![]() DirectionA Chapter by VourenSmoke and refuse itched in Reinhardt's nose as he pushed the final tree branch out of his way. Large plumes of dirty air rose through the sky from the buildings of a now visible city. Reinhardt had wanted to avoid the city of Odum, but the only passable roads ran through this trade center. During the winter seasons the bristling economy of Duzee came to a standstill nearly everywhere, except Odum. Looking past the city he could feel where he needed to be. Tall stone walls loomed before Reinhardt and, even from
this distance, he could see they would be nearly impossible to negotiate
around. The fortification did what it was intended to do, deter the unwelcome
from stepping inside. Knowing that nobody would care if a lone beggar in rags
walked through the gate, he preceded onto the soft dirt road nearby and made
his way into the Duzee city. Winter began settling onto the wind empire only a few
weeks prior to Reinhardt's arrival yet most of the scenery was now covered with
a fresh, soft blanket of white. Passing travelers and merchants wore heavy
winter cloaks. Some of the richer passers wore furs or rode in heavily
insulated carriages pulled by large carriage hounds. The large dog-like beasts were used by the wealthy to
pull their goods from city to city. Having been bread into docility Reinhardt
couldn't recall an instance where one had actually attacked a person. A passing
hound sniffed the air curiously trying to get a sense of the passing traveler.
Reinhardt looked at it turn its attention back to its meal of what looked like
wet wheat. Like all carriage hounds it had no teeth, and no claws. Its owner was busy chaining the other hounds back to his
cart, ready to continue onto Odum. Shaking themselves clean of snow, the hound
team began pulling the goods. Watching them walk was always interesting for
Reinhardt. To make up for not having claws the docile creatures had been bred
with eight fingers, giving them the gift of climbing, a must have for traveling
across the mountains of Duzee. Snow crunched beneath Reinhardt's feet as he walked, face
hidden behind his old cloak. Typically a lone traveler wouldn't be a strange
site, but the people of Duzee could tell Reinhardt was Icileian just by looking
at him. Duzee natives typically had silver hair, though cross breeding has lead
to a more grayish tint. Their skin often remained light due their altitude and
the suns inability to break through the thick clouds above their nation. Further south in Icilee the peasants had darker skin due
to their time spent outdoors but not as dark as the desert walkers of Rornin
far across the Sorrows. Their black hair and above average size made them stand
out in polite culture. Reinhardt was no exception to this rule. The lone
traveler stood a head taller than most of the Duzee natives and had dark brown
hair that matched his eyes. These features would instantly announce him as
Icileian. During most of the year it wouldn't matter where he was
from, but war between the two countries always sparked fiercely during the cold
seasons due to the snow. Billions of tiny ice particles resting over the entire
country gave ice elementalists the perfect tools for striking back at their
northern enemies. Heavy winds raged all year long in the mountains of Duzee but
Icilee had very little, preventing wind elementalists from reaching out across
the lesser expanse. Travelers leaving the city turned their heads up to look
at Reinhardt as he walked past, giving him more than proper space to walk. The
attention, though subtle, would get him noticed if he didn't get into the city
quickly. Once he was within Odum's walls it would be harder to pick him out of
the populated streets. He was close enough now to see the guards standing near
a fire. Each of the men wore uniforms of grey and white, colors
of the Duzee army. Like most of the Duzee citizens they were small and pale of
skin, but they looked to have had countless hours fighting on the battlefield.
One at a time he knew he could handle the soldiers but they had experience
fighting and would easily use their numbers and spears to counter Reinhardt's
size. Knowing he needed to get into the city without causing a scene would be
his only hope. Travelers and merchants alike were funneled into lines
and questioned by the guards before being allowed entry to Odum. With little
choice Reinhardt waited in line for his turn. A strange longing to continue
ached in his chest. He hadn't been able to place the feeling but it felt like
he was being pulled somewhere. Unable to shake the sensation he let himself be
guided by it, driven to exhaustion to reach the mystery location. As he approached the guards took a few steps back and
lowered their spears, putting the heavy metal tips between themselves and the
massive man. "Lower the hood, Icileian." Complying with the
demand, Reinhardt pulled his head free of the cloak and felt the crisp sting of
winter air on his cheeks. A few of the guards nearby grabbed their weapons and
joined the two questioning soldiers when they noticed what was going on. Looks
of disgust and hate sat firmly on a few faces while others looked worried or
nervous. Reinhardt couldn't blame them. It was impossible to know who was an
elementalist and who wasn't. At this distance a skilled shifter could kill most
of them before they could react. "What is your business in Odum?" One of the
other soldiers asked, almost hidden behind someone else. "My farm has been put to the torch by Icilee
bandits, my family butchered along with my livestock. I traveled north in hopes
of shelter and work." Deciding it was easier to tell most of the truth
than lie he told his tale. "Even Duzee has need of workers." "We don't need Icileian workers!" One of the
men spit. "We have no way of knowing if he's a shifter! Gut
him and throw him in the fire!" Another one yelled from a safe distance. It
was clear these men feared shifters, though he didn't fault them for that.
Elementalists could be broken down into different sub groups. Most men and
women who could use ice only had the ability to move small amounts, these were
known neophyte elementalists. While they were common they could use their gifts
for little more than small chores and pranks. Bastion elementalists progressed
their skills to the point of being able to use their gifts for defending
themselves. The most dangerous were shifters, who honed their skills for
combat. "Icileian shifters are nobles. Peasants aren't
trained in the arts. I have no skill with conventional weapons either."
Reinhardt did his best to present himself as non-threatening, but even for an
Icileian he was large. Standing almost a full foot and a half taller than all
of the soldiers he looked dangerous
enough to raise concerns. If they had taken the time to search him they would
have been worried further. "We can't trust the words of these vultures. Send
him away from Odum." This soldier was even further back than the rest.
Reinhardt hadn't noticed that nearly two dozen soldiers had gathered now.
Nobody was questioning the travelers anymore as they had taken up arms and
moved to keep Reinhardt from entering the city. His attempt to enter without
causing a stir had turned out to be impossible. The door of a nearby guard shack slammed against the wall
as another man emerged. His uniform was slightly different from the others, and
was silver and grey instead of white, colors of the wind masters guard. "What is the hold up? Has one Icileian farmer brought
the entire city to a standstill? If this happens every time one of them moves
through the gates you all will single handedly have let them end our economy.
Peasant, on your way." Not bothering to reply with the man's command, Reinhardt
returned his hood to its place on covering his head, and walked past the soldiers.
Men moved away from him, willing to show their distrust of the Icileian, even
though they had been reprimanded for not doing their jobs. The guardsman met Reinhardt's eye as they
came close. Something about the way the he looked at him made Reinhardt uneasy.
From his own travels as a farmer there was never word of being able to tell if
someone was an elementalist until they used their gift, but it was impossible
to know if the same rules applied to him as the others. Elementalists may be
able to tell that something was different about him. Finally inside the city Reinhardt soaked in the sights.
From outside it was impossible to see the going-ons of Odum, another defense
against shifters perhaps, but the city was alive with life. Even with winter
underway the streets were full of people. Travelers walked up and down the
roads searching through carts of goods. Beggars huddled together for warmth in
some of the alleys, fighting over trash and food that clearly should not be
eaten. It was hard to say how many people actually lived in the
market city but it had to be in the tens of thousands. Reinhardt had never been
to a city as large as this during any of his trips to sell supplies. every
building was crafted with the environment in mind. Harsh winds and heavy storms
made the Duzee mountains a hard place to live, especially during the winter
months. Each building stood one story tall, and was constructed
of heavy stone, Reinhardt couldn't place what type it was. Instead of the
typical square buildings he saw in Icilee the Odum homes were circular, helping
to avoid direct contact with the wind. Small windows limited the exposure to
the cold but provided little view from the homes. Reinhardt pushed his way through the
streets, searching for the closest pub. Spotting a large wooden sign hanging
outside one building he decided on giving it a try. People where still eyeing
him suspiciously, but they hadn't paid him as close attention since he entered
the city. The chiseled marks on the sign depicted an interesting
scenario of a man being shot multiple times with a barrage of arrows. Reinhardt
didn't know much of the Duzee culture so he didn't know if the sign meant
anything to them, but it seemed odd for a store's logo. With little choice he decided that it would be as good a
spot as any to stop for rest. Getting closer he could see the words 'An té nach
bhfuil láidir, ní foláir dó bheith glic' scratched into the wood around the
picture. Having lived in Icilee for his entire life he couldn't read or
understand the Duzee language but something about the phrase just didn't sound
right. Not having much of a choice he pushed the door open and went inside. Before the heavy wooden door closed Reinhardt could see
soldiers walking the streets, emerging from the street connecting to the gate.
It was pure luck that the door closed as the guardsman turned the corner and
walked into the street he had just been on. Reinhardt was hoping he was not the
reason these guards had left their post, but wasn't going to bet money on it. Smoke filled his nose as he turned into the Pub. Consisting
of one visible room, the small building had one other exit and he assumed that
was back into the kitchen or storage room. For a place as deceivingly small as
it was there was there was plenty of space. Able to fit nearly twice as many
tables as was currently available, everybody was more than comfortably. A faint odor caught his attention but he couldn't place
where he had smelled it before. The limited light made it nearly impossible to
see through the thick smoke of lush leaves, a commonly smoked plant, especially
by middle class citizens. Mimicking the effects of alcohol, the leaves were
popular nearly everywhere in Icilee and Duzee. Everyone was looking at him as he moved further
into the pub. Even though nobody moved from where they were sitting it was
clear that they all had weapons readily available. Moving quickly yet smoothly
between tables wasn't hard considering the distance between each table, but he
still did his best to not move too close to any single group of patrons.
Something about them all made him feel uneasy and they probably felt the same
way with him in the room. Before he reached the bar a large mug of
beer was already waiting for him. It was a bit surprising to see somebody being
kind to him, though he suspected much of that was due to the prospect of money.
The shorter man behind the counter was thin and looked to be decently strong.
It wasn't exactly what he was expecting from a bartender but he had never met
too many of them in his life so his idea of them was probably wrong. "How can I help ya this morn'".
His accent was thick and he didn't recognize it at all. It didn't carry the simple
grace that the Duzee language did, it seemed more harsh and clunky, almost
drunken. Even stranger was the man's eyes. Unlike most drunks he had ever met
there was a strange sharpness to his dark green eyes. Reinhardt had heard
rumors of the Ental people but had never met enough to verify the belief. "Just looking to lay low and let the chill
pass, and a few pints wouldn't hurt." The bartender slid another large mug
down to him and pulled out a rag so he could clean some that had been returned
to him by the other patrons. Sitting at a tall stool near the counter Reinhardt
let the time pass. Hoping that the searching guards would pass the place and
then he would be able to continue on. While he had some time he tried to figure
out where he was going. Something seemed to be pulling him in this direction
though he didn't know what. On the other side of this city would be the
mountain range that it was tucked near, and after that should be a forests and
then the ocean. There was nothing out there that even shows up on a map, but
something was pulling him towards the coastline. "Looks like we have guests." At
the mention of guests Reinhardt turned back around and saw that the
elementalist who had been following him had walked into the pub and he wasn't
alone. Conversation in the room had dropped to nothing and everybody was
watching the guards, and especially the brightly dressed man who wore the
colors of the Duzee guard. Where people had only watched Reinhardt walk in they
stood now. It was clear the room was teetering between calmness and chaos and
this man could be the one who tipped it. "I've come for him." He pointed
at Reinhardt and began to walk forward. When somebody moved to cut him off the
man drew his sword. "Remove yourself and I won't kill you, we only want
that man but we will cut down anybody who tries to stop us." "May I ask why ya want him so badly? Seems
harmless to me?" The bartender had finally stopped cleaning mugs and was giving
his new guests his complete attention. His accent had almost faded completely
and Reinhardt wondered why he was hiding it. "I'm taking him to the Nivged for
questioning. The rest isn't your concern." With a motion of his head two
of the soldiers who had come in with him moved towards Reinhardt but couldn't
get close to him. Some of the men in the room drew their own swords and moved
to cut the Duzee soldiers off. Tension in the room grew as both sides prepared
for a fight.
"Enough." Reinhardt's heavy
boots hit the floor as he lowered himself from the stool he had been watching
from. A few of the nearby men lowered their weapons. "There is no need for
a fight here." Removing the old sword he wore around his waist he handed
it over to the Duzee soldiers willingly and left with the group. Soldiers
waited for him to leave before continuing out the door. The bartender watched
him carefully as he was rushed into the streets. Reinhardt was glad he had
avoided any unnecessary bloodshed but was altogether shocked that they hadn't
checked him for any more weapons. A small smile crossed his face but he tried
to not let anybody see it. © 2013 VourenAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on December 14, 2012 Last Updated on July 19, 2013 Author![]() VourenNHAboutFirst and foremost I love to write, that is why I'm here. Everything I work on falls into a single universe created called The Last Stand. Along with my writing i also dab into drawing (and I mea.. more..Writing