![]() Chapter 6: You Really Do CareA Chapter by Japanese Cherry![]() manga![]() -Saku wasn’t completely prepared for Ayame’s attack -When Ayame swiped for Saku’s hair, Saku tried to jump back… and
then… RIIIIIIIP Saku was frozen in shock as she heard her dress tear in Ayame’s
grip. The dress tore right down the middle and stopped at Saku’s abdomen. Her
whole chest was completely revealed and Saku blushed furiously as she attempted
to pull the dress around her exposed body. She heard the laughter and some cat
calls… and she stared right at the three girls who stood before her with the evilest
of grins… -Saku had to hold back the tears that threatened to spill at the
embarrassment and at the fact that Tsuyoi’s gift was ruined -She was about to run out of the building… when a voice boomed from
the microphone “ENOUGH!!!” -Everyone watched as Kim
Ji-Hoon angrily made his way towards the issue at hand, surprise sweeping over
the whole crowd -Saku watched as Ji-Hoon pushed his way through the crowd
and over to her -When he made it over, he regarded her with a look that she
interpreted as mortification and sorrow -She pulled the dress even closer around her -Ji-Hoon turned to face the three girls and snarled “You bratty idiots should learn your place! I suggest
staying out of my business! You heard her loud and clear, we are on even terms,
so don’t keep hounding her like she killed the damn emperor! And if you have an
issue with those kids then you take it up with me d****t!” -Ai and Anisu were stunned into silence, but Ayame spoke up “Why would the kids matter to you?” -Ji-Hoon’s temper flared and he hissed “If you have issues with the person that I have babysitting
my cousins then keep it to yourselves!” -A lot of people knew that Seo-Hyun and Hyun-Woo were
Ji-Hoon’s cousins but some didn’t… i.e. Ayame and her troop -Ji-Hoon continued “And if you want to call someone a s**t, then why don’t you
look in the damn mirror!!” -Saku’s eyes widened at Ji-Hoon’s words, not expecting him
to stick up for her like so -She jumped when she felt a jacket fall upon her shoulders -Saku turned her head expecting to see Amai by her side, but
instead, she found Omoiagatta fixing his jacket around her exposed body -He winked at her and then turned his attention back to
Ji-Hoon -Saku took note that Sugureta went to stand next to Ji-Hoon
when two buffer looking guys approached him -Amai was about to go as well when Omoiagatta pulled him
back with a warning glance -Saku turned her attention back to Kim Ji-Hoon when she
heard his snort “And what do you want exactly?” -One of the guys spoke in a gruff tone “Who the hell do you think you are, acting all high and
mighty?” -Ji-Hoon retorted “I don’t know, maybe because I’m sick of everything that is
going on, annoyed that almost every damn girl wants in on my business, and I
don’t give a damn about you steroid using jocks?” -The other guy spoke up “You have some guts pretty boy. I hope you know what
territory you’re trespassing in!” -Sugureta retorted this time “What the hell are you talking about? You should watch where
you’re placing your foot!” -If Sugureta had hesitated in raising his fists, he would
have lost a few teeth -While Sugureta dealt with Jock 1 Ji-Hoon was grappling with
Jock 2 -Saku didn’t like the fact that the two Baddobōizu members
were fighting for her sake but when Amai spoke up, she felt slightly better “At least you know that they care… that He cares…” -Saku smiled but her attention was brought back to the fight
when both Ji-Hoon and Sugureta finished socking the jocks -The two were breathing heavily and it looked like they both
took some very bad hits -Amai finally spoke up loud and clear “Alright, that is enough! Everyone, gig’s off! Go home if
you want; this was enough drama for one night! Baddobōizu is going to take a
break for the night!!” -Saku felt Omoiagatta push her out of the local hangout,
followed by Amai who was hauling a frightened Seo-Hyun and a shaken Hyun-Woo
and Sugureta and Ji-Hoon who had snagged Saku’s instruments on their way out -Once outside, Saku faced the four boys “Can we all go back to Ji-Hoon’s place… if no one minds?” -No one objected to her request -Omoiagatta zipped up the jacket he put around Saku before
walking in the direction of Ji-Hoon’s place with everyone following him It took a little bit of time to get to their destination but once
Ji-Hoon’s house came into view, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Saku helped
the kids to bed and then she changed into some shorts and a tank top. Then she
had Sugureta and Ji-Hoon sit on the sofa while Amai took the time to cook… -Sugureta cringed as the alcohol touched his wounds “Easy there…” -Ji-Hoon chuckled but then groaned when he got the same
treatment -Both Ji-Hoon and Sugureta had gotten punched somewhere near
the jaw: Ji-Hoon’s lip was split and Sugureta’s chin was bruised. Both had cuts
and bruises, but none that wouldn’t heal in a week’s time -While cleaning up the wounds, Saku spoke softly “Thank you for sticking up for me… I seriously thought I was
going to die of embarrassment… I… I thought I was going to have to fight alone
again… now… I understand why Kim Ji-Hoon stood up, seeing how his cousins were
brought into this whole thing… but, why you Sugureta? I hope you don’t mind me
asking…” -Sugureta looked away before answering “Eh… I was itching for a fight and I couldn’t let pretty boy
over here have all the fun. And it’s not like Ji-Hoon could take those dicks on
by himself… he needed some kind of help.” -Saku smiled when she noticed him blush but found herself
blushing when she heard Omoiagatta comment behind her “Nice a*s.” -Ji-Hoon growled softly and Saku turned around to face
Omoiagatta “Unnecessary comment…” -He smirked, but then frowned “Seriously though, are you okay?” -Saku turned away and made her way to the bathroom with the
first aid supplies, attempting to hide her growing unhappiness about the dress “I’ve fought alone for a while… I’m… okay though… I’ve dealt
with worse…” -It didn’t take a genius to know that Saku was never okay
when she said that she was -When Saku came out of the bathroom with a frown plastered
on her face, Ji-Hoon stood up and walked
up to her, whispering “I know you aren’t okay…” -Saku shook her head and spoke to Omoiagatta instead “I still don’t know why you aided me as well… I didn’t treat
you all too kindly before…” -Omoiagatta smirked “I like you… you got spirit… something I like in a woman.
But, also because I kinda got sick of all the crap going on as well…” -Saku felt a spark in her chest at how much the band cared…
more than she knew -Amai called them in for dinner and everyone got up to eat After dinner, Saku had fallen asleep in Kim Ji-Hoon’s room with the
kids and the rest of Baddobōizu stayed in the living room. Although it was
late, the four boys were up… discussing Saku’s unhappiness -Amai held out Saku’s torn dress “You know we should call Tsuyoi about this. She isn’t going
to let this go so easily… you saw how much she liked it…” -Ji-Hoon snorted “I don’t know his number and I don’t wanna see him.” -Omoiagatta snickered “Ooo… look who’s jealous!” -That resulted in a small fight before Sugureta pulled them
apart and handed a cell phone to Ji-Hoon -Ji-Hoon recognized Saku’s phone and growled “How the hell did you get this?!” “Not the point… text the guy and go… stop being so
stubborn.” -Tsuyoi, I know it’s late… but… Come see me at the
park, now Saku The moment Ji-Hoon left the house, the rest of Baddobōizu continued to
talk -Amai sighed “I swear… he really needs to let his stubbornness not get in
the way of expressing himself…” -Sugureta snickered “By the time he admits to himself that he likes Saku, she’ll
find someone else!” -Omoiagatta snorted “Won’t he be a bigger a*s than now if that happens… but as
much as I want Saku for myself Ji-Hoon is who she looks at too… lucky a*s…” -Amai commented “I bet Saku would beat the living crap out of you if you
ever made a move on her!” -Another fight broke out between the two and Sugureta found
himself watching in amusement as Amai ended up in a headlock © 2013 Japanese Cherry |
Added on April 28, 2013 Last Updated on April 28, 2013 Author![]() Japanese CherryMallepa, With Sho and Kei, JapanAboutMEOW HOO!!! OHAYO!!!! ANNYEONG!!!! I'm just a shy (unless ur a close friend or family), but creative girl between the age of 15 and 21 that loves to read, write and draw... Nothing more... by the.. more..Writing