Faith Ep 15 FINALE

Faith Ep 15 FINALE

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Faith Ep 15 FINALE

Nate: Mm. I'm glad your here. How have you been? Sweet outfit BTW.

Shane: [I said good bye to my Uncle & looked over at Nate & Bella] You look great Bella! Bella: Thanks! Um, I don't know how to tell you this but, remember when me and Shane "you know" well in came back and bit me in the booty. [Gosh I hope this doesn't make anyone mad]

Nate: Your welcome. *Smiles, then it faded & all I was able to say was ...* Oh.

Shane: [Oh, boy! I'm so dead. He's going to kill me.] Bella: Maybe it would be best if I just left. I'm staying at Hayley's if you need anything. [I got up to leave. But, then Nate told me to sit back down]

[P.S. Hayley's another cousin to me in Faith]

Nate: *Breathes out* No wait, Bella. Lets just talk about this. Please stay.

Shane: [I don't blame her. If I was her I'd leave too. I'm scared as heck right now] Yes, please stay. Bella: [Right then & there I just started full on crying] I'm sorry I have to go! [I ran out and went back to Hayley's]

Nate: *Goes after her following as best as I could* Bella please wait up girl!

Shane: [I ran after both of them. Man, that girl is fast] Slow down. I'm not as fast as I used to be. Bella: [I got to Hayley's and went in and sat next to her. When I needed someone to lean on. I always trusted her with my life.]

Nate: *Calls back over my shoulder* Hang in they're baby, we can't lose her. *Speeds up a little finally catching her enter a house, knocking; pretty much out of breath & so is Shane*

Shane: [I was so out of breath I had to use my puffer. I had to sit down] Whew! Bella: [I went up to my room. Hayley went and got the door]

[I also locked my bedroom door]

Nate: You alright Shane? *Asks him, knows that was quite a run for him; talks to Hayley* Hey Hayley, is Bella here? We really need to talk to her, please.

Shane: Yeah, I'm good now. Thanks! Hayley: I'm sorry you just missed her. She's on her way to Grandma's house. Which is nowhere near here. Bella: [I was now on my way to Grandma's house see like Hayley was trust worthy. Plus her choco. chip cookies were the best in the world]

Nate: *Smiles at Shane, nodding & then turns back to Hayley frowning* Oh, well can you tell her we stopped by & give her a message if you see her ... *Clears throat* I'm not mad at her & I want her to know that its okay & whenever she's ready to talk, give Shane & I a call. *Waves bye & then leaves returning home with Shane*

Shane: We should've asked where her Grandma lives. So, we could talk to Bella in person.

Nate: But do you think Hayley would've given us the directions?

Shane: Idk! But, maybe we should ask anyway. Hayley: [I wrote down the address and waited for them to knock on the door again] 3,2,1.

Nate: Its our best option, I'd give her a call, but I don't remember her #. *So instead of running like crazy back to her place, we took the car this time, I drove & knocked once again with Shane by my side & asked for the directions*

Shane: [I just waited in the car. I was to tired. I hadn't slept good at all when I was away from my family. So, I just took a nap] Hayley: [I handed the directions to Nate. What's funny is that he looks just like mine & Bella's find Nick] Here. Good luck! Your gonna need it. Tell Grandma I said Hi!

Nate: Thanks a lot Halyely, we appreciate this. And will do, cya later. *Waves & gets back in the car driving to the address on the paper; soon enough we arrived & by that time Shane was back to awake & we both got out ringing the doorbell waiting for an answer*

Grandma Ruby: Are you looking for Miley? Shane: Um, no we're looking for Bella. GR: Oh, well she's out back with Miley & Jackson. Go on back. Shane: Thanks! Oh, Hayley says hi! GR: Thank you! When you she her. Tell her I say hi back! Shane: Will do.

Nate: Thank you. *I smiled & followed Shane to the back finding them all*

Shane: [I saw Bella she was in the barn talking to Blue Jeans. I titled my head toward the barn]

Nate: *Nods walking with him towards it*

Shane: [We both went in the barn. When Bella saw us. She just smiled at us.] I don't think she's mad at us anymore.

Bella: Nope. I'm not.

Nate: *Sighs really relieved* Really?

Shane: Whew! Thats good. [I went over to hug her. And she let me hug her.] So about the baby. Bella: I'm keeping it. How do you guys feel about that? Shane: I'm fine with that. May I feel it kick? Bella: Um, Shane I'm not that far along yet.

Nate: Yes it is. *Agrees & goes to join the hug too* Me too, I'm sure he or she will be just as adorable & a blessing, just as Emma is. *Smiles*

Shane: [I smiled back] Yeah, seeing as we look so dang good. [I made a sexy pose showing off how good I looked]

Bella: Shane! You're silly!

Nate: *Continues to smile, covering mouth trying to muffle my chuckles*

Shane: Yeah I know. Bella: Lets go home. I need a nap. And a snack.

Nate: Sounds good, ready to go?

Shane/Bella: Yes! Ready and waiting!

Nate: Cool, but will Grandma Ruby, Miley, & Jackson be alright with us leaving so soon?

Shane: Yeah what about them? Bella: Um, I guess we can stay for one night. Gotta make sure we can stay. [We went back in the house. Grandma Ruby said that there wasn't any room so we went back home. And when we got there. James and Logan were on the couch "doing the dirty"]

Nate: *Before I could go into the house, with Shane & Bella, I got a call* ???: Hey, Nate what up dude? Nate: *Laughs* Hey Sterling, doing just fine. You? Sterling: ** Doing super. I was just calling to you to ask if you wanna hang out right now, I'm actually in the neighborhood. Nate: Sure. Give me a few minutes. Sterling: Awesome, cya soon then.

Shane: [Nate was going to hang out with Sterling. What happened to hanging out with me and Bella] I guess if your going out with Sterling. Me and Bella are going to "hang out" here!

Bella: Don't worry we aren't really going to "do it" we're just going to watch a movie and play games.

Nate: *Waves bye grabbing my coat, but not before hugging them both* Okay, you guys have fun. I'll be back soon. *Joins Sterling who was now outside grinning brightly* Hey. Sterling: Looking great man. Nate: Thanks, you too. So where we going? Sterling: *Grins wider* Can't spill it just yet, but ... I will let'cha know its gonna be cool. Nate: Yeah? Sterling: I promise it.

Shane: Well now what are we gonna do? Bella: Idk? Guess we could just go upstairs and watch a movie. Shane: Sounds good to me. [We watched a movie. In the middle we both were fast asleep. When Nate came home it was bed time.]

Nate: *My time with Sterling has been quite neat. It turned out to be bowling, but its one of my favorite hobbies. We played for a long time & we got some food along the way too. By the time we called it quits, he dropped me off back home* Thanks for the awesome night, Sterling. Sterling: No problem-o Nate, maybe we go go again real soon. Night man. *Waves driving away. He's so cute, I thought as I replayed the night in my mind*

Shane: [I woke up to use the bathroom. And when I got to the bathroom the door was locked. So I knocked on the door] Who's in there? Bella: [I woke up and Shane was gone. But I just thought oh well he probably went to the bathroom]

Nate: *Once inside I tried to be quite just in case everyone was sleeping, which I'm sure at the little ones were. Bella & Shane were probably still up though. So I went straight upstairs & went to check up on the kids first, all sound asleep as I thought. Next I found Bella awake & looking around* Hey Bella, what's going on?

Shane: [It was just Kendall in the bathroom. After I went to pee I felt better. Then I went to the bedroom and found Nate and Bella talking in some kind of girl code] Uh, what are you guys talking about? Bella: Baby stuff.

Nate: *In the meantime, Bella & I chatted all about her baby/pregancy until Shane came back in, startling me but I smiled glad to see him* Hey babe.

Shane: Hey some people are happy to see me. Bella: [I smiled] Yep. We sure are. lay with us. Please.

Nate: *Pats the bed* Yeah.

Shane: [I went and laid down with my babies. I'm so lucky to have them both] I love you both so much. Bella: Awww! And we love you too. Right Nate? [I smiled at Nate. He didn't seem so sure about it]

Nate: *Smiles nodding* Yes, thats right. I love you both. So which movies did you two end up watching? And how was the kids while I was gone?

Shane: Awww! Bella: The kids were fine. Justy and Selly got sick. So we called the doctor and fixed them. We have to keep an eye on them just in case they get worse.

Shane: We watched The Grinch btw.

Nate: Awww's, sweet. *Smiles cheerfully*

Shane: Oh, James came by and asked Bella out. Bella: Yep. I guess he and Carlos had a fight. Cuz' they haven't been together for weeks now. At least thats what he told me.

Nate: *Eyes widen* No way. Wow.

Shane: Bella didn't tell me what she said to James yet. So I guess she was waiting on you to get home. Bella: Yes thats what I said. And as soon as he gets off work he's taking me out. Dinner and a movie kinda thing.

Nate: Well, hope you have a great time Bella.

Shane: Yeah I hope you have a fun night too. Bella: So what are you two going to do while I'm gone?

Bella: Thanks guys!

Nate: NP girl. Um, well IDK, take of the kids with Shane. And Sterling & I might be hanging out some more.

Shane: I think Sterling likes you. And I don't like that one little bit. Bella: Oh boy thats not good. Be careful Nate. Someone could get hurt.

Nate: Nah he doesn't like me like that, he's just a friend. He knows I'm happy with you & have 3 kids. He wouldn't try anything, he's a good guy. Sterling: *Texts him: Hey hey! Had an awesome time last night, what do you say we try some derby car racing today? You free?* Nate: *My cell beeped then, but before I could check it, Shane got to it first & read it out loud*

Shane: Yeah okay "just a friend" wants to go derby car racing with you today. He wants to know if your "free". Bella: Oh, there's J.D. gotta go. [James sent me a message saying he was waiting for me so I left with him]

Nate: *Looks at him then back at the text & then at Bella as she left the room* I won't go then, Shane, if you don't feel like its a good idea.

Shane: No you go have fun. I'll just sit here and do "nothing" [I was so mad right now. And Nate saw how mad I really was when the smoke came out my ears. And I stormed out of the house]

Nate: *I kissed him & hugged him* I'll be back soon then. I'll call you too. *Waves bye & before I completely left I checked in on the kids & fed them & spent some time with them before they began to play with their toys happily. Soon enough I met up with Sterling & we ended up having a great time driving the cars. Later on we stopped to get some chinese food* Sterling: *Smirks. All was going super well. It was just a matter of time before, he'd be mine & with me*

Shane: I guess I'll just go hang out with Kogan. [I went to their door and knocked. Logan was asleep and Kendall was watching hockey] May I watch TV with you. The kids are sleeping I just checked on them. They're all fine.

Nate: *Towards the very end of our time together, I sighed missing Shane & the kids* Sterling: What's wrong Nate? Nate: Nothing, I think I'm going to go home now. Sterling: What, why? Nate: My family, I need to go spend time with them. Today's been totally fun, thanks man I'll catcha ya later. Sterling: *Stops him* Nate: Sterling? Sterling: You're not going back home, Nate.

Shane: [After the game was over I thanked Kendall for letting me watch it with him. Our team won yay!] Kendall what time is it? I'm getting worried about Nate. He's never been late before. [I was scared as hell. Bella told him that someone would get hurt. I guess it's me this time. Ho hum!]

Nate: *Looks at him puzzled* What do you mean Sterling? Sterling: Nate seriously you don't get what's going on? Nate: Dude, I don't get what you mean. Later. *Starts to walk away* Sterling: *Walks in front of him* Nate, I like you okay. I don't want to you to back to Shane. Nate: What? *Shocked. Shane was right*

Shane: Um, Kendall I asked you a question. What time is it? [Man he fell asleep. I guess I'll go find out where Nate is on my own. I left a note on Kendall's bedside table letting him know what I was doing and to watch the kids for me while I was gone]

Nate: No Sterling you can't man, I mean we're just friends. I don't like you that way. Sterling: Well, I like you regardless what you say. I'll ask nicely, Nate ... please be mine. Forget about Shane. Nate: No & I can't, he's my whole world & so are my kids. I would never leave him. Sterling: *Frowns*

Shane: [I soon found Sterling and Nate. I tapped on Sterling's shoulder] Exuse me. [When Sterling turned around I punched him. It felt really good. He was trying to take my man. I wasn't going to let anyone take Nate again. Riley tried taking Nate. Ended up with Jason. Now if only we could get someone for Sterling. Then he'd have to leave Nate alone]

Nate: *Startled seeing Shane there* Sterling: *Gets knocked out cold* Nate: *Runs to him hugging him* Shane! *Hides in his chest trembling* You were right baby, about him ...

Shane: Yeah and so was Bella! You should be thanking her too. Her and James should be home now. Lets go! I left Kendall with the kids. So we better hurry.

Bella: James I love you!

Nate: Yes. And I will. Okay. *Breathes out relaxing again now that I was with Shane. I still couldn't believe the whole scene; follows him back home* James: *Smiles big kissing her* I love you Bella.

Shane: [I was so glad to be back home with Nate. He was going to have a baby with me. I so happy. I picked him up bridal style and went upstairs and laid him on the bed. I put my hand under his shirt. I could've swear I felt a kick] Whoa! Was that just gas or did the baby just kick? Bella: [I kissed James back. And we had our first time together. Of course we were careful. Cuz' I was preganet.]

Nate: *I smiled being back at home & at Shane's sweet & romantic-ness, it made my heart do flips. I blushed as I replied to him* It was the baby. James: *Being with Bella was amazing, I love her so much & I want to be with her & take care of her & her baby girl & of course the baby thats on the way*

Shane: Really? Thats so cool. I wonder what we are having. Maybe we'll have another boy. So Justin has someone to play with. I'm sure he won't wanna play girly games with all the girls running around. But then again Kogan has a new son that Justy can play with. Bella: [Me and James went to sleep. I loved James and no one was going to steal him from me. Not even Carlos]

Nate: Mmm, is it. Me too. *Chuckles softly* James: *Sleeping soundly with Bella*

Shane: You're too cute! [I kissed him with all the passion I had] You sleepy yet? I was thinking we could have a little "fun".

Nate: *Yawns kissing back a little; eyes a little watery* Yes. *Flops on the bed immediately out like a light*

Shane: Awww! Babe you're no fun. [I laid there and pouted. But I went to check on the kids. One had a dirty dipper. And the others were hungry. So I feed them and I feel asleep in the kids room]

Nate: *Sound a sleep breathing softly*

Shane: [Next morning I woke up to Bella's Dalmation puppy licking my face] Uh, Susie no. Go kiss your mommy. Bella: Well good morning to you too. James is still sleeping so I thought I'd help out with the kids. Is that okay? Shane: Yeah sure just get Susie off me. Bella: Awww! She just wanted to play. You don't have to be mean. [I grabbed Susie and went back in with James]

Nate: *Wakes up then hearing voices & a puppy, smiles stretching* Morning!

Shane: [I was still in the kids room. And I can't believe I just got mad at Susie & Bella. Now they hate me. And Susie just wanted to play] Ugh! What have I done. Was I put on this earth to make people hate me? Grrrrr! I even hate myself.

Nate: *I looked around then finding I was alone* Oh, opps. *I got up & went to the bathroom & then afterwards found Shane talking aloud* Hey. *I smiled* What's a happening baby?

Shane: I yelled Bella and her dog Susie. Now I hate myself for it. [I walked out in a bad mood. And talking in a upset kind of way] UGH!!! I'M GOING FOR A WALK!!! ANYONE WHO WANTS TO COME WITH ME. COME ON!!!

Nate: *Eyes widen then. Quickly asks Bella & James, who just woke up too to watch the kids for a little bit, while I went out with Shane for a walk following him quietly*

Shane: [Ugh! I'm so mad right now. I can't stand it. What was worse I was talking to myself] UGH!!!

Nate: *I tried to help calm him a bit, by patting his shoulder gently*

Shane: [I sat on a bench in the park. I took out my inhaler and used it. Nate's soft hand was calming me down a little]

Nate: *I joined him also sitting & smiled continued to soothe him*

Shane: I'm sorry babe. I just don't feel like myself right now. I need to cool off a bit. My whole day is going to suck. I just know it. I need one of those spa day things. I'm so stressed out. Ugh!

Nate: Its okay, I get it. *Pecks his lips softly* Okay. Hmm, well .... *Thinks & then gets an idea * what if we did just that, go together? My treat. *Smiles*

Shane: [I kissed Nate and hugged him.] Thank you baby! I'd love that. Lets get a sitter and go to the spa asap.

Nate: *Kisses back, hugging him* Your welcome, Shaney. Lets go for it then. *Calls a sitter to take of the kids so Bella, Emma, & James could spend some time together*

Shane: Yay! You know you haven't called me by that name in a long time. I love you Natekins. Lets get going. Bella: Could me and James go too. Hayley can watch Emma too. Like I said Hayley loves kids.

Nate: *Smiles big* Hmm, I think you're right. *Chuckles blushing* And I love you. *Turns out Bella & James wanted to go too, so we of course said yes & we all went together while Hayley gladly went to our house & babysat the kids*

Shane: Thank God for Hayley. Right guys? [I put my arm around Nate and gave him a little squeeze] Bella: Yay! Lets go! Babe you ready for some R&R?

Nate: *Smiles laughing a little* Yeah. James: Mm-hmm! *Grins big*

Shane: Bella, we have the cutiest guys in the whole world. [I grinned really big] Bella: Yes we do! [I hugged James really big. And gave him a big time passionate kiss]

Nate: *Blushes red* James: *Hugs back happily, kissed back with the same amount of passion*

Shane: Awwww! Like I said so cute! Bella: [I moaned a little. And James got the hint]

Nate: *Shyly smiles* James: Excuse us. *Carries her away to a more private room inside the spa*

Shane: Come on! Lets go get pampered. [I let him go in first. It was only right.]

Nate: *Giggles* Okay. *He followed behind me*

Shane: [We went in and we got ready to get our R&R on] This is going to be fun. And James and Bella are so loud. [I covered my ears.] I hope their being careful. She is carring my baby. But I trust James and I know he's going to help take care of the baby.

Nate: *I smiled again, then once again blushed also hearing them*

Shane: Awww! [We finally went back to get pampered. I smiled back and Nate and then saw Jason with Sterling] OH MY GOD!!!

Nate: *Relaxes with Shane, then I saw what he was staring at, making me gasp loudly*

Shane: [I got ready to hit Sterling again. He had a black eye.] Why are you with Sterling? Jason: Um, didn't I tell you? Riley and I split up weeks ago. Shane: Uh, no you didn't tell us that. And last time we saw Sterling he was hitting on my Natekins.

Sterling: *Scoffs* Whoa, whoa, whoa time out Shane. That was then, this is now. *Holds Jason close* Nate: *Speechless as ever*

Shane: Well I'm out of here. Told you my day was gonna suck. [I got dressed again and left town for a while. I hate Sterling and now Jason my best friend since our first year at camp. I can't believe he did this to me and Nate] UGH!!!

Jason: Uh, I'm leaving! I'm never coming back. [I did what I said I was going to do.]

Nate: *Goes after Shane calling his name then* Shane, wait up baby!

Shane: [I stopped for Nate. So we could talk before I left]

Nate: *Breathes heavily a little, but then returns to normal after a few deep breathes* Shane ... I know that was certainly not what either of us expected ... *I stopped unsure of how to continue*

Shane: Yeah not what we expected. Ugh! I just can't believe Jason would do that. I'm so mad at him right now. [I sat down and put my head in my hands and started to cry]

Nate: *I sighed & pulled him close trying to comfort him* Don't cry, baby please.

Shane: I'm sorry! I can't help it. I feel like I've been stabbed in the back. It really hurts.

Nate: *Feels for him, kisses his forehead* Don't be, its alright. I'm sorry you have to experience such a feeling.

Shane: I'm going to stay with Uncle Brown for a while. This time I'm telling you where I'm going before I leave. I'll call every hour. You make sure to take care of the kids. And call me every hour too. I love you Nate! [I kissed him passionately and left]

Nate: *Nods quietly understanding* Okay, take care baby. Thank you & I will. I love you too Shane. *Kisses him back full of love waving bye as he soon left; returns back home to the kids*

Bella: [Me and James went back home and took care of the kids. Justin was getting worse. We had to take him to the hospital] James we have to take Justin to the hospital he's getting worse.

James: *Nods in agreement picking up Justin while Bella got Emma* You're right, lets go see Kendall & Logan immediately.

Bella: [I got Emma and the other kids ready. And then we bumped into Nate] Going to the hospital. Justin's getting worse. Come on!

Nate: *As I found Bella & James, Emma & Justin, I joined them fast*

Bella: [We put the kids in there car seats and headed to the hospital] [When we got in the hospital we asked for Kogan] Someone help us. We gotta sick little boy here.

Logan: *Walking down the hall when I saw every1 at the help desk* Come with me, Kendall & I can help the boy. *Leads them to a room, at the same time tells Kendall what's going on*

Bella: [I told them I was sorry for being mad at them. Then they helped little Justin] James don't you work here too? Or do you have that acting job? I'm forget.

Kendall: Its okay girl, thats all in the past. We're both sorry too. In the meantime, we'll do everything we can to help Justin. Nate: Thank goodness, thank you both. Logan: Its our pleasure. *Smiles patting Nate's shoulder* James: No not here, just the acting, its my only career. And thank you Ken & Logie. Kendall: Don't worry guys, Justin is in good hands.

Bella: Oh, alrighty! And thanks you guys! [We had one of our group hugs and let Kogan take Justin]

Kendall: *Hugs Bella with everyone, smiling big* Your welcome. In the meantime, have a seat & make yourselves comfy. Ring if you need anything. *Leaves with Logan, taking Justin* James: *Relaxes next to Bella with Emma* Nate: *Sits in a chair feeling better knowing that Justin is going to be okay*

Bella: You think we should tell Shane about Justin? [I looked around at everyone. Then James did his little scream thing] Okay babe that was hot. Why did you do that for? [Then I saw "her" James' ex-girlfriend. Then I screamed too]

Anna: *Walking past turns to see James, smiles rushing over to him, with my girl* Jamesy! *I exclaimed* How are you? I missed you so much. You look amazing as ever.

Bella: [I just had to clear my thoat] Um, hi! I guess! [Then Shane walked in. After hearing about Justin from Nate] Shane: Sorry I'm late. I had to get a get well gift from the store and Uncle Brown came too.

James: Anna! *I smiled a little* Doing good thanks, you look great too, this is my girlfriend Bella. *I hugged her close lovingly* Anna: *Smiles shaking her hands* Hi Bella, its nice to meet you. *Motions for my girlfriend* This is my girl, Jessica. Jessica: Nice to meet you both. *Also shakes their hands* Nate: Goes over to Shane while they all were talking & doing their intro's* I'm so glad you're here. UB: Hey Nate. *Hugs him* Nate: Hey Uncle Brown. *Smiles*

Shane: I'm glad I'm here too. How's Justy doing? Any news yet? [I took a puff of my inhaler. Man I wish I didn't have this problem.] Bella: [My phone went off. My ringtone was "Fireflies" by Owl City] Excuse me! Better get that. [I went to a private room to talk to Miley]

Nate: *Hugs him* He's with Kendall & Logan. I'm not sure, I've heard anything since they took him. UB: Well, lookie there ... *Points to them bringing the sleeping cutie pie boy* Kendall: *Smiles handing him to Nate* He's going to be ... Logan: *Finishes for him* Just fine, he's doing much better now. He should be back to normal in no time. James: *Smiles at Bella* Love that song! Anna: Me too. Jessica: Same here. *Holds Anna's hand*

Shane: [Then I saw our Justin and handed Nate the teddy bear I bought for Justin. Then my text message ringtone went off. It was "DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love"] Um, it's Jackson. Miley's brother should I get it?

Nate: *Tears up a little smiling big holding Justin & the very cute bear* Thanks baby & ooh love that song, its awesome. Yeah, maybe he has something important to tell you. [Anna: Jessica:

Shane: [I kissed Nate then I went were Bella was. She was talking to Miley. I answered the phone.] Hello, Shane Gray here. Bella: Yeah okay Miles be there in little bit. Gotta talk to James first. Bye! Oh, hey Shane!

Shane: Hey Bella! [She left and I talked to Jackson]

Nate: *Kisses back; rocks Justin in my arms* James: What's up baby? *I asked her*

Shane: [After talking to Jackson. He wanted to have a late get together for 2012] Hey anyone up for a late New Years party at the Stewert House? Bella: Not much. But, Miley called to invite us to her place for a late new years party. I guess Jackson told Shane too. I'm up for it if you are. Shane: I'm up for it too. What about you babe?

Nate: Sounds fun, but I don't know if I should leave Justin tonight. I know Kendall & Logan said he'll be fine, but I just don't know if I can be away from him. James: Aww's I'd be the same way, with Emma. *Agrees with Nate*

Shane: Well I guess me and Bella can go. But don't worry we won't do anything we'll regret later. Bella: Yeah you guys go take care of the kids. And me and Shane well do what we do best.

Nate: What about you ladies? *Asks the two other girls* Anna: We're going out for a bit too, our families got a big shindig going down. Jessica: Which reminds me, we've got to get a going. In the meantime, it was super awesome seeing you James & meeting you Bella, Nate, Shane, & of course little Justin & Emma. Happy New Years all. *Waves with Anna leaving* UB: *In the meantime, I'd long ago left them after knowing that Justin was going to be alright & went home* James: Bye Ann & Jes! *I called waving them bye taking Emma in my arms*

Shane: We better get going Bella. You're family is probably freaking out. [Me and Bella left leaving Nate and James with the kids. And Kogan asked if they could go to the party with us] Bella: Yeah you can go too. [I called Hayley to help James and Nate with the kids. And she said that she would love to help]

Shane: [Me, Bella and Kogan left for the party and we ended up having a great time. Me and Bella were talking about how great the party was when we got home. Kogan went straight to bed] That party was awesome. Bella: Yeah I told you my family throws the best parties. [Me and Shane high fived]

Nate: *For the rest of the night, James & the kids & I hung out together, watching movies from Cars 2 to Toy Story 3, & various Land Before Time films enjoying them all*

Shane: [I came in the house singing "Teenage Dream". And then I fell like an idoit] Ouchie! Bella: [I brust out laughing] You okay? Shane: Um, no and it's not funny. Bella: Sure seems like it. Shane: Ha ha ha! [I laughed sarcastically at her]

Nate: *Eventually all the kids fell asleep & James I put them to bed & then decided to go to our own rooms till he said something*

James: Wanna play a game? 

Nate: *Chuckles* Like what? 

James: Hmmm, like a card game, maybe concentration? 

Nate: Okay, but like how do play? 

James: Its really simple, you lay on the cards in rows & you start by trying to find same pairs for example an ace & an ace, but if you don't you gotta remember which cards you picked up & then take turns. Then when there's no more cards, we count them up & see how many we each have & therefore see who wins. Whatta say? Nate: I say it sounds cool. count me in. James: Sweet!

Shane: [Me and Bella went to our bedrooms. I found Nate and James getting ready to play a card game. I kissed Nate's head and went to our bathroom and got ready for bed. 

Bella: [I looked around in mine and James room. He wasn't wasn't in there.] James where are you baby?

Nate: *I jumped a bit in surprise, but then smiled big turning around to find my guy back* Happy New Year baby, how was the party? James: *My eyes perked up hearing my girl, so I waved to Nate & Shane & found her kissing her* Hey sweetie, I'm here.

Shane: Happy New Year! The party was great. I fell coming towards the door. Bella laughed at me. [My phone went off again. "Party Rock Anthem" is the sweetest ringtone ever] 

Bella: [James and I were getting it on in our room. Then my water broke. And I screamed] AHHHHHH!!!

Nate: *Giggles* Awww. *I pouted for him, then giggled again at the awesome-tastic playing loudly* James: *Eyes widened as I quickly called 911 & got dressed & helped Bella*

Shane: Did Bella just scream? Bella: Oh, Shane Gray I'm gonna kill you. [As soon as Shane heard that he ran in to see what was going on] Shane: I ... Sweet Baby Jesus ... Nate she's having the baby!

Nate: Uh-oh, I think so. *I followed too seeing what was going on* Oh my, its going to be okay Bella. James: Thats right, my love.

Shane: I'm in trouble aren't I? Bella: [I grabbed Shane's shirt and yelled at him] YES YOU'RE IN TROUBLE YOU BIG STUPID JERK!!!

Nate: *Whispers to James: She's not really happy right now* James: *Whispers back: You think dude? Thank goodness helps on the way. Ken & Logie are coming here, cause we don't have time to get to the hospital*

Shane: Hang in the Bella. We'll all get through this. Trust me. Bella: [I was squeezing both James and Shane]

Shane: Hang in the Bella. We'll all get through this. Trust me. Bella: [I was squeezing both James and Shane's hands] OH THIS PAIN IS KILLING ME!!!

Kendall: *Just then Logie & I arrived at their place, going inside finding them* Not to worry Bella, we're here now. Logan: *Getting prepared for the birth* He's right & you're doing great girl, just keeping on breathing. Nate: *Next to Shane & James watching*

Shane: [I was in pain because my hand was in a death grip. And I don't think James was liking it to much either] Bella: [I did as I was told. Then it was time to push] OW!!!

James: Hang there baby, I love you, you're doing beautifully. Kendall: Okay girl, time to push for us. Logan: You can do this girl, just take it slowly. Nate: *Wipes her forehead cause she's sweating a lot*

Shane: [I felt like I was going to pass out] Just do what they say. You really are doing a great job. Bella: [I pushed and screamed until there it was the cry of a baby boy] Mmmm!

Kendall: *Smiles handing him to her* Congrats Bella, its a boy. Logan: He's precious. Nate: *Crying/smiling* James: *Also in tears, smiling so big* Oh my God ... *Gasps*

Shane: [I had passed out and no one even noticed] Bella: [I was still in pain. But I took my new son and held him in my arms] What should we call him?

Nate: Congrats girl. *All of us gathered around her & her little baby boy gazing down full of love & joy* James: Thats up to you girl. *Kisses her lips gently* Logan: He's adorable. Kendall: Mm-hmm that he is, little dude. *Grins*

Bella: Thanks guys! Where'd Shane go? [I looked down at the baby in my arms and thought of a name] How about Jake Thomas?

Nate: *Smiles brushing tears away; looks around for him* Thats funny, he was just right here. James: I think that sounds perfect Bella, I love you & him. *Kisses her again happily*

Bella: [I kissed James and Jake] I love you guys too! And as for Shane. He passed out! 

[A/N: Oh btw Thomas is Jake's middle name. We can all call him J.T. for short]

James: *Grins at them both* Nate: *Looks down finding him* Oh brother, baby. *Takes him into my arms putting his head on my lap stroking his forehead*

Shane: [I woke up in a panic] What happenend? What did I miss? Bella: My baby being born. And naming him. His name is Jake Thomas Dimond. 

Shane: Awww! [I started crying cuz I missed another birth]

Nate: *Kisses his cheek* Its alright baby. *Hugs him close* James: To little Jake! *I cheered* Logan: Here here! Kendall: *Claps hands whopping*

Shane: [I hide my face in Nate's shirt still crying like a baby] Bella: Yes to our little man! You boys are so silly!

Nate: *Giggles holding him* Its how we are. *Winks* James: Agreed. Logan: Yep. Kendall: Its our nature.

Shane: [I got up and went for a walk alone. I didn't feel very good either.] Bella: [I smiled at all of them. Then my smile faded when Shane got up and left] Where is he going?

Nate: *My gaze followed Shane leaving, so I excused myself from everyone & followed him* Shane baby? Are you okay?

Shane: No I'm not okay. I'm sick Nate. It's just not my breathing anymore. I have cancer. And I only have another 6 months to live. You're gonna have the last baby by yourself.

Nate: *Breathe hitches; voice breaks* What? No, no, no. *Tears spilled down my cheeks, all previous happiness gone*

Shane: [I was already losing my hair. I was going to buy a wig soon. I held Nate in my arms soothing him] Baby I just found out. Haven't you noticed I've become pale and my hairs been falling out. [Showed him my hair as proof]

Nate: *Sobs harder voice continuing to break more* T-there ... m-must ... b-be ... s-something ... t-that ... c-can ... help-p ... y-you.

Shane: No Kogan said there was nothing they or anyone could do. Uncle Brown is paying for everything. And I want you to live with him and take the kids with you. I wrote my will and I gave Bella & BTR the house. 

Nate: *Sobs sadly can't no long speak, too upset & gravely saddened*

Shane: [I held him close to me.] Natekins please don't cry. [I handed him the will I made so he could read it. Then I told him I was a patient in the hospital already]

Nate: *Hugs him. This feeling is just too great, its like heartbreak, but a lot worse. I then pulled back to shakily take the will reading it carefully, by the end of it ... I just hugged him again*

Shane: Well what did you think? Did I give everyone the right stuff. And if you wanna start moving our things into Uncle Brown's place he said it wouldn't be a problem. Oh, what do you know ... there he is now.

Nate: Yes ... but Shane .... I can't live without you. Uncle Brown: Hello mates. *Waves at them*

Shane: One second Uncle Brown. I know Sweetie. And I can't live without you either. Of course sadly I won't be here. [I was starting to get dizzy so I asked if someone could wheel me to my hospital room] Whoa! Gettin' dizzy not good.

UB: *Nods understandingly* Nate: *Sobs, but then as I looked back up at Shane, he didn't look so good so Uncle Brown & I took him back inside immediately*

Shane: [I passed out. And found everyone crying when I woke up. Plus my head hurt a little bit] Ow! My head. Did someone hit me? [Then I felt my head. Someone had cut all my beautiful hair off.] Ahhhhh! Where did my hair go?

Nate: *When Shane blacked out, I was ever more shocked & scared. I called everyone to come over filling them in on everything. So many tears were shed, I still couldn't believe that Shane my love, my best friend, my everything ... was- I couldn't even continue the thought, it brought so much sadness. I was happier though when he woke up. I kissed him gently smiling* No baby, um ... that was actually- UB: Sorry mate, that would be my doing. Nate: How are you feeling? *I asked him*

Shane: I would feel better if I knew what hit me. [Then I puked. It was part of the cancer. Plus I had cancer plugs connented to my heart and lung.] Sorry about that Natekins.

Nate: *I gasped & just laughing trying to clean myself off* Its fine. Kendall: Here take this. *Gives him a key* Nate: What's that for? Logan: There's a room with a shower & some towels down the hall, just follow the signs. Just use the key to get in & use it. Nate: What about clothes? James: I've got that taken care of, I packed for all of us. By the time you get out, they'll be right there waiting. Carlos: *There too nodding quietly*

Shane: Well it's that just sweet of you James. Thank you! And to Kogan and Carlos too. Where is Bella? Bella: [I was in a chair feeding Emma and J.T.] Over here. I'm feeding Emma and Jake.

James: *Winks* No problem-o. Kendall: *Laughs* Yeah what he said. Logan: Its the least we can do. Carlos: *Gives a thumbs up sign* Nate: Alright, I'll be back shortly Shane & everyone. *Kisses Shane, then Justin, Selena, & Faith. Now I realize the people missing were, Jessica & Anna, Hayley, Mia, Miley & Jackson, Jason & Riley (well probably not since he's with Sterling now)*

Shane: [I didn't feel very well. I could just feel myself dying right now. Uh. But I need to stay so I can talk to Nate first] Where are  Jessica & Anna, Hayley, Mia, Miley & Jackson? I thought they'd be here too.

Nate: *Just as I was exiting out, I nearly bumped into all of them arriving at the door* Whoa! Jessica: I'm so sorry we're late. Anna: We came as soon as we could. Mia: I did 90 all the way over here. Nate: Thank you so much for coming. *I was about to hug them all when I realized I still needed to get clean 1st, so I excused myself & left the room*

Shane: [I was sleeping when Nate got back. Cancer sure can make a person sleepy] Jason: [I was sitting next to Shane's bed. I had broken it off with Sterling. He was a total jerk to me. I didn't like that at all] Bella: [I went to check on Shane and saw Jason.] What are you doing here? Jason: I had to see Shane. And tell him I'm sorry.

Nate: *After showering & dressing, I went directly back to the room finding my love fast asleep. I smiled though & then looked to see Jason & embraced him whispering* Welcome back, its great to see you.

Jason: Thanks but Shane doesn't even know I'm here yet. I broke it off with Sterling he's a total jerk.

Nate: *Besides Shane, everyone pretty much was wiped except for Bella, Jason, & I* He will when he wakes up. *Hugs him again* Sorry it didn't work out & yeah he really is.

Bella: Nate, Shane just flat lined. Jason: [I was now crying it was happening my best friend was dying. And I didn't even get to say good bye]

Nate: *I snapped my head away & ran over to him crying & yelling* NO, NO, NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS! SHANE NO! PLEASE GOD, NO THIS ISN'T FAIR! *Cries impossibly harder hugging Shane's cold body. Everyone in the room then woke with a start, I don't remember much except them trying to pull me back away from Shane, but I wouldn't let go*

Jason: [Shane was gone. I took in upon myself to take care of Nate.] Shhhh! You still got me. I found Shane's will. It said that me and Brown were to take care of you. I guess he doesn't hate me after all. [Nate was now getting my front all wet. But I didn't care. I was doing some crying of my own]

Nate: *After a long time ... I began to calm down, my eyes were all red & my face was tear stained. I felt alone, even though I was surrounded my friends & family. I just couldn't speak, I'd lost my voice so I had to use sign language to communicate*

Jason: Awww! You know I don't know sign language. [I took Nate to Brown's where we were going to live with him. This was the day after the fuenual. Nate starting to feel better. And he started looking at me like he was love sick]

Nate: *I just looked at him & stopped remembering that only I knew the language, so I just shook my head & wrote on a piece of paper: I'm sorry, I can't talk. He nodding & took me home with Uncle Brown, Justin, Selena, & Faith. Immediately after putting my babies to bed & getting into my bed, Eventually I fell asleep but before I did I cried & sobbed. The next I attended the funereal with everyone. I was deeply sad that Shane was gone, if not for everyone being there with me ... I honestly don't know how I would have held up* 

Jason: [Next morning I was in the kitchen making breakfast. Nate's favorite. I went to wake him up.] Nate you hungry? I made your favorite. I feed the kids too. And their at Hayley's house so we can have day to ourselves. What do you think about that?

Nate: *Wakes up the next morning, to see Jason coming in; nods* Thanks. *Gets up stretching* Sounds great.

Jason: [I rubbed Nate's back and as a welcome] I just want you to rest and it's all about you today. So whatever you want you just tell me and I'll get it. Okay. I'm going downstairs so you need me just call me.

Nate: *Heart clenches at his words & nods. I went to the bathroom & then downstairs to eat waving hi as I sat down then*

Jason: [I waved back and smiled at him] Hi! So how's your breakfast? Did I make it like you like it? Oh, I got you something wait here. [I went and bought him a box with wholes in the top. I got him a puppy one of those teacup yorkies. it's name Donald. Like Donald Duck]

Nate: *Smiles a little, begins to eat* Its pretty yummy, thanks Jason I appreciate this a lot & yes its perfect. *Watches him walk away as I continued to eat. When he came back, I looked at the box & slowly took the top off & found a sweet puppy* OMG, hello there. *I smiled bigger patting his head*

Jason: Whew! Glad you love it. And the puppies name is Donald. You know like Donald Duck. [The puppy barked at Nate it was so cute and it was great to see Nate happy. Then he hugged me]

Nate: *I then got up to hug Jason smiling brightly* Thank you again.

Jason: Hey np mate. I just want you happy. I hate seeing my friends upset. [I hugged him back] So anything else you need?

Nate: *Smiles looking down then back up at him; shakes head* No, I'm fine.

Jason: Well I'm going to clean up the kitchen and go to the store. Is there anything you need from the store? Just write it down and I'll get it for you.

Nate: *Feels close to tears again, bites lip to prevent them from spilling* Okay. Um, no I don't think so. I will, thanks man. *Smiles*

Jason: [I pulled him into another hug] Shhh! It's going to be okay. I've got you. Shhh! [I discided to stay home and take care of Nate. I really didn't wanna leave him alone.] I'm gonna stay home. Take care of you and the kids. I'll get to the store tomorrow. Why don't you got take a bubble bath. And if you need me I'll be down here. Alright?

Nate: *Nods closing eyes turn to push the hurt/sadness I still feel away* I-I'm sorry. *I whispered. Already I was being a burden. I nodded again & pulled away & went upstairs to try to calm myself & try the bubble bath*

Jason: [When he went to take a bath. I cleaned up. Then I went and checked on the kids. Justin needed his meds so I gave them to him. Selena and Faith had dirty diappers. So I changed them both. Then I sang to all three kids and they fell asleep again. After fixing the kids I went downstairs and read a book on How To Be a Family Man!]

Nate: *Eventually after sobbing my eyes out once again, I fell asleep in the tub dreaming of Shane*

Jason: [After reading the book I was getting worried about Nate. So I went in the bathroom to find him sleeping. I got him out and dired him off. And then I took him to his room and put some warm Pj's on him. Then I put him in bed. And kissed his forehead. And left the room]

Nate: *It wasn't till like 3AM when I woke up next looking around finding myself in an entirely different place then I remembered. As quietly as I could I tip toed downstairs & outside the house & stood at the front staring up at the stars. I sighed & began talking to myself aloud* Hi Shane. *I started* I miss you so much. *I whispered* I really wish you were here, I feel incomplete without you, like my heart & soul is gone. I don't want to move on, I love you so much, I always will. And thats why ... I vow to never be with another guy ever (romantically that is). I'll take care of the kids & give birth to this last baby inside me right now. But I can't love anyone else but you & our kids*

Jason: [I went to check on Nate and found him gone. So I went to look for him. I found him outside. So I went up to him and asked him what he was doing.] Hey Nate it's cold out here. So I got you a blanket and Donald. [I handed the blanket and Donald to him] Here you go. I'll let you all be alone. Good night Nate. [I hugged him and went back to bed.]

Nate: *I turned around started* Oh! Jason, whew its just you, I um ... just needed some air. Yeah it kind of it cold, thank you. *I smiled taking it & Donald & hugged him* Good night Jason. *Once he was back inside I turned back to face the front looking at Donald, then back up* I've been selfish haven't I? I've been so wrapped up in my world that I haven't done anything to help Jason. Well starting tomorrow I'm going to change that & help out more. No matter how sad I get or if I cry, I need to help. Jason: [Next morning I woke up stretching and then went to the bathroom and showered and brushed my teeth. After checking on the kids. I went downstairs to fix breakfast]

Nate: *I'd decided to wake up early first making pancakes & some tea as well for Jason & I to eat*

Jason: [I found Nate already in the kitchen and he made breakfast too] Hey smells good and looks good too. May I sit and eat with you? [I smiled at him] Oh, I checked on the kids. They're all fine, fed and changed too suprisingly!

Nate: *Turns around waving* Morning, of course you can everything is all ready, hope you enjoy eat up. *Joins him chuckles softly* Me too, well earlier I mean. Aww's, thanks for that & for everything.

Jason: [I sat down and started eating thanking him.] Mmm! Yummy! And np I was happy to help.

[Then I asked him how he was feeling]

Nate: *Eats along with him, giggling* Mm-hmm! *^_^, then I opened my eyes* I'm still feeling low, but I'm going to change that.

Jason: [I smiled at him. Man he was making it hard for me not to kiss him right now. But I was going to let him get over Shane first.] Well just know that if you need anything you come to me okay? [After breakfast I helped Nate clean up. Then we went to the store]

Nate: *Nods & finishes up eating with him. After cleaning up, we left together with the kids* Lets see, first we need more formula & jar food, so baby aisle here we come. *I looked down at my list*

Jason: Righty-o! Lets head that way then. [I looked at his list with him] Hmm! [I helped him pick out what he needed and then he helped me pick out what I needed.] Thanks for your help today.

Nate: Mm-hmm okay. *After figuring it all out, we checked out & went home* Your welcome, thank you too. So you hungry? I could start lunch.

Jason: Your welcome and thanks again. Yes very hungry. Sure you may start lunch. [Then Brown came in while me and Nate were goofing around in the kitchen. We were giggling and food fighting. It was like that water battle we had at camp that one year]

Nate: Me too, right I'm gonna start. *Towards the middle of it, somehow the preparing turned into a silly & fun messy food fight* UB: *Comes in, whistles loudly* Hey! Nate: *Smiles guilty* Sorry Uncle Brown. UB: Its fine, its good to see things are going good. I was just checking up on you guys, right carry on then. *Goes to see the kids* Nate: *Starts laughing*

Jason: Ha ha ha! Whew! That was a close one. [I noticed that he something on his nose. So I offered to get it off for him] Got something on your nose. Silly Boy! I'll get it for you. May I get it? ^_^

Nate: *Nods still laughing* Totally. *Looks at him curiously* Hmm? Oh yeah, sure it must be the mashed potatoes. *Laughs again*

Jason: [I got the potatoes off his nose and then I licked it off my finger.] Mmm! Thats good. [Then I laughed nervously]

Nate: *Gives him a funny look, but shrugs it off laughing once again thinking he's just being still silly* I'm sure it is, anyways time to salvage what's left. *Almost trips on the slippery floor* Opps.

Jason: [I caught him b4 he hurt himself] Whoa! Easy there kiddo. Don't wanna hurt yourself do you? [Then we looked into each others eyes for a split second. Then we kissed. Wow. He's a great kisser.]

Nate: Whoa, thanks & no. *Looks at him & unexpectedly we kissed. I pulled away fast first, looking away*

Jason: I'm so sorry! Maybe it would be a better idea if I stayed at a hotel. [I went up to my room and packed my things and headed for the door. B4 I left I hugged everyone and said good-bye]

Nate: *Doesn't speak, too in shock till the very moment he shut the door & left. Then Uncle Brown came back down, leaning against the wall* UB: Do I detect problems already? Nate: *Blushes* UB: He kissed you didn't he? Nate: *Blushes deeper* UB: Well you going to say something? Nate: It shouldn't have happened. UB: Yeah? Nate: Yes. *I nodded & left* UB: *Shrugs & leaves* Right then.  Nate: *To take my mind of things I spent the whole rest of the afternoon & night with my kids*

Jason: [After unpacking my things in my hotal room. I gave Brown a call]

UB: Yello?

Jason: Hey Brown how is Nate doing? It's been an hour and I'm worried about him. I didn't mean to kiss him. Well okay maybe I did. But OMG! That boy makes it hard not to just kiss him. He's so cute.

UB: He's fine dude, shocked mainly though. He thinks it shouldn't have happened, but I don't think he means it. He's just conflicted on what do feel, since he still naturally loves Shane with all his heart. He's afraid to love another.

Jason: Oh, yeah well I guess it would be best if I stayed away for a while. Just do me a favor and keep an eye on him and the kids. [Then I told Brown about the body switch thing and told him I was really Shane. And Jason was the one who died in the hospital. He was freaked out but he believed me. My Uncle Brown. He believes me no matter what]

UB: *I nodded understanding, but then when he told me the rest, I was just shocked as could be, like totally. But it made sense, cause who else but Shane could make Nate feel better so soon. I promised I'd watch over Nate, but I also asked him if he'd ever tell him the truth?*

Shane: Um, do you think he would believe me? I mean idk about that part yet. And thanks for taking care of Nate and the kids for me.

UB: I think he would understand. I think you should eventually just tell him. And its no problem.

Shane: Fine. I'll come back and tell him now. Then if he doesn't believe me. I'll come back to the hotal. [After talking to my Uncle on the phone I went back and told Nate everything.]

UB: Good luck. *Says bye & ends the call* Nate: *Towards the end of the night, I slipped into bed deciding to watch X-Men: First Class. Towards when it ended I sighed & turned the TV off & her the front door close. Just as I was about to go to my door, it opened & in came in Jason. I was shocked once again, but he was persistent that we needed to talk. By the end of it, my breath hitched & I stared not believing my ears. But if anything I needed to know. I had felt something behind that kiss earlier. I needed to know, to see for myself. So I kissed him*

Shane: [I kissed him like I always kissed him. Then pulled away and waited]

Nate: *Tears falls as I touched my lips pulling back* SHANE! *Hugs him close*

Shane: Hello handsome! Miss me? [I smiled big at him and held him in my arms. Well Jason's arms anyway]

Nate: *Chuckles softly* Yes, so very much. *Hugs him tightly* How is this possible? Am I dreaming?

Shane: I missed you too. Well one morning I felt better and then Jason started feeling like he had the cancer. And we both looked at the mirror and we freaking screamed. We weren't ourselves. It was like that movie Freaky Friday. [I hugged him back asking how our unborn baby was doing]

Nate: Really? My goodness. *I gasped covering my mouth & then pulled back* He's doing just fine. *I smiled* I'm nearly ready to give birth.

Shane: Yes. Oh my gosh! So your saying your due any day now? I can't wait. And oh my gosh! It's a boy! Yay!

Nate: *Smiles nodding* Yes, me too. *Lays down* I'm so happy you're here, its a miracle.

Shane: [I laid down beside him and held him.] I'm happy I'm here too. Well kind of cuz I'm in Jason's body. [Then I put my hand on his belly then I saw that his water broke. Then I called the hospital]

Nate: I smiled giggling staring lovingly in his eyes, but then as I was about to say more, I felt something wet* Oh my. *That familiar feeling I knew all too. Shane quickly got me to the hospital in time as I got a room & started the process*

Shane: [I held his hand the whole time. Then our new son was born. Then Nate said "Shane you have your body back"] Someone get me a mirror ASAP!!!

Nate: *At last after lots of screaming & pushing, our baby boy arrived. Just as Kendall & Logan handed me him. I tiredly smiled & greeted my son* Hello my little one. *Everyone in the room awww'd & Justin, Selena, & Faith all stared with curious little faces. Just when I glanced back at Shane & of all the miracles in the world ... the greatest of all had happened. Shane was back. I don't know how or why, but I'm forever & enterally grateful* James: *Yelps & gets a mirror* Holy crap! Kendall: Unbelievable. *I gasped* Logan: *Shocked major, as was the rest of the gang*

Shane: [I looked in the mirror and yelpped like James did and fainted] Bella: I love it when boys yelp like little girls. It's so cute. YAY! SHANE'S BACK!!!

Nate: *Smiles* Thats my Shaney, me too & yes he is. *Looks back down at my baby boy* Once he wakes up, then we can decide on a name for you. *Kisses his head*

Shane: [I woke up an hour later in a hospital bed. And I was in pain too. I had no idea why] W-w-what happenend to me? My head hurts. And there is a bandage around it too.

Nate: *Eventually all our friends left & I waved them bye for now. It was now just Shane & I & the kids of course. When he woke up later on, I just smiled looking up at him* Well, my love first all you're back in your body. You are you. Once you saw your reflection, you fainted hitting the tile kinda of hard, which is why you're head hurts. You're back. *I whispered beaming happily*

Shane: Oh, owie! What did Kogan say about me being able to get out of this bed?

Nate: You're free to move about as you wish & as am I. Now ... *Points to our sleeping nameless baby boy* about his name ... *I started*

Shane: Hmm! Maybe we can name him Jason after his Uncle. Whatcha think about that? [I got up and sat with Nate in his bed. And kissed his lips gently]

Nate: *Nods smiling warmly* I think its perfect. *Looks at his little Jason chuckling softly, then looks at Shane* Hi. *I greeted & kissed back*

Shane: I love you all so very much! And I will never leave you again. I promise. Scouts honor! [Then Jason's phone went off in my bag.] Uhm I still have Jason's phone. What ever happenend to mine? [I anwsered Jason's phone] Hello!

Nate: *Giggles happily* And I love you & the kids, you're all are my heart & soul. *Speaks directly from the heart; looks curiously at Jason's phone* Don't know baby, but who could that be?

Shane: [I smiled and kissed him again.] It's Jason. Thats weird.

Nate: *Eyes widened whispering* Whoa, mm. Jason: Hi man.

Shane: Excuse me! [I left the room to scream bloody murder]

Nate: *Startled but takes the call* Jason? *I whispered* What the heck is going on?

Shane: I have no idea what so ever. I thought he died. Guess not.

Jason: Guys you know I still here right? Like calm down okay. Nate: Okay. *Breathes*

Shane: [I went to sit down. Man this was crazy.] So how is this possible? How are you still alive?

Jason: Well you know about second chances? I think it has something to do with that. Nate: *It sounded crazy for sure, but somehow it had happened, second chance or not*

Shane: Wow man I got one of those too. It's pretty sweet.

Nate: You guys are very blessed, there's no doubt about it. *Hugs Shane*

Shane: [I hugged Nate back] Yes I agree with you babe. I always do. [Then I smiled big time at him] So Jason why don't you come to the hospital and see your new nephew.

Nate: *Grins* Mm, you so warm. *I loved it, couldn't help but blush* Jason: Say no more, I'm actually right outside. See ya both in a few! Nate: *Laughs* That was fast.

Shane: [Jason scared me coming in the freakin' door] Dude you scared me? [Then little Jason started crying. Guess his Uncle scared him too. So I held him. Soothing him to sleep]

Jason: *Grins guilty* Sorry bout that. Awww! *I looked towards my nephew* Hello mister. *I waved* Sorry for scaring you. Nate: His name is Jason. Jason: Little Jason, aww! *I smiled*

Shane: Yeah we thought you well died so we named the baby after you. Baby Jason: [He sneezed and farted at the same time] Shane: Wups! Someone takes after me. That was super cute.

Jason: Gee, um thanks? *Laughs* He's cute alright. Nate: And just like his dad. *Smiles giggling a little*

Shane: Np man! Yep. Just like me. [Then I laughed too. And smiled back at Nate] Look in the doorway. There is Uncle Brown. Look at me and Jason. We're back to ourselves. You like?

Nate: Mm-hmm, I see. UB: Hey guys, back to normal though I bloody don't believe it, what the heck, you're both back & thats what counts. Nate missed you, he took it the hardest. Nate: I did so much. I know I did, it tore me up inside.

Shane: Hey I felt bad that I didn't tell you about the switch up sooner. It was hard for me too. So I know how you felt. [I hugged Nate and kissed him.] [Next week we got out of the hospital and we moved back in with Kogan, James, Bella and everyone else]

Nate: *Hugs him, kissed back then snuggles against him* Don't ever leave me, please my heart can't take it when you go. *Shortly I fell asleep with him. Soon we were all back home just we belonged all together family & friends, just the way it should be*

[And here is the end of our story. They lived happliy ever after 

:-) ]

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on May 10, 2012
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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