Goddess of the Sea.

Goddess of the Sea.

A Story by yellow

A letter.

Dear Goddess of the Sea,

 People have been talking about you lately. They've been saying that they've seen you around. God I hope that's true. Even the captain has said something about your eyes. I hate it. I'm sorry, but every time they bring you up I have to leave. It's so selfish, I know, but I feel like you are the most intimate part of me now. I can't get you out of my head. I'll close my eyes and I see you. I'll be daydreaming and I can hear your voice. Is it really you? Please, oh, please I hope it's you. Tell me it's you. I don't think I can take this any longer. The captain says we have three months left. I know this seems like a long time, but it's been three years since we've talked. I remember the first day I saw you. Do you remember? You saved me. Not in the cliché way; not like you saved me from drowning, but you saved me from everything, if that makes since. I'm sorry if it doesn't, my head has been everywhere lately, I'm sorry. I think I love you, I'm not sure, but I love you all the same. Are you listening? I'm sorry. Again, it's been three years. I still think you are real. I know you are real. I think I am real. I'm not sure if I am real. You were my revelation. What am I saying, you are my revelation. I know we are in the sea, but the sky is blue too. I can't decide whether beautiful sunsets hurt me more than help me at this point. Either way, I'm always thinking of you. I've said this a couple of times, but I love you. I'm sure of it now. The others say to cut all ties; To pretend you're not there, but what a time it was to be alive with you. You'll probably never see this, but I can't really think about that now. I'm tired of breaking my own heart. I rather leave that up to you. I want to let you know that I'm here and I love you, I'm sure of it.
---- Love, the Lover of the Goddess of the Sea.

© 2016 yellow

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Added on January 10, 2016
Last Updated on January 10, 2016
Tags: decide, can't, beautiful, whether, I, more, me, hurt, sunsets, this, at, than, help, point, always, I'm, eay, either, you, of, thinking



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