My Darkest Thoughts As Of 11/11/14

My Darkest Thoughts As Of 11/11/14

A Poem by The StoryTeller

Just um, its very dark. It's my darkest thoughts as of this point in time. I haven't written them down before this date, nor after it. It just helps me putting it out there. I guess.

{Why do I feel so alone when I'm surrounded by so many?
{Death is the only way out...
{How can someone love me?
{I'm a monster...
{For some reason, I don't care...
{Could I just cut my wrists? Stab myself? Hang? I could do it... It would be so easy... The pain would be nothing... Not to what I'm feeling now... People would miss me... But so what? Like I said, for some reason, I don't care... Is something wrong with me?
{No one sees me...
{The Gothics of the Romantic Era (or currently) wold love me... Maybe I should write like that... But I guess I already do.
{Love... Why? Why can't I have it?
{I will never get to experience life like everyone else...
{Death has always been an easy out... so enticing...
{Wish I could be happy... Like everyone else...
{Beauty in death? Very much so... Death's loving caress... The only one I'll ever feel...
{Wouldn't the world be better off without me?
{Why the f**k can't I be happy? I see everyone else laughing... Joking... They have beautiful lives... Mine's destroyed... How can I salvage... Anything from it? My life is one big 9/11 to me... To me theirs is the Golden Age.
{What's the point of living now? No longer so happy and go lucky now that you see... The world how it really is... And always will be... For you.
{People probably think you're a lost cause.
{People are terrified of you.
{I could kill someone... And if I just shut off my humanity... And ignored it... Like I usually do... Feel nothing... All of which is so easy for me to do... I could do it... And not even bat an eye.
{I'm terrified of me... of this new me I've made as an armor for the younger child me... This warrior I've created to protect me... I've lost control... And even when I had it he corrupted me... Ever so slowly... Only the little kid me is still untainted... And this warrior is a killer... Unfeeling... Nonhuman... A monster... And part of me... Therefore... Because it's my other half... It's me.

© 2015 The StoryTeller

Author's Note

The StoryTeller
I don't have these thoughts anymore, or at least not as many and not as often. This was my true feelings and thoughts, things I've believed about myself but always pushed away. It was just easier to feel them and put them into words at the time because I was in a very, very low deep dark depression. I have depression a lot, but usually not that bad. This at the time was what I thought about myself and excuses to make myself want to kill myself. As you can see, I didn't. I decided I needed to post this partly because I just did, and if you hate me or are disgusted or can't take my writing anymore, I understand. The other reason is I made a poem out of these thoughts to better express how I feel. Anyways, if I decide I need anything else to tell you about this I'll edit this or put it in my own comment. As you comment just tell me what comes to your mind after you read this. And please, if you still want to read my writing after this, read the poem, "No One Sees" that is made from this.

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I am 47 and I still have these dark moments. Sometimes I cuddle with my demons, other times I wrestle with them but rarely do I set them free.

Posted 9 Years Ago

The StoryTeller

9 Years Ago

That's my problem, because in the past I set them free all the time while cuddling with them, and no.. read more
Jerome F Knox III pseudonym Nefarious J. Dorsey

9 Years Ago

I understand the dilemma all too well...
The StoryTeller

9 Years Ago

Yeah, and I hate it. I'm trying so hard to balance them out now, but they've gotten so strong.
But the Golden Era eventually came to an end...
The happiest people don't have the best of things, Blade.
They make the best of things.

Posted 9 Years Ago

The StoryTeller

9 Years Ago

Yes. I will be here with you every step of the way.

9 Years Ago

T...Thank you... again...
The StoryTeller

9 Years Ago

No problem. :)
Writing is indeed something that always makes you feel lighter...We all have ups and downs in our lives be it really bad ones...but I guess we should never think of finishing ourselves...God has given us 1 life and thats for a reason...he gives us problems which are probably for a reason....We ask God to change our situation not knowing that He put us in the situation to change make us strong...just believe in god and have faith that whatever he does is good for us...he know whats better n right for me when I say this...I have experienced it! Nothing actually in this world has the power to put you down except you yourself! Stay positive Stay Happy! :)

Regards Anahat :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

The StoryTeller

9 Years Ago

Lol, well, thank you. And you can read those 227 before mine too. :P But what am I saying? That's en.. read more

9 Years Ago

yeah right!
The StoryTeller

9 Years Ago

Lol, well, I'm a strong believer in free will, due to my past soooo....

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3 Reviews
Added on January 21, 2015
Last Updated on January 21, 2015


The StoryTeller
The StoryTeller

The place of life and happiness., OH

I'm changing my name from The Resilient One to The Storyteller and trying to start fresh... believing in myself, believing in others, making this new personality I want to have... I guess I was alread.. more..

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