![]() Chapter 1: Let the Stress BeginA Chapter by Japanese CherrySaku held Kim Ji-Hoon close as he wept harshly, afraid to let him go
lest he break down even more. She repeatedly murmured sweet mantras into his
ear until he began to lean heavily onto her body. Saku, as best as she could,
pulled Ji-Hoon over to the chair by the hospital room door and set him down.
She watched his eyes droop close as sleep claimed his exhausted body. -Saku tentatively reached out to wipe the dried tears from
Ji-Hoon’s cheeks “Oh Ji-Hoon… this really shook you up… poor guy probably never
cried that much before in his life…” -She gently moved some of his hair away from his eyes -Looking back at Yoo Ji-Min’s bed, Saku suppressed a shudder “Never did I ever want to see something like this again…
Kami-Sama please watch over her… let her wake up again…” -And with that, Saku left Yoo Ji-Min’s hospital room in
order to travel back to the children’s rooms “Ji-Hoon will stay with his aunt, and I’ll stay with his
cousins…” Saku spent the night in the hospital, as did Kim Ji-Hoon. When the next
day came, she reluctantly left in order to go to school. Ji-Hoon was still
passed out in the hospital room and Saku let him sleep. Although she worried
about the children waking up before she came back, she still had to go to
school… When school finally ended and Saku was back in the hospital, she was
ecstatic to see that Seo-Hyun and Hyun-Woo were awake and waiting for her… “Noona! “Unnie!!” -Saku laughed and placed a kiss to the foreheads of the
injured children “How are you doing? Does it hurt much?” -Both shook their heads ‘no’ -Hyun-Woo smiled “It isn’t so bad… we can handle it, noona! We’re strong like
you and Hyung!” -Saku smiled -Seo-Hyun piped up “And we just have to wait for mommy to come and get us so
that we can go home.” -Saku’s smile instantly dropped -She began to feel the dread pooling in her stomach “How do I tell these
two about their mother? Hell, how the heck do you tell a seven year old and a
five year old that their mom is in a coma?! How the heck did Tsuyoi get the
strength to tell me my parents were DEAD?!” -Saku gulped “Um… listen… you guys… uh… your older sister… um… your
shimai has to tell you something… very important…” -Saku pulled up a chair between the twin beds and looked
both children in the eye “I’m not going to lie… okay? Your mom… she… she is-” -At that moment, Kim Ji-Hoon walked into the room, a forced,
yet gentle, smile on his face “You two are gonna be staying with me and your older sister
for a while. Your mom is… going to have to stay here… for a while… alright?
Tomorrow, Saku and I are going to come and get you…” -Seo-Hyun squealed at the news, but Hyun-Woo’s eyes darkened
a shade “What’s wrong with eomma, Hyung?” -Saku saw Ji-Hoon flinch slightly, but answer immediately “She isn’t… feeling well…” -Seo-Hyun spoke up “But she’ll get better right?” -Saku answered her quickly “In good time, dear, in good time…” -She stood up and stretched “Now you two need to rest up and prepare to come back to
Ji-Hoon’s house tomorrow… we’ll be back tomorrow…” Saku and Ji-Hoon walked home in silence… Ji-Hoon unable to say anything
and Saku unable to think of anything to say. When they arrived back at the
house, Ji-Hoon excused himself and went straight to his room. Saku decided to
make something to eat for when he came back out. Right when she finished cooking, Saku’s phone began to ring -Quickly wiping her hands, Saku flipped her phone and put it
up to her ear “This is Saku Hana.” -Goshippu’s scratchy voice answered her “Is Ji-Hoon’s aunt really in the hospital?!” -Saku blinked, Goshippu wasn’t even in school today… a cold
she had said… “Uh…” “Is it true? Is that why he wasn’t there? Come on, you live
with him!” “Goshippu, I live with him but I don’t spread his business…
you know that… check the news if you want information like that, I’m sure it’d
be on there…” “But I’m curious! And I don’t check the news all like that!” -Saku stifled a groan at her friend’s reasoning “Is it all over school? Is that how you heard since you don’t watch the news?” “Sort of… no one knows for sure, but, you know how news
flies around here…” “Well, I’ll let him confirm or deny whatever he wants… and
shouldn’t you be resting up and trying to rid yourself of that cold?! Stop
looking for gossip to spread when you’re sick!” -Saku hung her cell up with a sigh “It’ll be all around…” That night, Saku took the couch, for Ji-Hoon hadn’t left his room at
all… The next day, Ji-Hoon went to school and Saku felt her heart contort in
pain whenever anyone brought up his hospitalized aunt " which everyone did "
but he kept his appearance level, responding with small phrases and quickly
escaping. The time finally came for Seo-Hyun and Hyun-Woo to be picked up. Once
home, everyone settled in. An awkward silence resonated through the house… no one able to say
anything… the grief thick in the air… Saku hated the feeling… Hated the
silence… hated the feeling of not being able to do anything to ease up the pain
and torture Ji-Hoon was going through… When the children went to take a quick nap, Saku prepared to take
Honjaui outside. Upon closing in on the door, Saku heard Ji-Hoon outside… and
he didn’t sound happy at all… “"home from the hospital and you want what?!” -Saku didn’t hear another voice… Ji-Hoon was on his cell “I don’t give a s**t what he said to do! If you want new music,
write it yourself!” -Silence… “Well, I’m having writer’s block so deal with it!” -Silence… “I’m not the only member of the band! Come up with
something!” -Silence… “It is not that hard to write a song d****t! Do it
yourselves for once!!” -And then the angry snap of Ji-Hoon’s phone, ending the
conversation -Saku was uncertain whether she should comfort him or act
like she heard nothing -Saku jumped back when Ji-Hoon almost crashed into her while
on his way back into the house “NYAA!! Whoa, slow down…!” “Go space out somewhere else where you won’t get in the way,
Baka!” -And he was off… -Saku was surprised by the smart comment Kim Ji-Hoon made to
her about standing in the way, but forced herself to believe that he was just
angry “And he is… just angry… Can’t let that get to me… come on
Honjaui…” -Pinning the reaction to his stress level, Saku tightened
her grip on Honjaui’s leash and walked out the door -She still couldn’t help but feel a bit hurt by Ji-Hoon’s
smart retort though © 2013 Japanese Cherry |
Added on June 29, 2013 Last Updated on June 29, 2013 Author![]() Japanese CherryMallepa, With Sho and Kei, JapanAboutMEOW HOO!!! OHAYO!!!! ANNYEONG!!!! I'm just a shy (unless ur a close friend or family), but creative girl between the age of 15 and 21 that loves to read, write and draw... Nothing more... by the.. more..Writing