![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by VulprexTuesday, 08/21/18
Knock, knock, knock - someones knuckles rang on the other side of the door.
"Vulprex, are you up?" A voice spoke. "ugh.." 'Vulprex gave off a grunt as she threw her hand onto the receiver atop her bedside nightstand' "I am now..." Her voice echoed to the receiver outside the door. "Good, we need to run some tests on you in about an hour or so... so get up and motivated." The young woman spoke through her end of the receiver. "So get up and motivated..yeah yeah, we go through this almost every day." Vulprex Mocked as she got up from her bed. "I heard that.." the lady spoke once more. "I hope you did.." Vulprex said under her breath as she moved over to her closet. "Now what will I wear? Oh yeah, what I always wear - ripped up jeans and a faded Nike t-shirt saying 'Just Do It.' Just do what, Nike? Just do what?" she asked; irritated by her lack of a proper collection of clothes. "I'm still out here... or are you not gonna respond?.." The lady chimed in over Vulprex's thoughts. 'Vulprex swiftly moved over to the receiver holding the button down whispering into the speaker "Go awaaaay."' "Oh, okay." The lady said quietly then walked away from Vulprex's door moving on with her shift.
MICSG, Michigan Institute of Cross Species Genetics; The only institute that successfully crossed genetics between a human and an animal. My name is Vulprex, I'm one of the successful test subjects. I'm a cross between a human and a giant panda, however, humans have a name for my kind: Furry and from what i've seen online, that is some disturbing shi-.. crap. According to my assigned doctor, I'm supposedly meant to be an ambassador for my species to come - Whatever that's supposed to mean; along with making reproducing less of a hassle, unlike my predecessors they only get to reproduce within a certain time-span. I often think about this... and how ridiculous and rather degrading it is that i'm practically going to be used as a birth machine - Not yet though thank god, because human morals believe the age of 18 is the best suitable age for sexual interaction to occur. Maturity. 'The door unlocks with a click catching Vulprex's attention, she quickly turns her head to find her designated doctor staring at her holding a clipboard consisting of her medical documents.' "Are you good to go for the tests we have prepared for you, Ms. Vulprex?" The man spoke. "Look, Shinnigan. I was ready last time, and the time before that and the time before that. The one thing i'm never ready for, is Ms. Gurniak constantly waking me up and just lurking for a good five minutes at my door expecting me to like conversate with her like she's my friend. I'm not her friend!" Vulprex spurted out in a diligent tone. "Ahah, Ms. Gurniak is a nice woman and you know she cares about you, Vulprex. Even if you choose not to be her friend or to engage in conversations with her. I personally think you should, you have seem to have an attitude towards everyone really; I'm sure making a friend could alleviate that attitude and calm your nerves. We've had you here for 15 years now Vulprex and your Birthday is in 3 days - don't you want to have at least one friend to celebrate it with?" Dr. Shinnigan spoke almost questioning Vulprex's chances of being a viable subject based on her current expressive behavior. "Oh yeah sure, spend my birthday with "Friends" as I get shots, blood drawn and other various tests taken on me that seem to NEVER. END." Vulprex speaking exasperatingly "It's not that I hate you guys or anything, I don't. I just... I wan't more in life than to be some test subject, I want social status OUTSIDE OF THIS GOD FORSAKEN FACILITY. I want to see the real world - human civilization. I want to see what you see when you go home, because I sure as hell know you don't live here along with us." 'Shinnigan let out a sigh and spoke bitterly' "Vulprex, that simply cannot happen. The world is not ready for your kind to just roam the streets, you'd be that of an alien to the average bystander out in the real world and surely you'd just end up right back on our doorstep sitting right back on that bed of yours. Right back to point A." "You don't know what you're talking about! The world would love me! H-have you not seen or heard of what a furry is? It's pretty cringy but like.. have you ever heard of Anthropomorphism?! People out there dream to see that someone like me exists in their realm of existence!" Vulprex let out nearly exhausting her every breath. "Enough of this Vulprex, you're here for a reason - Research. Now let's go, we have tests that need to be ran on you." Dr. Shinnigan quickly broke out to prevent further objection and turned to walk out the door. 'Vulprex dropped her gaze to the floor following suit as the doctor lead her out of the room and down the hall.' "What kind of tests need to be done today? I don't have to do anything fancy do I?" Vulprex asked in a drained tone. 'Dr. Shinnigan waited to respond before stopping at a door to a small room.' "Nothing fancy at all." he sighed out reluctantly "Only little things: Heart rate, blood pressure and a blood sample. After all those you're good to go." "Good. I'm tired of these long drawn out tests that - unbeknownst to me, seem quite pointless. They're also usually boring too. Why don't we do something fun? like pizza; pizza is fun, let's go buy a pizza." Vulprex suggested hungrily. 'Dr. Shinnigan led her into the room and pulled the arm rest away from the chair, sat her down then brought it back for her to rest her elbow on as he tied the tourniquet around her forearm.' "Vulprex as much as i'd love to go grab a pizza, I can't. I will however discuss it with Ms. Gurniak-" 'Vulprex groaned at the sound of Ms.Gurniak's name and interrupted quickly. "Oh come on, why her?-"' "Vulprex just listen, will you? I will discuss it with her for your birthday. okay?" He interrupted right back. 'Vulprex sighed and let out a frustrated "Fine. I'm not eating it with her though - make sure she knows that!"' 'Shinnigan pulled the needle back from her arm and nodded to her acknowledging her statement before setting the last vial of blood onto the countertop beside him' "We done with that?" Vulprex asked abruptly "I wanna get this crap done ASAP so I can return to my self-loathing, sitting around in my damn-near prison cell of a bedroom doing absolutely crap all." 'Dr. Shinnigan turned his head to her cracking a smirk before saying "I think you need to talk to Ms. Gurniak and become friends so you can have some support to put that 'Self-loathing' at ease along with your apparent boredom." "Shinnigan... " Vulprex now speaking precariously "I would rather pee lightning - than make friends with her. She's a weirdo I tell you! Extremely weird... but if you really think I should talk to her..." She paused before letting out a sigh "Fiiine." 'Shinnigan removed the blood pressure gauge from her arm and gave her a shocked look before asking in a joking manner "Is Ms. Vulprex turning a new leaf?"' 'Vulprex stretched her arm out at last and warned "I'll turn YOU like a leaf."' 'Shinnigan gave her a slightly scrunched face of confusion at her terrible attempt to threaten him before saying "Well alrighty then!" Beginning to laugh.' 'Vulprex joked back saying "Yeah, Tell your friends. Now check my heart rate so we can move on with the rest of our day." offering her wrist to him.' "Alright." Shinnigan nodded and placed to fingers to her wrist beginning to count her heart beat within a span of 15 seconds. "20, so 20 times 4... 2..4..6, 80. 80 beats per minute just about. That's about average and about the same as it was last time we checked, so looks like you're all good to go!" "Isn't it always?... but yeah, let me up outta here and i'll go back to my room." Vulprex said eager to leave. "Alright but hey, later today or tomorrow - talk to Ms. Gurniak; bring her into your room, y'know.. hang out." Shinnigan suggested. "Tomorrow. I already had to put up with you today, i'm not knocking out two birds with one stone.. i'm outtie!" Vulprex stated as she went to take off but the man grabbed her shoulder too soon. "I gotta walk you back to your room, Vulprex - You know this. Don't try to be slick... Mostly we just can't risk one of you running off on us, so allow me to walk you back to your quarters, and we'll be out of each other's hair. Alright?" 'Vulprex let out a sigh and quickly said "Sure sure, whatever - lets just go." So they did. 'Dr. Shinnigan began to walk Vulprex back to her room. "Remember, send Ms. Gurniak a message over the MICSG Messenger on your computer and ask if she would like to hang out with you and also, try not to be TOO rude to her. You wouldn't wanna hurt her feelings, would you?" Shinnigan placed his hand on Vulprex's shoulder rubbing it. "Do what teens your age do, make friends, gossip and whatever else." He gave off a small chuckle. "I'm sure Ms. Gurniak can teach you all sorts of things that girls your age do." "Shinnigan... First of all, her very presence outside my door and over my receiver at my bedside hurts my feelings all on its own and secondly - I would do what normal teens my age do, but I wasn't raised around normal teens my age!" Vulprex stated as she made her way into her room. "Maybe if you guys would actually give us like a field trip or something to the outside world, maybe we'd actually enjoy ourselves a little more." "Yes, yes... maybe so. I'll talk to you another time Vulprex, same time as usual. 4pm this upcoming Saturday, the day after your birthday. Sound good?" He said to inform her. "Yeah, that's fine." She nodded and rolled her eyes to shoo him away. "Alright." He nodded back and closed her door behind him, locking it. © 2019 Vulprex |
Added on September 29, 2018 Last Updated on May 31, 2019 Author |