Chapter 2 — The Horns

Chapter 2 — The Horns

A Chapter by JT Godin

The Watchers make their way to Pitgazer's airship.


Beneath the peaks of the twin Horn mountains, Sije scanned the trail ahead from the exit of the cave system leading up to the surface from the Mantle. He made a gesture like gasping at the enormity of open space above, which stretched high above to the canopy of stars called the sky. Continuing his survey of the surface, he then looked down across the landscape at the obsidian plains before him, fissured by small creeks of molten lava. He tilted his head then resting his line of sight on the horizon, contemplating the light fluffy things floating in various patches as far as the eye could see.
"Clouds," the explanation came from Esza, as the companionable serpentine Pureblood patted him on the shoulder after coming up from the cave behind. "The surface has many features which you may have heard of, and many you may not have."
"I have heard of clouds," Sije exclaimed. "Although, I had rested the thought in the back of my mind, not realizing how significant they were."
"Wait till you see the Hawk's shining light," the human companion, Malea now joined the discussion, coming up behind with Jaez in tow. "Not here anyroad, but beyond the Always Dark, once we have traveled to the island of Windswept."
Jaez was the next to speak, completing the quartet of Watchers. "Over yonder," he pointed then to a tower beyond a hill not far off. "The gondola to the city of Eshulssestu leaves from the base of that building."
"Bloody long-stridin' Watchers," a gruff voice bringing up the rear echoed from the cave, and soon Pitgazer, the deep gnome guide and ferryman joined the company of the Watchers. "Not much further to the gondola then." He trampled forward, pushing the larger companions out of the way, and spurring Malea into shaking her head in disapproval of the gnome's abrupt demeanor. Esza of course, giggle at the expense of Malea's sensibilities and trotted up to Pitgazer as he passed just then, joining the gnome's side to chit chat about "what sort of pubs" and "small town lasses" one could find on Windswept Island.
Jaez then followed behind them with Malea and Sije taking up the rear a few paces behind. Once Sije had fully walked out of the looming cave's mouth, it was then that the odd construct laid eyes on the towering Horns for the first time. The twin peaks, shaped like curving horns pointed inward was the centrepiece of the entire Always Dark. Each horn, home to impressive cities in their own right, centres of artistry, martial tradition and intense study.
At the guard tower, it wasn't long waiting for the next gondola to carry the group up to the midsection of the Western Horn. In the midst of that mountain, the pureblood city of Eshulssestu was the party's next destination. One by one they approached passed through the toll house at the tower's base, stepped onto the platform and boarded the cabin that would minutes later carry them off through the sky.
Sije could not help but to lean out of the windows, looking out at the vast surface now below, thinking about how he had never seen surface nor sky the day before, but now he had experienced both. It was an intimate and personal experience with the natural world, or so he thought.
From the perspective of the guild mates from his order, it was a long overdue visitation out of the Mantle, for none of them called the Mantle home. Of course, the exception was Pitgazer, who lived in the Mantle all his life, but frequently found himself leaving in the employ of one sort of transportation service or another. Though, primarily ferrying people of the Mantle on his raft to and from the Mantle Core, he was also an airship pilot whose ship docked at the airship platform constructed between the two cities of either Horn.

The Gondola carried the troupe to the point of disembark, and the companions walked through the cave into the open chasm that housed the city of Eshulssestu. Sije marveled at the craftsmanship of the finely crafted square cobblestone tiles underfoot, as the entire group walked through the streets along the way through the University District.
Taking note of Sije's interest, Pitgazer took the opportunity to make conversation. "Tis gnomish make underfoot." He gestured at the stores so as to make sure Sije got his meaning.
"How could this be?" The construct growled curiously. "The stone paths in Mantleward are great slabs larger by many factors than these fine works."
"Aye, tis true though", Pitgazer spat then a good distance, and the salival glob arced through the air, landing on a pile of dirt aside the stone pathway. "My kind prefer to work with large sorts of stones, but no one knows stone better than a gnome of the Mantle, and as such our greatest artisans are often tasked to work what'd make even these cobbles look like roughshod stones found on a cave floor." He chuckled then. "But even I, a man of a different walk can see the majesty in even the smallest pebble."
"Less looking at the ground," Esza interrupted. "We need your mind on the sky, ferryman."
"Cap'n ferryman to you, snakeskin," Pitgazer turned his head to Jaez then, realizing he also heald the title of Captain. "Well least ways not your sort of mister cap--TAIN." The gnome made an effort to fully enunciated that last syllable, which resulted in a profoundly disrespectful tone, yet all knew his intentions were to simply highlight the difference between the two.
Jaez sighed. "Just get us to where we want to go."
Pitgazer chuckled before responding, "I'm surprised you lot are even leaving the Mantle. Your folk aren't known for leaving your watch."
"Aye," Jaez responded quickly. "Though it is true our priority is to watch over the core, a monumental event such as a Centennial may require the presence of a watchful eye." He then maneuvered his hand toward the hilt of his sheathed blade at his side, casually resting it on the pommel. "And our blades."

The group continued on then, passing trough the entirety of the University District, and across the bridge of the important Eshulstream. Sije looked again over the edge of bridge's railing, amazed once more at the profound unpredictable world beyond the Mantle, for this river was unlike any he had seen before, glowing green with mineralized water.
Nevertheless, the party continued still toward the great rope bridge that connected Eshulssestu to the city of Loicolicula in the Horn opposite. The bridge was a marvelous structure composed of wide obsidian stonewood planks, fastened together by the impressive silk twine and rope of dark elf design. The ropes weaved into larger rope which were knotted to wood archways and outriggers, connecting them to a general structure as well as back to the mountains on either side. The structure was somewhat of a mixture of bridge and pier, with the docked airships and whaleships hinting at its main purpose of transportation out of the Always Dark.
Pitgazer then led the companions up to one particular gang plank, connected to a particularly impressive airship crossed between elven and gnomish make. He gestured a low and sweeping bow in front of the walkway, "My most esteemed passengers, your chariot awaits."

© 2024 JT Godin

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Added on August 16, 2024
Last Updated on August 16, 2024
Tags: Litrpg, fantasy, novel


JT Godin
JT Godin

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I write science fiction and poetry. I like to write about how modern society interacts or is affected by rapidly changing technologies. I also have a pet interest in languages, their histories, featur.. more..
