Deadliest Predator Ep 32-50

Deadliest Predator Ep 32-50

A Chapter by VirgoAvatar


Nick: *I sat there frozen in time, when a more serious thought flooded my mind. He's a shark, ...... why didn't HE attack me? Eat me? Is he planing to? Am I just a useless possession to him? It confused every part of me. Part of me wanted to believe his words about him loving me. But what if he was just hypnotizing me the entire time? To fall for him? To trust him? Do do whatever he wanted? But then something tore me again from the negative thoughts when I heard a voice crying. I heard it in my mind. Where was it coming from? Then I looked  at Joe, at his true form. He was still in the water, half in and half out of it. He looked down at the sand, and I heard louder sobs breaking from his throat. ...... J-Joe?*

Joe: *The entire time I listened to nothing but the silence from Nick, the more time went by the more I broke down and grew sadder and sadder. I felt like a monster that deserved to be dead. I couldn't even look at Nick. It was clear, he hated me, he feared me, he wanted nothing to do with me ..... everything I thought was going to happen .... happened. I can't believe I actually thought for a minute he would be different like me and just ... understand. Do you SEE now Reese or whoever the hell is out there?! He doesn't understand! He will never understand! This is all your freaking fault Reese! You set me up to believe nothing but lies! You made a fool of me! For once .... in my life I actually thought I found love! I was wrong and misguided! I'm nothing but a worthless killing machine, thats all I'll ever be! Malezione it all! Fudge! Merda! Are you satisfied Reese? Do you enjoy me the beast of the freaking SEA being brought down to my knees?! Just kill me already, put me out of my misery! I don't deserve to even love or let alone look at Nick, I'm a monstrous beast! He hates me!*

*I betrayed his trust, took his innocence, his first kiss, everything! I hurt him! I don't deserve to exist, I'm nothing but a heartless monster, a killing machine that should just be removed from this world. It would have better if I didn't meet him! I had only wanted to save him and treat him with nothing but love and kindness, I couldn't even do that! I did everything wrong! I lied, I'm the worst thing to ever be alive! How could I do this to him? I thought you said I wouldn't harm or hurt my life mate?! Nothing but lies Reese! You set me up big time! You freaking manta ray from hell! Some protector you lying ray! Never mind any more! Just send on my brothers, I'll just let them have my island, just get Nick the HELL away from here right now! Don't waist another moment making him suffer here! Let him get back to his Rina and his life, protect him better than I ever could! Please do it! Take him away! Do it now!*

Nick: *Suddenly I could hear every thought that Joe was thinking. My eyes water with tears, my chest felt heavy, I couldn't move, I couldn't look away, he .... was hurting more than me. He actually ... felt sadness ... heartache, he hated himself. I shook my head and forced myself to move. Step by step I moved towards Joe. He didn't move or lift his head, he just sobbed with tears. My heart felt like it snapped in two. I was scared and crying too, but I still moved over to him. I stood before him taking in his size and pushing my fears aside and put my right hand out to touch his nose*

Joe: *I ceased sobbing and opened my eyes. Nick was right in front of me, my true form placing his hand on top of my nose. N-n-nick?*

Nick: *I stood still and breathed slowly, looking at him our eyes locked. I can hear you .... Joe*

Joe: *I inhaled sharply. Nick? You can? .... oh ... Nick ... I-I'm so .... sorry ... for everything. But you shouldn't be this close to me. I'm still the world's deadliest predator, you should back away*

Nick: *I sucked in a deep breath. I can. And, I won't move away. I .... can't forgive ... you Joe .... but ... I'm not leaving you. Not the way you are right now*

Joe: *I burned with heartache. Get away from me Nick! I clearly am NOT safe to be near!*

Nick: *I yelled back with tears. Don't you tell ME what to do! I'm not moving, you're hurt more than me*

Joe: *I was shocked when I heard him say that. Fine. Its called heartache Nick. Listen, I'm going to get in touch with the manta ray I lied about running away from. She's suppose to be my protector, so she's going take you back home to where you're suppose to be. I can't have you here, my brothers aren't like me .... they'll eat you and ultimately kill you. I want to protect you still, so just wait here and I'll get her*

Nick: *I didn't move and still spoke. Answer, me .... one q-question*

Joe: *I stopped and looked at him. Anything Nick, ask whatever you want*

Nick: *I bit my lip and asked teary eyed, but still did not look away from his eyes. D-do .... you .... really l-love me?*

Joe: *I answered. I love you with all my heart Nick*

Nick: *My tears over spilled and I broke down in front of him. A-and .....I-I .... l-love .... y-y-ou*

Joe: *My heart almost stopped. I gasped and swallowed. N-nick, .... is that really how you feel?*

Nick: *I shook my head*

Joe: *I felt my heart break again*

Nick: *I-I-I .... feel that. I can hear you're thoughts. Your heart breaking, just the way mine feels. I thought as first this was hurting me, but then suddenly I heard every single one of your thoughts from earlier. I felt your pain, your love, everything. I felt everything in your mind, heart, and soul. Don't you feel mine?*

Joe: *I looked at him. You can? You do? No, .... wait .... suddenly I felt everything Nick felt, his fear, his sadness, his confusion, his mind racing with many thoughts. The one thing that caught me above all .... was his love. He. Still. Felt. Love. For. Me. He loves me! Even with the way I am .... right now, his feelings are still there in his heart and soul. Right then and there, the sun broke through and thunder and lighting came out of no where. It crashed many times breaking our attention from each other. And then just like that, it went away. The grey clouds went away, the sun came back out and shined brighter than ever. I looked back at Nick and he looked back at me*

Nick: *What was that?*

Joe: *Don't really know Nick. Even some things I can't explain. But never mind that Nick, I'm so sorry for everything. I didn't mean for all this happen. I'm truly sorry*

Nick: *For the first time, I smiled and wiped my tears away. This is all crazy impossible, you know that right?*

Joe: *I nodded. Always knew it, but wish it wouldn't be*

Nick: *I giggled. Thats enough for me. Now, listen to me Joseph Adam Jonas. I may not understand all this all the way, but I do believe you. And I'm sorry for not believing, I fell in love too .... the first time I saw you. Never in a million years did I expect a magical twist like this*

Joe: *I nodded. Didn't think so, but wait you do? No, Nick don't be sorry. Its all my fault, I-*

Nick: *I giggled again. You didn't let me finish. You love me, I feel it inside and out. Its all I wanted to feel and you too. I believe that we've found love together. Why should anything or anyone come between us? Joe, I accept you for you. I love you*

Joe: *I gasped. N-nick?*

Nick: *I kissed his nose and smiled blushing. I must be crazy in love, else I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be kissing my future king boyfriend/shark*

Joe: *And just like that, my heart was put back together. All the sadness and unhappiness went all away like it was never there. I felt like I was flying, but it was even better. I felt warmth, love, happiness, .... all of it for Nick and Nick alone. I pulled out of the water and transformed back into my human self* Oh Nick!

Nick: *I giggled repeatedly, falling backwards with my naked and sexy hot Joe on top of me* Oh Joe!

Joe: *I grinned happier than ever and took some of my weight off of him* Oh, ... um sorry.

Nick: *I blushed and pulled him back to me* Leave it, its OK. *I leaned up to kiss him*

Joe: *I kissed his lips and felt nothing but the feeling of love*

Nick: *I feel the same I told him in my thoughts. Just kiss me Joe*

Joe: *I chuckled and kissed him deeply. Nick I love so very much. You're my whole world. Thank you, thank you, oh endless thank yous to you Nick, my soul mate*

Deadliest Predator Ep 33 Part 1

Nick: *I smiled and kissed him back sweetly* So, any more hidden secrets I should know?

Joe: *I grinned* Well, beside me Neara can actually talk and understand you 100%. Basically everything living around us can talk and communicate with you.

Nick: *I gasped and smiled more* Really? I knew it! She seemed super smart, wow. Thats amazing!

Joe: *I chuckled but then frowned* Well, not everything is amazing. I have eight brothers and that time I told you to stay safe in the cave was the time I ran into my two oldest, Johnny and Mario. They smelled you in the water and immediately wanted to come and find you. I fought them off that time, but now I've been hearing that Johnny plans to make an uprising and find you. I don't want that to happen, thats why I've been trying my hardest to keep you safe. They're incredibly strong all of them and with an army, they'll be unstoppable.

Nick: *I bit my lip and touched his cheeks with both of my hands* So what's going to happen? Are you saying there's going to be a war? But, .... I don't want you to get hurt.

Joe: *My smile returned and I put my hands on top of his and sighed, closing my eyes* Yes. Unfortunately there will be a war, but its one I will win. They won't have nothing on me, because I have something that they don't. The power of love is on my side now and I believe that if they learn to accept the feeling .... just maybe they will change their ways. I will be all right, I promise you. Its you that I worry about.

Nick: *I kissed his eyes* But, still I worry about you too. I know your strong enough, but I still want you to be safe. I'll do whatever you say, just promise me when this is over that there'll be peace.

Joe: *I opened my eyes and pecked his lips* I'll be fine, because I will protect you Nick, with everything I have. And I promise.

Nick: *I giggled and nodded* Can they transform like you?

Joe: *I nodded* Yes, thats another reason why I don't want them to come near you. They're ruthless and heartless, their animal instinct is to kill, and when they're on the hunt they will not stop till they get what they desire.

Nick: *I bit my lip again* Well I believe in you Joe. I know that we can get through this together. I love you.

Joe: *I kissed him tenderly* And I love you, you're my love forever more.

Nick: *I blushed* I am wondering about something.

Joe: *I pulled back and looked at him* What's that?

Nick: *I blushed more* How, .... was I able to hear your thoughts like that? It was so strong and it took hold of me, so powerfully.

Reese: *I think I can answer that, for you Nick. But first, Joe go put some shorts or something please*

Joe: *I grinned and rolled my eyes and got off of Nick, winking* Be right back love. By the way, thats Reese you're hearing, my manta ray protector who's been helping me.

Nick: *I sat up and looked at the water* Oh! OK. *Hi there, sorry you startled me a bit. Its nice to meet you*


Reese: *Likewise, Nick. And by the way, I'm right here. Ta-da!*

Nick: *I gasped seeing the huge manta ray sticking her head out of the water. Wow! You're beautiful*

Reese: *I chuckled. Thank you, you're pretty adorable yourself. So, I bet you have many questions right?*

Nick: *I smiled and nodded. Yes I do*

Reese: *Well I will tell you and Joe, so everything is clear*

Joe: *I came back running back with black shorts and a white v-neck t-shirt just like Nick had on. I sat beside Nick and grinned. Alrighty then, begin Reese*

Reese: *Thank you. OK, so for the longest time since the birth of the Earth there have been creatures both of land and sea, endless species exist. We've always been able to talk, its just a gift that we've all had and never questioned. We thought it was magic and a sign from God above. Honestly we still think its both, its never been really fully investigated why things are this way for us. However, we've grown used to it. Never in history has any animal dared to speak directly to a human like I am with you. Why you might ask? Well for many reasons, but simply its just not advised. It would create too much chaos and controversy*

Reese: *That is why we don't interact with them. We all try to keep to ourselves and let them live their life, while we live our own. Here and there, some of us form bonds and actually become friends. But still we don't risk talking to them. The only reason for you our meeting right now, is that I've known from the beginning that you were Joe's life mate. I see that you are a pure and good hearted boy, a rarity among most humans. There's something that sets you apart from them, and I don't mean just because of your what you have femininely. You are shy and quiet, but have big dreams of being a performer and writing songs. You are like an aurora, you shine many colors and have a strong and passionate soul*

Reese: *It was no accident that you were guided here to Joe. It was destiny. Just like Joe, you two have dreamed of what it would be like to fall in love for the first time and forever stay together. You are two of a kind and match together in every way. You bring each other the greatest happiness, its a phenomenon. You two have a lot in common: both singers and songwriters, both have strong souls, both shine above the rest, and both have lost your parents. Just like you Nick, Joe has lived without the loving and caring support of his parents. Joe had his brothers but they didn't see the way he did, they made fun of him because of it. Some of them grew bitter towards him only because he was the chosen one to be the king. They wanted to rule all on their own, but it was not meant to be. That is why today, they continue and try to rebel against Joe.

Reese: *The only way for them to change is for Joe to make a final faceoff and help them "see the light," sort of speak. With your love for Joe, he'll show them the greatest power of all and then they will open up their hearts, being almost reborn. All these years that Joe was on his own alone and without love, I just watched and waited for the moment when his life mate would appear. I must admit I didn't know exactly who to expect, but I did know the minute you entered our waters that the search was complete. I knew that Joe would find you and save you. I knew that he would have to overcome himself and face everything, thats when I made myself known. I continued to guide him in times of trouble and whenever he needed me, I was there*

Deadliest Predator Ep 34 Part 1

Reese: *Even when he didn't need me I was still watching everything. At times though, he didn't need me because he needed to confront his fears and weaknesses, even though it was a risk. Joe knew that he would have to learn to control what he naturally is around you. It was hard but he managed very nicely. I believe that it was because of you Nick and Joe himself. I did my share to help, but in the end you two together made it through. You both fell in love, took the biggest leap there it or was ... next to Joe telling you about his true form. That was something that scared even the deadliest predator of the sea. You both went through a lot of emotions today. But in the end, I'd never seen a stronger bond than yours right now*

Reese: *Nick, you overcame your emotions and feelings and accepted Joe wholeheartedly. It took everything you had, but when Joe's heart felt like it had split in two .... was exactly when you felt everything Joe was feeling. Your own heart came to the conclusion that you didn't care about appearances, you loved Joe. You couldn't hide the love you felt for him and neither could Joe, that why you were able to hear each others thoughts from both your heart and soul. You two discovered that love happens and that it conquers all. You saw what was in each other's hearts, something that just warmed the two of you. Its that powerful emotion that you both experienced together and it will be there for life. I have to say, I'm extremely proud of you both. You both did so well and made it through together, congratulations to you both. I bowed to them. You two have taken your first steps to being promising rulers*

Nick: *I gasped and blushed*

Reese: *Thats right Nick, you and Joe will make wonderful future kings. You both have something that the other one needed. Joe has learned compassionateness, humility, love, tenderness, happiness, shyness, all of which have made him a stronger person. And Nick, you have gained confidence, love, strength, responsibility, wisdom, and you're growing into a man, you've both have grown beautifully by embracing your love for each other*

Nick: *I smiled and stood up and went over to her patting her skin. Thank you Reese*

Joe: *I joined Nick and grinned. Yes, thank you Reese. And on a side note, I'm sorry for my blowing up at you earlier*

Nick: *My eyes widened. Oh yes, I almost forgot about that*

Reese: *I chuckled and smiled. No apology needed Joe. It was apart of your way of communicating to Nick your feelings inside and out*

Nick: *I shyly looked down. I am sorry for the way I took it, Joe. I didn't want to hurt you like that*

Joe: *I looked at him and hugged him. Its all right Nick, you don't need to say your sorry. I know how you feel, thats all that matters. Its all behind us now, now we can face the future together*

Reese: *I winked. Correct you two. You have more pressing maters ahead, so I suggest you prepare yourself mentally and physically for what's to come. Joe's brothers will present problems, but I believe in the both of you. Together you can conquer and reign supreme. Good luck to you both, if you should need me, I'll be there every step of the way*

Neara: *What the FEATHERS?! You guys just have this talk without ME? Oh! So the protector pelican doesn't get to know what's going on with the couple of the century? Well, ... thats just bull-sha-vik!*

Part 2

Joe: *I knew who had spoken and that she was above us flying, about to land. Hello Neara, nice you drop in*

Nick: *I looked up to see her right above. OMG, Neara!*

Reese: *I sighed. Neara, please just land and calm down please*

Neara: *Ten hut commander miss! I landed right beside Nick's left side. Sorry Nicky, didn't mean to scare ya like that with my own outburst. Its just been driving me crazy not being able to talk with ya and be left out*

Reese: *I shook my head. Alright then, I'm off for now. Until later, Joe and Nick. Neara, I nodded and submerged back to the depths*

Neara: *Awesome! Now I can just talk with ya both!*

Nick: *I smiled and hugged her. Thanks for coming girl, I missed you. Its all right, its been a crazy day but you know its looking brighter and brighter every minute. First Joe, then Reese, now you Neara*

Neara: *I blushed and broke into tears. Oh my goodness Nick, you're the sweetest human guy ever! I love you and of course you too future king Joe. I see all is in the open on Joick island!*

Nick: *I giggled and looked at Joe puzzled*

Joe: *I shook my head and chuckled. Joick, Neara?*

Neara: *I smiled and nodded. Oh come on you guys! You don't know what "Joick" stands for?! You two handsome guys! Thats who! The first two letters are from Joe's name and the rest is cutie pie Nick's. Whatcha guys think?*

Nick: *I smiled brightly. I really love it Neara, thank you*

Joe: *I hugged Nick and grinned too. I agree Neara, its a nice touch*

Neara: *I nodded giggling like crazy. You know it! I thought about for awhile and came over here to tell ya both, but thats also when I heard that Joe had finally come clean with everything and Reese was now explaining the whole shebang. Its like about time you two. I heard everything was pretty intense and emotional. I'm soooo glad you guys are now honest with each other, everything looks like happiness to me. Well, actually minus the whole brother war thingy, but other than that I see LOVE in the air, whooo!*

Nick: *I continued to beam. You're amazing Neara*

Joe: *Yeah what he said and not to mention ... still very loud*

Neara: *Oh tsk tsk, mista Joe! You know you love me you big softie you! And Nicky baby boy, you're by far the most amazing person ever! I say we all celebrate tonight! What would you like? I could bring whatever you want from the mainland in a snap!*

Nick: *I smiled and nodded. Really? That would be awesome*

Joe: *I raised my eyebrows and grinned. Alrighty then Neara, if you would be a dear and fetch us something we'd sure love it*

Neara: *I winked and started my take off. Say no more boys! Neara's like on the job and clear to go. I'll be back super fast, kay? Love ya both, team Joick WHOOOOOOOO!*

Deadliest Predator Ep 35

Nick: *I giggled as I watch her fly off* She's so sweet.

Joe: *I smiled a bit* And goofy, but yeah sweet. So, in the mean time what do you want to do my love?

Nick: *I thought about of for a bit* Can we take a swim together?

Joe: *My eyes widened* You sure you wanna-

Nick: *I smiled and nodded* Positive as can be, please Joe?

Joe: *I grinned and shook my head* As if, I could say no to that face. *I got up and took his hand leading him to the water*

Nick: *I followed and smiled more* Want me to go first?

Joe: *I looked around at the sky then back at Nick* Sure, there's still some daylight left. Go ahead, I'll join you in a sec. *I happily smiled*

Nick: *I blushed and nodded, taking off my shirt, leaving only my shorts on and went on in to the water. At first it was a little cold, but then I got use to it and submerged underneath. I rose back up and smiled* Its great Joe!

Joe: *The entire time I was watching Nick, he was so cute the way he tested the water first then just kinda dove right in. Even though he knew what I was, I was still cautious to go in with in*

Nick: *I can feel and hear that. And I think we'll be fine. I trust you completely, now come on it sharky!*

Joe: *I smirked. Heh. You know you shouldn't tease or provoke me Nick. I'm still capable of being-*

Nick: *I cut in. Being a big softie just like Neara said. What's the matter, get on in here, before I make you!*

Joe: *I grinned sexily. Oh? And how may I ask, would you do that?*

Nick: *I pretended to think. Two ways, either I swim out farther or I stay in the water for the rest of the evening till you or Neara comes back, take your pick*

Joe: *I turned serious. You can't. I won't allow it. I don't want you to be far away Nick. And the water will get colder as it gets dark*

Nick: *I shrugged and winked. Then I guess you'll just have to watch me from the beach or protect me from here in the water*

Joe: *I chuckled. You drive a hard bargain Nick. Guess I have no choice to accept your terms. But don't say I didn't warn you. I winked*

Nick: *I pretended to be intimidated. I'm so scared from my head to my toes*

Joe: *I went to the water an smirked at him wickedly. You shouldn't have said that. With that I transformed. Still not scared my dear?*

Nick: *I smiled taking in his hugeness. You big luke you, not at all*

Joe: *Mmmm-hmmm. Thats not how you first felt. I opened my jaws, you see these .... sharp teeth? They could easily swallow you whole in one big gulp. You'd be in my stomach in less than a second*

Nick: *I giggled. I don't fear you no longer. Your just a tough sharky whom I love so much*

Joe: *I closed my mouth and swam over to him. I nudged his stomach with my nose. I'm happy you feel that way. I may do my share of being tough and all that, but when it comes to you Nick .... my feelings for you are among the strongest love. I love everything about you, the way your smell fills my entire lungs making me weak with desire. The way you may be shy sometimes, but then fearless. The way you shine and turn me on to the brink of hot fiery passion. I want you all to myself*

Nick: *I blushed and placed a kiss on his nose. I'm happy to be here with you. I feel so full joy when I'm with you. I love the way you make my heart race like crazy. The way you look at me and control me. The way you love and make me feeling like I'm flying. I want to be with you forever*

Joe: *I feel the same. I then used my tongue to lick his stomach. Mmmmm. Do you know how amazing you taste?*

Nick: *I bit my lip, trying my hardest not to giggle. N-n-no*

Joe: *I continued, going slowly not missing any spots. Well, allow me to explain. Your taste alone makes me desire more. I want to pleasure you till you scream my name*

Nick: *I gasped. My knees were feelings like they'd give out at any moment. My heart was fluttering faster and faster. I was filled with fiery warmth even though the water was anything but*

Joe: *I smirked. I know what you're feeling. You can not hide that from me. I know how your ready to give in to me. You want more, right?*

Nick: *I whined quietly. If, you know what I'm feeling, then why must you hear me out loud?*

Joe: *I moved to his n*****s* Because I enjoy hearing your voice, whether you're talking, singing, humming, whispering, thinking, whining, and especially moaning and screaming for me. I find it incredibly sexy*

Nick: *I whined again. You're making me lose control*

Joe: *I kept on licking his sweet and erect n*****s. Then lose control, I don't mind at all*

Nick: *I shook my head and closed my eyes tight holding on to his skin for support. What if someone should hear us?*

Joe: *I licked him harder. Then let them hear. I will protect you Nick with my life. No one can ever touch you or love you. No one but me and me alone*

Deadliest Predator Ep 36 Part 1

Nick: *I couldn't hold in longer. I finally gave in with a mixture of moaning and screaming* UGHNNNNN! JOE!!!! AHHHH, NNNN!

Joe: *I smiled. Thats it baby, let me hear you. I love it when you vocalize. Mmmmm, how you taste .... is so divine. Your so delicious and so beautiful. Do something for me baby*

Nick: *I moaned more* J-j-joe! Ughnnn, ohhhhhh! W-hat do y-you want m-me to d-do? Nnnn.

Joe: *Well since I do not have hands exactly in this form, I want you to come for me. Think you should show me how you would please yourself?*

Nick: *I weakly collapsed on Joe. I was breathed heavily and feeling so pleasured. I bit my lip and blushed brightly. I-I don't know*

Joe: *Please? For me? I want to see you touch yourself, then when I transform back into my human self I will be able to do the same to you*

Nick: *I blushed even more and looked down. O-Ok. I looked back up and closed my eyes and imagined it was Joe doing this, not me. I went into a trance-like state and let my right hand wander down my stomach to underneath my shorts. I took them off and bit my lip hard as I did so. I was nervous as could be, but I went on. I let them hang below on my feet. Now I was completely bare to Joe and anyone who was around. I prayed that only Joe would see this. Never in my life had I did this sort of thing, but somehow I swallowed my insecure fears and began to rub myself. I started off slow, just to get used to the feeling. I began to picture many things, most of them the memory of how Joe had touched me and made me feel. How he rubbed me and pushed his fingers inside. It was kind of hard doing this standing up while slightly leaning on Joe just in case I lost my balance*

Nick: *I knew he was watching my intently, eyes completely locked on me. I shivered and wished he'd just do this to me without me having to do it. I was so shy, I began to rub less and less. Joe, this is too hard, I don't know if I can go on*

Joe: *I breathed in deeply. Oh, I think you can. You must push all other thoughts away and let yourself go. I know you can do this Nick. Go on my love, don't stop*

Part 2

Nick: *I too sucked in a breath and tried to concentrate and let myself relax. I resumed rubbing and went back to picturing Joe, how he felt inside me. The way he thrusted in different speeds. The way I was so lost in him, I couldn't really think straight. I rubbed harder and began to twitch a little in pleasure. I bit my lip and went even faster. I felt a rush coming over me, pleasure was beginning to break through. I squirmed and shook a little, wanting it to come faster. I kept on rubbing till my eyes snapped opened and I felt absolute ecstasy. I moaned aloud and continued till I finally came. By that moment, I was completely breathless and super weak. My heart beat was all over the place, I felt like I was on fire, it brought me to the brink of wishing I I could keep on going*

Joe: *My eyes widened when Nick at last came. The way he let himself finally relax and touch himself was as amazing as could be. It was so hot, I had become completely hard so the point I just wanted to slip inside to him. But instead I pushed my tongue to lick up Nick's beautiful and unbelievable tasting lower area*

Nick: *The second I felt Joe's large tongue I screamed* NNNNNN! JOE!!!! *I came again, shaking again from the wondrous sensations of him licking me like that*

Joe: *I loved it when he moaned and screamed my name. It made me more aroused than I already was. Thats it baby, keep it coming. I love this taste of yours. Its better than honey*

Nick: *I couldn't take it anymore. I fell back, thankfully we floated back to the swallow part of the water where the little waves were breaking. I sat back in the sand, half in the water and half out. I closed my eyes tightly and gripped the sand, as Joe suddenly pushed his tongue inside my opening. My hips bucked up, and I moaned even more* JOE!!! UHNNNN! OHHHHHH!

Joe: *I wanted to taste him further. He was just too sexy and just so incredible. I was so hard for him. I wanted more and more. I couldn't get enough of his voice rocking through my ears and body. And the way he kept on coming was just the hottest thing ever. I could do this all day and night. He was too intoxicating to my senses, it made me drunk with the highest of desires. Nothing could tear me away from him. We were both of the state of absolute euphoria. The pleasure was off the charts, heating up by each passing second. Everything was like soaring and free-falling. It took the both of us to heaven and back. Nick was beyond beautiful, with every reaction, both of us lost completely in each other. The way he arched and he raised his hips up, made me soar with endless passion. I never wanted to stop, the feeling was just too over the top. It made me forget everything, all my thoughts were on Nick. From the beginning I knew he'd change my world as I know it, but I never knew how extremely wondrous it would be. He's made me feel alive, like I finally have a purpose. I want to love him forever and ever. I want to kiss him again and again. I want to pleasure him over and over. I love Nick*

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Nick: *I soon collapsed on his nose still shaking from the aftershocks of pleasure. I breathed heavily. That. Was. Amazing*

Joe: *I smiled. Oh no doubt of it, baby. Mmm, I definitely loved it*

Nick: *I laughed a little. Stop that*

Joe: *Stop what?*

Nick: *Stop turning me on every time I hear your voice or see your face*

Joe: *Mm-hmm, I see. Well, its the same for me Nick. Wish now that Neara wasn't coming back cause there's still much more I wanna do with you*

Nick: *I pulled my shorts back up & blushed. Joe!*

Joe: *Its true. Don't need anything but you*

Nick: *I giggled. Well, try to control yourself sharky cause now I'm completely starving*

Neara: *Hello gents! I'm backkkk!! Sorry for the wait loves, but traffic & a bit of pelican gossip, oh well you get the picture. Sooo, what'd I miss? I landed swiftly next to Nick lying with his back against the sand, right in front of the waterline*

Nick: *I smiled. Perfect timing Neara, as always. And thank you so much for this girl. Honestly, um nothing much just swimming*

Neara: *That right Nicky? Well if you say so, better go get a towel & warm up & then come & eat this awesome meal, courtesy of Maggiano's Little Italy. For an appetizer, I present the Bruschetta which is baked garlic toast topped with fresh tomatoes, basil, balsamic vinegar & roasted garlic. Mmm! And then for specialty pastas, we have the Linguine di Mare that contains lobster, shrimp, mussels, clams and spicy lobster tomato broth. And for a classic set of pasta, there is also Eggplant Parmesan, sliced eggplant, breaded & fried, layered with Provolone cheese & marinara sauce. finally, for dessert, there's Tiramisu with ladyfinger cookies soaked in espresso and coffee liqueur layered with mascarpone, dusted with cocoa powder and served with chocolate shavings, Nonna's Toasted Pound Cake, caramelized bananas toasted poundcake with caramelized bananas, hot fudge & vanilla bean ice cream, and lastly the best of the best: Creme Brulee, the rich and creamy vanilla custard with a hint of citrus, caramelized sugar crust, topped with fresh strawberries*

Nick: *My mouth watered as she described everything. OhmiGod, Neara that all sounds fabulous! I'll be right back! I quickly raced back to the cave my stomach fully growling on the way*

Neara: *See? What'd I tell ya, perfection is in the meal & you & him are SO gonna love it!*

Part 2

Joe: *I stayed in the water just watching the entire time, as Nick left & as Neara was speaking. Say, how'd you carry this all the way here from the mainland? You must have had some help, seeing how the journey is a long one & with all that weight you wouldn't be able to fly*

Neara: *Ah, yes very true Joey, but you see I had helpers & maybe a boat ride along the way before the idiot driver took a wrong turn getting lost as usual just right before the guy could actually find the island, so I took off from there which wasn't that far but still, piece of cake. Did I mention had I actually had to pay for all this, it would've been quite a bill. But its for you guys so it was well worth it, besides I got some great foods of mine own. After all a girls gotta eat you know*

Joe: *Very efficient Neara & thank you*

Neara: *Pah, your very welcome. Anything & anytime. Now, aren't you going to get out of the water & join Nick, with some actual clothes on?*

Joe: *I'd like to yes, but all I have to wear is the same old, same old. I just wish I could dress up for Nick & treat him on a real date*

Neara: *Mm-hmm. Well wish granted Joe. I took in consideration that you 2 want this night to be very special other than just the food, so thats why I also got 2 tux's for you 2 & a fresh bouquet & even romantic mood music to dance to! Come over here with me & check it out!*

Joe: *I smiled widely & followed at 1st from the water & then I got out transforming back. You're the best Neara! I quickly dried off & got dressed while she giggled happily flapping away to tell Nick. The moment I was at last set, Nick & I found each other & seated ourselves on 2 flat rocks & as Neara served us the incredible dinner. Nick gasped in awe, as I did too, still smiling. Thank you Ms. Neara. I kissed her head*

Neara: *I bowed & winked leaving them alone as I flapped away from their island. Enjoy & goodnight lovers! I called just before I was out of range*

Nick: *Before we started eating Joe handed me the bouquet of flowers & I giggled beaming* They're beautiful Joe, thank you.

Joe: *I kissed his hands & then caressed his cheek looking to his eyes*

Nick: *I smiled back* What?

Joe: You're beautiful. I love you Nick.

Nick: *I blushed* So are you. I love you too Joe.

Joe: *I grinned & we began eating together tasting each dish so wonderfully prepared. By the end of it, we were so full from everything. Neara had even given us to go lemonades, which was so sweet & sour at the same time. I then asked Nick to dance, seeing as how Neara how brought us a portable CD player. In the moonlight Nick looked ravishing, with his suit & cute curls. We danced close, to Selena's "Dreaming Of You." Nick soon put his head on my shoulder his arms around my back, & mine around his waist*

Deadliest Predator Ep 38 

Nick: *I was loving this moment with Joe, I wish it could last forever*

Joe: *I smiled as I heard his thought & kissed his lips. It will last forever. We'll never be parted*

Nick: *I smiled dreamily & kissed back. And you see a peaceful future together?*

Joe: *I breathed against him lips. Yes, I do. One where we'll live together, be married, & maybe one day-*

Nick: *I looked at him curiously. Maybe one day what?*

Joe: *I gazed into his eyes & softly. Raise a family together?*

Nick: *My eyes widened & I blushed, unable to speak*

Joe: *You don't sound too happy over the idea*

Nick: *I bit my lip. I am, sorry it just caught me off guard a bit. I do want to eventually raise a family. There's no one else I'd rather want to start with then you*

Joe: *You sure? Because it would be you who'd carry our future baby*

Nick: *I smiled thinking of the thought. I'd love to*

Joe: *You positively sure Nick? Cause I don't ever want to force you do anything you wouldn't want to do*

Nick: *A baby with you would be amazing, just as being your husband, your love, your everything*

Joe: *I grinned. And future king by my side*

Nick: *I laughed. How could I forgot that my sweet king?*

Joe: *I want promise you something Nick. After this battle with my bro's & everything, I want to take you back home*

Nick: *You want me to return to my home?*

Joe: *I want your Rina to know you're safe & I want you to continue to pursue your dreams & the entire time I'll be by your side cheering you on lovingly*

Nick: *Mmm, I see. Honestly I do miss home & my old life, but now with you thats all changed. I still want to do a lot of things, but only if I'm with you*

Joe: *Then we both agree that land is your home & we'll make a life there together happily*

Nick: *Sounds like bliss. Though I think, Rina will be surprised I'm getting married so young*

Joe: *Once she sees us together, I'm sure she'll see how much in love we are together*

Nick: *Yes or she'll faint in shock seeing me alive besides being so in love. Joe?*

Joe: *Yes Nick?

Nick: *Will we ever to be able to tell her about your true form?

Joe: *I bit my lip. If you want to Nick, but she's got to be able to keep it secret or even bigger chaos could easily unfold from it. If you think my bro's are a menace, then wait to you see what the whole planets like in a crazy frenzy*

Nick: *I nodded. I guess we'll see. I think she'd accept it like me, but then again I'm not 100% sure. But I know that whether she does accept us & you as you are, thats not going to change anything. I'm yours & your mine*

Joe: *I kissed him passionately. I love it when you remind me of that*

Nick: *I kissed back & murmured. Because its so true & undeniable*

Joe: *Not to mention how much I wanna do this ... I kissed him again holding his head with both of my hands & then leaning over to his ear biting playfully hearing him softly moan from it*

Nick: *I breathed. You-you-you*

Joe: *I smirked. I know, a lovable tease & 100% horny for Nick every single second, but you still love me boy*

Nick: *I laughed. Mmmm! That I do*

Joe: *I then began to suck on his sensitive part of his ear*

Nick: *Mmmmm! Oh! JOE!*

Joe: *Yea baby boy? I continued sucking*

Nick: *I leaned my head back closing my eyes so tightly as his teeth & lips made me constantly moan* Ugn! MORE!

Joe: *I then pulled away seeing it looking bruised a bit, I kissed it softly & preceded to do the exact same to his neck. I licked 1st, teasing again*

Nick: *I arched my back making my chest push into his chest as he held me* JOE!!

Joe: *I smiled & grabbed his skin in between my teeth sucking hard, enjoying his taste & his moans. So this is why vampires love doing this, gotta say its a beauty*

Nick: *I moaned again* UGHHH! Mmm-hmmm! *I nodded fast, also squirming from the pleasure*

Joe: *I leaned up looking up at him stopping. You think I'm like the vampire of the sea? Mmm, thats fairly predictable*

Nick: *I opened my eyes blushing seeing the lust & love in his eyes*

Joe: *I then pulled him up with my hands cupping him cute bottom squeezing firmly loving the way he yelped in pleasure*

Nick: *I love you*

Joe: *And I love you. I carried him across the now cold sand & pressed him against a tree as his thighs wrapped beautifully around my waist, while I pinned his hands above his head as I my eyes wandered from top to bottom*

Nick: *You want me*

Joe: *Mm-hmm. And you want me*

Nick: *So what are you waiting for?*

Joe: *I smirked. A plea, a whine, more moaning*

Nick: *I blushed & did each* Oh PLEASE JOE! OH! UUGHN, I NEED YOU NOW BABY! UGNNNN!

Joe: *I grinned widely. Thatta sexy fine curly love, mmm. I then carried him off to our cave & slowly stripped his & my tux, leaving us naked & free to make love again & again to the point of sleepiness got the both of us, just before we whispered to each other "I love you."*

Deadliest Predator Ep 39 Part 1

Nick: *In the morning I woke up groggily a little bit, as my eyes went from blurred to in focus. I looked around to see Joe beside me sleepily beautifully, making me smile. I carefully pulled myself from his embrace standing up, but almost tripping. Lucky I caught my balance, I didn't wanna wake him. So I looked around locating a towel covering my naked body & went out of our cave, my eyes adjusting to the bright sunlight of the morning. It was always beautiful, the ocean as calm as can be. I smiled as I waked with the towel draped over my hips then I look around just to make sure I was alone & dropped it. I went into the water rinsing off a bit & just floating looking up at the sky. It was warm thanks to the sun & the water was a nice coolness. I shut my eyes relaxing totally. It was a nice feeling being able to do this. Back home, I could almost do the same, but definitely not in my b-day suit. I blushed & laughed out loud. It feels like I've been here for a long time, I barely can recall my old life*

Nick: *After a few min.'s I got out shaking off the water & re-getting my towel drying myself off. I wondered if I could hunt this time for Joe, for once. I know he always does that part & I remain here on the shore, but still I'd like to do something for him. But thing is, would he let me?*

Joe: It depends, would you be beside me or alone? *I answered him*

Nick: *I looked up to see Joe perfectly naked right in front of me, with his hands on his hips. I jumped slightly not expecting him, but then I laughed* Whoa, you scared me there for a sec, you sneak you.

Joe: *I chuckled smiling at him*  Me? What about you, going off without telling me? Who's exactly sneaking hmm?

Nick: *I giggled* Me & you. *I pressed a kiss to his lips, smiling the whole time* Sorry about that, you looked so sweet sleeping, I just thought I'd make it back before you actually woke up.

Joe: *I grinned making his kiss deeper* You're forgiven, but next time tell me please baby?

Nick: *I pulled away breathlessly* I will. I just needed to rinse off you know.

Joe: Mm. That I do, you look refreshed & dazzling this morning, Nick.

Nick: *I blushed pointed at him* So do you, handsome sharky.

Joe: Uh-huh, you betcha your towel there. And speaking of, why's it covering my lovely boy?

Nick: *I titled my head to the side & shrugged cutely* You know the answer to that, cause you're the only 1 who can see me like that.

Joe: *I tugged at his towel* But its just us right now.

Nick: *I bit my lip trying to keep him for exposing me* What about the reef fish?

Joe: *I shook my head* Who cares about them. *Finally I won successfully tossing the towel to the sand* MUCH BETTER.

Nick: *I pushed his chest a bit laughing* Sure it is.

Joe: *I raised my eyebrow* Don't think you're sexy like this?

Nick: *I blushed & shrugged* I'm too white & not as muscular as you are & pretty skinny.

Joe: *I kissed him then so sweetly* You see, I think each of those are beautifully apart of you & make you even sexier for that matter.

Nick: *I laughed & hit his chest lightly* If you say so.

Joe: *I grabbed his face & pressed a hot passionate kiss to his lips* Its the truth, you're so beautiful Nick.

Nick: *I smiled so dazed from his kiss & lips sighing happily* Thank you.

Joe: *I licked my lips* Now then my baby, how'd you like to take a little sea adventure & catch some fish?

Nick: *I pulled away looked at him shockingly* Seriously?

Joe: *I nodded grinning* Definitely, plus I want you with me instead alone. Wht do you say my love?

Nick: *I smiled happily* I say YES!

Joe: *I laughed* Awesome, then lets do it baby. *I grabbed his hand we ran into the water, I of course transforming instantly. Alrighty Nick, just grab my fin & I'll do the rest. And I'll take lots of breaths*

Nick: *I nodded smiling & grabbed his fin. I felt instantly him start moving through the water, it felt so cool as he went faster & faster. Eventually I took a breath & he submerged into the water, I opened my eyes & watched in pure amazement at the coral reefs & how all the fish quickly swam off quickly once they saw Joe. They certainly fear you*

Joe: *Yea, who wouldn't? I'm a shark after all. Plus they know they're on the menu for my dinner & yours. Circle of life & survival of the fittest*

Nick: *But how will you catch anything if they swim away? I won't be a distraction will I? I gasped as he brought me back up to the surface*

Part 2

Joe: *I let him take another deep breath again before answering him & swimming back underneath. Its easy, you'll see baby. But normally I'd just swallow whole, sometimes in which it can get bloody. But I won't do that, now around you or even alone. And as you, you're never ever a distraction, you're a gift from the heavens*

Nick: *Mm-hmm, kay. Smooth talker future king*

Joe: *And don't forget my future husband! Ooh I smell breakfast up ahead, time to catch!*

Nick: *I nodded & held on tighter as his speed increased more & he surfaced real quick for me & then went back under. I saw a school of fish swimming in a circle, then they are started to swim off fast knowing Joe was closing in. But even with their speed, Joe still caught 3 in his mouth. My eyes widened as they struggled to be set free. In which Joe, just sunk his huge teeth into their skin & their lives ended. See brutal, but food none the less* 

Joe: *I mentally nodded. It can be, but you're right its food, plus I know you're hungry as am I. So hang on baby boy, I'm going to kick into high gear!*

Nick: *I held onto his tighter & felt the his speed just triple as he sped through the water faster than I thought possible. From what I was able to see, in with the blurriness of everything passing by just like that, I was able to see the amazing colors of the coral & how clear they were. It was beautiful & untouched by man, it was still pure. It was an assortment of rainbow-tastic colors. It was the just so cool!*

Joe; *Isn't it? Its quite nice living in the sea sometimes when you're just off on your own or with the 1 you love taking it all in. Sec's later we arrived back at the island, I transformed back & winked at Nick* I'm going to get this food started lovely, in the meantime could you-

Nick: *I blushed & laughed* Of course! *I knew by heart that while he did the cooking, I did the readying of getting the proper essentials for eating. I ran off smiling, still in awe of our ocean ride together. At last I'd finally gotten to go with him in the water, now that we're secret free. I gotta note that he's absolutely amazing with the hunting & a speed racer indeed. I love him so much, I giggled & hummed happily continuing with the preparation*

Joe: *I grinned as I felt & heard his thoughts. Me too, baby, me too. I continued to skin the 3 fishes with a knife & then I proceeded to cooking them with the fire. Soon enough, Nick returned to me & I smiled* Perfect timing my love.

Nick: *I laughed & handed him a plate & his fork, along with a cup of water* Mmm! Looks great babe!

Joe: *I grinned continuously* Darn right it does, lets eat!

Nick: *I smiled sitting beside me, always close just because we both loved each other's company & just the warmth of actually being close. We ate together talking lightly, while just also looking out at the water at times. Afterwards we went for another swim, where we both pretty much spent the entire afternoon in the water, but neither of us minded cause we were having so much. He even gave me rides on top of his back, while I held on to his fin, instead of looking a like a whale rider ... I was a shark rider! And when we both just wanted to relax he turned over in the water & told me to climb on top of his belly & bask in the glorious sun. It was quite relaxing & different, but seriously just like heaven. When the night finally came we gazed at stars until I at last fell asleep. The last thing I remembered though was Joe carrying me, as I smiled & cuddled closer into him*

Deadliest Predator Ep 40 Part 1

Joe: *I woke up the next morning bright & early because today was the day swordfish were coming past our island. I was all set ready to hunt, the only thing was that this time I'd have to leave Nick alone. Since that type of fish is a fighter when threatened its not always an easy catch. I would never want Nick to be put in danger like that, so I quickly wrote him a note & kissed his head as he stirred a bit flipping over to his stomach still fast asleep. I smiled & took off to the ocean. Swordfishes here I come!*

Nick: *I slept & slept till I could sleep no longer. I woke up at last stretching & yawning loudly. My eyes adjusted as they focused on a nearby note. I read it, of course it was from Joe. Hmm, so we wants me to stay & be safe, sounds OK to me but still I wish I could go with him. I pouted a bit & stood up going outside to the beach. I looked around, no Joe or anything in sight as per usual. He must be out really far, farther then yesterday anyhow*

???: *Hello there future king's, Nick Jonas*

Nick: *I jumped startled by the voice & looked down in front of me to see a black porpoise there. Um, hi? Who are you?*

???: *I bowed my head & turned to look up at him again. Oh sorry, of course intro's. I cleared my throat. I'm Orlando, Orly for short. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance Nick*

Nick: *I leaned down on my knees smiling. Same here Orly. What brings you here? Is Joe alright? Is his bro's near the island?*

Orly: *Joe's fine, I'm sure believe me. He can handle himself, after all he's a great white & all. And no, its not his bro's. I'm here because of you. See, I too am a prince of my own colony & reign over my own territory. We've all heard the news of your presence & everything, I decided to come & meet you in person so we could talk*

Nick: *That's true, but can you blame me for being worried even though he is what he is. And thank goodness, but I'm sure I won't be able to say that for much longer. Wowsers, you're a prince?! Sorry your highness. And OK, sure, what do you want to talk about?*

Orly: *No its normal to worry, I would too if it was my loved one out there, but he did the right thing keeping you here. Peace will brought back soon, after this war. And yes I am, no need to call me that. Anyhow, what I wanted to talk to you about was about your safety. In my mind I know Joe's strong & everything but against him bro's it does present a lot problems & even more so for you. This island is not the safest place for you. I personally feel its in your best interest to allow me to return you to shore where you'll indeed be safe*

Nick: *Back to land? But Joe? Reese? Neara? I-I just can't leave them*

Orly: *I know its hard to leave your friends & even more your lover, but its indeed a must at this point Nick. How else do you see things going?*

Nick: *I don't know really I don't. But I know this much, that I'm not going to just pick up & leave him to be just like that. And I know he would feel the same if this was in reverse. So no, Orly. I appreciate the concern I do, but I'm staying no matter how dangerous it may be for me or him, because in the end we're in this together*

Orly: *Very admirable, very indeed. Then you & Joe, had made your choice, but that doesn't mean you 2 have to go in this alone. I'll join you both in your fight against his bro's. And from what I hear, others want to join you 2 as well. We all want to restore peace once & for all*

Nick: *I smiled gratefully. Thank you Orly, thats amazing of you & everyone else as well. Joe will be happy to hear the news I'm sure*

Orly: *Excellent! Now thats settled is it alright if I appear in my human form before you?*

Nick: *My eyes widened & I stammered. Sure if you want to*

Orly: *Thank you. And with that I transformed into my human self clothed with some board shorts. You don't have to look away you know, unlike Joe, I have control over my transformations*

Nick: *I turned back to him astounded to see he was telling the truth. I looked at him & blushed* Wow!

Orly: *I scratched the back my head & laughed lightly* What something wrong?

Nick: *I blushed deeper & shook my head* No, nothing sorry.

Orly: *I smiled* Oh yea, thats right I forgot you're gay! And of course you'd check out another man's body just because you've only seen Joe's so far, am I right?

Nick: *I was probably tomato red by now* Um, n-no.

Orly: *I winked* Thats OK, cause I'm bi myself. Its too bad you're taken, else I'd swooped you up & made you mine.

Nick: *I tripped falling back into the sand, embarrassed as can be* W-what?

Orly: *I smiled & helped him up, kissing his cheek* Not to worry, I won't seduce what I can't have, but still I wish I had a shot with you.

Nick: *I looked at him & then its like something came over me, I leaned in to kiss him, but he'd already beat me to it. I felt his lips over mine in less than a sec*

Part 2

Orly: *I climbed on top of him & moved my lips on his. All the talk about Nick had me indeed curious to see what the fuss was all about & mainly get a taste of him* Mmm. *Its much better then I thought it'd be. Its intoxicating, I see now why Joe's drawn to him & more*

Nick: *I knew this was wrong in my mind, but apart me didn't mind. I moaned weakly, wishing Joe would come back* Ohh ...

Orly: *I pulled away for a sec hearing him moan so cutely like he did. It made me grow harder down below. I brought my lips back down soon & went back to kissing him, our tongues colliding together perfectly as his moans grew louder*

Nick: *I felt his hands run through my curls staying there touching & teasingly pulling them at they'd always bounce right back into place. I arched my back high, making my chest press against his* Ughn ....

Orly: *I could easily picture making love to him, but actually I wanted him to pleasure me. I'd flip us over so he'd be on top. I'd put my hands cupping his soft butt cheeks & pull him towards my hard length. We'd carefully slide into each other & we'd both thrust. His hands would rest on my chest for support as he moved & I'd guide his small & luscious hips. He'd continue to rock me, ride me, kiss me, touch me, lick me, pleasure me, & more. And soon I'd shoot my load into him & make him scream & beg for more. Then it would be my turn to ride him & do it all over again*

Joe: *Suddenly I felt Nick's voice in my mind, he was moaning & he was also calling my name. I smiled at 1st thinking he was pleasuring himself without me, but then my nose began to pick up something ... another presence there with Nick ... & male. My whole body tightened right then & I took the swordfishes I'd killed & swam off faster that a bullet. In a matter of sec.'s I was there back & transformed only to see the most shocking sight ever* Nick?! ORLY?!

Nick: *I stopped moaning then & opened my eyes scared & saw Joe before us* Joe!

Orly: *I stopped kissing Nick's neck & touching up & down his body & looked up smirking* Well well, if it isn't the future king himself. Back so soon?

Joe: *I felt myself growing with menacing anger. My eyes grew dark & my jaw tight & my fists clenched* Why the HELL are you here? *I was trying to speak calmly, but in the end it came out murderous* And what do YOU think you're doing with him?

Orly: *I shrugged & stood up to his level* Just meeting Nick, thats all. No need to lose your temper. It was just some kissing & touching, no big deal mate.

Joe: *My eyes burned with darkness* Touch him ever again or anything, I swear you're be DEAD.

Orly: *I smiled wickedly* Is that a threat?

Joe: *I grasped his throat tightly not showing any mercy*

Orly: *I gasped a bit & smiled* Guess so. OK, OK I get your warning Joe. Nick is off limits, noted. Now couldja let me go?

Joe: *I squeezed tighter* Give me 1 good reason why I should.

Orly: *I gasped for air, struggling* I. Can't . Breathe! Let. Go!

Joe: *I smirked & didn't let go* So?

Nick: *I stared the whole time terrified. I knew Joe could be angry, but I'd never have expected this. He's full on scaring me, but even so I had to do something* Joe ... STOP! *I screamed*

Joe: *Suddenly my eyes found Nick's & my heart split in 2 at what I saw. He was crying & he was scared to death. I released Orly then & tried to go over to Nick, leaning down to comfort him but he moved away from me* Nick? .... *I felt everything he'd been feeling, everything I didn't hear before, but now I could feel so clearly. I felt ashamed* I'm so sorry Nick, please ....

Nick: *I shook my head, tears still running & ran from him to Orly's side* A-are you alright?

Orly: *During their little moment or whatever, I'd been gasping for air breathing in & out till I was back to breathing normally* Fine, Nick. *I coughed* Nothing to worry about.

Nick: *I stared at him* I-I'm so sorry ...

Orly: *I looked up at him & smiled patting his back friendly* Don't be, I'm fine. Guess I should've backed off sooner, but looks like my own desires got the best of me. However, I do envy you Joe. *I looked at him who was just staring at us* Nick's a gem, you 2 definitely belong together.

Nick: *I looked at him puzzled* If you think that, then why'd you kiss me?

Orly: *I grinned* Well how could I not want to, there's something about you. I just easily lost it & wanted to taste & touch *I heard Joe growl then* But its not just me, cause you wanted the same thing.

Nick: *I blushed & leaned away from him a little bit* W-what do you mean Orly?

Orly: I mean that, you wanted me to kiss you. You put up absolutely no fight at all when I did what I did. In fact, you moaned in perfect pleasure as did I.

Nick: *I blushed deeper looking down* Its true, it felt .... good, but then all I wanted was for Joe to come back. I love Joe. *I looked at him seeing his eyes looking straight into mine*

Part 3

Joe: *I could feel his love for me hadn't changed or outgrown, in fact it felt stronger then it did before. I nodded, to him, but I felt he was still upset with me & didn't want me to touch him just yet*

Orly: *I looked back & forth between them* There you see, you 2 are in love. Congrats you 2, you pasted my little test. *I clapped my hands together*

Nick: *I looked Orly* Test?

Orly: *I shrugged & smiled* Well, sort of see I had every of intention of meeting & just talking to you Nick, just inspecting things & then like I said just got so wrapped up in you. *I hugged him then even though Joe had growled again* You're special Nick Jonas.

Nick: *I blushed & slowly wrapped my arms around him sinking into his warmth & for a moment feeling a bit calmer & less crybaby-ish* T-thank you. *I murmured softly*

Orly: *I let go & rubbed his back soothingly* Don't mention it, its true. Anyways, I'm sure you must be hungry by now, the both of you. Swordfish, mmmm! Quite the catch there Joe.

Nick: *That reminded me of what Joe had dropped instantly when he 1st saw us* Yea, kinda am. *I looked at the dead fishes & then back at Orly* Would you like to stay & join us?

Joe: *Once he said that it was both shocking & not shocking at the same time*

Orly: *I looked at Nick surprised* Really? You want me to join you 2?

Nick: *I nodded smiling* You're a friend Orly & its not everyday that I meet a porpoise.

Orly: *I chuckled* Well then, its not everyday I meet a cute boy like yourself, I'd love to stay.

Nick: *I giggled shyly* Great, then come with me & we'll all eat. *I gestured for him to follow*

Orly: *I grinned & followed* Sounds like a plan!

Joe: *I watched them both. I still do not trust him, Nick*

Nick: *As I led the way, I heard Joe's thoughts. Well, then start to Joe, he's our guest*

Joe: *I don't want to argue Nick, but I just don't like this fellow after what he just did to you*

Nick: *I sighed. Neither do I, but right now I feel like I need someone besides you here right now. Even though we kissed, it doesn't mean anything*

Joe: *Except you liked it & maybe didn't want it to stop. You like him its obvious*

Nick: *So what if I did? Maybe I'm entitled to like others besides you Joe*

Joe: *What are you saying?*

Nick: *I'm saying that if you can't believe what's in my heart then maybe its good that this happened*

Joe: *You don't mean that Nick, he's brainwashing you to fall for him. He's a damn porpoise!*

Nick: *Don't I? How would you know, you're too busy over there being jealous & trying to kill people! And so what GREAT WHITE!*

Joe: *My whole body stiffened. I though you'd accepted what I was*

Nick: *I do, but I didn't at 1st. And with your behavior back there, it just makes me feel scared to be with you even though I'm completely in love with you. Do you know, Orly tried to convince me to go away & leave you in the midst of battle? And for what? To sit safely on land & be worried to death over what's happening, if you're OK or not? Well, d****t Joe I couldn't leave! I didn't want to, no matter what I'm staying with you because your my best friend, my everything!*

Joe: *I know, Nick. I know that & feel it. And I'm sorry, so sorry for earlier. I hope in time you'll forgive me*

Nick: *I already have. Don't be jealous, please. I'm not in love with Orly & any feelings I have for him are just now the friendly kind*

Joe: *I love you Nick so much. And I'll try not to be, I trust you. Its him I'm concerned about*

Nick: *And I love you Joe so much. It'll be alright. Is the fish ready now?*

Joe: *Yes, come & get it!*

Nick: *I laughed* Joe says the fish is ready for us, lets go back!

Orly: *After I'd gathered our dinnerware sort of speak, I smiled & nodded once again following Nick back* Mmm, looks & smells delish!

Joe: *I served Nick & Orly each their own servings & then myself & we all sat in the sand eating*

Orly: *We then talked for awhile the 3 of us & I learned more about the both of them. Nick eventually sung a song or 2 & so did Joe on his own, & then they did a lot of songs together. It was pretty cool & both of them were excellent singers, especially Nick. The day went on with us just relaxing & chilling in the water. As night came, we all said our byes for now & I swam off back to my home*

Nick: *After cleaning up a bit, I just stared up at the sky*

Joe: *I stood behind him but didn't hug him* Different kind of day today.

Nick: *I turned around & smiled* Yea it was.

Joe: *I just nodded* So ...

Nick: *I hugged him then & kissed his lips* Lets go to bed babe.

Joe: *My grin came back & kissed him softly nodding & following him happily*

Deadliest Predator Ep 41

Joe: *The next morning I woke with a startle, something was different. I felt it. Something was wrong. I carefully pulled away from Nick's side leaving him to sleep as I wandered out to the shore. I saw the sky had turned grey & clouds covered all over. There was also a thick layer of fog rolling in making it harder to see for humans, except for I & the other creatures. I smelled the air, it was damp & cold. They're coming. Today of all days was it. My 8 bro's were on their way. Reese! Neara!*

Reese: *I submerged up & nodded. Yes, I feel it too. They're near*

Neara: *I flapped fast & landed beside Joe on land. They're closing in & have a serious army, looks like they've definitely declared war here*

Orly: *I appeared then with Joe & the other 2. No matter, cause we have an army too. We're ready when you are Joe*

Joe: *I nodded & breathed deeply. This was it, the final battle between them & all of us. Good, I'll transform now & give you all the signal when to charge*

Reese: *We're-*

Neara: *with-*

Orly: *you*

Joe: *Thank you all. Neara you stay on land & warn Nick when he wakes up. We must not let them step foot on the island*

Neara: *On it my liege*

Reese: *Don't worry, we will not let them pass*

Orly: *Because if its war they want, then its war they'll get!*

Joe: *Everyone to the water! With that I transformed, Orly, Reese & the rest of our comrades joined our side awaiting my signal*

Nick: *I felt a chill in the air then & I sat up fast to see Neara in front of me* Neara?

Neara: *I nodded. Its time Nick, they're coming. Joe & his army are already out in the water. I'm here to protect you on land, but we must stay here*

Nick: *I bit my lip & my heart beat increased* But-

Neara: *No buts my dear, thats an order from your lover*

Nick: *I closed my eyes tight & breathed slowly*

Neara: *I went to comfort him. Don't be scared Nick, I'm here & everything WILL be alright*

Nick: *I nodded & hugged her wiping my small tears away*

J: *Steady men, we're almost to Joe's precious island. You all know the plan, take out any & everything in sight, show no mercy or compassion! And once we find the human brothers, let us join together & have some fun! Are you with me?!*

P: *We all responded together in unison. YES BROTHER!*

J: *Alright! Now we'll remember this as the day that our gay brother will be brought down from his throne & take the thing he cares for most ... this human whom he chooses over us! Let us go faster & faster, do not slow for this is war! Soon enough we came face to face with Joe & his so-called band of comrades. Hello brother! Long time no see!*

Joe: *I frowned & growled. Johnny*

Johnny: *Thats right brother! I'm the oldest of all you & I've assembled everyone today to once & for all rid you of our ocean & take by force the thing you protected & hid from our last meeting. Isn't that right Mario?*

Mario: *That you are Johnny, but no matter because we have more fins on our side this time Joe! You don't stand a chance*

Sam: *Best be begging for surrender brother*

Aston: *Else its lights out for all you right now!*

Chris: *What's it going to be then Joe?*

Jake: *Continue to fight?*

Edward (Ed): *Or surrender peacefully*

Joe: *Brothers, I do not wish to fight any of you, but you give me no choice in the end. I can not allow you to go near my island*

Sam: *Heh! You hear that boys?! He DOESN'T want to fight us! He's too chicken SH-T! to even take all of us on!*

Aston: *Cut the crap Joe, you want to fight, you just don't know it!*

Chris: *He's protecting a weak pathetic human & for what to have sex? To kiss & all that love nonsense?!*

Mario: *Yea, a boy who we've all heard his little secret!*

Jake: *Not even a boy a little girl whom of which we'll happily take turns exploring him, won't we boys?*

Paul: *Indeed & in the end kill him after we're fully pleasured*

Johnny: *Now, tell me Joe how does that sound?*

Edward: *This time I didn't say anything else, but a stupid yeah*

Joe: *You will not harm him or get near him for that matter. Step down all of you!*

Johnny: *Or what bogus king, you'll show us no mercy? Well, we're all hoping so! Charge now brothers, kill him! KILL THEM ALL!*

Joe: *At that time they all rammed us all & my side charged as well back hitting each other as hard as we could. I focused on Johnny & used my teeth to try & tear his skin*

Johnny: *I smirked & sliced him with my sharp tail across his back. COME ON!*

Joe: *I retaliated & bit into his flesh hard*

Johnny: *We fought brutally & hard. THAT ALL YOU GOT JOE?!*

Deadliest Predator Ep 42

Joe: *Our battle raged on, neither of us slowed or broke down. We were great whites after all & deadly at that. It was chaos, every 1 of my bro's had tried to ram me together as a unit, but Johnny had insisted that he would be the 1 to finish me off & kill me ultimately*

Paul: *I battled along with Joe's protector friend Reese back & forth. Here ray ray, I smell you! Come out where ever you are doll!*

Reese: *I hid a bit weak from being bitten hard by Paul, but no matter what I wasn't going out from this fight. Not yet, there's still energy left in me & I will use it all. I charged at the big brute & stung him with all my might laying out the pain for him. Don't ever call me doll*

Jake: *I laughed as I was sparring against Orly. I'll swear I'm going to have the satisfactory of ripping YOU to shreds*

Orly: *I smirked. NOT if I do it to you 1st!*

Sam: *I unleashed maximum speed against Orly's weakling excuse for an army easily*

Aston: *Meanwhile I took out the other manta rays of Reese's & wickedly chuckling at they're attempts to sting me*

Chris: *I had the absolute pleasure of kicking the dolphins asses to the point of easy victory they had no chance from the beginning*

Mario: *And I swiftly took care of any other measly lesser sharks that actually thought they stood a chance against a great white*

Edward: *While everyone else was busy fighting, I'd managed to slip & get past Joe's defenses easily. In no time at all, I made it to the island transforming & smelling the human much more stronger now. Johnny! I called. I'm here, breakthrough!*

Johnny: *I heard my younger brother & finally sent Joe into the depths trapping him with big & heavy rocks. FINALLY! I REIGN SUPREME! FAREWELL KING! With that I laughed evilly & swam off calling the rest of the guys to my side. We together made it past all other interventions & transformed together* Mmmm! I call smell HIM now! Go on brothers, seize the boy & the pelican thats protecting him!

Neara: *My senses picked up their presence. NO*

Nick: *I began to tremble like crazy* N-n-neara?

Neara: *Stay here Nick, HIDE! And be quiet!*

Nick: *I shakily did as she told me, but I knew it wouldn't help. Neara, don't go out there alone! Wait!*

Neara: *Sorry Nick, this is the way they want to play it, then this is the way it'll have to be! With that I stepped out in front of the cave entrance blocking their way in. So, you've all managed to get past everyone hmm? Well you won't with me!*

Johnny: *We all eyed the pelican amusingly* Well lookey here boys, its Neara to the rescue! Whatcha gonna do, throw a rock at me?!

Neara: *Stay away all of you! I'm warning you, I'm armed & dangerous fellas, YOU DO NOT wanna tangle with me!*

Johnny: *We all smirked* That so girly? Looks like I was wrong guys, this chicks so scary! Guess we all better run for it before we get blown to bits! *We all shot out in laugher*

Neara: *Laugh all you want, that doesn't change the fact that you're in the danger zone fellas cause I'mma whoop all your asses!*

Johnny: Ah! Spunky little chicka aren't you? Whatcha packing? Heat, guns, explosives? Whatever, fellas I believe we're all very much starved, am I right? Looks like to me DINNER is served! *Suddenly something was thrown at my head causing all of us to turn & look & see in the sky an army of pelicans* OMG! Its the attack of the flying birds with the BIG peaks, what ever shall we do boys?

???: *You leave her & the boy alone!*

Johnny: *I grinned wickedly* Oh? And who might you be sir?

???: *I'm Nalan, Neara's boyfriend! Now leave!*

Johnny: Well NALAN, request denied. Boys get em & leave no body alive, while I take care of Miss Tough A*s! *My bro's all hungrily sought to catch the birds as I grabbed Neara's throat swiftly* Any last words girly? *I breathed wickedly*

Nalan: *My eyes widened & I went in diving smack hitting his neck & biting it as hard as I could causing him to release Neara & scream out loud*

Johnny: *I hit the ground for a min & then got up smirking menacingly* OH! Thats IT! You & your girlfriend are DEAD MEAT! 

Deadliest Predator Ep 43

Nalan: *I went to Neara's side quickly. Are you alright?*

Neara: *I weakly nodded. Yes. Oh, Nalan you didn't have to-*

Nalan: *I smiled & shushed her. I did, cause your the girl I love! I'm just sorry I didn't say it sooner & come to your aide quicker*

Neara: *Oh, Nalan I love you too*

Johnny: *Right then & there I shot just barely missing Nalan's wings* Good! Then you''ll both die in LOVE together!

Neara: *I closed my eyes & cuddled into Nalan*

Nalan: *I shielded her protecting her*

???: STOP!

Johnny: *Just as I was about to shoot them both with a gun I'd gotten along the way, I stopped & so did my bro's who had scared off the rest of the pelicans. We all  gathered around the boy drinking in his smell* Well now, its you. Bout time you showed yourself. We've been waiting! *We all laughed evilly* So, what's your name boy?

???: *I stood there staring at them wishing my beloved would save me once again*

Johnny: *I clicked the gun* Speak up, else I'd be happy to shoot you & your flying friends. Now what it is?

???: *I bit my lip* Nick Jonas.

Edward: *We all kind of ooo'd & aww'd, but it was me who spoke up 1st* Your last name is Jonas?

Nick: *I looked at the other guy who seemed to be the youngest next to Joe* Yes.

Edward: *I only nodded* Strange. Do you think he's related to Joe?

Johnny: *I rolled my eyes* Oh excuse me Eddie get real?! He's a human, of course he's not related to Joe. God you stupid excuse for a brother! *I slapped his head*

Edward: *I grimaced & nodded*

Johnny: Anyone else think he's related to us or Joe? *Everyone including Ed shook their heads* Good! Now back to business then, name's Johnny Depp. Brothers don't be shy introduced yourselves to Nick.

Paul: *I grinned stepping out next* I'm Paul Walker.

Mario: *I chuckled & unfolded my arms* Mario, Lopez.

Sam: *I laughed* Friends call me Sam Worthington.

Aston: *I jumped in* Aston Kutcher.

Chris: *I shrugged sexily* Chris Pine.

Jake: *I winked* Jake Gyllenhaal.

Edward: *All eyes went on me & I sighed waving like an idiot* Ed Speelers.

Part 2

Johnny: There you see! Now you all know us & our youngest brother I'm sure, Joe Jonas.  Now Nick, this is how things are going to work. As you can see we've won our war/fight/battle or whatever you want to call it, so we're all in control. 1st off, birds beat it & make yourselves scarce before we're tempted to changed our minds. *They both waddled off in retreat leaving the 9 of us to be* Excellent! Now back to you Nick, each of us will have our own turn with you & if you should refuse we then I'm afraid you'll be forced & killed sooner than you think. Though, if by some reason we fancy you, we may choose to keep you as ours. Sound fair? *I didn't wait for response* Good, then who'd like to go 1st? *No one dared to step forth so I did because they all knew I was 1st in line for this exact moment* While the fellas watch *I went closer to Nick while the guys snickered* we'll have some fun.

Nick: *I looked frightened, but tried not to show it as he came closer*

Johnny; *I eyed him slowly looking at him very sexily* Mmm. *I then fiercely put my hands on his shorts & pulled them down all the way throwing them off* Well! Thats something you don't see everyday?! Right guys?

Aston: *All our eyes widened as we all burst out laughing* Ooh this is sweet!

Jake: *I covered my mouth trying to stop my laughter* Jesus Christ!

Sam: *I smirked* He's quite the beauty!

Paul: *I grinned* Sexy as hell!

Chris: *I licked my lips slowly* I'll say so!

Mario: *I whooped* Whooo, thats unreal!

Edward: *I just stared actually shocked saying quietly* Whoa!

Johnny: *I smiled very pleased* Whoa indeed brothers. Looks like things have changed Nick. You're obviously able to please more than 1 at a time, so who'd like to join me for a 3some after my turn? *All hands went up even Eddie's. I laughed loudly* See Nick, already got a fan base! *I grabbed his hard & he let out a sound that went through my ears* Quiet! *I yelled & every1 froze* You! Can you actually sing?

Nick: *I bit my lip again & nodded speaking softly* Yea.

Johnny: *My eyebrows raised* Even more to offer all of us, my oh my Nick! What else can you do?

Nick: Just write songs & play any instrument.

Johnny: *I clapped my hands together & the rest of the guys broke out into applause for him* Man, a singer & performer! We've officially lucked out on our catch guys! This is fabulous news, OK Eddie you'll be joining our 3some, but 1st Nick entertain us with any song you've written. Go on! *I shoved him back to the middle of the our trapping circle, all of watching every move of his*

Nick: *I didn't want to sing, but what other choice did I have right now then to do what they wanted for now, so I started singing a song of mine. I mostly closed my eyes refusing to look at any of them when I sang my songs of love that were for Joe. Inside I prayed I'd be rescued by my strong hero*

Johnny: *We all listened in silence as he sang a love song obviously dedicated for our younger brother. Got to admit the boy had talent & the pipes*

Edward: *He was very fascinating to watch & to listen to, his voice alone was the most beautiful vocals we all ever heard*

Johnny: *When he finished his 1st song, we clapped & cheered, some of us breaking out in whistles* Very, very beautiful Nick. You're proved yourself to be amazingly awesome. Please go on!

Deadliest Predator Ep 44

Nick: *I continued singing yet another song that Joe I originally sang together as 1*

Johnny: *His voice was almost that of a siren but that of a boy, it actually sent chills down me for once instead of them being forced into our usual prey. It was most interesting to me. For a light sec, I felt like I wanted to actually kiss him. I shook my head fast & snarled softly. Why on earth would I even think that! Pah, as if I would EVER do that especially to this human! So what about his talents?! I'm sure there's even more talented out there!* Thats it! Stop now!

Nick: *I stopped short of finishing the song, shuddering at his tone*

Johnny: *I went up directly to his face* Open your DAMN eyes!

Nick: *Once again it was against what I wanted, but no choice but to obey so I did, but as I opened them I saw his eyes filled with strong darkness, anger & evil. I feared for what would come next*

Johnny: *I grabbed his arm tightly not caring for his whimper or eyes starting to tear* Enough of your singing, its time to hear you scream! *I roughly threw him down on the ground & got on top of him pinning his arms hard above his head & laying all my weight on him. He at 1st struggled weakly, while I just laughed & roared* Time to take a RIDE!

Nick: *Tears were overflowing when I felt him slam into my opening. It hurt so much, the pain was worse than ever. Still he didn't care & continued to thrust faster & faster. He groaned in pleasure, while I cried in pain*

Johnny: *I moved in & out harder really riding him* OH FELLAS HE'S SO FRIGGIN' TIGHT! OH!

Nick: *I was beginning to moan even though I tried my hardest not to, biting my lip but I knew if I bit it hard enough they'd smell the blood & be all over me. The faster he went though would eventually cause me to bleed if he didn't stop*

Johnny: *I heard the guys laugh & clap. I knew each of them was enjoying sight* Scream out NICK!

Nick: *I did my best to hold in my voice, but it was just no use. He was making my body surrender in pain* JOE HELP ME!

Johnny: *I thrusted so much our hips slammed together so roughly, it felt so GOOD* Merda! SCREAM MY NAME NICK, NOT YOUR EX-LOVER WHOM OF WHICH IS DEAD!

Nick: *I cried harder & shook my head*

Johnny: *I let go over his arms & grabbed his throat* YOU. WILL. SCREAM. MY. NAME!

Nick: *I gasped chocking in the process*

Johnny: *I went even faster* SAY IT!

Nick: *I screamed against my will* JOHNNY!

Johnny: *I smirked & rode him double time* THATS IT! AGAIN! AGAIN!

Nick: *I cried out loud & screamed again* UGH! JOHNNY! UGH, OH JOHNNY!

Johnny: *With that I shot my load into him & breathed deeply* OH HELL YES! *I was sweaty & on fire inside & out* DAMN that was SO GOOD! Eddie get over & take a ride! Go in from behind & I'll stay in the front! I'll lean us up! *I did just that waiting for Eddie to come over*

Edward: *I hadn't expected him to chose me for the 3some, but I walked towards them never the less. I hesitatingly kneeled behind Nick's backside & looked at my brother*

Johnny: *I smirked* Go on now! Even you'll enjoy this! I bet you'll even be the 1st to drive right into his a*s, am I right Nick? *I made him look at me, while he bit his lip knowing I was indeed 100% right* See gents? His a*s is that of a virgins! Eddie that makes you a VERY lucky individual! Now slide yourself in!

Edward: *I nodded solemnly & entered him ignoring his cries & screams of pain* UGHNN! *My mouth opened & my eyes widened*

Johnny: *I grinned* Thatta baby brother! You 1st sex-mate! And you hear that guys?! He's already moaning & getting the boy to scream! Let me add to that! *I slid back into Nick's front, earning another scream & moan* WHOO! Lets RIDE, OH YEAH!

Edward: *While Johnny thrusted in the front, I began to thrust as well* OMG!!!

Johnny: *I groaned too* YEAH! Thats RIGHT, he's SO TIGHT! HE'S FEELS GREAT!

Edward: *I moved faster the pleasure taking over me faster & faster. I felt myself harden even more. He does feel so great, in fact past that, really great. I can feel him tightening against me & its causing me to become so gosh darn horny*

Nick: *It hurt so much, both sides. My tears never stopped, neither did my screaming or crying out loud*


Edward: *I picked up serious speed & even was drawn to bite the back of his neck that sent another sensation rippling through my body* OOHHH!

Johnny: *We both thrusted into him like crazy groaning out of control, but who the hell cared, it felt SO VERY GOOD! I WANTED MORE!*

Edward: *I finally came & grunted in the process breathing very heavily* DAMN!

Johnny: *I then came too* OH heck YEAH! WHOOO! *I too breathed heavily* WHO WANTS NEXT?!

Deadliest Predator Ep 45

Johnny: *Every1 raised their hands up enthusiastically pushing & fighting over who had dibs next. I laughed & clapped* Thats what I love to hear! Now let me see, who should have this highest honor of having the BEST sex ever with this boy? *I eyed them & my fingers pointed to the winning 2some* Mario & Jake, take it away guys! Eddie! Pull yourself out d****t & let them have their turn! *I growled at him*

Edward: *I came back down from the highs I felt & nodded fast pulling out & falling back in the circle once again standing to watch the event*

Johnny: *I joined the circle & watched delightfully as my chosen pair deliciously argued over who got the front & back. Eventually they freakin' wasted too much precious time & I thundered* SETTLE THIS WITH A DAMN COIN FELLAS COME ON, WE STILL HAVE 4 OTHERS TO GO!

Mario: *I smirked & called it 1st* Heads!

Jake: *I scoffed* DARN TAILS then!

Johnny: *I laughed evilly enjoying their battle watching intently who'd win*

Mario: *I tossed the coin up high & it came back down landed on the white sand* HEADS LOSER! You can go back to the well BACK! *I laughed*

Jake: *I spat at him* A*****E!

Mario: *I shrugged & grinned* Um, thats where YOU'RE headed!

Jake: *I gave him the finger & cursed at him in our language*

Johnny: *I broke in then* SHUT UP & GET TO IT!

Mario: *I nodded smiling* You heard him, Jake! Lets do this brother! *With that we simultaneously slid in & moved to the brink of breaking him in 2*

Jake: *Once we were finished to our satisfaction, we both pulled out & high-5ed each other cheering* WHOO-HOO, THAT WAS SICK!

Mario: *I licked my lips fast* AND SEXY!

Johnny: *I patted their backs hard & laughed* Kay, who should I pick next? *My eyes found my answer* Sam & Aston! You're up! Have fun! *I winked*

Sam: *I smiled & instantly claimed the front of Nick*

Aston: *I too smiled & went to the back* Ready when you are Sammy!

Sam: *I nodded & slammed into him* WHOA!

Aston: *I did the same & my jaw dropped all the way* HOLY SHOOT!

Sam: *I moved swiftly groaning on & on* HOT DAMN!

Aston: *I closed my eyes tight, loving this immensely* OHHH YEAHHHH!

Nick: *With every thrust I got weaker, tired, & almost to the point of not alive, not that any of them cared. They just continued to do whatever they wanted*

Sam: *After Aston & I finished off, we whooped & chest bummed each other* BEST INDEED!

Aston: *I smiled & nodded* YOU SAID IT BROTHER, WHOO!

Johnny: *I grinned wickedly* Good show men! Alrighty then, our last 2some, our very own 2 COMPETITIVE virgo brothers .... Paul & Chris! Enjoy!

Paul: *I nodded & cracked my fingers* Ready for this CHRIS?

Chris: *I smirked grinning big* Only if you are PAUL!

Paul: *I laughed* Lets lets get to the boy!

Chris: *I gestured mockingly* Choose your entrance then!

Paul: *My eyebrow raised* Front of course!

Chris: *I bit my tongue & grinned* Sexy back it is!

Nick: *I closed my eyes shuddering with the last of my strength I had left. Hopefully this was the very last pair & they'd leave me alone. Oh Joe ... where are YOU?*

Paul: *I did what no one else. I kissed his lips shocking every1 & then pulled away seeing him actually open his eyes for the 1st time since we started* WHAT? No one said I couldn't be DIFFERENT from the rest!

Johnny: *We all looked at each other & laughed* Whatever PAULY, do as you wish!

Nick: *His kiss was unexpected, it definitely shocked me too among them*

Paul: *I gripped his chin & slid into him moving slowly for my opening bit* You're a strange type of angel Nick.

Chris *I scoffed at them both & slid carefully into Nick's backside* Never mind that guy Nick! *I tried to get his attention* I'll make you feel better then HIM!

Paul: *I grinned & winked* I think TRY is the key word here!

Chris: *I mouthed* FORGET YOU!

Paul: *I rolled my eyes & once again pressed my lips to Nick's making our kiss deeper, my tongue finding his naturally*

Chris: *I pried his lips of Nicks & tried to twist Nick's head to look at mine & then I pressed a super wet & passionate kiss to his lips* Mmmmm!

Nick: *My eyes widened again as his lips were on mine & his tongue was forcing its way to mine*

Paul: *I watched interestingly as Chris too had closed his eyes kissing Nick, just like I did*

Chris: *I pulled away grinning fiercely huffing a bit*

Paul: *I patted his shoulder hard* Nice kiss lover boy, but shouldn't we get to actually thrusting this delightful boy?

Chris: *I moved my lips hungrily* An excellent suggestion, lets THRUST!

Paul: *We began to thrust but not as hard as the others had, knowing that whatever strength Nick had left would cause him to collapse & what FUN would that be? None at all!*

Chris: *After doing our slow riding & coming we pulled out taking our turns to give the sweet little honey a kiss before we both went back the circle awaiting our final commands from Johnny*

Deadliest Predator Ep 46 Part 1

Johnny: *I clapped my hands taking the center where Nick still laid & looked at them all* Excellent all of YOU! Now then brothers, now that we all reign supreme, we'll let Nick live, he'll be our sex slave. He'll reside here permanently & each of us will take turns making sure that rule is strongly enforced. For now I say we feast in our victory! What say you?!

Jake: *We all nodded in agreement* Let us go then!

Johnny: *I grinned* Then who'd like to stay behind & watch over Nick?

Edward: *I bravely stepped forward* I will.

Johnny: *I looked at him* Very well, you will stay. The rest of us back to the water! 

Joe: *Meanwhile in the deep in the dark abyss is where I was crushed with the heaviest of rocks & unable to break free, but still I was alive but barely. I tried with all my might to call for help, but no none sounded back. This couldn't be, it couldn't just end like this. I screamed loudly letting my voice travel across the water. I refused to give in & give up, no matter what I made a promise & I wasn't about to break it now! Nick needs me & I NEED him. Suddenly there was a flash & Reese appeared in front of me, but in a form I wasn't sure of. Reese?*

Reese: *I nodded shining. It is me. Joe, you love Nick right?*

Joe: *I felt my heart beat wildly. Yes I do, forever more I do*

Reese: *I smiled. Then use your power & let it fuel you breakthrough your chains & access what you know in your heart you can do. You are UNLIMITED! Now go for it Joe!*

Joe: *I nodded & closed my eyes. She was so right, about everything. I thought of Nick & our love & suddenly it felt like my body could do anything. I used it breaking through the rocks easily. I began to glow to & felt my body reviving from the inside out. I smiled & Reese appeared back to normal*

Reese: *Good work, now use your power to revive every1 back like me & lets win this war once & for all & save Nick!*

Joe: *I nodded & concentrated using my newfound power to do as she had said. In no time at all, every1 was back beside me in our fight. Friends let us FINISH THIS! I called all over, my voice vibrating. They all nodded & followed me to the island. Once there I transformed & stood face to face with Johnny & the guys watching their faces drop from victorious smiles to POed snarls* Think you'd gotten rid of me that easily? You're sadly mistaken! *I didn't wait for any of them to respond. I gathered all my light energy & blasted them all with it, send waves & waves of that very light into their cold heart & souls*

Joe: *The sky filled with ever-flowing light till in a flash it was gone & each of them were fallen on the sand. I then binded them invisibly trapping them, so that when they'd awaken they won't be able to move or leave for that matter. Every1 I've captured them, spread the word. We've won! From there I heard the cries of happy cheers from all over. I then ran to Nick who was a ghostly white unconscious & had bruises from sex over his body. The sun came out then & shined brightly especially upon Nick. I cradled his body in my arms & my tears spilled crying my heart out* Oh, N-n-nick .... I'm s-s-so sorry. I should have b-been here w-with you. I-I-I'm so s-sory baby. *I kissed his lips with all my love & used my light energy to revive him as I did with the others. I used everything I had & prayed with all my might concentrating*

Joe: *By that time, Reese, Orly & every1 from the water was watching from the sea with their heads above the water anxiously waiting for Nick to wake up. Neara & Nalan were back to the island as well watching from the sky flapping with all the other pelicans. When at last I pulled away from the kiss, I just bit my lip & waited worriedly praying that this would do it. It felt like a long time passed then as we waited. The sun was shining ever brighter now. The fog & grey clouds all had gone away. The water sparkled brilliantly for miles. But that didn't matter. Nick still hadn't woken up. Not a breath or a single movement came from him. I tried my best not to break into tears, though my heart was already breaking piece by piece. No one moved or said anything, but they all could feel what I was feeling. I then stood up & screamed out loud* WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!!!

Joe: *Every1 jumped when I screamed, but no one answered me. My knees buckled right to the ground I cried the hardest I'd ever cried in my life. Nothing but sorrow took hold of me. I felt cold, numb. Everything I did, I did to protect Nick. And now .... I've failed* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Part 2

Joe: *I stayed there sobbing & crying non-stop. How could this be? How could I've failed him? It wasn't supposed to end like this. I made a promise* I MADE A PROMISE TO NICK!!! *I screamed out loud, then felt a single hand upon my shoulder. I didn't look up or move* LET ME BE! *I screamed at whoever was touching me*

Reese: *Our eyes widened & every1 nodded smiling together repeating the words over & over again to Joe loudly* TURN AROUND JOE!

Joe: *I stopped & froze. I slowly turned myself around to face the person & gasped as my heart beat returned & endless tears spilled down my face overflowing like waterfalls* NICK! *He smiled was glowing brightly like Reese & I had been* NICK?!

Nick: *I smiled* Thank you Joe for rescuing me, from the very beginning to now.

Joe: *I stood up & tried to hug him, but I went right through him instead* NICK?

Nick: *I tried to touch his face & closed my eyes*

Joe: *I couldn't feel his touch & I'd just went through him like a ghost* Nick, w-what's going o-on?

Nick: *I spoke slowly* I'm not sure Joe. All I know is that I love you truly, till the end of time & more.

Joe: *I cried hard* Nick?! Please come back to me! PLEASE! I-I-I NEED YOU!

Nick: *I felt his sadness & it became my own* I want to. I need you too. I don't want to lose you.

Joe: *I spoke softly my voice already starting to fail me* Why is this happening? What'd I do wrong? Isn't there any way to SAVE you Nick?

Nick: *I sighed sadly* I wish I knew. Please don't blame yourself Joe, please. Its not your fault. You did everything you could to protect me. You saved me, even went we 1st met. You saved me. I'll always be thankful for you, my love.

Joe: *I spoke hoarsely* There must be something I can do to bring you back Nick. I do not want to live my life without you. I can not do it. And if I have to join you as an angel or whatever it is you are, then so be it.

Nick: *I shook my head* Believe Joe. Do not ever give up. Stay alive & we'll be together again. Kiss me Joe.

Joe: *I looked at him, my throat burning from losing my voice & I tried to kiss him but still I couldn't feel him, but still I tried*

Nick: *I closed my eyes & tried to concentrate on feeling him again, remembering every single kiss, touch, everything*

Joe: *When at last I pulled away our eyes opened at the same time & we stared for the longest time not saying anything. Even my breath seemed too soft to hear*

Nick: *I don't want to be like this either Joe. Please stop thinking its your fault because its not. You did everything you could possibly do & more. I'm so proud of you. You did your absolute best Joe. Thanks to your light energy, you & every1 came together & defeated your brothers. Now when they wake up, they'll be different. You saved us all Joe*

Joe: *It is my fault Nick. I didn't do enough. I failed you. How can you even feel this way about me in your state right now? I saved ever1 but the person I care & love for most in this whole world* 

Nick: *You did beautifully Joe. You never failed me, not once. There is no one to blame. Do not let negativity sink into your heart & soul Joe. I feel all this & my love for you, it will never change. You saved me & tried to revive me, I felt it. How else could I be here now, if not for you?*

Joe: *I sighed heavily. I want to believe & have faith Nick, I do. But I just can't see how right now. This doesn't make sense to me. I just want your back because I love you so much. You're my soul mate. I wish you were really here right now*

Nick: *Take a breath my love & sing with me our duet we sang together*

Joe: *I do not think I could sing, not now*

Nick: *Please try*

Joe: *But Nick*

Nick: *Please*

Part 3

Joe: *I nodded & together we sang our song "When You Look Me In The Eyes" out loud to each other*

Nick: *We tried to hold on each others hand as I began singing 1st* Ohhhh, yeahh. Ohhhh, yeah.

Joe: If the heart is always searching, can you ever find a home?

Nick: I've been looking for that someone, I'll never make it on my own

Joe: Dreams can't take the place of loving you

Nick: There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true.

When you look me in the eyes,

And tell me that you love me.

Everything's alright,

When you're right here by my side.

When you look me in the eyes,

I catch a glimpse of heaven.

I find my paradise,

When you look me in the eyes.

Joe: How long will I be waiting, to be with you again?

Nick: Gonna tell you that I love you, in the best way that I can.

Joe: I can't take a day without you here

Nick: You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.

When you look me in the eyes,

And tell me that you love me.

Everything's alright,

When you're right here by my side.

When you look me in the eyes,

I catch a glimpse of heaven.

I find my paradise,

When you look me in the eyes.

Nick: More and more I start to realize

Joe: I can reach my tomorrow, I can hold my head up high

Nick: And it's all because you're by my side.

When you look me in the eyes,

And tell me that you love me.

Everything's alright,

When you're right here by my side.

When I hold you in my arms,

I know that it's forever.

I just gotta let you know,

I never wanna let you go.

Cause, When you look me in the eyes.

And tell me that you love me.

Everything's alright, (It's alright)

When you're right here by my side. (By my side)

When you look me in the eyes,

I catch a glimpse of heaven. (Oh)

I find my paradise,

When you look me in the eyes.

Ohhhhh yeah, oooooooooohhh yeah

Whooooaaaaa yeaaaaahhhhhh

Nick: *I finished breathing, tears taking over me now. I cupped my hands to my eyes & cried*

Joe: *Beautiful voice, beautiful soul, beautiful everything Nick. Thats what you are & more. *I wanted so much to touch him, hold him in my arms, most of all have him back. Please God, if you can hear me, please bring him back. It just can't end this way, its not right. We're meant to be, we've always been meant to be*

Nick: *I cried harder hearing his prayers & wishes. I need him, dear God, I need him so much. I love him. I want to be with him. Please let me go back to him, please*

Reese: *There is a way that  NIck can come to be, but it won't be easy*

Joe: *I looked up & at her. What is it? I'll do anything*

Reese: *Well 1st it would require you to speak directly to God himself. And only a creature of royal birth can do that*

Part 4

Joe: *Go on*

Reese: *You must call his name in our ancient language over & over again & you alone must go. What happens next is that you'll either be transported to the heavens directly or you'll be ignored. You must choose your words carefully, everything you say & do must come from you heart. Do you accept these terms?*

Joe: *I do & I will*

Reese: *Very well, then proceed & clear your mind, focus on what you want the most*

Joe: *I closed my eyes & did just that. I focused & took a deep breath, calming my heart & soul. I spoke the ancient words introducing myself & what I wanted. I did it all slowly & spoke directly from my heart. In a clear sec, I was no longer on the beach but floating in the clouds. Around me was a golden white place that shined brightly, with fountains of waterfalls & harmony seemed to warm through the air. Suddenly a swirl of many colors spiraled in front of me & a voice of a man spoke* Joseph Jonas.

Joe: *I bowed all the way & once again greeted him in my tongue*

God: Rise my boy.

Joe: *I did as he asked & looked at the continuing swirl waiting silently*

God: I've heard your heart's wishes & your song with Nicholas. I've watched the battle this entire time. I see & feel that your intentions are among the purest & for the one you love more than anything. 1st, do you feel you are ready to take your rightful place as king?

Joe: *I nodded* Yes sir, I am.

God: I agree. Very well then, Nicholas is now fully revived. Go to him Joseph. He's waiting for you.

Joe: *I smiled with so much happiness* Thank you, oh thank you so much sir.

God: Your welcome, good luck to you Joseph & to Nicholas as well. I'll be watching over you & him always along with the rest of your kingdom. Take care future king.

Joe: *With that I was returned to the beach in my exact same spot. I looked frantically for Nick & finding him instantly on the other side of the beach* NICK!

Nick: *Our eyes locked & my heart beat faster & faster as we ran to each other* JOE!

Joe: *I embraced him wrapping my arms all around him with all my love & warmth* OH NICK!

Nick: *Tears overflowed but I didn't care. I was back. I was back where I belonged* OH JOE!

Joe: *I hugged him tighter & while caressing his face trying to wipe his tears away, while he was trying to wipe mine that we're beginning to show* I thought I lost you.

Nick: *I smiled so in love* You will never lose me again.

Joe: *I looked into his eyes my heart warming more & more by the sec* I love you Nick, I do so much.

Nick: *I smiled bigger* And I love you Joe, oh how I love you.

Joe: *With that we kissed passionately, our lips found each others & we continued smiling & laughing & embracing the entire time* My baby.

Nick: *I giggled* My true love.

Deadliest Predator Ep 47

Joe: *I grinned happily stroking his cheek & looking at him* I'm so happy you're back. It felt like a nightmare honestly.

Nick: *My heart sighed & I closed my eyes slowly savoring his soft touch against my face* I know, I am too. Its in the past now, we're free to live together happily.

Joe: *I kissed him again* My Nick, my soul mate, I love you.

Nick: *I smiled kissing back making it even deeper* My Joe, my heart & soul, I love you.

Reese: *Every1 all over rejoiced happily, cheering to the top of our lungs. We watched feeling their happiness just radiating through all of us as 1. I nodded & smiled brightly so happy for the both of them. They'd made it through the fire & conquered it all with their warmth of their everlasting love*

Neara: *Ahem! Excuse me?! Loverboys?! This calls from the biggest celebration our generation has ever known! Am I right every1!?*

Joe: *We pulled away smiling & laughing as we looked at Neara & Nalan landing beside us* Thats right girl, after we all saved the world, thats what you think we should do?

Nick: *I giggled & leaned down embracing her happily*

Neara: *I nodded & smiled* Are you kidding me? OF COURSE! And I think its beyond time to crown our new king & his cute loverboy!*

Nick: *I blushed & smiling* Oh Neara!

Joe: *I leaned down too to give her a big hug equally smiling along with Nick* Reese? *I asked*

Reese: *Tears ran from my eyes. Its time my son*

Joe: *I nodded then became serious* 1st I have to take care of something. I got up & walked over to my now awake brothers who were all perfectly lined up in a row from oldest to youngest still invisibly tied from escaping. I walked standing in front of Johnny* Brothers, how do you feel?

Johnny: *I blinked & gasped at this new feeling* Why is my heart so warm?

Paul: *I looked around* Is the party over?

Mario: *I bit my lip* Why are we tied up?

Sam: *I breathed* What's this feeling?

Aston: *I laughed* Its so warm!

Chris: *I shrugged* Its different.

Jake: *I grinned* It feels nice!

Edward: *I looked around nervously* What's happened to us?

Joe: *I smiled at them all* To answer you q's brothers. This is the feeling of love. This is the power of it, thats what you're all feeling. All of what you've previously thought & felt have been replaced with this feeling. You've all changed for good. But the q now is will you all accept it under my reign with your help to maintain peace?

Johnny: *I smiled* Aye brother, we accept!

Paul: Yes!

Mario: Heck yah!

Sam: We will.

Aston: I certainly say oh yeah!

Chris: To you dear brother!

Jake: Cheers!

Edward: To the power of love!

Joe: *I nodded & released them, all us now clothed in perfect black tuxs. They marveled at the magic & each took turns embracing each other & them with me. At last my brothers had opened their hearts & become different because of it*

Johnny: This feeling of love is astounding Joe. How is it we didn't see it before?

Joe: *I patted his shoulder* You all refused to allow it in & now that its there, its here to stay.

Johnny: *I nodded* Thank you, Joe. Thank you brother. I'm ... sorry for everything.

Mario: *We all nodded* We all are Joe.

Joe: *I nodded too & hugged them* Brothers you are all forgiven.

Nick: *I watched them all, smiling too because now they could see what they'd missing all their lives*

Joe: *I pulled away then, seeing Nick standing their & went to him kiss his lips  pulling his head to mine*

Nick: *I kissed back & moaned softly* Oh Joe.

Joe: *We pulled away together breathing as 1* Time to be crowned king baby, but I must ask you a very important q.

Nick: *I smiled, my heart skipping a beat as I watched him kneel down in front of me & I nodded for him to continue*

Joe: *I used magic to produce a ring in my hands & I spoke the words* Nicholas Jerry Jonas, my only soul mate & one true love, will you do the honor of becoming my husband?

Nick: *Tears of happiness ran from my eyes & I smiled so lovingly* Yes, I will.

Joe: *I grinned so happily & slid the ring on his finger & stood up hugging him & kissing him again while spinning him around*

Nick: *I kissed back with all my love never wanting to let go. Finally I was with my love, my sharky. I could faintly hear the cheering, whistles & whoo-hooing all over, even when we pulled away from our kiss both smiling & laughing with them*

Reese: *Congrats! Now to the coronation every1! Future kings, come! We have a lot to celebrate!*

Joe: *Nick & I grinned & nodding happily following her*

Deadliest Predator Ep 48

Nick: *Together we all gathered round & magic took over making the ceremony complete. Music played sounding the beginning taking place & I smiled both nervous & excited, but most of all happy*

Reese: *I cleared my throat & spoke. Dearest friends & every1 throughout the sea, welcome to todays coronation. Today we all are about to bear witness to 2 special men taking place as our future kings, to bring peace & harmony. It is the highest honor to be all here together, so let us thank our past kings & queens, who've gone from this place, but are still alive in our hearts. I paused, while we took a silent moment & then they looked up of me waiting. Let us now bring forth our kings. With that they all turned to watch Joe & Nick walking down the line towards me*

Joe: *I walked along Nick's right side holding his hand grinning*

Nick: *My heart raced as we got closer to the thrown. I gripped Joe's hand tighter*

Joe: *I nodded my head lovingly & squeezed his hand relaxing him as Reese spoke*

Reese: *Joseph. Nicholas. Please kneel*

Joe: *We both did at the same time, as we soon felt the small weight of our very own crowns being placed upon our heads*

Reese: *Now rise*

Joe: *We stood up together hands still holding each others*

Reese: *Now turn around*

Joe: *We took breaths & both turned around to face every1*

Reese: *I smiled. I now present to you King Joseph & King Nicholas!*

Nick: *With that said, every1 once again broke into excited ovations calling our names & repeating a single sentence over & over again: "Long live King Joseph! Long live King Nicholas!" Fireworks out of no where appeared & swords floated in the air in a perfect formation as Joe & I happily walked down the line, now as kings*

Reese: *Once they had settled down I continued my speech. To our kings! And now, brothers & sisters of all over, it is time for our royal wedding. Please take your seats & I shall begin. After they did just that, I floated back to the alter as the classic marriage music began & Joe appeared standing proudly, with his brothers as his best men & on Nick's side, Neara*

Nick: *My suit had now changed to white & I blushed as I held a bouquet of flowers in my hand & proceeded to walk down the aisle. I smiled happily as my eyes locked with Joe's & every nervous feeling in my body went right away because I was about to get married to the guy of my dreams, the 1 I loved with all my heart*

Joe: *Watching Nick so gracefully walking towards me with a blush on his beautiful cheeks, glowing brighter than can imagine, my heart thudding against my chest wildly. My smile grew & I knew this was the moment I'd been waiting for all along, not just to meet Nick & fall in love, but to spend the rest of my life with him was my dream at last coming true*

Nick: *As soon as I reached the alter, I gave the flowers to Neara & she gave me a quick wink & nodded as I turned back to face Joe. OMG, this really happening!*

Joe: *I chuckled in my mind. Indeed it is & its becoming the happiest day of my life. Nick, you looked positively beautiful, my love. I love you, I mouthed*

Nick: *I blushed & winked at him. Mine too. Oh Joe, you're beautifully handsome, my sexy sharky. I mouthed back, I love you*

Reese: *Ahem?*

Nick: *I blinked, blushed even redder. Sorry*

Reese: *I cast a knowing smile & nodded. Dearly beloved we're gathered here to unite these 2 gentlemen in holy matrimony. Joseph: Do you take Nicholas Jerry Jonas to be your lawfully wedded husband, to cherish & to hold for the rest of your life?*

Joe: *I nodded & grinned* I do.

Reese: *Nicholas: Do you take Joseph Jerry Jonas to be your lawfully wedded husband, to cherish & to hold for the rest of your life?*

Nick: *I smiled from ear-to-ear* I do. *I slid his ring on his finger that he'd also magically produced for me to give to him*

Reese: *Then by the powers vested in me & by God, I now pronounce you husband & husband. You make kiss your guy*

Joe: *I leaned in as did Nick as our lips connected & we kissed passionately & then slowly pulled away*

Nick: *With crowns still on our head we smiled & laughed as we raced down the aisle once again & he lifted me up spinning me as I squealed happily*

Joe: *I chuckled & pulled him back down to me for another sweet kiss* Nick. *I breathed*

Nick: *I kissed back my hands cradling his head* Joe. *I whispered against his lips. In the background I heard more cheering & lots of congrats sounding all over*

Part 2

Joe: *Throughout the rest of our wonderful & beautiful day, Nick & I danced & chatted all with every1 eating a very amazing slice of cake together. Then finally when the sun went down & the night sky came around, we were just left with the 2 of us* That was an amazing day. *I commented hugging Nick close as we laid on a big beach towel in the sand looking up at the sky*

Nick: *I sighed happily* It was the BEST. *Then I paused just thinking*

Joe: *I sat up cupping his face* I didn't think you'd actually miss this place once we return to your home.

Nick: *I closed my eyes & spoke softly* Me either, but its because of you, Reese, Neara, Nalan, Orly & every1 else. Here just feels like home.

Joe: But you still miss Rina right?

Nick: *I nodded* Yes, very much.

Joe: *I pecked his lips & hovered over him* Then its settled. Tomorrow we'll say our byes for now to all our awesome friends & return to L.A.

Nick: *I finally opened my eyes smiling at the sight of him hovering over me* Really?

Joe: *I leaned in to kiss him softly* Of course. After everything that has happened, I want you to return to your true home & take me with you. And when we get back, I'll get to meet Rina & we'll have a real wedding & go on an extra sweet honeymoon.

Nick: *I kissed back giggling quietly* Oh Joe! *I hugged him close for awhile letting his body weight fall on top of me*

Joe: *I grinned* And don't forget, we'll get to celebrate your 18th birthday!

Nick: *I laughed & looked at him* And your 22nd birthday! *I winked*

Joe: *I raised an eyebrow* Oh yeah. Pft! I forgot about that, man I'm already getting older!

Nick: *I kissed him shaking my head* Not in my eyes, you'll always be my Joey.

Joe: *I kissed his nose repeatedly* And you're my Nicky!

Nick: *I giggled out of control* Ha ha ha!

Joe: *I smiled & then flipped back to my back, but then turned on my side facing him & he did the same* Also you'll be back in time to start you're 1st semester at Cal State Fullerton & get that B.A. degree.

Nick: *I bit my lip* What about you? Where will we live? OMG! We're both going to have to get jobs!

Joe: *I ruffled his hair winking* Not to worry my love, for I have a plan!

Nick: *It was my turn to raise a surprised eyebrow* You do? Tell me Joey?

Joe: *I shrugged grinning* 1 word baby: magic. We're kings, so of course we're both titled to special powers.

Nick: *I gasped* Even me?

Joe: *I nodded cheerfully* You betcha. And we'll discover them together. Who knows what we can do.

Nick: *I smiled excitedly* Just like that huh?

Joe: *I leaned in our foreheads pressed up together* Mm-hmm. A house as big as they come. A record deal for you & possibly me. And so much more, I can promsie you that.

Nick: *I pouted* You're not pursuing music with me?

Joe: *I chuckled* With you yes, but its going to be our way no one else telling us what we can & can't do, it'll be all up to us, savvy?

Nick: *I giggled again* Aye!

Joe: *I kissed him playing with his lips sweetly* Aye then! Now what do you say we-

Nick: *I didn't let him finish his sentence because I already knew & felt what he wanted & it the same thing I wanted: each other. I silenced him with a deep kiss, our breaths getting heavier*

Joe: *I smiled & pulled him to my chest, while my hands ran from his cute curls, to his ears, neck, chest, down to his stomach, to his thighs, down his legs making him giggle. I then came back up & settled on his area as he arched his back pressing up hotly together even more than we already were. I stripped our tuxs & once again pressed myself against him as he moaned*

Nick: Ughn Joe .... Please, don't make me wait.

Joe: *I kissed his lips, murmuring hotly* I wouldn't dream of it. *I slid into him, as we both vocalized how amazing that single feeling felt. We both moved together rocking each other all night long to the break of dawn. By morning we were deeply asleep still attached lying on our big towel. But I'd made sure to bring a blanket big enough to cover both of us during the chilly gusty wind & coldness of the morning. Nick was so warm in my arms, it further made my body heat rise in temperature. Always as a shark, I was cold & alone, but no longer with Nick by my side. I still couldn't believe we were married & kings together. From now on, my life would always be filled with happiness & love thanks to my beautiful Nick*

Deadliest Predator Ep 49 Part 1

Nick: *That morning I woke up quite early for once, smiling happily as I shifted my body over seeing Joe looking so comfy all snuggled up. I bit my lip & blushed as I could still feel my lower body throbbing inside of him. I gently moved myself out from him & at once quietly whined already missing the intimate contact. The sun was already up & lighting all over the island & the water beautifully. Small waves rolled in on the shore & a slight breeze was blowing lightly. Also big white puffy clouds filled the ever crystal clear blue sky of turquoise. It was really an amazing setting. I never realized how from being lost at sea & being saved by a great white shark & then the greatest thing in the world ... falling in love ... would change my life like this & so fast. It feels just like yesterday that I was traveling back home from Italy*

Nick: *Before the horrible memory of the plane going down & desperately trying to save myself from a watery fate, in swam my hero. Though I don't remember that actual part because I was unconscious, I can still touch Joe's memory & see everything he went through to keep me save, including that 1st encounter with Johnny & Mario, even back to when he met Reese or Reesa. I rubbed my arms shivering, holding my blanket closer around me. And then there was meeting Neara, that smart & cool spunky pelican who I loved from the very beginning. Then meeting Orly was another friend I had made here on Joe's island, well now our island. It all seemed surreal. And now like nothing, we're journeying back to actual human society, back to my home. But here I've found myself, my love, true friends*

Nick: *In truth I'm going to miss this place. A lot's happened & in a very short time. It feels like my life has begun thanks to Joe & every1. It was ... magic. I giggled softly. With these new powers Joe & I could go anywhere & have anything we wanted. Above all though, being with Joe was always what I had wanted the most ... someone to fall in love with & stay with forever, that one special person that I've dreamed of. Happiness flowed all over me just thinking of it. All this time, before I'd even met Joe, I'd been alone romantically & been missing the feeling of actually being alive. I found my heart, my soul mate, my 1 & only*

Nick: *Though the moments of with Joe's brothers still brought those terrible images back into my mind. But even beyond what they all did to me, the worst part of that day was dying & being unable to be there with Joe. That was hardest thing I'd ever had to deal with & 1 of the saddest, the memory was like a nightmare. I still didn't understand why I hadn't been able to survive it. Suddenly my thoughts broke away & were caught when a spiral of rainbow lights were floating directly in front of me, repeating the same spin over & over again. I gasped in fear not knowing what it was, so I stayed there frozen, unable to speak or move*

God: *Its alright Nicholas, I spoke softly to him. I'm here to answer your question: You didn't die. I just took you from your body & brought you to the heavens & healed you there personally*

Nick: *I whispered as I blinked tears. Why?* 

God: *Because you were extremely hurt & weak, even with Joe's light energy it wasn't enough to save you like he did for his other comrades. Your soul is strong & innocent & therefore took special care & time to heal properly. I could feel your love for Joseph & his for you. It was the purest kind of love & so true. I felt both your sorrows as I did everything I could possibly do to allow you to return to him*

Nick: *My knees buckled & the tears were streaming now as I softly cried trying to wipe them away*

God: *I swerved over to him & hugged him*

Nick: *I felt the warmth & my tears slowly stopped after a few min's. Thank you. I murmured*

God: *Your welcome. I comforted him for a bit longer & the asked. Are you going to be alright?*

Nick: *I sniffled & smiled. Yes*

God: *I hugged him once again. Take care Nick Jonas & Joe Jonas as well*

Nick: *I nodded still smiling. I will, I promise*

God: *Very good. Till we meet again, farewell Nick. With that I disappeared in thin air*

Part 2

Nick: *I watched as the spectrum of many colors went away just like magic & I sighed happily. I then went into the water even though it was still very cold, leaving my blanket on the shore. I swam cleansing myself with the salt water. Then I dripped out walking back & dried myself & put on a pair of dark green shorts & a purple v-neck t-shirt. Since Joe was still asleep surprisingly, I decided to start breakfast. If magic now flowed in my body, I wanted to try & use it to make a real breakfast, nothing against what we've been eating just I want to do this & also I miss what I used to eat. I pictured what I wanted to make & just like that it appeared in front of me landing in my hands, along with a breakfast tray, water, milk & tea*

Nick: Wow! *I gasped. It had actually worked! I was happy & excited as I carried it back to Joe as I leaned down on my knees placing it beside him as I watched him sleep*

Joe: *I smiled breathing deeply* I know you're watching me.

Nick: *I laughed out loud* You're awake?

Joe: *I opened 1 eye sleepily* I smelled the food & I no longer felt my baby next to me.

Nick: *I smiled* Good morning Joe. *I kissed him sweetly*

Joe: *I kissed back hugging him so close* Good morning my sweet Nick. *I pulled away & looked at him* Takin' advantage of magic now, is it? *I raised a questioning cute eyebrow at him*

Nick: *I giggled* Just tryin' it out.

Joe: *I pecked his lips* Well then, thank you very much baby. *Together we eat & both mmmm-ed at the same time. Then I stopped as I gazed into his morning memory* So .... thats what happened? He explained that to you?

Nick: *I bit my lip nodding* Yes.

Joe: *I sighed* I wondered why it went down that way, now I know. Above all I'm so very happy you're back, my lovely & sweet Nick. *I touched his face softly*

Nick: *I closed my eyes & nodded blushing* Me too.

Joe: *I kissed his forehead & we both went back to eating. Afterwards, Nick persuaded me to put on some clothes of my own although I knew secretly he loved & adored seeing me naked. I put on bright neon orange board shorts & a dark blue t-shirt while we waited by the shore together for them to come & see us off*

Nick: *In no time we spotted a Neara & Nalan, Reese & Orly. I stood up waving & calling each of their names*

Neara: *Nalan & I landed in the water for once & then stroked to the shore closer. Gooood MORNING NICKY & JOEY!*

Nalan: *I nodded & laughed. Morning kings!*

Reese: *I bowed & smiled. Good morning indeed my sons*

Orly: *I swam closer too & transformed hugging them both* Hey hey you 2!

Nick: *I giggled as we all said our hellos & hi-s*

Neara: *Sooo? When you guys leaving us?*

Nick: *Soon girl. My smile went down*

Neara: *Awww, Nicky don't be sad. Its not like you'll never see us again. You'll be back, right?*

Nick: *My smile returned & I beamed with Joe hugging me close. You're right Neara. Its not goodbye*

Neara: *Mmm-hmm! Thats the spirit Nicky. Well Nalan & I wana wish you the best on your return home. Remember to visit & communicate with us often, kay?*

Nick: *I laughed. We will, with all you*

Reese: *We'll miss you 2 very much in the meantime*

Part 3

Joe: *And we will too. And thats why in the time being, you 4 are in charge while we're gone, alright?*

Reese: *Of course my kings*

Neara: *OMG! We're SO on the job, whoo!*

Nalan: *She's right, we'll do our best!*

Orly: *You can count of all of us!*

Joe: *I nodded smiling. Very good my friends*

Neara: *A q though for you 2*

Joe: *I grinned. What's that girly?*

Neara: *Will Nalan & I get to come to your 2nd wedding?*

Reese: *I injected. Only if you like being in human form Neara*

Neara: *I pouted. Aww! But I like my form the way it is! OK, OK, tell ya what can we be there invisibly? I'm sorry but the whole human thing is not for me*

Reese: *Hmm, its up to them. Joe? Nick?*

Joe: *I'm fine with it. Baby?*

Nick: *I smiled. I love the idea*

Neara: *I whooped*

Nalan: *I chuckled*

Reese: *I just smiled softly laughing*

Orly: *I grinned. While the birds are there invisibly, I'm going to be there in this form!*

Reese: *Mm-hmm, well then that leaves me. I think I'll be there as invisible too, guys. This manta ray can't pull off the human thing either*

Joe: *I nodded. Then its decided. We'll notify you all of our wedding date the sec we got it*

Nick: *I beamed. For sure*

Joe: *For the rest of the morning/afternoon we spent time talking, playing in the water each of us having a great time together till finally we bid them all farewell* Ready baby boy?

Nick: *I wiped my tears away & nodded*

Joe: *I kissed him tenderly holding him* We'll see them soon, I promise.

Nick: *I smiled kissing back* I know. Q though we're not taking another plane? *I shivered at the thought*

Joe: *I shook my head* Never Nicky. Not a boat either, cause that would take way too long. I figured teleportation is the safest & fastest way. *I winked holding out my hand for him*

Nick: *I giggled cutely & took his hand nodding* To home.

Part 4

Joe: *I grinned* To home. *And with that hand in hand we disappeared from the island & we're transported to Nick's house. Our clothes had changed because in L.A. their weather was very warm for August & we were all clean. All of Nick's belongings from when he was traveling were back as if the event hadn't even happened. We looked at his house & took a deep breath walking towards the front door together. I smiled as he fumbled for his key & I just smirked & unlocked the door as he rolled his eyes & laughed lightly*

Nick: *I went in 1st feeling like a stranger because it felt almost ages ago since I'd stepped into this house. I looked around hesitantly seeing that everything was still in the same place as I had faintly remembered it being. I called shakily trying to even my voice* Rina?

Nick: *I stepped into the living room finding her rising up as if she couldn't believe her ears let alone her eyes for that matter. She looked like a wreck, eyes soaked with tears, her hair ratted & unbrushed. She stared at me like she'd seen a ghost*

Rina: *I stood up so fast shaking & looking at where I'd heard his voice. And then at last I found him. More tears ran down my face & I spoke whispering* N-n-nick? .... I-I-s that ... really y-you?

Nick: *I bit my lip nodding trying not to break into tears myself* Its me, Rina. I-I-'m ... home.

Rina: *I blinked & ran to him fast embracing him so tightly* NICK! OMG! *I cried hysterically* I was WORRIED sick! T-hey said your plane went down in the m-middle of the Atlantic Ocean & they couldn't f-find you. They searched & searched & nothing. I-I was so worried that I'd LOST you!

Nick: *The tears broke out & I hugged her just as tight sobbing* I-I know. I-I'm so sorry Rina .... I missed you so much, oh R-rina!

Rina: *I held him for a long time as we both soon calmed down as we looked at each other* Oh Nick.

Nick: *I wiped my eyes & smiled* I'm home Rina.

Rina: *I hugged him again then pulled away looking at his clothes then at the stranger that was standing there behind him*

Nick: *I caught her gaze as she stared at Joe in confusion* Lets sit down & I'll tell you everything. *I said softly*

Rina: I nodded & sat back on the couch I'd spent my days & nights crying & wishing Nick was alive. I bit my lip as I watched Nick & the guy sit by his side*

Nick: *I took a deep breath & began my story from the beginning. At 1st I wasn't too sure of telling her about the magic & about Joe's true form, but then I thought I couldn't lie. I had to tell her, no matter how crazy & unbelievable it sounded. So I did & the more I continued the more she stayed completely silent the entire time I spoke. At the very end, I revealed the scenario with magic letting her see for herself. And once I'd finished, I made it disappear* And thats the end. *I took another breath, this time shakily hoping & praying & wishing she'd understand & believe me. Thats when Joe grabbed my hand squeezing it firmly reminding me that he was still here with us, that I was not alone in this*

Rina: *For the longest time I didn't speak, even thought Nick had finished & his magic was gone from my sight. I closed my eyes taking time to process everything & when I reopened my eyes, I found myself crying all over again & smiling happily* Oh Nicky. *I covered my mouth*

Nick: *I looked at her worriedly* Rina?

Rina: *I exclaimed* You're in LOVE! You're married, well going to be for real! You're alive & back! OMG! *I got up fast & hugged him*

Nick: *I gasped & hugged back* You sure you're OK?

Rina: *I pulled away & nodded* Better than OK Nick. #1 I'm so happy you're home, but even more I'm psyched to hear you found love.

Nick: *I smiled* Rina.

Rina: *I beamed for him & looked at Joe hugging him too* You have no idea how happy I am right now Joe, for you & Nick.

Joe: *I grinned & hugged her back happily* We're so glad you feel that way. And its just awesome to finally meet you, Nick has told so much about you.

Rina: *I winked* Ditto Joe. Just 1 thing.

Joe: What's up?

Rina: *I exclaimed* You 2 have magic powers?! I can't believe your a great WHITE shark man, & you're both kings? Wowsers! Who knew the world was filled with beautiful secrets. Sorry, I'm just astounded really, but no worries. I've watched a lot of magical stuff on TV & read books about, actually ... now that I think bout it. Its kinda ... about time. I kinda always wished that this stuff was real & now I see it is. Well, honestly its a blessing to have Nick back & safe. I missed him beyond words. And its so great to have you here Joe. So you guys know when you wanna set your wedding date?

Joe: *I chuckled letting her get it all out & the spoke* Mmm, well 1st things 1st. B-days, finishing up Nick's dets going to his university. And we gotta whip up a place of our own. *I grinned*

Deadliest Predator Ep 50 FINALE Part 1

Nick: *In the next few weeks, Joe, Rina & I spent lots of time together as she began to get more used to magic & everything. She sort of freaked when Joe revealed his beautiful sharky form to her. She was shocked & excited at the same time, but in the end she's been so awesome. She's accepted us & the magic. So far Joe & I have been living in Rina's house, Joe shares my room where .... well you know ... spend a lot of time together in ... bed. As the weeks went by, both of our birthdays passed & we celebrated them with big bang having a fun time with the cake, presents, & always fun surprises. After my birthday, Joe & I got married having a small wedding at the beach. Rina, her boyfriend & brothers, Reese, Neara, Nalan, & Orly all came & a few others. It was so wonderful, this time it was certified & we were husbands bound to each other forever now*

Nick: *After the most romantic honeymoon ever close to our island, we both returned home to our new home I should say which was so huge & absolutely stunning & I started my 1st semester at my university. 1 day after a full day of classes, Joe picked me up & just as he was about to open my door I covered my mouth & disappeared in a flash to the bathroom. He followed & was behind the min, I reappeared in our large bathroom as I got on my knees & threw up in the toilet. I moaned weakly & Joe helped me up*

Joe: *I brought him back up to his feet & looked at him very concerned & cleaned him up* Nicky, what's wrong?

Nick: *I shrugged & went back to the toilet throwing us some more. It was an awful feeling, & worst of all I didn't really like Joe seeing me like this, but he stayed. After he helped me clean up again, we took showers together & when we got out & finished getting dressed for the night, we both heard a familiar voice in our minds calling our names. We both sat up in our king sized bed & I spoke 1st* Reese?

Reese: *I appeared before them hovering in the air right in front of their bed. Hello my lovely guys, evening. I'm sorry to disturb you, but I felt your feelings & decided to come & see what's up. Nicky darling please come with me*

Nick: *I nodded & got up. Just as I was, Joe pulled my arm back & looked at me & then at her*

Joe: *What's going on Reese? What's wrong? Is there something going on with Nick? Please tell me*

Nick: *I looked back & forth at them*

Reese: *Thats what I'm here to find out. Now Nicky, this way. We'll both be back shortly*

Joe: *Can't I come too?*

Reese: *I shook my head. Its best that you stay here. Don't worry Joey, you can replay the memory as soon as we get back. And with that, Nick slid off the bed & followed me to the bathroom. Now then Nicky, tell me what you've been feeling?*

Nick: *I explained about the throwing up & how I felt strange & she nodded & then spoke*

Reese: *I see. So I silently commanded the item I think would help determine the situation much better & then I gave it to him. Try it out & see what comes up. I'll disappear & call me when you're done kay?*

Nick: *I nodded & took the item & followed its instructions  & then waited nervously*

Joe: *I stood up pacing in front of the bed back & forth worried & concerned about Nick*

Nick: *In the next few min.'s I got my results & I gasped & called Reese back & showed her still not saying anything*

Reese: *Just as I thought my boy ... you're 100% pregnant. Nicky my sweet king ... you're going to have a baby!*

Nick: *I gasped again & looked down & put a hand on my stomach imagining the baby bump*

Reese: *Come deary, lets return to Joey before he breaks the door down & has a conniption*

Nick: *I nodded & opened the door finding Joe pacing back & forth fast* Joe?

Joe: *My head snapped up in attention & I went directly up to him looking at his face carefully, taking his hands in mine* Nick are you alright baby? Please tell me what's going on?

Nick: *I looked at Reese*

Reese: *I nodded smiling reassuringly*

Nick: *I looked back at Joe & took a breath slowly smiling shyly* I'm ... pregnant.

Joe: *My eyes widened, my mouth dropped opened & I gasped very softly* Nick ... really?

Nick: *I looked down & then back up* Yes.

Joe: *I smiled brightly & hugged him warmly* Oh NICK! Thats wonderful, its wonderful news baby! Omg! 

Nick: *I blushed* Thats why I've been throwing up. Its the morning sickness part of pregnancy.

Joe: *I kissed him passionately* Oh baby boy, this is so amazing. I'm so happy.

Nick: *I giggled & kissed back* I feel the same. I kinda thought this what was happening to me.

Joe: *I kissed him again* We're having a baby!!

Part 2

Nick: *I kissed back deeply & wrapped my arms securely around his neck & when we pulled away we breathlessly smiling widely*

Joe: *I then turned to Reese. So thats why you're here. You knew he was pregnant*

Reese: *I had strong feeling. Just wanted to make sure & let you both find out together. Congrats to you both, this is a very joyous occasion*

Joe: *Thank you Reese*

Nick: *I added. Thank you so much Reese*

Reese: *My pleasure Joey & Nicky. So let me know if you have any q's or anything kay? And when its gets to check-up time give me a call & I'll be here. That way I can help you learn the sex of your baby. With that I winked & went away letting them celebrate their time together*

Joe: *After waving bye & nodding, I carried Nick back into our bed & wrapped the blanket over of & I just gazed at Nick for the longest time not saying a word*

Nick: *I blushed & asked him* What?

Joe: *I shook my head* Nothing.

Nick: *I pouted* Do I have to look in your mind then?

Joe: *I chuckled* I was thinking that this is the most amazing news ever. We're really going to have a baby & we're going be parents, just the 2 of us.

Nick: *I smiled* I know. Its so amazing. I can't wait to find out what the sex is.

Joe: *I pressed a sweet kiss to his forehead* Boy or girl, baby I love you so much & I couldn't be happier right now.

Nick: *I laughed softly* Me too. *I kissed his nose sweetly*

Joe: *I sighed dreamily* You're so beautiful.

Nick: *I smiled shyly & hit his shoulder playfully* You too.

Joe: *I kissed him again & hugged him closer* Lets sleep baby, I'm sure you're tired, mmm?

Nick: *I smiled & snuggled into his chest* You know me so well. I love Joe. *I whispered to him*

Joe: *I smiled too & turned off our light & shut my eyes saying the same 3 words I never tire of saying* I love you Nick. Night, baby & future baby.

Nick: *The months flew by, plenty of ups & downs & lots of well ... newness. With Joe by my side almost every sec of the day, my life was just so beautifully made. Even when we parted it was hard, but we still communicated via thoughts. We couldn't stand to be without each too long. And when the moment arrived to check out what the sex was for our baby, we were so happy I think its just impossible still not to smile at the news. Then at last I gave birth to a very beautiful & just utterly adorable baby ... girl*

Nick: *Joe & I decided to name her Serenity Nala Jonas. That day was 1 we'll both always remember, just how wonderful life is & how it was born right in front of us. It was nothing short of amazing. Both of us were in tears of happiness & we never laid eyes on such a blessed sweet girl, she was ours & we were hers. Plenty of emotions were exchanged that day as well, along with our family & friends, it was in 1 word: perfect*

Nick: *The moment we were able to take her home, Joe & I, were just so excited cause we'd gone through thick & thin to baby proof the house & of course create a room just for her close to ours. She was our baby girl. She looked like us both it was almost like looking at ourselves. And she was healthy & just so precious. Its hard to believe that 3 years went by just like that. So much had happened, from our daughter's b-days, to Nalan & Neara having 4 kids of their own (they had 2 girls & 2 boys named Amara, Annabeth, Aiden, & Arron), every1 else's b-days & our own, but the biggest thing was actually 1 of my accomplishments*

Nick: *I successfully made it through the university with high honors & graduated with my B.A. degree in music. It wasn't too long after that I also got signed for a record deal 1st by myself, but then I talked with my manger to include Joe in on the fun as well. And from there it was like a dream but better. I had Joe, my baby girl, my friends, a family, a home, & also a kingdom to run. It was the craziest thing but also the most spectacular. And everyday was brighter than the last*

Joe: *Its so true, life with Nick changed both our lives like we never knew it could be. It was so amazing especially now with our daughter who is so much like Nick is every way. She's our life & we love her so much. Everyday learning to be fathers, taking care of her, learning, growing, teaching her what we know & overall just being together was the best thing in life. Everything we needed was right here together. And with our music, we reached out to the world with our story. Magic stayed hidden, & Nick & I, still ruled as kings together when whenever we weren't working. And most of all, 1 day our little Serenity would take her rightful place over the thrown & become our future queen, but for now she's our little princess in training*

Part 3

Nick: *Finally after constant busyness for all 3 of us, Joe & I decided to return to our island for our family vacation. Lucky we didn't need a plane or tickets cause of the magic & get this our baby girl is starting to get her own powers, its so exciting & not to mention that she's half shark just like her daddy* We're back!

Joe: *I grinned breathing in the air* Mmm! That we are. What do you think Serenity?

Serenity: *I looked around curiously* E 'bellissimo!

Joe: *I chuckled. Thats our daughter, she really loves speaking Italian* Sono così felice bambina.

Nick: *I smiled* Voi due siete adorabili.

Serenity: *I giggled cutely* Where's Neara & Nalan?

Nick: Oh, they're coming. I'm sure they'll pop up any sec.

Neara: *Did some1 wanna see us?!*

Nick: *I laughed* Speaking of, there she is!

Neara: *I landed with Nalan & the kids all together in front of the guys & Serenity. Well good afternoon my kings & the most cutest princess on the planet. Welcome back!*

Serenity: *I was 1 of the 1st to run straight over to them hugging them all* Oh Neara, Nalan ... I missed you guys!

Amara & Annabeth: *Hey what about us?*

Aiden: *Yah girly*

Arron: *Hmm?*

Serenity: *I smiled* I missed all of you. Come on guys lets play! *In a flash we all were off to the water splashing & having fun while my daddies were talking with Nalan & Neara*

Nalan: *We all watched over our children smiling warmly. Serenity's going to make a wonderful queen someday*

Neara: *Yes indeedy. She's so like the both of you combined, its so sweet!*

Joe: *Yeah, we know. We're so proud of her & we're even more blessed to have her in our lives*

Nick: *She's our princess*

Nalan: *Mmm. Amazing how fast they grow up isn't it? Just yesterday it feels like they just came into the world*

Joe: *I know*

Nick: *How time flies*

Neara: *And just think 1 day they'll all fall in love & have kids of their own & then we'll all be grandparents!*

Joe: *Neara*

Neara: *What? Its true, it'll happen in the future*

Nick: *She's right*

Joe: *Yeah, but I wish they could stay at this age*

Nick: *But they'd never grow babe*

Joe: *Good point, but still-*

Nick: *I know what you mean. And its OK, we'll be there to do experience it together*

Joe: *Yep. One day at a time*

Nick: *Ha ha, love*

Joe: *I couldn't resist*

Part 4

Reese: *So y'all back huh & practically forget about me, hmm?*

Nick: *Hello Reese! No way we'd never forget you*

Joe: *You're our guardian for life*

Reese: *True that. So y'all takin' about the kids future's already? Like slow down, you've all got plenty of time to think about that much later*

Nick: *Couldn't have said it better*

Reese: *Let me guess who started it, Neara?*

Neara: *Guilty as charged, sorry mates!*

Joe: *We all laughed & continued to talk, when finally the kids called all of us on their fun games. For the whole day we just pretty much stayed in the water till at last at sunset we said our byes to every1 & started to eat dinner, just Nick & Serenity & I*

Serenity: That was so much fun today! I love it here.

Nick: Us too baby girl.

Joe: Want any more fish sweetie?

Serenity: Nah I'm full thanks Jo-Jo. Nic?

Nick: *I smiled* Yes baby?

Serenity: Can we come here more often?

Nick: *Joe & I exchanged smiles* Of course, whenever you want.

Serenity: But what about if you 2 are busy?

Nick: Then we'll get your fav people to spend time with you till we return.

Serenity: Will I ever just get to be alone?

Joe: *I cut in & scooped her up tickling her* Aha! You wanna get rid of us?

Serenity: *I giggled* NO-OH! I just wanna explore like Indiana Jones, sail the seas like Pirates of the Caribbean, save the day like Superman & Spidey!

Joe: *I raised an eyebrow* Uh-huh. Nick, have we been letting this girl watch too much TV?

Nick: *I giggled loudly* Probably!

Serenity: Daddy! Can you let me go now?

Joe: What's next wanna be a vampire like Twilight or be in a band like Lemonade Mouth?

Serenity: For the record, Twilights semi-cool & Lemonade Mouth's songs are fun.

Joe: Yah? Let me hear 1 then?

Serenity: *I smiled as he let me go & I sang "Breakthrough"*

Joe: *The entire time we watched in perfect awe as our girl belted out the song beautifully. Her voice reminded me of Nick's but sightly different, still though she was just as talented or more than the both of us put together. And the end of the song, we both clapped & ran to give her a warm & loving hug. Then once after dinner, we both carried her to our old cave & sang a lullaby for her* Good night my darling Serenity.

Nick: Pleasant dreams my sweetie pie.

Serenity: *I smiled* Good night daddies, I love you.

Joick: We love you too. *With that she fell asleep, while we went back out to the beach just to dance like we did long ago*

Joe: Have I told you lately how beautiful you look?

Nick: Everyday & more.

Joe: Well its so true.

Nick: I love you Joe.

Joe: And I love you Nick. *This was our life, now & forever till the end of time*


© 2014 VirgoAvatar

Author's Note

Brothers/B-days & Age's including Nick's:

1 Johnny Depp June 9, 1963 age 47 Gemini oldest

2 Paul Walker September 12, 1973 age 37 Virgo 2nd oldest

3 Mario Lopez October 10, 1973 age 37 Libra 34 3rd oldest

4 Sam Worthington August 2, 1976 age 34 Leo 4th oldest

5 Aston Kutcher February 7, 1978 age 32 Aquarius 5th oldest

6 Chris Pine August 26, 1980 age 30 Virgo 6th oldest

7 Jake Gyllenhaal December 19, 1980 age 30 Sagittarius 7th oldest

8 Ed Speelers April 7, 1988 age 22 Aries 2nd youngest

9 Joe Jonas August 15, 1989 Leo age 21 youngest

10 Nick Jonas September 19, 1992

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awwwwwwwwwww I AM CRYING SO SWEET

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1 Review
Added on February 10, 2011
Last Updated on January 13, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas
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