![]() CouncilA Chapter by Vouren After leaving
the site of their momentary confrontation the soldiers appeared less concerned
with Reinhardt being near his host. It surprised him how little these soldiers
cared now that they had been soothed. He would have assumed that a few of them would
at least be suspicious of him still. Now walking
again he began looking around, trying to figure out everything he could about
this army. It was clear that they had plenty of soldiers from Ental. Almost
every other soldier bore the uniform of the Ental army, a spear backed by a
mountain. Many had more than one sigil but he didn’t recognize any of them. His
guess was that they all showed the independent houses they belonged to. Ahead of them a
large building stood out compared to the rest of the camp. While almost
everything else hidden underneath this hill was quickly constructed and made of
normal tent cloth this one structure was solid and looked like a house. It
would have taken a considerably strong elementalist to build this. Almost four
stories tall, this was a very unique construction. Guards at the
door pulled the large wooden handles, revealing the entrance for them as the
tall woman approached. As they passed through the doors their company of
soldiers stopped not coming inside. The only person to follow them inside was
Roas, who Reinhardt had forgotten was nearby. She didn’t look very happy to have
been ignored once their new entourage arrived. Slowing to be besides his only
real acquaintance in this strange place, he wanted to ask a few questions. “Who is she?” “That’s Clara
KineTros, wife to the councilor of tactics. It would have been he who ordered
you brought to the council if she was sent to meet us.” “How many
councilors are there?” Reinhardt needed a strong background of what was about
to happen if he was to understand the situation he was in. He knew how
ill-suited he was this kind of endeavor, having been born to nothing more than
a sub-lower class family. With no formal education or training in courtly
manners he would stand out in the group, especially dressed as he was. “There are ten
councilors with one overseer. Only the overseer and three councilors are here
at the moment, the rest have stayed with the army.” The phrase ‘with the army’ gave Reinhardt pause. “What do you
mean by ‘the army’?” “This is only a
forward division of the army. I am not privileged to know our actual strength
in terms of soldiers, but I would estimate that this is only one tenth of our
forces, maybe less.” There was a lot going on that Reinhardt didn’t understand.
How could a rebel army stand up more than one hundred thousand soldiers? He was
in over his head. The building
was designed for simplicity and ease of movement. One main hallway ran from the
front door to a rear exit. A staircase near the entrance gave users access to
the upper floors though they didn’t use them. Halfway down the hallway a set of
doors stood alone, guarded by a pair of soldiers. These two soldiers didn’t
wear the traditional Ental uniforms he had seen outside, but instead wore long
brown coats that touched the tops of their boots. Each of the soldiers had two
spears black gloves standing in direct contrast to the white spear shaft. In
unison the two men moved aside and let Clara pass, they didn’t even show signs
of noticing the two guests. As the doors
parted Clara entered walked into a large beautifully decorated room. People
already sat at one large table, centered evenly off all of the walls. Twelve
chairs surrounded the dark wooden table, with an equal number of chairs set
directly behind them. Already seated at
what Reinhardt believed were their respective seats were four men, all of whom
were currently staring at him. Clara moved
around the table and took a seat behind the more attractive of the men at the
table. Reinhardt made the assumption that this was the councilor of tactics,
her husband. The man at the head of the table stood and made his way towards
Reinhardt. Compared to the others he was a very tall man, though he still had
to look up slightly to meet Reinhardt’s eyes. “It’s good to
finally meet you Reinhardt. My name is Klaas Winern, Overseer of the Council, and
we have been keeping an eye on you since we heard about Briccio and your
incident with the Four Winds.” Reinhardt noticed Roas turn at the mention of
those four elementalists. Reinhardt didn’t know much about this war or how they
played a part in it but he did know they were trouble. “I’m impressed
that you have heard of me. That only happened a few days ago, and in the middle
of the mountains.” “You had a one
on four fight against the Four Winds, survived, and expected someone to not
find out?” These four must have been more dangerous than he thought. “I wouldn’t
really classify that as a fight, it was more of a testing of each other’s
skills.” He didn’t feel that he was exaggerating the details of the fight. Only
a few exchanges had taken place between them, though neither side had fully devoted
to the encounter. There was no way of knowing if he would be able to hold off
all four of them in a real fight. “Whispers of
the event are already reaching the Master of the Winds. It may not have risen
to the top of his priorities list yet, but he knows about you Reinhardt.” Klaas
turned his attention to Roas before he continued. There was something in his
eyes that Reinhardt couldn’t place but after a moment it slipped away.
“Lieutenant, you have brought me the man I was searching for. You will have
free pick of any duty in the camp and receive a promotion for your service.
Please report to your leadership for a new assignment, Captain.” That same look
ran through Roas’ eyes before she nodded and turned to leave. “Overseer
Winern I would like to make a request of you.” Breaking their stare down
brought a strange look from Klaas and Roas. Reinhardt didn’t know what was
going on between these two but taking a chance to throw himself in the middle
seemed like a smart way to handle this situation. “How can I help
you?” “Captain Roas
has been with me since my arrival in the camps, and has given me invaluable assistance
in the form of knowledge. I would like her to stay with me while I am here as a
guide, if that would be okay.” He couldn’t tell if the Overseer was angry or
amused. His face was blank as he considered the options. In a split second
decision he decided to add more to his case. “Also I hate having to repeat
myself, and if I tell you the entire story now I will not have to repeat it to
her later when she comes to bother me.” “Of course that
would be okay, I hadn’t assumed Captain Volkert would want a job that required
her to stay in out of the field. If this is what you wish than I accept.” As he
turned to take his seat at the head of the table Roas took a seat behind the
tables opposite head. While she didn’t the same grace Clara displayed when
taking her seat, she did have a slight ease to it. Deciding on a seat to take
Reinhardt moved to take a seat near one of the other councilors but Roas stood
and took his arm, pulling him to the seat in front of her own. “Are you
joking, there are seven seats closer to them than this one?” “That doesn’t
matter here. Every person has their own seat and this one is for guests of the
council and overseer.” Reinhardt was happy he had asked her to stay behind and
advise for him. The way these people handled every aspect of their lives seemed
ridiculous to him. “That doesn’t
make any sense, am I supposed to yell across the room every time I need to
speak?” Roas grinned at the comment but he knew there was a strong point to his
argument. The table was nearly fifty feet long, and the room itself was twice
as long and wide. “If there are
any messages that must be relayed to the other members that they cannot hear
from where you are sitting I will relay them to their servicers.” She made a
motion to Clara and her husband who were speaking with each other at the table.
“What are they
discussing?” “It’s very
unlikely that they will have discussed everything about you and the
conversation you just had with Klaas so the servicers will be filling them in
on the situation and any information that might be relevant to this discussion.
I will do the same for you as your guide and advisor.” Reinhardt nodded and
turned back to the group. From where he sat he could see Clara and her husband
to the left of Klaas. He still didn’t know who the other two people at the
table were. “Who are the
two I have not met?” “That would be Violet
Boren and Ake Brun, they are from Rornin. Violet is the only female councilor
and Ake was nothing more than a blacksmith who services these meetings. It’s
not known if there is any larger connection between them but there are rumors.”
With a quick motion towards the only group sitting on Klaas’ right she
introduced them. “That is Alder Bracken and Anders Edzard. Unlike the others
these two are dangerous. Alder is one of Ental’s most renowned elementalists
and has won his fair share of victories on the battle field. Second would be
Anders, who is not any less known than his councilor. He is very a powerful
shifter and without a doubt just as dangerous with his mind as with the weapons
he carries.” Finally finished with her
introduction she nodded to the Overseer and waited for the council to begin. It
was no surprise to Reinhardt that Klaas began. “This is a very
special occasion! Recently there have been many sad and horrible events falling
on our cause. To make matters worse we lost one of our own, councilor Donovan. With
this loss we are losing momentum with the Duzee and Icilee people. Luckily we
have someone here who was with Councilor Donovan prior to his death, and will
fill us in on the details leading to his leaving us.” Lifting a hand in
Reinhardt’s direction he sat and waited for the Icilean to begin. The story
wouldn’t take Reinhardt long to relay. Most of its events began when he had
entered Duzee so there would be no need to discuss the murder of his family. Reinhardt
relayed the events that led up to Briccio's death, including the battle with
the Sherwyn Zephyrus, the west wind. After he had finished his story they all
sat quietly for a moment. It was Violet who spoke first, in a soft hushed
voice. Her smaller build was interestingly similar to Ake who sat behind
her. Reinhardt played with the idea that they might be relatives. “Briccio never
had any real gift with his shifting. I always told him to pick something better
suited for his style but he loved that stave. He was irreplaceable, as a leader
and as a friend.” Violet had no further words to give the group. “We will need
to find another councilor to replace him, but I don't know of anyone who can
fill the position as well as he could.” Alder didn’t sound shaken or disturbed by
the story, he assumed that Alder was more rational than an emotional man.
Reinhardt hadn't known much about Briccio but he was apparently a very
important man. “I told Briccio
before he died that I would assist you in fighting the Duzee master and force
someone into power who will fight to end this war. That was my promise to a
dying man, who gave his life to save mine.” “Reinhardt,
will you take Briccio's place on the council?” Klaas really didn’t waste any
time getting to his point. Reinhardt almost fell over in his chair, not having
expected the question. Roas also looked shocked by the by the turn of events. “We only just
met him! You can't just ask him to lead with us! Nobody here knows anything
about him!” Alder yelled from his seat. “Andres,
please.” Klaas said softly, ending the argument. “He's right, I
have no place leading your men. I am here to assist any way I can to overthrow
Duzee, but after that I will part from this rebellion. You must find someone
who will be with you for until you reach your goals.” Silence settled into
the room but nobody seemed overly angry. If Roas hadn’t been in the room
everything could have gone wrong very quickly. He would have to speak with her
more about the groups goals and desires to fully understand what they were
trying to accomplish. “I accept your
decision. As an honored guest here in the camps you will be given anything you
need, just ask.” Klaas seemed to be a genuinely kind man, but Reinhardt still
couldn’t get over the moment between him and Roas earlier. That is another
question he would have to get an answer to. “Thank you, I
just need to know when I will be needed back? There is something I need to do I
continue.” “In one month
we will be holding another council. All ten councilors will meet and discuss
plans for our strike at Duzee and their master.” Klaas handed Reinhardt a map
and pointed to a spot on it. “I will meet with
you all there.” © 2014 Vouren |
Added on May 27, 2014 Last Updated on August 17, 2014 Author![]() VourenNHAboutFirst and foremost I love to write, that is why I'm here. Everything I work on falls into a single universe created called The Last Stand. Along with my writing i also dab into drawing (and I mea.. more..Writing