![]() Broken PiecesA Story by VoncloudHis heart had been broken so many times; there was little to nothing to call a heart anymore. In a way you could say that there was no "heart" left to break. All that was left was a huge gapping hole; a void in place of his heart. He had done a lot ever-since then but his past, his experiences, were all slowly catching up to him...
Year 7, he had a crush on a girl named Cherise; it didnt take time for him to ask her out and she accepted. They went out for a week, everything was going well until he decided to kiss her in class after school, which he did. It was a small kiss that barely lasted two seconds; but clearly it was enough time for Cherise's father to walk in on them. The father was known for his short-temper and he wasted no time highlighting this famous trait by shoving him away from his daughter. He had been shoved away so hard that his head made contact with a nearby wall. He remembered how Cherise lied to defend herself by claiming that he had forced himself onto her; an act that resulted in him being suspended for two weeks and a good beating at home. After those two weeks he tried talking to her, she ignored, a few days later she transferred and he was left alone. That was the end of that.
Year 9, same school, he met a girl named Kimberly, a very attractive girl but unlike Cherise, she wasnt ranked as a "most wanted" among the other guys so it was good for him. He asked her out not willing to waste any time, everything was going smoothly.Three weeks passed and he found himself growing too fond of her. He would always see her in private and not much in public, she preffered it that way. She was part of the student council, so every Tuesday afternoon she was always busy with meetings. She would tell him to head-on home because her parents would personally come to pick her up after work as opposed to how she'd usually use the school bus with him. One Tuesday he decided to surprise her by waiting, even if it meant seeing her for a couple of seconds. The meeting finished and he hid behind a hedge full of yellow flowers intending to pop-out in front of her with a few of them. Every member of the student council came out besides her, where was she? So he decided to enter the meeting room to double-check, though if he knew what he would see in there he wouldn't have. He saw Kimberly kissing the new guy who went by the name of "Pablo", the new recruit of the student council. The yellow flowers he had been holding slipped through his fingers and hit the ground. Pablo noticed him and stood up smiling, he picked up his belongings and kissed Kimberly on the cheek. He had an arrogant look on his face as he mumbled "bench-warmer" to him on his way out.
Before he could even ask Kimberly any questions she told him that he should have expected it, he didn't understand why until someone broke the ice for him. Pablo was already her boyfriend but he had been learning at a different school until then, put bluntly, he was the time-pusher. Now he understood why she had said that he should've expected it, he understood why she never wanted to see him in public; he was just an option. He spent the rest of that year feeling utterly humiliated and used, he decided to stick alone and not get attached to anyone.
He had two other relationships after that, one was with a girl named Meryl, it was a good one, but she later on moved to another country after dating for three months. There was little to no contact through the phone so in the end both of them stopped communicating. The other one was with a girl he knew liked him, Rachel was her name. They connected from the word "go" but as time passed she became possessive and expected him to do everything for her, so he broke it off. Through-out high-school he didnt find the point of being in a relationship, he had tried his best to fall in love again , especially after Kimberly. The only girl who he thought deserved better was Meryl because he actually felt the love she had for him, but no matter what, he couldn't love her back, the feeling of "love" had been eradicated from from his entire system. In a way, he had purposefully stopped trying to communicate with her because he felt it would make him get too attached, then later on dissappointed. Even though she hadn't hurt him, he didn't want to take chances. That would probably explain why he dumped Rachel, because she expected him to be committed and to always pay attention to her. At a younger age he would've loved Rachel's possessiveness because it would've made him feel "needed", but at this stage, he found that to be a no-go area
Four Years Later (Leaver's Party) When high-school finished his whole character had changed but he didnt realise it, he had become someone he had promised himself as an infant to never become.He was on his way to the school bus getting ready to leave the premises when out of the blue...
"Hey Walter!" Pablo called him, he had recently broken up with Kimberly and was going out with another girl called Monica.
He turned around and looked at Pablo without a word.
"Why are you leaving the party so soon man?"
He smiled to himself and walked slowly towards Pablo "Well, there's not much left for me to do here i'm afraid"
"What do you mean? there are a lot of girls here" Pablo said, hugging Monica by the waist.
"Yes there are, but my curiosity has already been sated" Walter said, looking at Monica's figure.
"Don't eye-ball my girlfriend like that Walter, you know you can't have her right?" Pablo chuckled lightly, he was genuinely joking.
"I've done more than eye-ball Monica my mis-informed friend"
"What are you talking about?" Pablo's smile started fading and Monica started fidgitting with her purse.
Walter let out a sigh "Oh, she hasn't told you yet?"
"Told me WHAT!?" his eyes shifted between Walter and Monica.
"Monica and I have been seeing each other for weeks now, in secret....and i gotta say, our meetings are always so full of energy and intimacy...its a shame she doesnt show that particular side to you"
"Is this true?" Pablo asked Monica, she didnt answer "You're lying Walter!" Pablo said in disbelief.
"...Its not like she's denying it" he looked at Monica "are you..?"
Monica mumbled to herself "Walter...you promised..."
Pablo started fuming "YOU LITTLE B*****D!! you knew i wanted to ask her out and you-"
Walter cut in " - warmed the bench, i AM the 'bench warmer' aren't i? just like i did with Kimberly, i made sure Monica was ready for you" he grinned for a brief moment.
Pablo was speechless but his bloodshot eyes were a necesary hint to what he was feeling deep down inside. It was a mixture of hate and humiliation, whatever the case, Walter didn't seem to care.
The school bus was getting ready to leave and Walter started walking towards it, he made a quick pause with his back faced towards Monica and Pablo "Happy New Year"
© 2012 VoncloudAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on June 11, 2012 Last Updated on June 11, 2012 Tags: love, romance, betrayal, friendship, trust Author![]() VoncloudMoscow, RussiaAbouti always go for the original...i don't mind bad reviews at all because they help me improve my skill. I like music, art (mainly art)and meeting new people. I'm also a part time lyricist since i rap, b.. more..Writing