![]() PencilFace Episode 2A Story by Japanese Cherry![]() Before you read this, please watch this short clip. This was a class assignment where I had to write a second part to the video. http://www.shortoftheweek.com/2011/06/27/pencilface-2/![]() Just as I stepped closer to the black hole that I had just created with Pencilface, I felt powerful currents sucking me into the gaping mouth of the hole. I let out a startled cry as my world suddenly turned black and my world turned upside down. Despite my lack of vision, I could still feel the painful effects that all the tumbling and yanking was doing to my body. It felt like I had been falling for eternity… But just as suddenly as I was yanked in, I was being spat back out. I landed on the cold hard ground with a shattering cry, my arm twisting awkwardly as my body fell upon it. I quickly sat up and cradled the throbbing appendage, tears running down my face. Pain engulfed my senses and I tried to figure out just how badly I had wounded my fragile arm and just how banged up I was from my journey. No bones were sticking out and after the pain had subsided, I thankfully found that I could move my arm normally. So I wasn’t hurt too badly… just a few scrapes and bruises. I wasn’t going to complain about that, seeing as things could be a whole lot worse considering I just traveled through a black hole into some other land… Speaking of which… where exactly am I? Now that the pain was dulled significantly, I could pay attention to my surroundings. The first thing that registered in my mind was that it was dark. The surrounding area was bathed in a red glow and allowed me to see that I was lying on a dirt road similar to what I had been previously standing on before. In fact, the area here looked exactly the same as the one I had been taken from. There was no difference except for the fact that it was nighttime here instead of daytime. Looking up, I was gifted with the sight of a black sky harboring a harvest moon, the biggest I had ever seen. No stars greeted me… nothing but the eerie red glow that was being emitted by the moon which allowed me to see. I was truly frightened and considering the circumstances I was very well right to be. I didn’t think I could be any more scared than I was now, but that was before I heard the gentle hissing of laughter behind me. Whipping around with a startled yelp, I came face to face with Pencilface. The overgrown pencil still had it’s condescending smile upon it’s face as it glared at me. The menacing aura that was being emitted by the foreign object caused me to take a step back in fear. My heart began to race and my breaths began to shorten. I could tell I was on the verge of hyperventilating. This had to be a dream, but I knew better than to believe that. Just as I was about to turn tail and run, a voice suddenly reached my ears, “Silly girl…” My jaw went slack and my eyes grew to the size of saucers. It was speaking to me… This demonic gigantic pencil was speaking to me… what had I gotten myself into?! I was paralyzed as I watched Pencilface suddenly lift itself from the ground and began to draw something in the air. There were no strings attached and the sight in front of me literally defied gravity. This pencil shouldn’t have a face on it… it shouldn’t be talking… it shouldn’t be moving on it’s own… heck, it shouldn’t even be this big… It was moving too fast for me to process the image it was currently scribbling, but when it was done, I instantly regretted not running away sooner. The drawing shimmered as if it were a mirage and suddenly, it flopped onto the ground. I stumbled backwards as the drawing came to life before my eyes: it was a huge grey hound. Jutting from both sides were muscular arms with clawed hands. The spine was lined with spikes that trailed down to the end of it’s long tail where a blade replaced the tip. The head of the dog was nothing but a skull with another blade running along the top of it with the addition of three tentacles attached. The beast looked at me through hollow eyes and I whimpered in fear as it crouched low, taking slow, patronizing steps towards me. My eyes flickered back to Pencilface when I heard it’s hissing laughter once more. “Let’s play tag…” I knew immediately that I wasn’t it… It took all but five seconds for me to turn around and book it in the opposite direction. An earsplitting caterwaul reached my ears and the pounding of paws against the dirt road alerted me to the fact that the demon hound that Pencilface had drawn was giving chase. My lungs burned and my feet thundered against the ground as I ran for cover. I had to get away and somehow escape from the universe, and I needed to be alive to do so. I came across a broken down truck and I hopped inside, curling up on the floor and pushing myself as far back into the shadows as I could. My heartbeat was pounding in my ears and my breathing was too loud for my comfort. I was shaking like a leaf and a cold sweat had broken out. I was a mess as I listened to the demon hound’s footsteps grow louder and louder… and then they grew softer… and softer… until I heard them no longer. The breath that I hadn’t even known I had been holding escaped from me in a relieved huff. Now that the demon hound was out of the way, I could probably get my hands on Pencilface and draw another black hole out of here… I was going to get out of here! My excitement was overwhelming to the point that I didn’t even hear the low growl the came from outside of the truck that I was hiding in… until it was too late. The hopeful smile was still painted on my face when I heard the screech of the truck door being torn out and saw the demon hound drooling over it’s victory with it’s sharp glinting teeth bared at me. My face contorted into a horrified exclamation when a dark and gravelly voice echoed in my head “You’re it…” And then the hound launched itself at the newly made entrance of the truck. © 2014 Japanese CherryAuthor's Note
Added on December 3, 2014 Last Updated on December 3, 2014 Author![]() Japanese CherryMallepa, With Sho and Kei, JapanAboutMEOW HOO!!! OHAYO!!!! ANNYEONG!!!! I'm just a shy (unless ur a close friend or family), but creative girl between the age of 15 and 21 that loves to read, write and draw... Nothing more... by the.. more..Writing