![]() Chapter 9: Are You Alright?A Chapter by Japanese CherryAmai watched as Kim Ji-Hoon stalked off ahead of the band… he didn’t
like how upset Ji-Hoon had become and he didn’t blame him… Amai was extremely
pissed off about Saku’s childhood friend saying all those things to his friend.
He knew that Kim Ji-Hoon didn’t like to be associated with anyone who worked
with his mother. One thing was obvious… Ji-Hoon definitely didn’t like how
Nikui clung to Saku Hana. Now Amai was happy that Saku was finally smiling,
but, that didn’t mean he wasn’t upset that Ji-Hoon looked completely miserable… -Amai roughly punched Sugureta’s shoulder “You idiot… was it necessary to put him down even more?” -Sugureta gave him a weird look “What the hell are you talking about?!” “Ooh, now that’s a
comeback that is stinging and true at the same time!” -Amai angrily mocked Sugureta “You shouldn’t have even said anything d****t! You know how
much he hates when his old life comes back around!” -Sugureta looked away “Well, what do you want us to do?!” -Omoiagatta answered this time “We have to make sure the miserably angry fool doesn’t do
anything to hurt himself… and Amai, you should talk to him.” -Amai huffed “I plan to…” It was a very long night, one filled with many mistakes on Ji-Hoon’s
end… not like the crowd minded anyway… all they needed was one sheepish smile
and they were squealing nothing was wrong in the first place… After the show,
Amai fixed Sugureta with a stern glare that made sure the older would cooperate
in trying to help the crestfallen vocalist before racing off to follow Ji-Hoon
home. Upon arrival, Ji-Hoon went straight into the shower. Amai took care of
Honjaui and then waited for Ji-Hoon to exit the bathroom in order to have a
small talk… -Amai let out a sigh after about an hour of waiting for
Ji-Hoon to get out of the shower -The drummer stood up and then stalked over to the bathroom “Ji-Hoon, are you alright?” -At first, there was no sound coming from the bathroom at
all and Amai scowled “Don’t be stubborn and stay in there the whole night
Ji-Hoon!!” -Again no response… “JI-HOON, ANSWER ME!!!!” -Amai’s fury soon ended when he heard a gagging sound come
from inside of the bathroom “Kim Ji-Hoon!” -Closing his eyes and saying a quiet prayer that the door
was unlocked, Amai twisted the door knob “Oh… Ji-Hoon…” -Kim Ji-Hoon was bent over the toilet, spewing the contents
of his stomach into the porcelain bowl -Amai quickly ran over to Ji-Hoon’s shaking form and rubbed
his back until the raven finally stopped and pulled away to breathe -Ji-Hoon’s face had paled and his skin was clammy “Amai… I don’t… feel so great…” -Amai couldn’t help but smirk “No duh, baka… It’s a good thing I stayed…” “I guess it w"” -Ji-Hoon stopped speaking and he gagged -When he leaned over the toilet again, Amai resumed his task
of rubbing the taller male’s back -After Ji-Hoon stopped puking, Amai helped him brush his
teeth and change into comfortable clothing -Ji-Hoon let out a sigh when Amai helped him settle into bed “Arigatou Amai…” -Amai smiled “No problem… I actually wanted to talk to you…” “About what?” “You aren’t okay and after seeing you tonight, I don’t want
to hear you disregard the idea. It is obviously about your aunt still being in
the hospital and all the work from school and band… and I know your mom has
been calling you… but I also know that this is about Saku now. After seeing her
with Nikui… you don’t like it do you? You’ve pushed her away and you know it…” -Ji-Hoon remained quiet so Amai continued “You know they are more than friends… and honestly, I kinda
have to say ‘I told you so’… You should have told Saku before and you shouldn’t
have pushed her away and said all that crap to her.” -Again, Ji-Hoon remained silent “Kim Ji-Hoon… you pushed everyone away from you… even your
cousins refuse to stay with you… so why don’t you try to talk to Saku at least…
There was some kind of chemistry between you two and if I’m wrong, then at
least try to be her friend… she was able to melt part of your iced heart… and
you know that she even allowed you to enter her heart. So go and fix it… and
stay clear of Nikui… it is obviously not a good idea to associate with people
connected to your mother… and if she calls, then don’t answer it or hang up
immediately.” -Ji-Hoon was unresponsive so Amai pinched his cheek “At least react to something!!” -Kim Ji-Hoon weakly pulled away from Amai “… Alright…” “Alright what?” “I’ll try to react to something…” -Amai rolled his eyes “Are you going to be alright?” “Yes…” “Then go to sleep… and I’m camping out in the living room…” -Before leaving the room, Amai turned to face Ji-Hoon “You were at least happy around her Ji-Hoon… and no matter
what you say, you can’t deny the fact that you miss and need her… so don’t lose
her.” © 2013 Japanese CherryAuthor's Note
Added on June 29, 2013 Last Updated on July 1, 2013 Author![]() Japanese CherryMallepa, With Sho and Kei, JapanAboutMEOW HOO!!! OHAYO!!!! ANNYEONG!!!! I'm just a shy (unless ur a close friend or family), but creative girl between the age of 15 and 21 that loves to read, write and draw... Nothing more... by the.. more..Writing