I question our very existence on a day basis. When asked if l believe in 👽 aliens, my pat answer is "If we can be here they can be there" which only stands to reason. A line (not verbatim) from the movie, Contact; If we are the only ones in this vast universe what a waste of space.
Now if we believe we were created from dust caused by the big bang who's to say that a God/Creator wasn't also created from some special dust that evolved eons faster than us, or had a master plan for Earth. At the same time hundreds, even thousands of other God's were created to oversee the billions of other planets in other solar systems, that can sustain life.
Mankind only came into the "modern era" 100/200 years ago. And even still, other tribes were still living in mud houses while a majority had become enlightened. What if other planets or solar systems had a 1000year headstart on us.
Yet here we are, stuck to the side of a giant rotating ball of dirt writing poetry.
I liked your alot.
Posted 1 Month Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
Or maybe a million years, or a billion, or ten billion. But that only works if time is.. read moreTrace,
Or maybe a million years, or a billion, or ten billion. But that only works if time is linear, and there is mounting evidence that everything everywhere, including time exists all at once. I was born right now, I am dead right now, I am eating breakfast on June the nineth, 1967 right now... all of which would make Existentialism a futile exercise, and save us from all those crises...
In our current advanced state of science and technology, there are still folks who believe in ghosts, space aliens, astrology, Tarot, and on and on because they are the means to a satisfactory explanation for things they don't understand. Volcanoes. Droughts. Lightening. In primitive times when there was no explanation for extraordinary events, the human brain required answers, and making them up was the only means they had. On the other hand, just because today's advanced knowledge contains no firm answers concerning anything spiritual, does not mean there is no such thing as "spirit." Quantum Physics is coming to the conclusion that the Universe is Conscious, which would be the definition of God as-- omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The perfect balance of all existence at every level from macro to nano, and the complete absence of total chaos is evidence enough.
I understand that the Western version of YHWH as defined in churches is absurd all the way through to its core, and anyone who believes in a God sitting on a throne taking gotcha notes is an idiot, and if that is the god an atheist disbelieves, then that person is equally shallow in their thinking. Religion and God are about as unrelated as fire and water. Finally, If the existence of God requires “Faith,” because there is no scientific proof, then it would follow that since there is no scientific proof God does not exist, to be an atheist requires the exact same level of the same belief.
1 Month Ago
@Trace - "If we can be here they can be there" I LOVE THAT! ...BUT GOD wasn't CREATED. GOD IS AND HA.. read more@Trace - "If we can be here they can be there" I LOVE THAT! ...BUT GOD wasn't CREATED. GOD IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN.
1 Month Ago
@Vol - "Quantum Physics is so far behind! God is YS! Like you said! Omnipotent! Omniscient! Omnipres.. read more@Vol - "Quantum Physics is so far behind! God is YS! Like you said! Omnipotent! Omniscient! Omnipresent! He is everywhere at all times and has always been and always will be! All our "wisdom" is nothing. We are forever coming to knowledge but never knowing the TRUTH. YOU ARE AMAZING, VOL!
Aw, thank you for saying, but I'm just a throwback to when it was cool to think, and intellectuals w.. read moreAw, thank you for saying, but I'm just a throwback to when it was cool to think, and intellectuals were admired. Your Smile, though, is sunshne!
1 Month Ago
@Vol. Braces. Thanks though. THIS NEW PIC? (Check out my "Belly Piercing!" Mom is going to Flip OUT!.. read more@Vol. Braces. Thanks though. THIS NEW PIC? (Check out my "Belly Piercing!" Mom is going to Flip OUT!)
1 Month Ago
Hmmm... ? I haven't seen any pics...
Dang... gotta go for now... Later.
Love this such a debatable topic. The alchemy of love is really made from chemicals released in the brain which give that euphoric fantastic love feeling but cannot be maintained. As for God and religion they are almost outdated with the progress of science and brilliant minds like Stephen Hawkins. Back in the day people had no idea of DNA,atoms, molecules etc microwaves, mobile phones how the universe worked. We do now. A lot of ignorance back then where people needed to believe to give them hope on a better life and or to be guided. As a kid we were told there is a God and that we should believe in God. We were also told of tooth fairies and Santa Klaus and that we would meet grandma in heaven one day, all untrue. Should have been told we were made of atoms and molecules the same as the universe. Would we still believe in God if it wasn’t instilled into us on heresay. I certainly haven’t seen God nor has he answered my prays when I was young. As I say back in the day science was unheard of so religion and God could be so convincing and people were gullible. When the gypsies came to town selling bottles of a special elixir which would cure coughs, make you younger, stronger etc etc people bought them bottles in the hope and believed the gibberish spoken about the product when it was only tap water. That was the mentality of people back then. But people still have their beliefs and Gods today because they can’t accept the truth because it would invariably shatter their beliefs . Great work Vol.
WOW!!!! YOU'VE BEEN BUSY, VOL! I absolutely am blown away by your last answer to Trace! To me, that compares to our taking a handful of sand and saying because we can count the grains, we are GOD. But, NO! GOD has ENDLESS BEACHES AND PLANETS AND UNIVERSES! I researched and discovered we think there are SEVEN UNIVERSES. Do you believe that, Vol?
ANYHOO, gotta clean up the entire house as part of my punishment (Like THAT'S gonna hurt??...LOL..see ya!) Smooches!
Wouldn't it be kinda ironic if it turns out that the universe is alive and we are all somehow connect through invisible strings that are only truly ever felt when we are in love and that has been the answer all along?
That only the calmness and security of love can tune us into its very own existence would leave us all thinking "it was right there in front of us the whole time!
I only hope they don't rewrite the ending to Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, or even worse, remake the movie without the talents of Alan Rickman owning that film!
It doesn't even bear thinking about!
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
Welcome to THE IRONIC AGE! I guess, my question is if maybe all those things we call .. read moreLorry,
Welcome to THE IRONIC AGE! I guess, my question is if maybe all those things we call "spiritual," contain forces we are unable to measure. Like "love," an abstract concept in our physical world, but possibly a form of energy that runs through everything and holds it together... Not so difficult when the scientists have no idea problem with "dark matter." They can't find that either, nor can they do more than speculate on the existence of "dark energy." Seems to me there is a whole lot of faith in things unseen already, so why not things of the spirit?
I question our very existence on a day basis. When asked if l believe in 👽 aliens, my pat answer is "If we can be here they can be there" which only stands to reason. A line (not verbatim) from the movie, Contact; If we are the only ones in this vast universe what a waste of space.
Now if we believe we were created from dust caused by the big bang who's to say that a God/Creator wasn't also created from some special dust that evolved eons faster than us, or had a master plan for Earth. At the same time hundreds, even thousands of other God's were created to oversee the billions of other planets in other solar systems, that can sustain life.
Mankind only came into the "modern era" 100/200 years ago. And even still, other tribes were still living in mud houses while a majority had become enlightened. What if other planets or solar systems had a 1000year headstart on us.
Yet here we are, stuck to the side of a giant rotating ball of dirt writing poetry.
I liked your alot.
Posted 1 Month Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
Or maybe a million years, or a billion, or ten billion. But that only works if time is.. read moreTrace,
Or maybe a million years, or a billion, or ten billion. But that only works if time is linear, and there is mounting evidence that everything everywhere, including time exists all at once. I was born right now, I am dead right now, I am eating breakfast on June the nineth, 1967 right now... all of which would make Existentialism a futile exercise, and save us from all those crises...
In our current advanced state of science and technology, there are still folks who believe in ghosts, space aliens, astrology, Tarot, and on and on because they are the means to a satisfactory explanation for things they don't understand. Volcanoes. Droughts. Lightening. In primitive times when there was no explanation for extraordinary events, the human brain required answers, and making them up was the only means they had. On the other hand, just because today's advanced knowledge contains no firm answers concerning anything spiritual, does not mean there is no such thing as "spirit." Quantum Physics is coming to the conclusion that the Universe is Conscious, which would be the definition of God as-- omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The perfect balance of all existence at every level from macro to nano, and the complete absence of total chaos is evidence enough.
I understand that the Western version of YHWH as defined in churches is absurd all the way through to its core, and anyone who believes in a God sitting on a throne taking gotcha notes is an idiot, and if that is the god an atheist disbelieves, then that person is equally shallow in their thinking. Religion and God are about as unrelated as fire and water. Finally, If the existence of God requires “Faith,” because there is no scientific proof, then it would follow that since there is no scientific proof God does not exist, to be an atheist requires the exact same level of the same belief.
1 Month Ago
@Trace - "If we can be here they can be there" I LOVE THAT! ...BUT GOD wasn't CREATED. GOD IS AND HA.. read more@Trace - "If we can be here they can be there" I LOVE THAT! ...BUT GOD wasn't CREATED. GOD IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN.
1 Month Ago
@Vol - "Quantum Physics is so far behind! God is YS! Like you said! Omnipotent! Omniscient! Omnipres.. read more@Vol - "Quantum Physics is so far behind! God is YS! Like you said! Omnipotent! Omniscient! Omnipresent! He is everywhere at all times and has always been and always will be! All our "wisdom" is nothing. We are forever coming to knowledge but never knowing the TRUTH. YOU ARE AMAZING, VOL!
Aw, thank you for saying, but I'm just a throwback to when it was cool to think, and intellectuals w.. read moreAw, thank you for saying, but I'm just a throwback to when it was cool to think, and intellectuals were admired. Your Smile, though, is sunshne!
1 Month Ago
@Vol. Braces. Thanks though. THIS NEW PIC? (Check out my "Belly Piercing!" Mom is going to Flip OUT!.. read more@Vol. Braces. Thanks though. THIS NEW PIC? (Check out my "Belly Piercing!" Mom is going to Flip OUT!)
1 Month Ago
Hmmm... ? I haven't seen any pics...
Dang... gotta go for now... Later.
There is no fear in love; perfect love casteth out fear.
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
But, oh is it dangerous! Half the love poems no matter how famous seem to examine the p.. read moreJohn,
But, oh is it dangerous! Half the love poems no matter how famous seem to examine the pain of betrayal... Only in an even exchange of unrestrained joy is it even possible... Been there once in my life. Everything else has been in a kind of cold twilight of passing time...
Very thought provoking and well written.
I also believe the universe is conscious. If we call that "God" so be it. One can believe in an omnipotent and omniscient force in our universe....I call it "love" or "nature".
In spite of my beliefs, I still pay my bills. 😂
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
Yes. There is that bit about freezing to death because the gas bill was so inconvenient. .. read morenj,
Yes. There is that bit about freezing to death because the gas bill was so inconvenient. The thing about the Universe as God, is the consciousness of a being whose dimensions we cannot even imagine, yet aware of everything at every level, including how I, ME, this guy at the computer feel, and think
as an entity separate, but not apart, responsible for my own Id, Ego, and Superego with free will... It is all too damn stunning...
1 Month Ago
Like how an ant is unaware of our existence?
You may have something there. It is incredible .. read moreLike how an ant is unaware of our existence?
You may have something there. It is incredible to ponder.
and we really want something of a higher nature to believe in....but on and off things happen in this life that make us question?
So religion can be an open question....does he exist or not?
I believe he does....an all kind and forgiving spirit...
But I have been entangled in the question since I started college in 1968.,.....
either an old believer or an old questioner?
This poem made me take another look at my own theories and feelings.
We are evidently about the same age, and came to ourselves in the late sixties when EVERYT.. read morej.
We are evidently about the same age, and came to ourselves in the late sixties when EVERYTHING was up for grabs. For me, it comes down to one immediate choice from which all the others follow; God exists, or there is no God. Either choice requires the exact same amount and kind of faith. I too am a believer, otherwise NOTHING has meaning.
Why would I bother to pay my bills, much less look for love when death is so easy an out? Anything less than 'THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE WHO IS THE UNIVERSE, and who is absolutely aware of all things everywhere all at once and who also CARES, is just a more powerful being than I am, and unnecessary to my happiness... (Sorry, I carry on, so...)
1 Month Ago
No, please, Vol.
Carry on...I like these chats and I agree with you, expecially about the bil.. read moreNo, please, Vol.
Carry on...I like these chats and I agree with you, expecially about the bills part and that death would be an easy way out.
1 Month Ago
Amen! Good talk of deeper things is always rewarding...
This is brave and clever! I need to repost this...
Sir, once a guy told me that we are all parts of God and he gave two of us the biggest heart, so if we became a couple the world will be full of love...
I think this is the sweetest.
He changed.
So I wrote a stanza "I can only endure God's uncertainty" and my circle thought this was about 'I can't play hot and cold, or just be clear with me' but it was about; if we created the love, we are the gods of love, and I could've endure that.
Your poem is very well written, and creative.
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
If the Universe is truly conscious as the quantum physicists are beginning to realize .. read moreBeren,
If the Universe is truly conscious as the quantum physicists are beginning to realize and admit, then everything there is-- is "entangled." Taken against the total scope of things, our brains and mental capacities amount to nothing outside of ourselves. The acceptance of God as a being is meaningful only insofar as a personal "Leap of Faith." You have two choices, and neither one really matters to anyone except yourself. And it is not a matter of puinishment or reward, it is a matter of either your conscious self as a part of the consciousness of God.
It is weird to me why anyone would deny themselves the possibility. I think that since our science is incapable of measuring or observing anything spiritual, they just give up on the idea as a possibility.
1 Month Ago
Thank you so much for taking time to tell me about your thoughts!! I appreciate it! Have a great wee.. read moreThank you so much for taking time to tell me about your thoughts!! I appreciate it! Have a great weekend...
You know when I saw the report that the scientists believe the Universe is conscious I thought hmm they are just now finding God is truly alive.
We’ve had this discussion before but I have alway thought of God as and energy being that most think of like the universe or karma, around us in energy waves all the time.
This is so well put and thought out. god definitely is love.
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Month Ago
Hello, my friend! The very concept of an aware God in a Universe so vast that we have no .. read morePB,
Hello, my friend! The very concept of an aware God in a Universe so vast that we have no human capability to measure, much less understand means that the only thing we have left is our poor ability to imagine. For me it comes down to the physical Universe as our sensory environment, but to the neglect of everything Spiritual. Once science finds out how to add something as "vague?" as the "supernatural," into its calculations, we will perhaps begin to understand...
My name is Vol Lindsey. I live in Gouge Eye, Texas, a tiny ghost town on Rt. 66.
I am a retired creative writing, English literature teacher. I have been writing poetry and reading publicly since 196.. more..