Faith 13

Faith 13

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar

Shane: (I hugged him back then I kissed him passionately while crying tears of joy that I had him back)

Nate: As soon as felt his lips on mine ... my heart went into hyper-drive accelerating like crazy against my chest. Everything felt so right. I kissed back just as deeply, also crying uncontrollably* :

Shane: (I didn't let go. I picked him up & put him to the wall. I began to undress him. I missed him so much. I needed him right now. But, then I got the rejected. And, that hurt)

Nate: *I felt my smile shine through the kiss. This scene was everything I was wishing for & more. But when he began to remove my clothes &  something in me ... made me pull away. I wasn't ready for that ....* Shane ... I love you & I forgive you. But I'm sorry I can't do that just yet ... I need some more time. More than anything I really want you come back home.

Shane: (I looked at him. He was right. We needed to wait. And, I needed to come home. But, I was working with N*Sync right now. How would I tell the guys I was going home? Then I got a txt from Justin. It read: Dude, go home. PLEASE!) Okay, lets go home. (I walked him to his car. Told Jason he could ride in the limo and follow us home)

Nate: *The second he said yes, my smile returned, walking together we went back home. Once there, we both got out just in time for Mia to come out rushing out* Hey Mia, thanks again for babysitting. 

Mia: No problem Nate, its no trouble. *Turns to look at Shane* Hey Shane, welcome back. 

Nate: We'll cya later Mia, right now ... Shane & I have a lot catching up to do. 

Mia: *Nods understanding perfectly* Alrighty take care you two, night. *Waves & leaves* 

Nate: *Waves bye & turns back to Shane* Ready to go in & see your baby? *Smiles very warmly*

Shane: (I nodded I took a deep relaxing breath and followed Nate to the babies room) I hope she likes me. Oh, I stopped smoking BTW. It was really hard. But, I did it. (I showed him the rehab key chains on my keys)

Nate: *I led him to her room & as we walked in together ... we found her sleeping ever so peacefully within her white crib with her favorite soft singing glowing sea horse toy next to her; whispers* I'm sure she'll love you just as much as I love you. *Looks from her to him* I'm so proud of you. *Pecks his lips lovingly* Thats my Shaney. *I smiled big pulled back*

Shane: (I smiled down at him. Then I kissed him. Pulled away) She's so beautiful. Just like you! (I gave him another kiss and we left the baby's room. And, went to our room. Nate had changed it a little. But, what the heck I like it)

Nate: *Giggles softly kissing back* Mmm, she truly is. *Blushes* She's more like you strong & sweet. *Every kiss made my smile widen, even as we left the room & I showed him ours sitting down on the bed together; watches him look around curiously*

Shane: (It was so amazing in the room. He should start a design line for cabins and homes. He was really good at things like this. I just had to kiss him again) I love what you did with the room it's amazing.

Nate: *Blushes smiling into the kiss threading my fingers into his hair then pulls away hugging him* Aww, thanks baby. I wasn't sure of at first, but its grown on me a lot. I'm glad you love it.

Shane: (When he put his hands through my hair I let out a moan. Man, I missed him so much. I hugged him back) Hey, no problem baby. You should start a design line in homes & cabins. (Then I heard Faith cry) Oh, I'll get her. (Then I forgot I was sick. I let Nate get her. Then he asked if I was feeling ok)

Nate: *Beams* Hmm, maybe I will one day, but for now I'd rather be just with you & Faith. *Hears her cry too* No its okay, I'll get her. *I pecked his lips & started to walk out till I stopped & turned back to face him* Shane ... is everything alright?

Shane: (I felt dizzy, and fell to my knees) Call the doctor now. (Then I passed out)

Nate: *Covers mouth in shock running to his side; pulls out cell fast calling for help & at the same time pulling him into my arms ... onto our bed. Then I quickly rushed to get Faith, then I called Jason & Riley*

Jason: (I was making out with Riles when my annoying cell phone rang) Uh, hang on Riles. (I picked up the phone) Hello, Jason here and I was making out with Riles when you called.

Nate: *Chokes a little* Sorry to interrupt you guys, but Shane's passed out & I'm taking him to the hospital. I need you two to either watch Faith or come along & take care of her please. I'm with the ambulance 

right this very minute. Could you meet us there?

Jason: OMG! We are going with you. (I grabbed Riles and we both met Nate at the hospital) Shane: (I was coming to. But, I was very weak. I had no idea what was wrong with me. I just knew I was very sick)

Nate: OK, cya guys soon. *Hangs up with him; soon we arrived at the hospital & they Shane away while I stayed with Faith meeting up with Jason & Riley* Ssh, baby girl. *I cooed softly giving her warm bottle to soothe her tiny tummy*

Nate: *Eventually after I fed Faith, I burped her & hummed softly .... watching her fall asleep putting her in her stroller & wrapping her in warm thick blanket. Then I turned my attention to Jason & Riley & talked with them quietly* Don't cry Jason, everything will be alright. *I prayed & tried to keep my voice from breaking. Inside I was crying & scared & fearful for Shane, but at the same I tried to be hopeful & positive*

Shane: (A doctor walked in) Sir were's my bofriend and little girl? I want to see them. 

Jason: I'm sorry Nate. I'm so mood swingy right now. I don't know why.

Riles: Baby, I think we're going to have a baby.

Doctor: *Smiles* They're in the waiting room. I could them for you. Just a minute, I'll send them in. *Walks away to find them* 

Nate: *Eyes widen* Really? OMG! Congrats you 2! *Just then the doctor walked over to us telling us that Shane was awake & requesting to see me & Faith. So I excused myself with Jason & Riley & went to Shane's room going in*

(Note: Shane's so sick that he's very weak and pale. And, everyone that sees him has to wear a mask and safey gloves) 

Shane: (Also wearing a mask and safty gloves) Nate (I said weakly I could barly talk it hurt so bad. I was crying. I was so dried up you couldn't really tell)

Nate: *Also wearing the same as Shane; goes to his side* How are you feeling? Touches his arm*

Shane: (I let out a cough it hurt) Not so good. The doctor hasn't said what I have yet. I'm scared Nate. Really really scared.

Nate: *Looks down then back up; so worried for him* Me too. *Whispers* I'm scared for you. I don't want to lose you.

Shane: (The doctors came back they looked sad/upset) Doctors your back. Please tell us whats wrong with me.

Kendall: Well, Mr. Grey ... you ... what we mean to say is that ... Logan: *Says it for him* Shane Grey you have the flu.

Shane: I'm not going to die am I? (I saying in my head - please say I'm not gonna die, Please say I'm not gonna die)

Logan: No, but you're going to have stay here until you get better. 

Kogan: *Nods* And with living here, you'll be able to recover must faster.

Shane: (I held my heart. Thinking oh, thank God) Whew, Oh, thank Heaven. Thats good to know. (I felt like I was going to puke so I grabbed my bucket just incase)

Logan: Well, you rest up, we'll we running more tests soon. 

Kendall: *Adds* In the meantime if you need anything, just push this buzzer & someone will hurry over to assist you.

Shane: (I nodded my thanks) Oh, BTW congrats on the baby you guys! How are you feeling Logan?

Kendall: *Grins cheekily* Thanks, thats very kind of you. 

Logan: *Smiles big* Just fine & thank you.

Shane: Hey you guys are very welcome. And, thats also good to hear. (After Kogan left I fell asleep)

Kendall & Logan: *Wave & say bye after finishing talking to Shane* 

Nate: *Awake watching over Shane, also taking care of Faith*

Shane: (I woke up 2 hours later to Nate watching a Rangers game on TV) Who's winning baby?

Nate: *Jumps up surprised* OMG!

Shane: (I put on my best fake pout) Ah, man I want to know the score. (I fake sniffled)

Nate: *Gets cell pulling up the score on my screen showing it to him smiling* Feel better?

Shane: Yes, much better. We are winning yay! (My hand hit the buzzer. I didn't mean to hit) Wups! I hit the buzzer. I didn't mean too! (Kogan came in)

Nate: *Laughs* Aww, awesomeness. *Looks down laughing a little bit more* Uh-oh. 

Kendall: *Comes in first then Logan* Need something? 

Logan: How can we be of service?

Shane: I didn't mean to hit the buzzer. My hand slipped. (Then Kendall said something about me having a baby. I fainted on the spot and I wasn't even standing up)

Logan: Oh, I see. We'll be careful next time. Its time for the tests, so if Nate & Faith would please clear the room ... we can begin. 

Nate: Alright, we'll be just waiting outside. Take good care of him please. 

Kendall: *Nods understandingly* We will. 

Nate: *Leaves with Faith* 

Kendall: *Together Logan & I started some tests* Well, according to everything ... it looks like you'll be having a baby Shane, congrats. 

Logan: *Taps his shoulder fast; sees Shane faint* Um thats actually not right sweetie. 

Kendall: How so? Logan: You're thinking about other patient.

Shane: (It was another long hour b4 I woke up again)

Nate: *Went home for awhile just to get some important things for Faith who was back to napping; now back at the hospital* I hope he's OK. *I thought aloud to myself*

Shane: (When I woke up Nate was gone. I got into my wheelchair and went to Kogan's office and knocked on their door)


endall: Doors open! *I called* 

Logan: *Gets up from desk to go see who it is* Oh, Shane, come in, how are you feeling?

Shane: I'm feeling okay I guess. Now, I know half the reason why I've been throwing up. (I put my hands on my stomach) So how far along am I anyway?

Kendall: *Chuckles nervously* Well I- See I confused you with another patient & the fact is you're not pregnant after all. I'm so sorry for giving you the wrong news. 

Logan: But there is good news, its looks like you'll be out of here in no time.

Shane: (I started to cry. I knew they were lying to me. I could feel the baby kicking. I was a least 3 months) You're both lying to me. (I left their office I was so mad right now)

Nate: *So much time had gone by once again, since Shane got checked in. The baby was doing well, healthy & happy. But something was still up with Shane, according to Kendall & Logan, he wasn't sick with the flu anymore, which was great news. Though it looks like something else is going on, exactly what though?*

Shane: (I sat in that hospital room so upset. I had asked that everyone should just stop lying to me and to leave me alone. I didn't need anyone or anything. I was just better off alone. No one ever believes me. No one loves me. Hum, I don't wanna even live anymore. Whats the point?)

Nate: *Knocks on his door; I had left Faith at home with Mia for the time being while I checked up on Shane*

Shane: Go away! I just wanna be left alone. (I hadn't been eating, drinking or anything. I looked like a zombie. You know the wailking dead?)

Nate: *Frowns thinking why would he say that; so I went in anyways, gasping when I saw him* Shane.

Shane: What!? I said I wanted to be left alone. (I was indeed prego. I mean I was getting bigger everyday. Yeah, they should believe me now. The baby was kicking. He and I were so hungry. I was holding my tummy and looking out the window. Best of all I could walk again.

Nate: *I jumped at his tone* But Shane I just wanted to see how you were doing.

Shane: (I started crying. Sometimes I just hated my mood swings. I looked back at Nate giving him the "I'm sorry" look) Forgive me Baby! I've got crazy mood swings right now. And, I really hate them.

Nate: *Smiles understanding; nods* Its fine, don't worry about it. *Gives him a hug* Aww, everything will be alright, you'll see.

Shane: (I cried into him for like hours until I fell asleep in his arms. Then stupid Kogan came in to check on me)

Nate: *We laid together, as I held him & kissed all over his face to soothe him; shortly he feel asleep & thats when Kendall & Logan came in on the scene* Hi guys. 

Kendall: Hello, Nate. 

Logan: Hey, Nate.

Shane: (They looked me over. Then they saw my baby bump. Then they told Nate how sorry they were. Because now they realized that I was having a baby after all.)

Nate: *After they'd told me what was going on with Shane, I gasped & turned to him & kissed him; doesn't notice Kendall & Logan's departure* OMG Shane, so thats why! *I exclaimed against his lips*

Shane: Yep!

Nate: *Smiles but then gasps suddenly saying aloud without knowing it* But how's that possible that your pregnant? We haven't made love for a long time. You've mostly been away & this hospital. I'm really confused, but then I'm also happy for you. *Eyes widen* OMG!

Shane: Um, babe did you forget you're a donor?

Nate: Come again? *Blinks puzzled*

Shane: (I buzzed James/Carlos in so they could show Nate what I was talking about) Let James & Carlos tell you. They know more then I do.

Nate: *Nods* Okay? *I didn't know what was going on, but I just went with it waiting for the guys. Maybe I was just out of it? Stress?, shakes head. Nah, I'm fine*

James: You buzzed Mister Grey? 

Shane: Yeah, I wanted you to tell Nate how I got prego.

James: Ok, I'll let Carlos tell him. Go ahead sweetie. Tell Nate the news.

Carlos: *Waves hi excitedly at Nate* Me? But James I thought you were going to tell him? 

Nate: Guys, someone please tell me? The suspense is getting me here. 

Carlos: James? *Looks to him*

James: Fine, he used your sprem and thats how he got prego. (I glared at my boyfriend) 

Shane: (I grabbed my bucket and threw up in it) Exuse me! I'm getting sick here!

Carlos: *Smiles nodding chuckling a little nervously* Thats right, Nate. 

Nate: *Pats Shane's back* Oh I get it now. *Turns back to Shane* I'm not mad baby, if anything I'm even more happy & now I fully get it all. *Hugs him; beaming uncontrollably*

Shane: Whew! Good to know. (I hugged Nate right back and gave him a little kiss) So, you wanna know what the sex of the baby is?

James: Come on Car. Lets give them their space. 

Shane: Thanks guys later!

Nate: *Giggles happily nodding in agreement; kisses back, then pulls back nodding this time excitedly* Yes! 

Carlos: Congrats you two! Cya! *Waves bye following James out*

Shane: It's twins. A girl & boy! (James had told me that he saw another baby on the screen. I was more happier then the last time)

Nate: *Smile widens; gets up bouncing up & down joylessly* AWW!!!

Shane: Whoa! Down baby! Sit! (Man, I was happy too! But, carrying twins is harder then it looks. The pain is twice as bad when they kick. I mean there is hardly anymore room in my stomach. It's not so much fun)

(And, Nate kinda figured that out when Shane kept saying ouch & ow!)

Nate: *Stops the movement* Sorry, just got excited. *Stays still sitting back down; pats his stomach gently*

Shane: You know having two babies in my stomach makes me twice as horny did you know that? (I smirked at him then moaned a little bit) Yeah, there it is. My bad.

Nate: *Blushes as red as a cherry; grabs the hem of my shirt suddenly feeling a little warm; laughs a little*

Shane: (I laughed evily. I was making him nervous) You feeling okay baby? I bet you just wanna screw my brains out right now. (Yeah, he was going to cave any minute now. I could see the look on his face. It was priceless)

Nate: *Nods wiping my forehead* Yeah ... I'm f-fine. *Eyes widen; starts speaking gibberish; gets up & starts pacing back & forth within the smallish room debating yes or no, pros & cons kind of thing*

Shane: (Uh, I was hurting in my pants. Not good right now. I needed his mouth or his hands down there ASAP) Honey, it hurts hurry up!

Nate: I- You- We- Babies- *Faints falling back on the floor; completely unconscious*

Shane: (It was either fix myself or help Nate. I picked Nate. I buzzed for BTR and they came right away) NATE!!!

Logan: *Now in their room with Kendall, James, & Carlos; gives orders to them to help Nate* Don't worry Shane, he'll be alright. *15 minutes later* 

Kendall: It was just a little tired spell. He's completed wiped, he just needed rest. 

Carlos: *Sighs relived he's going to be okay* Thank goodness!

Shane: Thank heaven! And, thank you BTR! (I held Nate as he slept. He was so cute when he slept. When he woke up I was watching The Iron Giant! Best movie ever!)

Logan: *Smiles* Your welcome, well then we'll leave you two to be. *Leaves with the rest of the guys* 

Nate: *Sleeps soundly for a long time; finally wakes up after awhile, wiping my eyes* Shane? *Identifies the movie; smiles*

Shane: Yes, Baby!

Nate: *Yawns* How long was I asleep? *Remembers everything from before; blushes* Sorry for fainting like that. *I hadn't realized how sleepy I was till it had hit me like a rock*

Shane: Mmm, bout an hour or two. I got bored just now so I talked with BTR  and then put in a movie. (BTR was watching the movie too! They were all done with work for the day now)

Nate: Oh. *Says quietly; looks down then back up* Aww. *I laughed softly* Cool.

Shane: You okay now baby? (I gave him a kiss. Then laughed with him)

Nate: *Nods* Uh-huh much better. *Kisses back; smiles*

BTR: Awww, you guys are so cute! Shane: Glad you feel better! (We started making out. And, BTR was like. WHOA!)

Nate: *Forgets everyone else in the room, only focused on Shane* 

Kendall: *Chuckles* 

Logan: *Sighs happily for them* 

Carlos: *Blushes; leans head on James' shoulder*

Shane: (As I kissed Nate I used my other hand to shoo BTR out of the room) Mmmm, Nate I love you!

Logan: *Gets the hint, dragging the rest of the guys out of the room* 

Nate: *Smiles, says in between kisses* I ... love ... you ... too ... Shane.

Shane: (My little friend started poking Nate in the thigh. And, I let out a moan) Uh oh, Nate!

Nate: *Blushes; pulls back; smiles giggling softly* May I? *I asked touching his erection*

Shane: (I let out a little girly squeal, then a loud moan) OH, BABY!

Nate: *Begins to rub him up & down playfully; snickers a little*

Shane: NATE! GOD MORE!!!

Nate: *Takes away my hand for a moment* You sure? *I teased*

Shane: Just do it. But, be careful!

Nate: *Smiles* Okay & I will. *Continues where I left off; going a little faster but not much, still being gentle*

Shane: (I screamed then I moaned loud. I started shaking it felt so good) Mmmm, Nate make love to me.

Nate: *Withdraws hand again; kisses his lips sweetly; pulls back* But we're in a hospital Shaney, what if someone comes in or hears us?

Shane: The only people that would come in here would be BTR. And, they left a long time ago. And, I don't care where we are. Make me scream.

Nate: *Blushes at this; asks one more question* What about our babies?

Shane: They said if we're careful we could have as much fun as we want.

Nate: *Sits up grabbing my cell to check online just in case* How far along are you, then I can check & see for sure because above all I don't want to hurt you or our babies.

Shane: I'm at 3 months.

Nate: *Nods* Got it. Well according to online research here, it says it okay to go through with pregnant love making. *Puts phone away*

Shane: Then lets get busy. I'm in a great mood right now.

Nate: *Chuckles at this* Alrighty then. *Starts to remove my own clothes first; then proceeds to remove Shane's gown carefully from his body over his head*

Shane: (I moaned I was in so much pleaure!) Uh, hurry up baby! Please!

Nate: *Kisses his lips; then pulls back to grab something from my satchel taking it out & opening it up, squeezing the substance on my fingers*

Shane: (I started moving my hips. I couldn't wait any longer) BABY!

Nate: *Nods once; goes back to kissing him, while I inserted one finger into him waiting for him to get use to the feeling before moving*

Shane: (I screamed and moaned. Man, I loved this feeling. It was wonderful) NATE!!! UH, GOD!!!

Nate: *Swallows his scream & moan; pulls back smiling; moves the single finger in & out, soon after a few minutes adds a second one*

Shane: (I was breathing really heavy. I screamed so loud I think the whole world heard it)

Nate: *Begins to kiss around his face; finally adds a third finger moving all them together; uses other hand to rub his stomach*


Nate: *Grins; Once I felt he was prepared enough, I removed all three fingers & then proceeded to coat more of the substance onto my own length*


Nate: *Presses a long passionate kiss to him; smiles; gently lifts him up a little pulling him slowly onto me; whispers* I love you Shane.

Shane: UH, I LOVE YOU TOO NATE! (As soon as he went in I squealed like a little girl again) Ooh, baby! (Deepens the kiss and moved  my hips)

Nate: *Groans through the kiss; thrusts in & out gently not wanting to be too rough, keeping a soft pace*

Shane: (I couldn't hold it in. I said a bad word) HOLY S**T!!!

Nate: *Groans again louder; moves hips a little faster* OH GOD, SHANE!

Shane: YES! (I moved with Nate. We were screaming and moaning in sync) BABY! UH, NATE! HARDER!!!

Nate: *Goes a bit harder* Nnnn, SHANE! *I whined* Mmm!

Shane: (When we finished we were tired. We laid there breathing heavy) That was (Nate finished my sentence for me)

Nate: *Next to him also breathing heavily; smiles warmly touching his cheek* So amazing.

Shane: Yeah, it was! I think we should go to bed. Whatcha think?

Nate: *Chuckles closing eyes* Mmm-hmm. *Starts to drift, but reopens eyes fast*

Shane: What's the matter? (I had my hands on my stomach. Selena & Justin kicked) Mmmm!

Nate: *Blushes* Its just we're naked ... *Stops when Shane makes the sound* Baby? *Eyes widen* Are they kicking?

Shane: Yes, they're kicking. Kinda hurts when they do that.

Nate: Aww. *Touches his stomach carefully; pecks his lips sweetly*

Shane: (I pecked his lips right back. I was so sleepy that I feel asleep) I love you baby! Good night!

Nate: *Smiles brightly snuggling next to him* I love you too Shaney, night dearest.

Shane: (In the morning Uncle Brown was sitting in a chair next to my bed. And, me and Nate were in our PJ's) Uncle Brown what are you doing here?

Uncle Brown: I should ask you two the same thing, hmm? *Gestures to them together in the hospital bed*

Shane: (I looked down at Nate he wasn't sleeping anymore.) Nate, help me out here please!

Nate: *Bites lip* We can explain- 

Uncle Brown: *Cuts in* Save it, its pretty obvious what's going on here between you two. I just want to let you know both know that I'm cool with it. 

Nate: *Squeaks* Really? 

Uncle Brown: Yes. I mean I kinda always knew, you both were always close. I just wish you'd told me sooner, I could've helped you know.

Shane: Ooh, yeah sorry about that Uncle Brown! I gotta pee really bad. (Nate got up and helped me out of bed. Then Uncle Brown saw my bump. Oh, man he looked so ticked) Wups!

Uncle Brown: *Nods* Mm-hmm. 

Nate: *Helps Shane up carefully taking it slowly; eyes catch Uncle Brown staring at Shane's bump* Look we'll explain in a bit, right now he has to go to the bathroom. *Takes Shane out walking with him to our destination* 

Uncle Brown: *Calls to them before they leave* I'll be here waiting when you two get back.

Shane: (I went to the bathroom as fast as I could. And, I let it all out) Awwww! Much better! (Then I saw Nate watching)

Nate: *Laughs a little then asks* Better Shaney? Ready to face Uncle Brown?

Shane: Yes, much better! Yeah, lets do this!

Nate: *Smiles happily; entwining hands together with his* Awesome & right! *Walks back together to Shane's room*

Shane: (I had the hand I wasn't using on my stomach. The kids were kicking again. We walked back in the room and we sat down in front of Uncle Brown)

Uncle Brown: Welcome back gents, so to the explaining- 

Nate: *Sits next to Shane patting his stomach while talking* Yes, we're about to get to that. As you know Shane & I are a couple. We have one beautiful baby girl named Faith, who's with my one of my friends, Mia right now. And Shane's 3 months pregnant with twins, 1 boy & 1 girl. *I smiled happily as I spoke*

Shane: (I laid my head on Nate's shoulder I was still really sleepy. I just let him do all the talking)

Uncle Brown: *I listened as Nate explained more, occasionally nodding* 

Nate: *Once I'd finished, I sighed in relief & smiled* And there you have it. 

Uncle Brown: *Both eyebrows raise* Wow. You two have been through quite a lot.

Shane: (I was now asleep on Nate's shoulder. I was sucking on my thumb)

Nate: *Looks over at Shane; can't stop smiling* 

Uncle Brown: *Chuckles softy; gets up to leave; hugs Nate; waves bye* Well then ... I'd best be going on. Take good care of him, okay? And ring me when he's ready to give birth. 

Nate: *Nods still smiling; hugs back & waves bye* I will, Uncle Brown. Thanks for coming, cya.

Shane: (I slept for hours. What was wrong with me? I guess it was just Selena & Justin making me sleepy. When I woke up Nate had left again. And, I guess BTR was off work today. Cuz' they were all sitting around me talking quietly to each other)  

Carlos: *Chuckles* 

James: What's so funny? 

Carlos: He snores loud! 

Logan: *Rolls eyes thinks this is so Carlos noting Shane's snoring* 

Kendall: Ssh Carlos not so loud! *Whisper yells to him*

Shane: Your just mean to wake a person thats having good dreams. And, the twins are kicking me really hard right now. Ow! Ow! Ow! And, I'm sooo sorry that my snoring bothers you so much. (I folded my arms over my chest and pouted)

James: *Swats Carlos' shoulder* See what we mean when we say sssh? 

Carlos: Its your fault too! 

Kendall: Guys- 

Logan: *I cut it for Kendall by saying his famous line* FOCUS! *Turns to Shane* Sorry about the loudness & the pain & Carlos didn't mean anything by it, *Looks at Carlos* did you buddy? 

Carlos: *Nods once* Sorry Shane!

Shane: (I was still pouting but I forgave Carlos) James please do us all a favor. Make sure you keep a close eye on your "boyfriend."

James: *Gives him a thumbs up sign; winks at Carlos* Will do. 

Carlos: *Blushes smiling cutely* 

Kendall: *Laughs* Jarlos! 

Logan: *Giggles & claps* Mm-hmm! 

James: Jarlos? 

Carlos: *Explains* Its our names together babe. 

James: Right then. *Grins*

Shane: (I agreed with everyone. Then looked around for Nate. I hope he's okay I miss him when he's gone) Um, where's my baby at? I want my Natekins!

Nate: *Comes in then at the very moment through the door, greeting Shane with a bright smile & big kiss, then pulls back to speak; pushing Faith in her stroller, stops her in front of Shane's bed* Hey Shaney, morning love. I missed you, sorry I left. I had to get Faith & of course bring her to see you, plus take a shower & eat. *Looks at BTR* Hey fellas! *Waves*

Shane: (I kissed back with a my best smile you know the one where I show off my teeth. Then I looked at my baby girl. Aw, God is so good to us) Morning Natekins. I missed you too! It's okay just tell me when your leaving next time okay? (My stomach was bubbling. Being prego I ripped one. It was very stinky) I'm sorry. Excuse me! I'm sure I'm not the only prego guy that does that. Right Logan? (I looked over at Logan. He looked like he had to rip one too) Oh, Dear God! Logan's gotta rip one too!

Logan: Hey Nate. 

Kendall: Yo, Nate. 

James: Sup Nate. 

Carlos: Hiya Nate! 

Nate: *Smiles even wider taking our baby girl out of her stroller in my arms, caring & place her gently into his arms; giggles at the cute nickname; nods* I will in the future. *Pats his stomach* Awww. *Squeals moving back a little* Oh boy! *Starting to crack up a lot along with the rest of the guys* 

Logan: *Bites lip to try from laughing like crazy* Um .... heh ... *>.<* Wups? 

Kendall: *Chuckling loudly* Wow! 

James: Oh God! *Closes eyes* 

Carlos: Too .. funny ... can't breathe ... Logie ... Shane ... hahaha!

Shane: (When we were back at home I had something for Nate I just had to find it first. I was looking everywhere. What did I do with that ring) Uh, where is that thing? (BTW Nate's working he got a job with BTR to help pay for the babies) (The Ring: )  

Nate: *After a long & fun day I came home exhausted, but I was happy to be back; I called as I walked inside* Shane, I'm home! *Can't wait to see him; missed him & the baby* 

Shane: (I was freaking out. I couldn't find the ring. I was throwing things to get them out of the way. I walked by Nate not even seeing him) Ugh, where did I put that thing? (I was in tears I got that ring when I was doing that N*sync thing) I give up its gone. (I sat on the couch and cried. I lost the engament ring I was going to give Nate. Now what am I gonna do?)

Nate: *Tilts head to side following Shane when I saw him pass me; suddenly I stopped seeing his tears & I ran & hugged him then* Shane? What's wrong? Are you okay? Are the babies alright? *Asks worriedly* 

Shane: (I hugged back crying into him) The babies are fine. It's just I lost something that I was going to give you. And, well I can't tell you what it is cuz' if I told you it wouldn't be a suprise anymore. I'm sorry! I wish you could've seen what I got you. It was something we would teasure forever. (And, then I saw that Nate had something on his finger. WTH!?)

Nate: *Hugs him tightly rocking him in my arms; patting his back with both of my hands; pulls back* Oh? *Listens as he talks* Its alright baby. *Follows his eyes* What is it?

Shane: Thats the e-ring I was going to give you. Where did you get that? I mean where did you find it? (I was so glad Nate had it the whole time. But, geez tell me that you have it b4 I go freaking out)

Nate: *Looks down again* I found it in the funniest of places in the hamper of ours just as I was about to do the laundry last night. I'd almost forgot about finding it. Is it yours? 

Shane: Really? Well I was going to give it to you. So, I guess I'll ask you now. (I tried to kneel but it was to hard so I just asked him sitting down) Nate Adam Johnson will you marry me? 

Nate: *Nods* Yes. Oh, really? *Surprised; watches in beautiful awe as Shane asked me the question that made my heart beat wildly out of control & my cheeks start to warm; my breath caught in throat as I gasped softly & then my smile brightened as I gave him my answer* Yes. Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes! *Tears spilling now*

Shane: (I smiled at him with tears of joy. He said yes. I'm so happy. Ow, babies kicked. I hugged him and he felt it too) I love you Natekins so much. And, I didn't even have to put the ring on you. I'm happy you said yes. (I kissed him. Then we made out on the couch. But, it got hot and heavy. We didn't stop there we made love until late at night)

Nate: *Chuckling; smiling; still crying as I hugged him back* And I love you so much Shaney. *^_^; nods* I'm so happy you asked. *Kisses back; never felt so full of warm & love, its all because of Shane*

Shane: (When we finished "our love making," we went up to check on Faith. Then we went off to bed. Christmas was tomorrow. So, we had to get to bed right away. Little did we know that Santa was on his way) (BTW Uncle Brown is going to be Santa Claus)

Nate: *Smiles finally getting up with Shane, putting on a fresh pair of boxers heading to see Faith. She was fine still sleeping & a growing; then we went back to bed*

Shane: (I heard movement downstairs) What was that? Maybe we should go check it out. (I looked at Nate. He just shook his head no) Alright lets go to bed then. (We got in bed and fell asleep. Then we found my Uncle Brown sleeping on the pull out couch in our room in the morning)

Nate: *Voice heavy with sleep* Uh-huh later. *Goes back to sleep; later on when we did get up, with went on downstairs after getting Faith & discovered Uncle Brown* Whoa, hmm, interesting surprise. *Smiles* 

Shane: (I poked Uncle Brown. He looked like Santa Claus. We found gifts under the tree I guess he wanted to meet Faith) Uncle Brown wake up! (Then I did what he always does to me. I got a vase full of water and poured it on him)

Nate: *Giggles softly watching* 

Uncle Brown: *Jumps up fast* WHAT THE HECK?! *Groans & looks at Shane* Seriously, man? *Smiles shaking head* Good one!

Shane: (I laughed too) Hey sorry Uncle Brown paybacks a (b***h) Well if I said it I'd get in trouble. (I looked at Nate he was doubled over with laugher)

Uncle Brown: *Wipes face his hands* S'okay, no worries. Anyways .... Merry Christmas to you all three of you! *Grins* 

Nate: *Stops laughing then; smiles bigger* Merry Christmas to you Uncle Brown! *He would've hugged us all, but he was soaked, so he quickly pattered over to the nearest bathroom patting himself dry & coming back to hug us & then taking Faith to hold her*

Shane: Merry Uh, oh! (It had now been 9 months already. I sat on the couch. I was starting feel the pain of the twins trying to push their way out) Honey its TIME!!!

Nate: *Nods; eyes widening* Got it, lets go! Uncle Brown, bring Faith & her diaper bag, stroller, & anything else I'm forgetting please. We'll meet you at the hospital down the street. 

Uncle Brown: Oh my! Okay no worries, go fellas, I'll cya you both there! 

Nate: *Takes Shane straight to the hospital*

Shane: (I was now screaming in pain. I was doing my breathing like I had watched in the movies) Uh, God this hurts! UHHHHHH, GET THESE KIDS OUTTA ME!!!

Nate: *Once there we got a room quickly & the nurses were calling the doctor to come in & help Shane; stands by his side holding his hand tightly* Shane everything is gonna be alright, just hang on baby.

Shane: (I looked at Nate and lashed out at him. I didn't mean to. But, man he did this to me. I had a right to lash out at him) UH, GOD!!!

Nate: *Keep calms knowing this is a hard stage for him; continues to try & soothe him as the doctor finally came in & helped Shane* 

Uncle Brown: Whew! *Arrives at the hospital finally, with Faith & all her stuff; goes to the information desk, almost out of breath* 

Shane ... Grey ... what ... room ... is ... he ... in ... please? *Gets the info & rushes off towards the room*

Shane: (After giving birth I was tired as heck. So, I went ahead and took a nap)

Nate: *The moment the twins arrived ... OMG I was crying so much & smiling so big. They're beautiful. Our baby boy & newest baby girl ... Justin & Selena. And just in the nick of time, Uncle Brown & Faith arrived getting to meet the twins, as Shane took a nap*

Jason: (Me and Riley just had a baby together. Then we heard that Shane just had the twins. I was well rested so me and Riley went to Shane's room to see him and the family) 

Shane: (When I finally woke up an hour later everyone was to busy to see that I was awake. So I started crying. But, no one heard me. Was I dead? Whats going on here?)

Uncle Brown: Awwww! *When I was 1st saw the twins, I couldn't hide my happiness* 

Nate: Sshh please try to be quiet, Shane's sleeping. 

Uncle Brown: Oops, sorry! *Whispers* But seriously oh my goodness all three kids here together are so precious. 

Nate: *Smiles holding the twins in both my hands* Thank you, they're such a blessing.

Shane: (I had to do something. So I lightly kicked Nate in the butt) BABY!!!

Jason: Uh, dude he just kicked you in the butt. What are you going to do about that? (I think he just kicked Nate because we were to busy looking at the kids and talking about how cute they are were)

Nate: *As I went on talking with Uncle Brown, I hadn't realized that others had arrived; squeals turning around to see Shane wake, Jason & Riley in the room too* OMG! *Exclaims* Sorry I didn't see you guys there, & Shane ... *Asks* How are you feeling? Sleep well?

Shane: (I folded my arms over my chest and looked away from everyone. If they were going to ignore me. I was going to do the same to them. I sniffled and started crying)

Jason: Oh, now you've done it Nate. Your man hates you again. (Shane was angry and when he was angry he ran away. But, seeing as he just had the twins he couldn't go anywhere without help)

Nate: *Sighs & quietly asks everyone if they could give Shane & I a few minutes ... in which they all did. Faith stayed with Uncle Brown, while I gently set Justin & Selena in their own cribs provided by the hospital; turns back to face Shane patting his back soothing speaking softly* I'm sorry for that. *I began*

Shane: (Yeah, sure he was sorry. But, I was still mad at him. I just gave him the "whatever look") 

Nate: *Asks* How about we go out for walk? I can push you around a wheel chair & you can see the Christmas decorations they have outside.

Shane: Fine. But I'm still mad at you.

Nate: *Nods & gets his wheel chair helping him get in; one outside, we both gazed at the large tree they had fully decked out with lights & plenty of amazing decorations; smiles looking at the star at the top. It reminds me of Shane*

Shane: (I smiled that star at the top of the tree reminded me of Nate. I feel bad now for hating him) I'm sorry!

Nate: *Looks at him then, walks around to the front of him kneeling down; smiling* Its alright Shane, I'm so sorry, it was my fault. I was just so excited about the birth of our amazing twins, I got all caught up in the moment. I love you Shane. *Kisses his lips; whispers against them* Merry Christmas, baby.

Shane: (I kissed him back and deepened the kiss not wanting to pull away) I love you too! Merry Christmas, Natekins.

Nate: *Smiles even bigger; giggling* You *Kiss* are *Kiss* so *Kiss* adorable *Kiss* Shaney. *Kiss*

Shane: I wasn't done kissin' you yet! Come here! (I pulled him on my lap by his tie. I then kissed him hard. And, got a moan out of him)

Nate: Ooh .. whoa! *Giggles & follows his movements; moans suddenly* Shane, mmm.

Shane: (I wheeled us to a place where we could be alone. I just had twins and I wanted him so bad) Nate I want you right now! Please! Fix me!

Nate: *Follows with him; eyes widen* Shane .... *Gasps*

Shane: I'm sorry if you don't want to. I'll understand.

Nate: *Smiles nervously* I want to baby, but not here ... I just feel uncomfortable & plus is Christmas morning, but I promise when we're alone back home & all the kids are sleep, then yes tonight.

Shane: Yeah, I agree lets wait until the kids are sleeping. Can we at least make out? (I gave him the puppy dog face) Pwease!

Nate: *Giggles nodding* Yes, how can I say no to your cute face? *Pulls him in for a sweet kiss* Mwah. *Smiles*

Shane: Mmmm, you taste like candycanes. (Yummy I loved when we kissed. It always makes me feel better)

Nate: *Blushes deeply* You're too sweet baby. I do? *^///^; tries to hide face in the crook of his neck*

Shane: Yes, and thanks you're pretty sweet yourself. Come here! (I kissed him again. Then we were interupeted by BTR & everyone else)

Nate: *Leans up to kiss him shyly, then pulls away seeing everyone staring directly at us* Um, hi? *I smiled waving*

Shane: (I looked at everyone) Hello everyone! Whats up? (I hate when people interupet it's not very nice)

Carlos: *Snickering trying to hide my laughter behind my hand covering my mouth to muffle the sounds, but its awfully hard specially catching them making out cutely* 

James: *Grinning rolling eyes at how sweet they are, but how oblivous they can be not seeing all us here together* 

Logan: *Smiling, not minding that they were off in their own world* 

Kendall: *Hugs Logie's shoulder thinking its exact same with Logie & I... its amazing to be in love* 

Uncle Brown: *Rolls eyes; they're cute, but they're got the kids to take of & its Christmas* 

Riley: *By Jason's side also smiling*

Shane: [Yeah everyone thinks we are cute. But, by the look on Uncle Brown's face we should be taking care of the kids] Uncle Brown hand me the girls and hand Justin over to Nate. Looks like you could use a break. 

Jason: Yeah, man totally! [I was holding Hannah. Mine and Riley's new baby girl. I was getting sleepy again] Riles baby can you take Hannah? I'm sleepy I'm going back to the room for a nap.

Nate: *Takes my baby boy carefully seeing his big eyes looking in mine* Awww helllo Justy. *Smiles brightly* 

Uncle Brown: Happy Holidays everyone! *Cheers* 

Riley: *Grins* Of course baby, here here baby girly. *Nuzzles her forehead softly* I swear I'mma gonna to cry. *Sniffles a little* This is such a happy moment! 


Shane: [I held the girls and started singing to them. Everyone else joined in. We were all singing ]

Nate: *Smiles happily singing along joyously, it was amazing. Thank the lord for Shane, Faith, Justin, Selena, Uncle Brown, Jason, Riley, Hannah,  Logan. Kendall, Carlos, James & this moment sharing it together, its the best feeling in the world*

Shane: [After we all finished singing. It was late at night. We all headed to bed] This was the best Christmas ever. And, two of our little darlings were born today. It looks like they loved this day too. I mean look at them all. They feel asleep on us. [I smiled then I yawned really big]

Jason: Excuse me! Your kids aren't the only ones born today. [I pointed at Hannah who was asleep in my arms]

Nate: *It had been a very splendid holiday, just so wonderful ... I couldn't ask for more* Mmm, yes, yes, & yes. Shaney you said it, its been such an amazing day. *Smiles nodding* True, & awww! *Looks at Jason* He's right, Hannah's a sweetie pie as well, Jason, you & Riley got yourselves a beautiful baby girl.

Shane: Yeah, they do! And, you're right Jason I'm sorry. You did have Hannah today. She's beautiful! 

Bella: [I ran in looking for my cousin Kendall] Has anyone seen Kendall from BTR? He's my cousin and his mom wants him home to babysit a group of kids. Who are so freaking annoying. [I was with my boyfriend NJJ. Then oddly enoungh I saw a guy that looked just like my Nicky]

Nate: *Nods agreeing completely; turns head to see guy & girl* Um, hello? Kendall's in the room down the hall with Logan, right across from Carlos & James.

Shane: [I looked from Nate to this Nick guy. Whoa! This was freaky!] Uh, yeah! What he said. [Wow this guy had shorter hair and he was more buff then Nate was. God, I couldn't believe this Nate had a twin. This is crazy! And, why didn't anything to me about it?] 

Bella: Thanks Guys! Come on Nicky! We gotta find Kenny. [We walked to Kendall's room and knocked on the door]

Nate: *Waves to them; gets up briefly to put the twins & Faith in each of their own cribs, then I laid back down on the bed snuggling against Shane* NP, nice to meet you guys.

Shane: [And then the weirdest thing happened. Another guy came in. He looked like me. And, he had a girl with him too.] Um, if your looking for your friends they went that way. [I pointed to where Bella and Nick went. Then I laid back and feel asleep with Nate]

Nate: *Dreaming & humming in my sleeping next to Shane .... Shane was dressed as Santa with lots of gifts & a puppy, whie I was in my own rocking holiday outfit with earmuffs, a long fuzzy scarf, green high tops with a snowman on the side & we were dancing & singing to the song, whooo! All I really want is you ....*

Shane: [I was dreaming of Nate as Santa. He had his bag of goodies. And, we were having naughty and nice Christmas love making. You, get it? Nate's "bag of goodies"? Then I shot awake sweating] Whoa! [Nate was having a good dream too. Cuz' his hand lingered into my pants. I moaned] NATE!!! OH, MY GOD!!!

Nate: *Jumps up from bed practically falling out onto the floor* Ooftt, WHOA!

Shane: [OMG! My baby fell outta bed] Natekins are you okay? Is anything broken? [I would've gotten up to help him. But, doctor told me to stay in bed. So I just hit the buzzer instead. And, help came running]

Nate: *Shakes head* I'm fine, its all good. No, no, no. *Laughs it off & stands on my own* Thanks, but I got it. *Smiles blowing out air* Whew, next time I look before I turn, but then again I was asleep, no maybe never mind. *Brushes myself off stretching noticing the time is nearing 12 AM* Wow, that late already, man. *Muses*

Shane: The reason I said Nate oh, my God was because you put your hand in my pants. It felt really good. Yeah, and it is late we should go back to bed. No not nevermind please tell me. [I gave him that puppy dog face. It always works]

Nate: I did? Huh. *Pauses* You'd think I'd remember that, hmm. Oh yeah? Well thats good. *Smacks lips* Yeah, you're right, I'm still so bushed & I bet you are too. Sorry I woke you up, with the racket. *^_^* Anyways, my dream ... well was just festive & fun & cute too. What about you, you look like you had a big dream? *Lies back down next to him*

Shane: It's okay I was awake anyway. And, as for my dream you were dressed as Santa. And, your "bag of goodies" you were having naughty & nice sex with me! And, it was amazing!

Nate: Oh really? How funny/interesting, wowsers. *Closes eyes a little, but then I decided to keep just one open*

Shane: Yep! IKR?! So any chance we can have a little of this N&N sex I was just talking about? [I pulled the face and he caved. I mean he did promise me that we would after the kids were in bed]

Nate: *Groans* Mm-kay. *Laughs a little, so much for sleeping, but how can I deny those eyes?*

Shane: Come here you sexy thing you! [Man, we are going to be so sore in the morning. We'll both need wheelchairs]

Nate: *Grins teasing* Who me? You sure you're referring to me, & not the look alike, what's his name with Bella ... Nick?

Shane: Yeah, I'm referring to you. And, yes the guys name is Nick. But, I'm all for you baby. Come and get me!

Nate: *Giggles* Kinda of thought so, just checking. Mmm, right! *Jumps on him* Hel-lo. *Smiles; pecks his lips lightly*

Shane: [Oh, yeah I was loving this. This was a side of Nate I have never seen before] Whoa! Hey Baby! [I kissed him back with passion] Make it rough baby. I'm in a great mood right now! [In the morning we were sore like I said we'd be. Then Bitchie Mitchie came in and woke us up]

© 2013 VirgoAvatar

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Added on May 7, 2012
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: Joe Jonas Nick Jonas Joick Jick



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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