain in the a*s.. I'm gonna have to dump these drinks out into the sink that's in there, toss the garbage into the trash can, then go all the way down to the office just to put these cups into the recycle bin, then I gotta come BACK up here just to get the mop so I can clean up the mess she made.." 'Lola set the bag of garbage onto the floor reaching into her apron for her keys, as she unlocked the closet' Alrighty let's see here 'Lola picked up the bag and walked into the closet' "Garbage." She tossed the bag into the garbage can. "Gotta dump these out.." She took the cups out of the drink carrier placing them on the sink and tossing the carrier into the garbage. "that's garbage as well" 'She took the lids off of the cups and poured the remainder of both pops down the drain. "Alright that's taken care of, now I just gotta take these down to the office.." She sighed out loud enough to hear herself as she put one of the cups into the other along with cramming the lids and straws into the top cup.' 'Lola grabbed the mop and pushed it out of the closet walking out with it and closing the closet door behind her.' "i'll just go put this by Vulprex's door.." She walked the mop over to Vulprex's door setting it up against the wall. "Alright hopefully you don't go rolling off on me, i'll be right back." 'Lola started to speed-walk down the hall to get to an elevator that was around the corner.' "Alright, this elevator better not take forever.." She pressed the button to call the elevator. I must look so strange right now, just carrying plastic cups.. essentially walking around the facility holding garbage.. Ding! - The elevator opened. 'She went to step into the elevator until she was startled by a man standing inside. "Oh my god, Dr. Shinnigan!" "There you are Lola, I was actually on my way up here to try and find you." He stepped aside letting her into the elevator. "Me? What did you need me for?" She looked at him a bit concerned. "I wanted to discuss Vulprex's birthday plans with you, I haven't gotten around to it yet and I figured I should do it now to get it out of the way, do you have a minute to talk?" "Yeah, I have a little time, I have to drop these cups off at the office into the recycling bin. it's funny that you bring up Vulprex though because guess who actually just had lunch with her, for the first time ever. This girl." Lola smiled and pointed to herself. "You're kidding, how long did it take for her let you in? I'm sorry on her behalf for her behavior towards you." Dr. Shinnigan crossed his arms leaning up against the elevator wall. "She actually messaged me! I was out already grabbing lunch when next thing I know 'Ding! hey Lola are you busy?' I was beyond surprised. However though I need to drop off these cups fast because I have a mess I gotta clean up in her room, she tried Coke for the first time and well she spit it all out over the floor so I wanna drop these off than make a dash back up here so I can mop up the mess." Lola reached over to the panel and hit 'Floor A.' "Lola you know she's not supposed to have carbonated drinks, we probably shouldn't even let her have some foods that we eat, pizza and what? burger king it looks like you got? Even though she seems to be fine and healthy, we need to keep those foods to a minimum, like only for her birthday or holidays. Speaking of which, Vulprex's birthday plans. I'll let the burger king slide this time because I told her i'd talk to you about getting pizza for her birthday and if there is one person I know that will come through for Vulprex, it's you." "I know she's not supposed to but I figured i'd at least let her stimulate her mind with something new, that and I was already out and I'm not gonna just eat in front of her especially since she hadn't had breakfast either so.. yeah, as for the pizza though, I can do that. I also think I know what will win that heart of hers over, When I was in her room yesterday we were talking and oh my god, let me tell you - that girl knows how to dance. I was blown away! But she told me that she wishes she had a better speaker so she could listen to her music louder because she likes bass and whatnot; So, me being the sucker I am - I went out and got her a radio. It comes with 2 big a*s speakers and a subwoofer! she's gonna be jamming out tomorrow haha." Ding! Floor A. - An automated voice stated as the elevator opened. "Oh, Looks like this is where you get off. Well actually I might as well get off too. It was nice talking to you. Actually, here - Give me the cups, I'll take care of them for you." He walked out of the elevator and held out his hand to her. "Oh alright, that works too!" She handed over the cups and stepped back. "It was nice talking to you as well Dr. Shinnigan. I'll see you tomorrow!" "You go clean up that mess." He turned and walked off, waving behind him. "I will! Alright.. well that takes care of the cups I guess.." She rubbed her face and sighed. "Nothing like unnecessary elevator trips.." She pressed "Floor C" on the panel and the elevator doors close. Ding! "Who be messaging me?" she pulled her phone out from her apron to check her notifications. Vulprex, 1:35pm - "Are you back yet?" "Oh geez.. really Vulprex? haha" She opened the messenger on her phone and began to respond. "On my way back up there now... comma.. I ran into Dr. Shinnigan" "On my way back up there now, I ran into Dr. shinnigan." - Lola Gurniak, 1:36pm (Message Seen) (Vulprex is Typing...) Vulprex, 1:36 - "Oh? Grody" "Oh Vulprex..-" Ding! Floor C. - The automated voice spoke and the elevator opened. "Oh" She looked up and put her phone back into her apron pocket and began to take a right down the hall then a left around the corner going straight. "Alright Vulprex, i'm on my way.. looks like the mop is still there too!" She started to speed-walk towards Vulprex's door. Here we are 'Lola pressed onto her end of the receiver and began to speak. "Vulprex, I'm back." She unlocked the door and began to walk in. 'Vulprex pressed down onto her end of the receiver and spoke as the woman was entering into the room. "Okay"' "Hello again haha" Lola entered the room with the mop behind her. "What's up?" Vulprex posed on her bed with a hand under her head and her knee in the air. "What the heck? haha" Lola laughed as she gave a smile out of confusion making her way over to the mess. "I don't know, i'm bored again." Vulprex laid flat on her side watching Lola. "oh, okay haha." Lola chuckled as she began mopping up the sticky pop off the floor. "Yeah, clean up that pop! do it!" Vulprex cheered her on from her bed. "I'm trying! It's so hard!" Lola joked. "Don't give up on me Lola! You're the best soldier I have!" Vulprex started to joke back. "I'm sorry captain! I can't do it! i'm not strong enough!" Lola slid down the mop onto her knees on the floor playing dead. "oof!" "Noooooo haha" Vulprex laughed as she held her hand out towards Lola. "Lola! Lola! I'm sorry Lola! LOLAAAAAAAA!" Vulprex yelled in a whisper tone. "Haha, alright Vulprex looks like your mess is all cleaned up." She stood back up from the floor looking at Vulprex. "So I guess i'll be out of your hair now, I'll see you tomorrow though, it's your 16th birthday and I wouldn't miss it for the world and boy do I have a surprise for you.. and I promise this time it's not bunny slippers haha." "Let's not talk about the bunny slippers.." Vulprex smiled. "Okay haha, I'm sorry. I'm gonna get back to work before they call me over the P.A. again." Lola turned, pushing the mop to the door before opening it. "Lola wait!" Vulprex stood up from her bed running over to her. "what?-" 'Vulprex slid her arms around Lola pulling the woman into her embrace. "You said friends hug, remember?"' "Yes, I remember. I didn't think you'd want a hug." Lola put her arms around Vulprex giving her body a gentle squeeze. (They would hug for a brief moment) "Alright, you can go now." Vulprex loosened her grasp on the woman and began walking back to her bed. "Alrighty, i'll see you tomorrow!" Lola walked out the door slowly closing it. "Cant wait.." Vulprex lied back on her bed looking over at the window. © 2021 Vulprex |
Added on October 8, 2018 Last Updated on December 27, 2021 Author |