Faith 14

Faith 14

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Faith Ep 14

Mitchie: Hey hey Shane, what's up? *Laughs* Rise & shine rockstar, you're kids are hungry & a missing ya.

Shane: Don't touch those kids I swear. I don't care if your a girl. I'll kill you! [I rushed over to the kids and found Kendall, his cousin and Nick holding one of the babies] Hey thanks for watching them guys. Me and Nate can take it from here.

Nick: Dude, you might wanna put some clothes on first [I handed him something to put over himself] 

Bella: [I covered my eyes. It really didn't wanna see his junk] Ew! Dude, thats gross! 

Shane: Sorry and thanks Nick! [I grabbed the blanket from Nick. Putting it around myself]

Michie: *Sighs* Aww, don't be like that, we're all friends aren't we? No need to be so harsh. 

Joe: *Comes over to them all & greeted everyone* Morning all. *Puts an arm around Nick smiling* 

Nate: *Wakes up then stretching & yawning loudly; looks around* Oh my, hello everyone. *Blushes, remembering I have no clothes on* What's going on?

Shane: [Oh, God there he is again. The other me. I just stared at him] Wow! [Then I touched his face. It felt like mine] And, I say wow again.

Nick: Awkward! 

Bella: Ha! Thats funny! 

Shane: But, weird! Nate I need to go for a walk. Alone. I'll be back later. [After getting dressed I went for a walk to clear my head]

Joe: Whoa, back up dude .. *Takes a few steps back* The only one allowed to touch me like this is right next to me, right Nick? *Winks* 

Nate: *Laughs watching the scene before me, which couldn't be any cuter & awww's; giggles & nods agreeing with Shane* Kay. *I waved bye to him* 

Mitchie: *Huffs speaking to myself* I don't know why he doesn't like me. 

Nate: *Kinda feels bad for her, pats her shoulder leaning up from the bed with the covers around me* 

Mitchie: *Smiles* At least you like me right Nate? 

Nate: Of course I do, you're my friend.

Mitchie: *Hugs him forgetting his current state*

Shane: [I walked back in and pulled Mitchie off my Natekin's] Get off him! NOW!!! 

Nick: [I pulled Joe in the hall. I didn't think we needed to be in that room when there was a fight starting] 

Bella: Yikes! I'm outta here! [I followed Nick and Joe outside] Scary!

Shane: [I was mad. I grabbed Mitchie and showed her the door] You wanna know why I hate you? I hate you because you think you're all that. And, your clingy and I hate clingy people. I never really liked you. It was all fake. I have always liked Nate. And I always will. Now get out before I call the cops. And I don't think you want that. [I slammed the door in her face] Whew! I feel so much better. 

Bella: Whoa! That was kinda hot! 

Nick: [I looked at Joe wishing he was more like that] Okay, I'm going to regret this but. Yeah, that was hot!

Michie: *Gasps & leaves. Yep, that went well, oi. 

Nate: *Still feels for her; grabs a change of clothes excusing myself from the room to change in to the bathroom*

 Joe: Really?

Shane: [I sat down and read a baby book to the kids. It was a Mickey Mouse Christmas Story] 

Nick: I'm sorry! Forgvie me! [I gave Joe that puppy dog face] 

Bella: Yeah, really!

Nate: * = wears this for an outfit; comes out of the bathroom putting the other clothes in the hamper for the time being, returns back to Shane ... seeing the sweetest sight ever, my smile just continued to widen* 

Joe: *Winks* Of course Nick, I know. *Hugs him*

Shane: [I looked up from the book and smiled at Nate. Then I went back to reading the last of the book] The end! I hope my babies enjoyed that story. 

Nick: [I hugged Joe back and grabbed his "goodies" and said I love you!] You wanna get outta here and make some magic? [I winked at him]

Nate: *Giggles & claps* 

Joe: *Grins big* I love you Nick, so much boy. And ... hmm ... I'll have to think about that *Pauses teasingly* Yes! Lead the way, baby.

Shane: Thank you! Thank you! I love you all! You were all great! [I pulled Nate down on my lap. Then Kendall sent me a video ] Kendall just sent me a video. Wanna watch it with me? [Nick and Joe left to "make magic"]

Nate: *Can't help but awww at this; still smiling sitting on his lap; nods happily* Mm-hmm, yes. *Watches it with him*

Shane: [Kendall always trying to show off in front of Logan] Thats the best Kogan video ever! Even if Carlos ruined it. [I giggled at this and kissed Nate on the head] I love you guys! [I hugged my family and sang a song for them]

Nate: *Chuckles, its always so sweet seeing the guys together a singing & I specially love this one in particular, cause one: John Mayer's amazing, second ... Kogan sings it perfectly & as for Carlos ... its the just even more stellar* Indeedy, Shane, I couldn't agree more ... but baby Carlos ... was funny. *Pouts & smiles then at his cute gesture* And we love you! *Hugs him with all the others*

Shane: Hey! I'll brb I got something for you and the kids. [I went to get the gift I got for my family] It's wrapped badly but here it is. [This gift was huge so it took me, Kendall and Logan to bring it in] [We gave Nate the gift]

[Here is the gift it's just a model of the house Shane just bought for his family ]

Nate: *Nods wondering what it could be; ponders a little while waiting for his return, then when we came back ... I smiled & titled my head to the side cutely* Baby, you're so sweet, it doesn't matter how its wrapped ... its the thought that counts. *Unwraps it carefully; gasps* OMG, Shane!

Shane: Well, what do you think? [Oh, God I hope he loves it] Do you love it? Its got a indoor pool. BTR is going to live with us. And, Joe, Nick and Bella are staying too. I mean we've got a lot of room and I thought it would be a good idea to have everyone live with us. Jason and Riley just bought the house next door. So we can see them when ever we want. [I smiled at everyone thanking them for helping me]

Nate: *Beams* I love it Shane, so much. Thank you. Its beautiful & so wonderful. I can tell already thats its all going to be awesome. *Hugs him & kisses him tenderly*

Shane: You do? Thats good! Your welcome baby! Oh, and Nate! [I held up a test] I found this in our trash here at the hospital! Is it yours? [I hope it was Nate's. But, we already have 3 great kids. But, I'd love to have one more]

Nate: *Blushes, rocking on heels, whistling* Me? Um ... uh ... that is ... I ... oi.

Shane: Oh, Nate! [I picked him up and spun him around]

Nate: *Giggles, still turning redder* Oh! *Squeals* Shane!

Shane: [I put him down. Then smiled big at him] I'm so happy! Why didn't you tell me? [BTR returns to the story]

Nate: *Shrugs* I wasn't sure at the time, & didn't want to have to say it wasn't true after all. *Talks really fast* 

Kogan: What's ... 

Jarlos: Up?! *Finishes for them*

Shane: Nate & I are having another baby. Isn't that wonderful? 

Bella: [I ran back in. And, bumped into Kendall] Mmpf! Kenny that hurt! [I pouted and hit him in a cousinly way] Meanie Head!

Nate: *Waves at them* Surprise. 

Logie: Congrats to you both! 

Kenny: Here, here! 

Carlos: Oh yeah, aww-ness! 

James: Whoo! This calls for celebrating! 

Kenny: *Grins & shrugs* Sorry there girl. *Pulls her into a hug* I love ya. 

Nate: Thanks fellas.

Shane: Yeah, thanks guys! 

Bella: Mmm! It's okay! I love you too Kenny! And, I love Logie too! [I gave them both a big time kiss]

Nate: *Smiles, then hears my kids a calling & I mean by calling ... a crying* Brb, everyone. *Patters towards them going directly to heat up the water on the stove, while also measuring the formula & getting three bottles ready for each of them* 

Kenny: *Kisses her first* 

Logie: Aww .. *Kisses her second* Awwwww!

Shane: [I smiled at Nate as he went to feed the kids] Take your time baby. [Then I looked over at Koganella and they were all kissing] Awwww! Thats so cute!

Bella: Mmm, you guys are great kissers! [I linked arms with both of them]

Nate: *When the water soon came to the desirable temperature, I mixed it with the formula & made sure everything was in order before giving each of my babies their bottles. Justin was able to mostly hold it by himself, amazingly. Selena tried & I had to help, still I smiled & with Faith ... she liked to play with hers ... so I had to keep an extra eye just in case she knocked it out of her tiny grasp. They took their time sipping staring at me the entire time adorably* 

Kenny: *Chuckles* 

Logie: Hee-hee.

Shane: I'm gonna go help Nate! [I went to help Nate. I sat down and put my hand on his stomach] You need any help Sweetie? 

Bella: I'm hungry can we get something to eat? [Then my belly kicked Kogan] Hee, hee.

Nate: *Smiles* Oh, hey. Sure, baby, thanks.  

Kogan: *Nods* Say no more, we're on it.

Shane: [I helped Nate feed the kids] 

Bella: [The baby kicked. I've been trying to get them to notice that I was prengant. But, my hints weren't working. I stoped walking. Then I started to cry.] Okay!

Nate: *Boy could all three of the kids eat, poor little dears were practically starving. I'm just relieved, now their little tummies would be stuffed & it'll be time to burp them, which Faith pretty much does by herself cause she can sit up without our help for a good amount time before Shane or I have to step in* 

Kenny: *Turns around to face her* Bella, what's wrong sweetie? 

Logie: *Also turns around worriedly* Do you need some water?

Shane: Those are our kids. Love them all. And, you to Natekins! [I kissed Nate and pushed him up against the wall. The kids were now fast asleep. So me and Nate could makeout] Mmm! 

Bella: [I sat down in a chair and held my stomach] I'm going to have a baby! But, my hints weren't working. [I nodded at Logie. I did need some water]

Nate: Mm, that they yeah are. Me too, precious sweetie pies. Aww, love you too baby. *I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck touching the back of his head, if not for the kids soon after finishing up, burping, & then softly falling asleep after we put them all down back in their cribs ... Shane & I wouldn't be in this position* 

Kenny: *Eyes widen like this: 0.o* Huhhh? 

Logie: *Quickly gets her that glass of water giving it directly to her*

Shane: [Me and Nate had a great makeout] Are you wanting to do more then makeout? We can do other things if you want too. [After asking him that I kissed him deeper] I take that as a yes. 

Bella: [I got up after drinking my water. I had to clear my head. It was like they didn't even want this baby. It took us a long time to get at this point. And now this happens] I have to clear my head. I'll see you later. [I left the hospital. I went to the park where me and Kendall grew up playing in when we were kids. I sat on our swing and cried] 

Nick: Bella are you okay? 

Bella: Oh, hey Nick. I told Kogan about the baby. But, all Kenny said was huhhh? And, Logie didn't say anything. [I sniffled and cried into Nick. Then Joe walked up and joined the hug]

Nate: *Blushes, falls against him* 

Kenny: *Puzzled asking Logie after she left* What just happened? 

Logie: *Sighs* Isn't it obvious? She was clear with what's happening. 

Kenny: Yeah, but I don't get how ... I mean- 

Logie: Never mind that now, Kenny. We had to find her & talk to her. We didn't really do so well taking the news. 

Kenny: Hmm, so we're off to fix it right? 

Logie: You bet'cha, now lets a go. 

Kenny: Right behind ya, Logie.

Shane: Mmm! [I started taking our clothes off and we rolled around and did our usual love making route] 

Bella: [After letting out everything to Joick I said good bye to them and headed to the house Shane had just bought. My room was already setup so I went to lay down and take a nap] Hmm! [I looked over at the baby bed beside mine and Kogan's bed. It was beautiful it was pink with little blue, yellow and green butterflies. Then after looking at the crib I fell asleep]

Nate: *I could think was bliss ... bliss ... such BLISS* 

Kenny: No sign of her. *I told Logie after searching all around with him for the longest time* 

Logie: *Suddenly gets an idea* Wait a minute ... 

Kenny: I know that face, what'cha thinking? 

Logie: I think I know where she is. 

Kenny: Well ... what are we like standing here for, lets go, go, go! 

Logie: Yeah, come on, follow me. *Soon enough we arrived at the house & went inside finding her perfectly asleep*

Shane: [After getting down and dirty with Nate we laid there in each others arms fast asleep] I love you so much! [I gave him a kiss]

Bella: [I sneezed. I woke up and saw Kogan staring at me] What do you guys want? [I looked away from them. I was really hurt]

Nate: *Murmurs it back smiling* Love you so much too. *Kisses him once last time, before giving into the beautifulness of sleep a snuggling* 

Kenny: Bless you. *Grabs a tissue nearby wiping her nose & then throwing it away in the waste bucket* We came to find you & say we're sorry, the both of us. 

Logie: He's right, we're sorry for earlier. We didn't mean hurt you Bella. *Sits next to her, as does Kenny*

Bella: [I sniffled again. And, turned to look at Kogan] Your forgiven! Wanna feel her kick? [I smiled and took both their hands]

Kenny: *Grins* Yes & definitely yes! 

Logie: *Nods happily feeling her stomach along with him* Oh my. *Smiles warmly*

Bella: [I smiled with happy tears] I love you guys! And, Logie I know! Whoa! That was a big time kick!

Kenny: *Hugs her* And we love you Bella. 

Logie: *Giggles softly joining them in the hug* Mm.

Bella: [I started to feel pain. And, it wasn't a good pain either] Uh, oh!

Kenny: *Pulls back* Bella?

Logie: Stomach pain. *I murmured* What can we do to help?

Bella: [I leaned over the side of the bed and throw up. And, plus it was time!]

Kenny: *Looks away mouths to Logie: what do we do?* 

Logie: *Holds up one finger & runs & gets a lukewarm wash cloth & a sturdy trash bag along with gloves & a sponge to clean the mess up giving it Kenny, as I help cleaned her up*

Bella: Guys thank you! It's time the baby is coming. [I started my breathing and felt pain again] Ooh, holy crap!

Kenny: No way, not possible ... Logie? 

Logie: Kendall, help me carry her, we need to get to the hospital stat. 

Kenny: *Nods forgetting the questions & rushes to help her, with him*

Bella: Ooh, hurry babies! Hurry! [I was screaming and the pain was getting worse] 

[I found a picture of Kendall holding a baby. We can use it in the story. w1qi4u84o1_500.png&w=500&h=500&ei=lHXYTpH0MqSniQKouOzcCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=117&vpy=192&dur=125&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=177&ty=177&sig=106054498431827337690&page=16&tbnh=168&tbnw=182&start=148&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:148 ]

Kogan: *Gets her there just in the nick of time*

Bella: [When we got there it was time to deliver] Mmmm!

Kogan: *Both do our best to help her in anyway we can as the doctor prepared for her delivery*

Bella: [I was ready to push. This hurt so bad. I was crying. Then Kogan sang my favorite song "Nothing Even Matters" as a duet] Ow!

Kogan: *Soothing her & repeating "You can do this, you're gonna do great girl"*

Bella: [I pushed like no tomorrow and there she was our little girl]

Kenny: *Logie & I both gazed lovingly & in awe at the arrival of the baby girl* 

Logie: *Softly crying & smiling*

Bella: [I smiled at our new family member. She was beautiful. And, we even got a picture of Kenny with the baby. Logie was camera shy so we didn't take one with him.] She's beautiful. What are we going to name her? [Then the guys asked me how this little girl had come to the world]

Kenny: *Thinks* Hmm, a very good question, what to call her. 

Logie: *Smiles drying my eyes with the back of my hand; also thinks too but then another question puzzled me, so I asked*

Bella: [Coughs a little] I like Emma short for Em. What do you think? [I looked at Logie and was like "what?"]

Kenny: *Grins* I love it. 

Logie: Me too. *Agreeing* It suits her. I was just wondering ... not that I'm not excited for her birth ... but I'm still confused how you got pregnant in the first place? 

Kenny: I've been a wondering the same thing. We love you both, we're just curious.

Bella: [I smiled at Kogan] Remember that one time in London before you and the guys went on stage. We all just started our love triangle? And, we had "you know" thats when I got pregnant. You two didn't wear condoms. [That was really hard to get out. But, it was the truth. I just hope they remember that]

Kenny: *Slightly stunned but then recovers* Oh yeah, now I remember. 

Logie: *Nods blushing* Yeah, me too. Well now that we know that .... is it okay if we hold Emma?

Bella: [I nodded and handed over Emma] I need my rest anyway. [I took a nap then when I woke up everyone was staring at me] Ah, what?

Logie: *Smiles greeting her happily* Hello Emma, sweet baby girl. I'm Logan. 

Kenny: *Stands next to him also saying hi* Hiya sweet pea, I'm Kendall. You're so cute, little Emma. *We spent the time with her as Bella slept, until later on she woke up & we smiled both* You look rested. 

Logie: And you slept so peacefully.

Bella: [I looked at Kogan. They were going to be great dads. I could tell just by looking at them] I am. And, yeah I know thanks! Oh, and she looks like she loves her daddies. Look at that little smile. [She had a little bit of both Kendall and Logan's smiles in her. And, she had the most beautiful blue eyes ever]

Kenny: Really, cause I think she loves you the most. *Puts her gently back in her arms* 

Logie: She loves you too, as does Kenny & I. She's beautiful just like you, Bella. 

Kenny: In every way, both you two are super duper cute! *Grins*

Bella: [I took Emma in my arms and smiled shyly] Oh, stop! But, thanks guys! I guess you're right.

Kenny: We mean it girl. *Winks* 

Logie: Kendall's right, & your welcome, we're so happy to have both you & Emma in our lives. *Starts getting emotional*

Bella: [Then there was a knock at the door. And, my besties came in the door] Nicky! Joey! Yay! My besties! 

Nick: Hey Bella! Awww! Cute baby!

Joe: Hey hey! There's our girl & oh my goodness there's the baby ... she is so ADORABLE!!

Bella: Thanks Joey! 

Nick: Yeah, she is ADORABLE!!! 

Bella: Thanks Nicky! 

Nick: Welcome! Me and Joe might be having a baby too! [I looked up at him and smiled/winked] 

Bella: SHUT UP!!! NO WAY!!! 

Nick: Yep!

Joe: *Chuckles* It was going to be a surprise, but now seems better. *Smiles from ear to ear* 

Kenny: Congrats to you two! 

Logie: Yeah, thats awesome. 

Bella: [I had tears in my eyes. My besties since childhood were starting a family of their own. I was so happy for them] I'm so happy for you guys! [I sniffled and hugged them both] I love all my guys! And, little Emma too!

Joe: *Hugs back in a big group hug with everyone, nothing like the power of love* Thanks girl, & Nick & I, love you too & Emma, & of course Kenny & Logie here too. 

Kogan: *Hugs them back smiling together brightly* We love you all too.

Bella: Hee, hee! Awwww! I love you more! [I smiled]

Nick: Awww! We love you even more then that! 

Bella: Yeah, you beat me there! You all win!

Joe: *Chuckles smiling even bigger. Its quite cute, especially when you're with friends & loved ones, it makes it all ... so stellar*

Bella: Mmm. I gotta headache owie! [I rubbed my head] 

Nick: Awww! I'll get you something. [I went to get Bella something for her head and found Shane and Nate kissing in the hall. Shane had Nate against the wall. And, both their pants were undone.] Get a room you two! Geez!

Shane: [I looked over at Nick] Nah, we're good right here. Thanks! [I went back to kissing Nate and put my hand in his pants] You know you love it! [I said to Nate. He was so cute when he bit his lip. Me and Nate started having sex in the hall. It was amazing] Uh, Natekins! This is AMAZING!!! Mmmm! 

Bella: Thanks guys! 

Nick: NP! Here is your pain meds. 

Bella: Thank you! [I took the meds from Nick and took them with water]

Nate: *Too lost in it all to respond with words, just nods trying my hardest not to be so loud, but its harder than it looks, especially when Shane is driving the both of us over the edge* 

Kogan: *Returns soon giving her a very healthy meal with a hot chocolate to top it off & for little Emma, the best formula we can give her*

Shane: [I moaned and screamed Nate's name. Then the nurses and doctors told us to get a room] Awww! Come on Jarlos! You're killing the moment! 

Bella: Thanks Babies! [I took the food and started eating and drinking on it] Mmm, yummy!

Nate: *Pants crying out finally from the amazing & heavenly sensations* 

Kogan: *Gives her a thumbs up sign* Enjoy girl. *Attends to feed little Emma*

Shane: [We went into our room and finished our fun] 

Bella: [I bruped. This food was good] Excuse me! Thanks again guys! [I kissed them both and hugged them]

Nate: *Retires tiredly with Shane, a following* 

Kenny: Your welcome, glad you enjoyed. *Kisses her/hugs her* 

Logie: Mm-hmm. *Follows doing the same* 

Shane: [We finished and fell asleep] 

Bella: [I smiled and yawned] What do you know? I just woke up from a nap and I'm tried again. Hmpf!

Nate: *Totally catching endless series of Z's* 

Kenny: *Smiles* Aww. 

Logie: Well, I one for don't blame you, its been quite a day & you gave birth, so its only natural that you want to sleep.

Bella: Yeah! [I went back to sleep and let Kogan talk]

Kenny: *We watched her sleep, watching over Emma till she soon fell asleep too; stretches yawning softly* Wowsers. Logie: Mm.

Bella: [When I woke up an hour later Kogan was asleep next to me] Awww! My guys are so cute! [I smiled at them and went to get Emma. She was asleep on Kendall's chest]

Bella: [I took a picture of this and smiled]

Kogan: *Sleeping contently together* 

Nate: *Shortly after so much sleeping I woke up & saw Shane was still a sleeping. So, I gently got up & got dressed & as quietly as possible I left the room & checked on my babies. I fed them all, played with, talked with them also reading stories & entertaining them with singing & silly faces & dances. Then when they finally went to sleep, I kissed all their foreheads & murmured "I love you" to them & left their room. I checked back on Shane, finding him still in the same state. So I decided to get some air taking a walk, breathing in the fresh air & seeing a beautiful orange colored sky filled with pink & yellow shades mixed with white*

Shane: [When I woke up Nate was gone. So, I got up and got dressed and went to look for him. When I found him I smiled and wrapped my arms around him] Hey sexy! Whats new? 

Bella: [Kogan & Emma woke up when they saw the flash] Oops! Sorry!

Nate: *Startled at first, but then relaxes into it* Hey, babe. Just observing the sky. 

Kenny: *Groans* Go away paparazzi. 

Logie: *Sleepily says* Ken its just Bella. 

Emma: *Closes eyes & then reopens them*

Shane: Sorry I scared you babe! The sky is beautiful. Just like you! 

Bella: [I frowned cuz I woke Kogan and Emma up] I'm sorry!

Nate: *Can't help or fight the blush across my face* Its fine. Thank you, you are beautiful too. 

Emma: *Cries a little* 

Kenny: *Gets up* No worries, we're up now. 

Logie: *Gets up to starts to ready her bottle* Its alright, baby girl, bottles on the way.

Shane: Awww! Your welcome! And, thank you too! 

Bella: You guys need any help?

Nate: *Giggles letting my head fall back against him, loving this moment* Mm, your welcome. 

Kenny: *Winks* Nah but thanks anyways, we got this, right Logie? 

Logie: Yep, see? *Shows the bottle & gives it to Emma watching her drink it*

Shane: [So cute! I love him! I held him in my arms around his stomach] You're amazing Nate you know that? 

Bella: Oh, alrighty then! [I went for a walk outside and saw Shane & Nate] Hey guys whatcha doing?

Shane: Oh, hey Bella. Not much just watching the sun go down. And, holding Nate! Why are you out here? 

Bella: Cute! Oh, Kogie is feeding Emma and they didn't need my help so I went for a walk.

Nate: *Giggles* Not really, you're more amazing than I am. *Gets a call then from a blocked ID* Hmm. *Looks down at it*

Shane: Who is it Sweetheart? Bella: Ooh, Yeah, who is it?

Nate: *Shrugs & answers it* Hello? 

???: Hello yes, I'm looking for Nate. 

Nate: This is him. 

???: My name's Tad Hanson & I was wondering if you had time today to meet with me? 

Nate: What is this regarding? 

Tad: The hospital's payments of course. 

Nate: Oh. *Frowns. I'd forgotten all about that, so I asked him to hold as I relayed the information back to Shane & Bella*

Shane: Oh, Lord! I forgot about that. How we going to pay those off? 

Bella: I should probably pass this on to Kogie. I'm going to do that right now. [I left to tell Kogie the hospital payments news]

Nate: Me too, completely. Gahh, I don't know. *Bites lip & murmurs thanks over towards Bella as she walked away. So I told Tad later on would better time to meet*

Shane: So, we're going to meet this guy then? 

Bella: Np, Nate! [I went back to Kogie] Guys! Nate just got a call from the payments guy for the hospital. And, well I was worried about ours too. How are we going to pay these hospital bills?

Nate: Guess so. Maybe we can get lower the bill somehow of something, negotiate? 

Kendall: *Looks up* Oh, wow, huh well ... 

Logan: We have savings, so it will all be covered for ours & if Nate needs help, I'll be more than happy to lend him the money.

Shane: Yeah, maybe. I hope so. 

Bella: Yeah, saving good. And, yes if Nate and Shane need help we can give it to them.

Nate: *Nods* Mm-hmm. 

Kendall: Excellent talk. 

Logan: *Gives a thumbs up sign* Yep.

Shane: So, what do you wanna do until this Tad guy gets here? 

Bella: Yes, excellent talk indeed. [Gives thumbs up back] Mm-hmm.

Nate: *About to say something, when I sneezed loudly* Achoooo! *Covers nose with my hand fast* 

Kendall: *Smiles* Group hug time? *Asks* 

Logan: You're so weird. 

Kendall: You love me for it. 

Logan: Can't argue with that. *Joins the hug motioning Bella to come join in too*

Shane: Bless you baby! You need to lay down. I think your getting sick. [I felt his head. He was a little hot] 

Bella: Yes, big time hug time! [I giggled at the comments they were cute/funny]

Nate: *Sneezes again turning away this time, muttering* Thank you. *Blows a raspberry* I'm fine. *Waves my hand* Its just a nose tickle. *Sneezes again, this time it made my entire body jerk forward* ACHOOO! 

Kendall: See? Feel that love? 

Logan: I sure do. *Grins* 

Kendall: Told you both so! 

Logan: *Laughs*

Shane: [I took him to bed and tucked him in. I grabbed a tissue so I could wipe his nose] You're not fine! Try to rest. I'll get you some soup and juice. BRB! [I left to get him some soup and juice] 

Bella: [I giggled again. And, hugged them] Yes, Logie you're right he is weird. Tee, hee!

Nate: *Mumbles* Okay, maybe just for a little bit. *Sneezes repeatedly nodding* Okay. *Continues to blow nose tiredly. I swear this came out of no where, one minute I was fine, the next I'm ... sneezing my brains out* Achoo! Oh God. *Sighs* 

Kendall: *Protests* Hey! I'm like sitting right here, you know? 

Logan: *Points from Bella to me to him* Thats exactly why we both agree & said it aloud. 

Kendall: Oh, well ... *Shrugs* guess its something I can't help it. 

Logan: Yup, no worries we still love you both. 

Kendall: Thanks you two. *Winks & smiles*

Shane: Alrighty! I hate that you're sick. And, we're having another baby too. 

Bella: Hee hee! Yep! We do love you a lot. And, your very welcome. Ooh, don't do that wink & smile thing. I'm pregnant and when people are pregnant they get horny faster. [It was hard holding it in. I really hate him sometimes for being so smexy. And, Logan he can be that way too. Men!]

Nate: *After eating & drinking what he'd given me, I nodded falling back in the bed sleepily* I know, me too. Thank you for the food. I'm going to sleep now, night. *Instantly out* 

Kendall: Okay then. 

Logan: *Looks down seeing an important text on my phone showing Kendall & Bella* 

Kendall: Time to go to work. 

Logan: Yeah. *Gets up with Kendall* We'll cya later girl, sleep tight & we love you & Emma. 

Kendall: Love you two, peace! *Heads out with Logan after waving bye*

Shane: [After Nate went to sleep I went downstairs to watch TV. And, found Ryan and Dayd watching some famliy fun movie] Hey guys mind if I watch with you? Ryan: Um, sure I guess!

Bella: [I went to Emma's room and rocked her to sleep. After she went to sleep I went to watch TV with Ryan, Dayd and Shane]

Nate: *Snores softly; here & there tossing trying to find a comfortable sleeping position, but at times it was really hard. I think at one time, I had to get up to use the bathroom & sneeze again, man ... this was getting so ridiculous. Afterwards, I crawled back into bed, but not before I got a knock at my door. Who the heck could it be at this time at night?*

Shane: [I had just knocked on mine & Nate's door. I didn't think I would wake him. But, wups! I guess I thought too soon] Sorry baby! It's just me. [I went over to the bed and laid next to him.] How you feeling Sweetie? Any better?

Nate: *Hides face shaking head getting back into the bed immediately* Its fine. *Feels him next to me* Not so good, sadly no. I'll think I'll just sleep it off *Starts to drift off. A few days went by & I got much better, but was now just coughing here & there, so I took cough syrup medicine to help with that*

Shane: [Days went by. Nate was feeling better now. Sure, he was coughing here & there. But, he was taking his medicine to help with his coughing] [We were sitting in the livingroom with everyone watching a romantic movie. Koganella, Dayd & Ryan, Jasiley and Jarlos. The kids were all sleeping so everyone was taking a break from working. Then Nate gave me that "I'm going to throw up" look] Nate Honey are you okay?

Nate: *Smiles* Stellar. 1 sec though ... *Runs off towards the bathroom*

Bella: Uh, oh! Brb! [I ran after Nate. He wasn't the only one that had to throw up] 

Jason: How many pregnant people do we have in this house? Show of hands. [I was curious to know how many hands I'd see. I knew Riley was pregnant. But, who else was?]

Shane: [I ran after Nate and Bella. Kogan just sat there not caring at all] Are you two just going to sit there? Bella just said uh, Bbrb! And, she ran toward the bathroom just like Nate. [Yeah, they didn't care about Bella or the baby. So, I took care of both Nate and Bella]

Nate: *This point of pregnancy isn't fun-est, but the good thing is that it doesn't last for too much longer*   

Kendall: *It wasn't that Logan or I didn't care ... we were just really preoccupied with work at the hospital* 

Logan: *Tiredly trying to keep awake, but its hard*

Shane: [I called Kogan jerks. And, went to help Nate & Bella] This isn't fun I know. Maybe after this we can go shopping for baby clothes? I'll take you both. Kogan doesn't care about you Bella. So, I'm going to take care of you and your baby. Along with Nate and our baby. 

Bella: Yeah, that sounds good to me. As for Kogan I kinda figured that they don't want me and this baby. So, yeah I'll join you and Nate. [After me and Nate got sick. Shane took us shopping like he said he would.] Shane people are giving us weird looks. 

Shane: Ignore them Sweetie! Right Natekins?

Nate: *Nods* Sounds good to me. *After some time we got to our destination & began to shop around* Hmm? *I asked*

Shane: [We shopped until we dropped. We had the best time the three of us. Then Bella saw something] What's wrong Bella? 

Bella: [I pointed at a hand drawn picture it looked like an older version of Selena] That looks like Selena. Nate what do you think?

Nate: *Looks over to her*  Yeah, it does.

Shane: Hmm, Yes, indeed. How much is it? Maybe we can by it. 

Bella: [I looked at the price tag] Wow! Thats cheap! $10. Can we afford it. 

Shane: Yes, I'll go and pay for it. [I went and paid for it. And, we loaded the car and went home]

Nate: *Smiles* Good price, wowsers. *Once back home we got all our stuff & carried it into the the house, then I directly went to check on the kids, feeding them & of course showing them lots of love & affection* Hello sweetie pies. *I greeted them as they looked at me curiously*

Shane: [I followed Nate to the kids room. And, I felt bad for Bella. She went alone to check on little Emma. Me and Nate are going to have to move Emma in with our kids so we can help her if she needs it] Nate I feel bad for Bella. We need to move her into our room with us. And, put little Emma in here with our kids. Maybe, we should kick BTR out too. I mean those guys aren't going to help at all anymore. 

Bella: [I went to check on Emma and found her awake. So, I picked her up. And, took her into where Nate and Shane were] Hello, someone wanted to meet you guys!

Shane: Awww! There is our girls! How you doing? 

Bella: I'm fine. What were you talking about guys? 

[Baby Emma is played by Harry Potter's Emma]

Nate: *Chuckles softly, then says* Thats good girl, we're doing great. Faith, Justin, & Selena, are down for the time being. And Em's so cute! *Starts to do bunny ears catching her attention*

Shane: So, cute! And, I mean all of you! Our Natekins is a bunny. 

Bella: [Nate was so cute/silly. And, little Em just giggled at him] Yeah, I love bunnies! He's kinda turning me on right now. 

Shane: Yeah, me too!

Nate: *Takes hold of Emma then* Aww's you too, right Emma? *Sways her left & right softly; playing gently with her tiny fingers* You. Are. So. Sweet! *Hums a little too*

Shane/Bella: Uh, so turned on right now. NATE!!! PUT THE BABY DOWN & LOVE US!!! PLEASE!!!

Emma: [Giggled and fell asleep]

Nate: *Blushes & silently put one finger to my mouth signaling towards the now sleeping Emma, so I put her back in her own crib & put a warm blanket over & kissed her forehead gently & turned on her favorite wind-up bunny toy hanging directly above her. I took one last look & kept one light on & went back to Shane & Bella* Um, hey?

Shane/Bella: [We ran to our bedroom and got ready for Nate. Meaning we took everything off and got in bed waiting for him to come and "love us"] BOY GET IN HERE!!! NOW!!!

[BTW Shane put the pic of Selena in a frame and hung it above Selena's bed]

Nate: *Hears baby cry* Hold that thought guys. *Goes back to the room finding Faith starting to cry softly* Sssh, baby girl, its alright. *Cradles her in my arms*

Shane/Bella: [We looked at each other.] Okay! [We went ahead and started without him]

Nate: *Takes her downstairs & gets a bottle ... readying it for her; then giving it to her* There you go, cutie pie, all better right? *Smiles warmly as she drank & stared at me*

Shane: [That boy doesn't know what he's missing. This girl is amazing. Now I know how Kogan felt when they did this with her.] Ooh, YEAH BABY!!! 

Bella: [Yeah, I was moaning right along with him. Then our phones went off] UH!!!

Nate: *Asks her* Wanna hear a song? Hmm ... lemme think baby girl, what song what song? *After some thought, I came up with one of my favorites & begun to sing:*

Shane: [We had to get those b4 whoever it was freaked out and hung up] We have to get those. 

Bella: Yeah, I guess we do. [I got to mine first and it was Carlos. He was yelling "Logan's in labor"] OMG!!! LOGAN'S IN LABOR!!!

Nate: *Shortly I finished singing & Faith fell back to sleep cutely & I carried her back up to her room & settled her into her crib* Sleep tight, my love. *Whispers & returns to Shane & Bella* What's going? *Asks them*

Shane/Bella: LOGAN'S IN LABOR!!!

Nate: Oh my goodness, lets get going then. Oh, but wait we need someone to watch all the kids while we're gone & Mia's on vacation. Who else can we call?

Shane: What about that new girl we just met from camp? Hayley Kiyoko? 

Bella: Oh, she and I are buds. And, she loves kids. I'll even ask her to bring her Scooby Doo movies. I'll give her a call. [I gave Hayley a call and she said she'd love to watch the kids]

Nate: Thats awesome, I'm sure the kids will appreciate seeing Scooby & meeting Haley. *She seemed like a very sweet girl. I was glad for being there, cause now it was time to take off towards to see Logan at the hospital along with Kendall, Carlos, & James*

Shane: [Me and Bella got dressed and ready to leave] 

Bella: [I was still mad at Kogan but we all went to see Logan anyway] Here we go. I'm still mad at them. But, Kendall's still my cousin. I gotta be there for him and Logan.

Nate: *Once there we, went directly in asking for Logan & finding his room* Mm, don't think about it. *I suggested* This is a happy moment, Logan & Kendall, are going to have a little baby of their own. *Smiles* Shall we go in?

Shane: Nate, Bella said all that. Not me. But, I'm still mad at them too. [I looked at Bella. She was like. Uh, yeah here we go again. Nate's just like Kogan] 

Bella: [I was now in tears. Shane was the only one who cared about what I was going though] I'm going for a walk.

Nate: *Confused* Did I say something wrong?

Shane: Babe your acting just like Kogan. You're ignoring Bella. She feels left out again. It's like I'm the only one who cares. Remember how I used to be? I only thought about myself. And, I thought it was all about me? Well, I changed. I'm going after her. [I ran after Bella. When I found her she was crying really hard. She was choking on her tears. I held her close to me.]

Nate: *Listens finally understanding* Oh, I see. But I do care about her, she's our friend. *Follows with him* I'm coming with you. *Once I saw the state she was in, I felt really bad for her* Bella, I'm sorry girl.

Shane: [I just sat there holding her. I don't really think she was in a talking mood right now] 

Bella: [I wasn't going to talk to him. If he was going to ignore me. I was going to do it right back. I just cried into Shane. Then Brown came in and Shane let me go so I could be held by Brown] Nate's being mean to me.

Nate: *I understood her reasons, so I didn't press her to talk about it now. Whenever she was though, I would be there to listen* 

Uncle Brown: *Raises an eyebrow* That so?

Shane: [I can't believe this but I was on Bella's side. Nate maybe my boyfriend. But, he was pretty mean to Bella] 

Bella: [I nodded my head still crying] He ignored me just like Kogan did. And, it really hurt.

Uncle Brown: *Leaves Bella & Shane to talk with Nate alone* So what's going? 

Nate: *I began to tell him how things have been lately* So yeah, its just really been different. 

UB: Hmm, I see. But as far as the kids go, that part is fine? 

Nate: Yeah, I mean we love our kids, they're the most important people in our lives aside from each other. I don't know Uncle Brown really, it all began with how Kendall & Logan had a baby with Bella, but now since they've gotten really busy & not been home too much, she's not very happy with them, & neither is Shane, & I get that. So now Bella & Emma is living with us. But just as she has something she dislikes, I realize I dislike something too ... 

UB: Go on. 

Nate: I dislike her sleeping with Shane.

Shane: [I was holding Bella. She was now sleeping. She had cried herself to sleep. Then I realized something. I just slept with Bella. Nate was mad at her because of that. Uh, I'm awful. I took Bella back home and moved her and Emma into a empty guest room. And, went back to the hospital and waited for Nate and Uncle Brown] Hmm, I was wrong I haven't changed at all. I'm so stupid. Maybe I should just go back to JT's house and live with him again.

UB: *Eyes widen* And do you know why he did this? 

Nate: No & I was there. They wanted me to join them & honestly I wasn't in the least bit comfortable. In fact, I was very glad that Faith had woken up, so I could leave & draw my attention to her ... instead of them. It just made me feel, like Shane doesn't love me like he did. 

UB: Lad, I feel for you, I really do. *Pats his shoulder* But I think that last statement of yours ... did you two even talk about this together? 

Nate: *Looks down* No, not yet. The call about Logan intervened. 

UB: Nate, in my opinion I think you should really talk to Shane & tell him how you feel. After all, a married couple like yourselves ... the most important next to love, trust & more ... is communication. 

Nate: You're absolutely right, thank you Uncle Brown.

UB: No worries, Nate, I'm sure it'll all be just fine.

Nate: *Smiles & says goodbye to him*

Shane: [I got up from where I was and went to Justin's house. He greeted me with that brotherly hug he always gives me when I came to his place. I loved Nate. But, I really messed up this time. I just think we need a long break]

Logan: *Meanwhile at the hospital, I'd given birth to a beautiful & adorable little baby boy, who ... Kendall & I named .... Eli. It had been a scary being in labor for so long, but Kendall was there the entire time, as was Carlos & James. I was hoping to see Shane, Nate & Bella & Emma, & of course Faith, Selena, & Justin, but they never showed. I still felt bad for Bella, the last time we'd seen her she wasn't too happy with Kendall or I. Thats when our hours at work started to increase & we in a way drifted away from them, except for Carlos & James. I still want to get a chance to talk to them again, hopefully soon & straighten everything out. But in this moment now, with my son & Kendall, I feel so blessed & thankful. I can tell Kendall's really happy as well, Eli is our miracle our son*

Shane: [My cell went off and I picked it up] Hello! Shane here! 

Bella: [I woke up in a room and realized I was home. How did I get here]  

Nate: *A month went by & I rung in the New Year with BTR & Uncle Brown, Mitchie, Faith, Justin, Selena, & of course Mia. Once again, Shane had left without a trace. So this time, I finally decided to just let him go & be. I continued to focus on my babies growth & my friends. We all spent a lot of time together, we were all like family. Mitchie & I especially had grown so close & she'd been by my side helping to take of my three kids. And also with Kendall & Logan's baby boy, whom was just so sweet & lively, he was always a playing with three & getting along splendidly. During the night when I'd lay awake in my bedroom alone ... I still think of Shane & try imagine what he's doing. I missed him*

Shane: [God, I missed Nate. I was laying in bed. I had to get outta hear. Justin was crazy annoying. So, I packed my things and went home and just sat outside in the car. Then Nate called my phone.] Oh, my God! Please come outside! [When Nate came out I just wanted to hug him. I missed him and the kids so much. I heard Bella moved out. And, Mitchie took her room. God, I hate Mitchie so much]

Nate: *In time I realize that just sitting there & not calling was a big mistake & a waste of time. It was time to man up & call him for myself. So one day I did, out of the blue. For a moment, when I heard his voice, my breath has stopped for a moment & I had to literally tell bring myself back to speak* Okay. *I managed, but now the real test was about to begin. I went outside & saw him standing there. Several moments, minutes, whatever the amount of time is was ... I don't think neither of us cared. We were both quiet, just staring not making a move. I'd thought I'd be the first to say something, but as it turns out ... all my words just seemed to be caught in my throat & I couldn't get them out. What I noticed is how amazing he still looked*

Shane: [I still looked good apart from my arm I had taken a huge fall on some ice. Man, it hurt so much. Still does. I decided to let him talk first. But, he just stood there staring at me. So, I said something instead.] You just gonna stand there? Or are you gonna get your cute booty over here and hug the crap outta me? [Man, should I hug him? Or just leave again? He's just not doing anything.] I guess if your gonna just stand there. I'm just gonna stay at a hotel. [I put my hand on the car door. I was about to open it when I felt arms around me.] Thats what I thought. Much better!

Nate: *I sighed & tried again, but still nothing came out. You ever get so tongue-tied, you just can't speak, well .. this was what was a happening to me, perfect timing too though not really cause Shane had come back. Many questions raced though my mind. I'd wanted to forgive him, but could I do so this time? Does it he think that he can just always leave & come back whenever & just make up? So when I saw him starting to leave, thats when I finally all let it out, my physical actions were different than my verbal words, so I stepped back a few feet away from him* Where have you been staying? *I decided to ask first*

Shane: Justin Timberlake's. But, that guy is getting crazy annoying. I had to get outta there. Plus, I missed my husband & kids to much. I heard Bella moved out. And, Mitchie moved in. God, I just wish she's get it that I don't want her. I just want you & only you. No one else. She's using you to get to me. She's a psyco Nate and I don't like her one little bit. [I was kinda talking to fast. And, then I couldn't breath] Nate get my puffer outta my bag. Please hurry! I can't breath.

Nate: *His words hit me & suddenly before I could even react to them, I racing to get what he wanted & gave it to him* Shane? Shane, are you okay? *Did he have asthma?*

Shane: [I took my puffer and used it and after that I much better. I had gotten asthma while I was away from my family. I missed them so much] God, I hate asthma. I got it while I was away. It just came outta nowhere.

Nate: *Sinks to my knees starting to cry. I hadn't known that. If we'd been together, then I would have. It all came rushing in how this must have been for him. I really wished I'd called sooner. If I had known ....*

Shane: [I got down next to him. I held him with my good arm] Nate, Sweetie whats the matter?

Nate: *Wipes my eyes with my arm sniffling* I just wish I had known. I know its not a serious health issue, but still when you told me ... I just got so worried for you. *Looks down* 

Shane: [I wiped what was left of his tears and took him inside and up to our room.] Baby, I'm sorry I left. And, I'm sorry I didn't call. And, I'm so so so sorry I worried you. It'll never happen again I promise. [I lifted up his chin so he was looking at me] And, I'm sorry because my arm is hurting right now. And, I just wanna hold you in both my arms. But, it's kinda hard when one of my arms is broken. Would you take care of me like you always used to? I miss you doing things for me. I'll do the same for you when I feel better.

Nate: *Cries softly as I took back in the house, but then ... I smiled towards the end. In the end, no matter what had happened the past, in the present ... here he was right in front of me, asking for forgiveness* I-I-I missed you too. And I'm happy you're h-here now. *God I was so choked up now I could barely talk properly* I accept your apology. I'll take care of you always. But there is just one final note I have to say.

Shane: [I smiled at him and said] And, what may I ask is this one final note you have to say? Happy to be back here with you too.

Nate: *Clears throat* I love you Shane. And every time you leave, I just feels like another part of me leaves with you. And if that continues to happen ... then I'm concerned about if I'll be able to continue to keep forgiving you. Its not good for either one of us to apart like this & have heart aches. The only reason I bring this up, aside from our relationship, is for the sake of the kids. They need us to be there for them, two parents. And even though I had help, it just wasn't the same. No one can take your place Shane. I just want to you know that.

Shane: Awww! Nate you don't have to worry about all that now. I'm here to stay. Never going to leave you again. Now it's my turn to talk. I know you and Mitchie are really close but, I can't stand her you know that. I think we need to make her leave. But, if you wanna see her. Thats fine. Just see her somewhere else. Please! Babe, make her leave. I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you or our kids. I've heard rumors that she killed someone. And, I don't want you guys to be next. [I showed him the ad I found in the paper] Here look at this. I found it in Justin's old news papers from last year. I'm sorry I didn't call and tell you. I had no idea that Mitchie was even living here.

Nate: *Sighs in relief* Well I'm glad you said that & thank you. And yes, I know you don't like here ... but- *I stopped as I listened to him* Alright then, I will have her leave then. *Suddenly I froze gasping* What? No she couldn't ... *I started, but then quickly went quiet as I saw the newspaper. I felt cold then, but then I snapped up out of the bed* We've got to call the police like right now & get her away from the kids & everyone.

Shane: Way ahead of you Babe. [I was already on the phone. Then the police came. I was so glad they were here.]

[And, Unlce Brown came too]

Shane: Your welcome babe! [I held him with my good arm. Uncle Brown asked me what happenend. I was glad Mitchie was gone] And, you said it Uncle Brown.You're so right. Thanks for coming. [I smiled right back and looked at the love of my life] I'm glad I'm back. I'm never leaving you guys again. [Then the doorbell rang] Who could that be? 

Nate: *Leans into him gently smiling brightly like I always do whenever Shane is with me* 

UB: Oh, no worries mates. And good. But I do have a question, like what happened to you arm Shane? 

Nate: I'll get the door. *Goes to leave*

Shane: [I kissed Nate's head b4 he left to get the door] I love you! [I playfully spanked his booty with my good hand] Oh, I slipped on some ice. Broke my arm in three places. And, got asthma while I was away also. [I pulled out my cool green glow in the dark puffer and showed it to my uncle]

Nate: *Beams* And I love you. *Yelps* Oh! *Opens the front door seeing Bella & invites her in* Bella, please come in. 

UB: *Chuckles watching their cute little playful scene* How cute you two are, I swear I'll never get over it. And oh man, thats unfortunate man. That sounds like quite the ordeal experience. Asthma too? Gosh its been a rough time for you, but I'm glad you here now & back with Nate. But that is an interesting green glow in the dark inhaler you've got there to help you. But overall, how long till your cast gets taken off?

Shane: [We sat down and I told Uncle Brown everything] 

Bella: So, Nate how ya been? [I came to tell him that I was having Shane's baby. But, how in the world can you tell someone as sweet as Nate. I mean I love both Shane & Nate. But, ugh! This is going to be hard] Thanks for inviting me in. [I did that cute girly bow thing and smiled really big] [And I was dressed in a cute Hayley Kiyoko outfit too!]

UB: *After talking some more with Shane & Nate, I then said my byes for now & told them I'd see them again real soon & to take care of course* 

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on May 9, 2012
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: joick Jick Joeick Joe/Nick Nick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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